Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Actor Jay Tavare Is Being Exposed As A Fraud?! WTF?

According to several women and the Native American communities at large, actor Jay Tavare, isn't what he seems. As a matter of fact, many have gone as far as labeling him a fraud with a penchant for violence towards women.
Women, who either identify themselves as Native American or other, have cited issues of domestic violence against the actor. To further support their claim, much like entrepreneur, Michelle Shining Elk, these women had evidence, such as documented recorded death threats, to ensure that they won restraining orders against him. Tavare has had well documented circumstances of domestic violence towards women culminating in a string of restraining orders against him in several courts throughout the continental United States and possibly more on the way.
To make matters worst, several women, particularly the elderly, have filed complaints and sought legal action against the actor because of false promises he made to them to ensure that he could swindle money/discretionary income from their pockets until he had bled them dry.
The Native American community as a whole had performed their own investigation about Tavare and there findings were rather explosive. He's not Native American, there's no record of the family he claims let alone tribe/clan and was exploiting them for personal monetary gain by using fictitious charities to do it. The objective was to send money, via money gram or money order, to him directly using a PO Box versus the charity because there were no such charities to begin with. This explains the expensive, exotic luxury cars that he drives in addition to whatever he pulls through his purported gigolo tactics.
Tavare's name is really Richard Jai Janini and he's of Persian heritage. You may best remember him as the Indian chief, Waka Mani, in the film, 'Unbowed'.


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Anonymous said...

bhahahahaha...just saw those pics. He looked stoned and bored out of his fricken mind hanging with the Marchelewsky's LOL. Best we send dear old Dad a message that his daughters Iranian faggot boy toy gave her Herpes.

Dear Walt Marchelewsky the Jay you think you know isn't who he claims to be. He beats your daughter and gave her and a truck load of other women STD's.......check out Urban Halo and The Truth about Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani.Ask your daughter how many times Jay has assaulted her. Ask her how many times she gone absolutely crazy seeing him with other women. Ask her how many times she has banged on Jay door knowing he was inside screwing another woman. Ask her why she continues to tolerate being his second hand rose.

{I believe Diann's Daddy is a Military pediatrician who had high hopes for his first born. Ten yrs as a waitress/trainer. Failed acting career. Too bad Diann met Jay and ruined her life with this loser from hell. Being his doormat for 10yrs only to be used and abused at his disposal.

Anonymous said...

What a man would do for a FREE MEAL!! You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Tavare. Someone that's almost 60yrs old and cant pay for his own meal. Whos next? What is wrong with these women? Why would anyone pay for this LOSER?? He has TOTALLY NOTHING to offer any of them. THINK!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG....That photo of Jay on Walt Marchlewskys FB wall is what he really looks like when it's not photoshopped. What would his delusional fans think if they saw the real
Jay Tavare bhahahahahaha

25 Everyday Examples - Rape Culture said...

Editor’s Note: While this list demonstrates the pervasiveness of rape by cis men against cis women, Everyday Feminism would like to note that sexual violence and rape culture affect trans and gender non-conforming people (as well as cis men) at an alarming rate. Rape culture is everyone’s issue, regardless of gender.

Chances are as liberal-minded people, most of you have heard the phrase “rape culture.”

It’s used often in feminist circles, and it describes a very important social conditioning that we experience culturally.

But how many of you know what it actually looks like?

In reading through feminist forums and articles online, particularly in articles about rape or sexual assault, I notice that sometimes in the comments section, people make statements about how rape culture is just a phrase that’s made up to make men look bad or to make it seem like rape is something that happens far more often than it actually does.

And, given, after reading these comments, I could have easily dismissed them as just simply fodder written by online trolls and gone on with my day.

But it really got me thinking.

Perhaps some people truly don’t understand what rape culture is.

After all, if you’re hearing the phrase for the first time, it can be really confusing.

We understand the word “culture,” from a sociological or anthropological viewpoint, to be things that people commonly engage in together as a society (ranging from the arts to education to table manners), and we find it difficult to link the word “rape” in with that concept.

We know that at its core, our society is not something that outwardly promotes rape, as the phrase could imply. That is, we don’t, after all, “commonly engage” in sexual violence “together as a society.”

To understand rape culture better, first we need to understand that it’s not necessarily a society or group of people that outwardly promotes rape (although it could be).

When we talk about rape culture, we’re discussing something more implicit than that. We’re talking about cultural practices (that, yes, we commonly engage in together as a society) that excuse or otherwise tolerate sexual violence.

We’re talking about the way that we collectively think about rape.

More often than not, it’s situations in which sexual assault, rape, and general violence are ignored, trivialized, normalized, or made into jokes.

And this happens a lot.

All the time.

Every day.

And it’s dangerous in that it is counterproductive to eliminating sexual violence from society.

So what, exactly, does rape culture look like? How does it present itself?

Well, to see what I’m referring to, take a look at the examples below.

Because if we don’t understand the meaning behind the concept of rape culture, or if we have a skewed interpretation of the meaning in our minds, we may find it easy to deny its existence.

And you may think that some of these examples are isolated, one-off situations. But in reality, they’re part of a larger societal trend.

That is rape culture.

(Warning: These are not easy to digest, and as such, might make you uncomfortable. But seeing examples are necessary to comprehending fully what we mean when we talk about rape culture.)

Rape Culture Is…

1. A university in Canada that allows the following student orientation chant: “Y is for your sister. O is for oh-so-tight. U is for underage. N is for no consent. G is for grab that ass.”

2. Pop music that tells women “you know you want it” because of these “blurred lines” (of consent).

3. A judge who sentenced only 30 days in jail to a 50-year-old man who raped a 14-year-old girl (who later committed suicide), and defended that the girl was “older than her chronological age.”

4. Mothers who blame girls for posting sexy selfies and leading their sons into sin, instead of talking with their sons about their responsibility for their own sexual expression.

5. Photo memes like this:

6. Supporting athletes who are charged with rape and calling their victims career-destroyers.

Please clink link for rest of article...

Jay Dipshidiot Benividus Tavare said...

Who is Jai Janani aka Jay Tavare?

The truth as he knows it is not how he is going to tell it, ever! Iranian-born Janani is a man who has spent the past two-plus decades distorting facts, misappropriating a culture, engaging in deplorable behaviors, breaking laws, scamming, coning, defrauding and acting out violently toward others.

He has demonstrated he has no shame, moral code or conscience. He is egocentric, superficial, parasitic and lacks impulse control. He won't hesitate to get aggressive, violent and exploitive toward anyone whom he feel poses a threat to him or one of the many facades he has manufactured and lives. He has a predisposition towards violence and has said himself, that he "is a calculating mother-fucker...people have no idea."

If you are someone, he feels has crossed him. Blame shifting, framing and false accusations are just a few of his frontline defense mechanisms that he will engage in. Preemptive attacks thronged with libel, slander and defamation of character, abuse of process and threat of violence and death are commonplace with him. He is no holds bar and will use any means necessary to protect all the fictional stories he has concocted over the years. What he fears most? The truth, he especially does not like it when he feels his fraudster scheming ways are under threat of being exposed. Even though 99.9%, the responsibility for outing or exposing him lies on him because he has perpetual diarrhea of the mouth.

His actions make it clear that he believes laws and rules are for the unwashed masses, not for someone as special as he thinks he is. Especially, since according to him, he has the FBI, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and City of Los Angeles Police Department in his pocket. So when he gets violent with you - calling the authorities will do you no good. They are "all his friends."


Jai Dipshiticus Janani said...

He is a master manipulator and is accustomed to taking and getting what he wants, he favors the emotionally weak and feeble minded. He uses the perception of his "fame" and "celebrity" to get people to: do things for him, send him money, buy him things, the list goes on. He has no real celebrity and is hardly what anyone would call famous, but many of those taken by him don't realize that until it is too late. Those who have experienced first-hand how he operates say the emotional abuse starts out as subtle, pervasive and easily escapes notice until the devastating damage is unmistakable.

Numerous people have surfaced with their horror stories and so many keep saying the same thing! They start by blaming themselves for not seeing the signs sooner, they feel tremendous shame when they speak of the atrocities committed against them and how blackmail and exploitation forced their silence and protected him. He has ruined lives, emptied bank accounts and caused multiple levels and types of trauma - emotionally, physically, psychologically and financially. His modus operandi is apparently tried and true as it is the common denominator that keeps making an appearance in every story we hear.

Of no interest to him is ownership for his actions or taking responsibility for the way he has treated people, he has a profound lack of empathy and resorts to victim blaming. Apathetic to the hurt and pain he has caused he has a remarkable ability to walk away from the havoc he has wreaked on with a skip in his step and a smile on his face. He shakes off the inflicted chaos, confusion and damage like a snake who sheds his skin.

He attempts to present himself as a venerable person deserving great respect and adoration because he sees himself as a multitalented sublime enigma of noble and unquestionable character. However, he is woefully insecure and needs his "fans" to constantly stroke his fragile ego, feed his insatiable need for validation and reassure him of his "greatness." Without any of which, he crumbles.

His vulgar disposition, violent nature, lack of moral responsibility, constant distortion of the truth, narcissism, and detachment from reality make him altogether familiar as a plausible sociopath.

Anonymous said...

To the person above, BULLSEYE!!!. That is Mr. Jay Tavare. That should be reposted over and over

Anonymous said...

That captures pretty much who he is. I dated him for a while many years ago and he displayed all those traits which you highlight. Challenge him and he melts... Insecure as fuck, fears rejection and abandonment like nobody I have met since. Tiny in statue and even smaller in real self love or confidence. I feel sorry for him actually, even though he does not care about anybody else and feels zero empathy for anybodies suffering and deserves what he gets. What a useless Bum

Anonymous said...

Being uneducated, Jay may not understand what you wrote above. If he cant write, Have you ever thought about him knowing how to read and understand what he's reading? Those words above might be too BIG for him. He probably doesn't know the meaning of it. You might have to DUMB it DOWN to his level.

Anonymous said...

Tavare abused me several times and I can't believe I let him! Three years ago I met up with him in LA after he invited me to visit him. Yes I was a Facebook fan. A friend of mine told me about this nice celebrity guy that always answered her mail, so I friended him. We messaged each other about nature, dieting, and taking care of one's spiritual being. I thought that he was very intuitive and very intelligent and became attracted to him. A few months later, we exchanged phone numbers and hooked up in LA. I was so excited about meeting him because he sounded just so nice and respectful. My friend begged me not to visit Jay because something about him bothered her. Unfortunately I didn't listen. He charmed me into coming to his home. Like an idiot I did and to this day I regret it. He forced anal sex on me after I told him to stop and that his cock was hurting me. I am too ashamed to to go to the police. I don't know if they would believe me because most of the sex was consensual. I can't even believe I let him touch me because he verbally abused me before that saying that my body wasn't sexy enough. Yes I have a pretty low self esteem because the love of my life left me a few months earlier. I just needed to be held, told I was beautiful and that I was sexy. Please don't judge me! Right now I suffer from emotional distress because of his vile behavior. I am worse off than I was before and I am trying to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

No judgment, sister, just a big hug. You described exactly how difficult it is to get justice and why women (and men) have to deal with it by themselves without ever getting legal justice. No means no, stop means stop. Janani went beyond that point of consent and disrespected your boundaries. Hope your healing journey is fruitful!

Anonymous said...

Tell that dip-shit Janani that just because women do not report, and he did not get caught (yet), that it doesn't means he's innocent. What the eyes of justice doesn't see, the eyes of karma will. Maybe his midget dick will fall off.

Anonymous said...

As a competitive bodybuilder and fitness model I too became a victim of Jay Tavare. It all started on FB and before I knew it I was on a plane from Ohio to see him. My first thought when I saw him was of disbelief beacuse he didn't look anything like his photos online. He diffenitely wasn't 5"11 as it states on his website. He is 5'6" if that! I was disappointed but having travelled the distance I was determined to have a good time. Jay was all over me from the start. Using his charm and sexual appeal. He took me to a beautiful beach in Malibu and we hiked up to a place called point dume. We watched the sunset and made out/fucked on the beach/car. We took picture's but not together because he said he keeps a low profile because of his "fans." Although we had a good time I couldn't help but sense that something was not right with him. For a "celebrity" he drove an old car, his little apt was run down and he didn't offer to take me to a nice restaurant for dinner the entire weekend. I remained friendly and cordial because I was there to see him. When I returned home I received several FB messages from anonymous women warning me about Jay. I was directed to his truth page and this blog. I was shocked to read what I had suspected. I am ashamed that I let myself trust a man I only knew online. I'm a smart educated woman but fell for his lies and trickery. He made me feel like he was interested in me and potentially would have a relationship with me. My life is ruined now with STD's I contracted after having sex with Jay.

Anonymous said...

Typical same story of the PSYCHOPATH Jay Tavare. He DOES NOT WANT PICTURES WITH OTHER WOMEN BECAUSE HE DOES HIS BEST TO STRING SEVERAL ALONG ALL AT ONCE. He says and I quote, "Each one has a purpose".

Kim Stiffler you better stop getting him the xanax pills since you are in the medical field and understand that that is your purpose and nothing else. She has already told that she has gotten you some and more.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who's getting his viagra and cialis now that I've stop ordering them and paying for them from Mexico LOL!

Little limp DICK!

Anonymous said...

Navy boys may get old man Janani before the FBI does!

Hello Coven Queens! He does not Rule Hell No More, WE DO!

Anonymous said...

LMAO the South African Goth Opera Queen Speakeths! TMP is not buying his viagra and cialis No MORE! LMAO The douchebag told all over hollywood that you were going to give him your old Audi when you got a new one! BBBBBAAAHHHHHAAAAA

Anonymous said...

Grandma Rossov aka Precious said she was actually SICK of his whining and crying on her shoulder and was about fed up with his temper tantrums! She said he did not even comfort her when she spent the night after her house was broken in too! He just wanted to poke the Charpei doggy disguised as an old V

Anonymous said...

Awwww hell ....... YOU GO KDR! Vincent McLean is following KDR. YEAH BABY!

Anonymous said...

Walt Marchlewski Military Man

Ten Years and he does not know WTF

Nobody will be cheering Go Shorty when the Military Boys come!

Operation Shorty Take out the Psychotic Iranian Midget

Anonymous said...

Is KDR taking Jay to court?

MSE said...

No, no judgement to any of the women here sharing their stories. You are brave to share your story as has everyone else has been who has weather a storm with that boil on the butt of society.

There are a lot of you and the hurt, pain, heaviness, regret, anger, shame, frustration that you - you all feeling it. The pain runs far, and it runs wide, and sometimes I hear another story from a different person and my heart drops. I wonder how does this scum sucker do it.

I've been watching the bleed for years, and it pains me when I hear or read that he has stuck again because I feel like I cannot stop the bleed. Trust me, I've been trying.

I make me happy to see the posts from the past couple of days because I feel a sense of unity. It feels like whatever heaviness and negativity that has been plaguing this blog has lifted, somehow?

Susan and I have had the same objective in this since, FOREVER. It is simple, to try and intercept, with information and warnings, any possible connections that ass is preparing to make with another unsuspecting person.

He does the same thing, over and over and over, and every person seems to walk away feeling the same way as the one who came before them. That is not how it is supposed to be. He does not get to keep wreaking havoc on lives without consequence. Those days are numbered.

If you have not guessed, this is Michelle SE :0)

I had only intended to pop over here quick like to drop the link to The Truth Been working on it and stuff it a lot lately and are beefing it up and adding stuff. I posted a couple of things yesterday, the article on Rape Culture and the write up I did for "who he is" characterwise. If it stops we are only able to stop one encounter with the information on this page and the FB page, then that is one more than yesterday

Here is the link to Facebook page:

I've added a couple of funny things too, just to lighten the mood a little.

Stay safe everyone! MSE

Anonymous said...

Kendall Iverson Myers is going to slam his ass! CONTACT ALL COMBAT RADIO WOMEN.

Gold's Gym in Hollywood

oh wait he can't afford a membership any longer

Anonymous said...

There used to be a site where you could report someone for spreading herpes/STDs (knowingly or unknowingly) but it was closed down. There was even a section for celebrities who spread STDs. That would've been perfect for Jay Tavare.

Anonymous said...

You know what would be perfect of Jay Tavare? An 8 by 10 cell!

Anonymous said...

I heard that KDR is talking Jay to court to get back the money for those black and grey shorts he is wearing and also the couch she paid for that is probably sitting in public storage. Yep that's right folks, he is wearing the shorts she bought him in that chicken leg photo posted on the Truth Page. That's Entertainment. You go KDR! Work that booty, girl! Booty, booty, booty rocking every where! And I hear that Jay is missing it!

Anonymous said...

Oh don't we wish for an 8 by 10 cell! Knowingly spreading herpes is only a misdemeanor unless there's also a felony, like rape.

Anonymous said...

KDR isn't suing Jay. I just saw them at an event together. They looked happy. He was holding her hand. We all had a great night. Stop starting gossip and shit here. This blog is for fools!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm....... Thanks for info on Walt Marchelewsky

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you hang out with Jay Tavare and his ain't quite right in the head old lady...Oh, who wouldn't want to be you? SMDH You keep telling yourself we're the fools because where we're sitting, knowing what we know. He is toxic and gets toxic, and it won't end well. It never does, so good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Janani gets prescription drugs illegally? You know, distribution of prescription drugs without prescription from a legit doctor is the same as dealing cocaine or any controlled substance. You can go to jail or be fined.

Anonymous said...

KDR and Jay at an event together? My ass! Who are you trying to fool? Who would be paying for gas to get there? Who would be paying PERIOD when both are BROKE? KDR has no money to give him anymore. She has to save every penny to pay her rent. I heard she moved again, EVICTED?? Poor thing, looks like she couldn't afford her rent. Too bad so sad. She had to take her roommate Angie to court just to get back her pennies. Maybe its time for her to take back her couch too? LOL

Anonymous said...

Whiney lonely rejected women LOL. This is why YOU'RE the one here cutting people down. It's a reflection of YOU! Life goes on with or without you. The Eagle soars, the lion roars. Envy and jealousy will kill ya ladies.......BAM!

Anonymous said...

I come bearing news of impending disaster.
No one is immune to my heart cloaking plaster.
I destroy lives both great and small.
When I overcome you, I fear you may bawl. LOL

Anonymous said...

Listen up loud and clear, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once: all you haters can go fuck yourselves, because I’m awesome, and hating isn’t going to change who I see or what I do what with. So if you haters don’t like what I’m doing, the unfollow button is right over there.

Oh yeah, and like I said you can go fuck yourselves!

Anonymous said...

What unfollow button? hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I would love to have that booty that KDR has. That's why KDR shows it off a lot and keep taking selfies. But my mom married a white man not a BLACK man. So I am out of luck with that. Yes, Rock that booty, GIRL!!!

Be PROUD of your AFRICAN HERITAGE!! Im sure you look exactly like your daddy. With that booty and kinky hair jump for joy :):)

Anonymous said...

Jealous and rejected women? Are you kidding me? We are all jealous that we are not with MR. JAY TAVARE? The BROKE ASS GUY? You must be a comedian? Because I am laughing right now.

Here are the answers to the Questions asked if you are SINGLE woman and LOOKING. Description of the man of your dreams.......

1) A short barely 5'5' guy? Give yourself time to grow
2) No job or any retirement? There is always welfare
4) No health or dental insurance? Is that why you dont know that you are infecting women with your disease? And your teeth is messed up? Have you signed up for Obama Care?
5) Does not own a home? Well there is KDR couch or homeless shelter? Im sure these shelters wont turn down a 60yr old man/Senior citizen.
6) Drives a beat up old car? Well, in time it should be a CLASSIC
7) Does he have children? No, because he loves himself. How can he take care of a child when he cant even take care of himself?
8) Education level? He never went to college. So who knows what his level is? Hmmmm....He cant write nor spell. So im guessing the basic level to graduate is a 7th grade level.
9) ( Saved the best for last) Race? You claim Native American Indian? Only in your dreams baby !!!!

Ladies is this the man of your dreams? The man you want to spend your rest of your life with? A man that can take care of you? The TALL and Handsome guy? LOL
Would anyone out there be jealous of ANY woman that's dating the above guy? LOL .....Would you drop him an email on any dating site?
The answer is NO! NO! NO!

And let me clear something up about calling us HATERS. I had enough with you using the word HATERS. You said it on the radio and you mention it on your FB page.
We DO NOT HATE!! My mom taught me NEVER to HATE. GET THAT CLEAR in your small head of YOURS.
We just want to CLEAR things up by speaking the TRUTH. Mr. Tavare do you actually know the meaning of the word "TRUTH"? Maybe you should look that up in the dictionary?

If you told the truth about who you are, this whole thing wouldn't happen. If you were honest with these nice ladies, they wouldn't be this angry at you.

You should have listened to your parents when they told you always tell the " TRUTH"

Anonymous said...

The only one who is a reject is you, Jay Fucking Tavare! Mudderfucka use a fucking condom, get a job, and stop pissing away money that you know will be needed to pay back these hundreds of women who you ruined with your herpes and Human Papillomavirus infection aka HPV!! Mudder fucka please, no body hatin on you! You want to see your ass blow away like fucking evaporation, ass wipe. After over 30 years you still don't get it, can't get it because your miserable ass wants to make women suffer! You are nothing but a pervert who gets his rocks off watching women suffer as you fill them full of your drugs that you get from some ass hole standing behind a tree. Shit Head ya gonna pay for hurting women! Karma gonna wipe up what's left of your ass with paper towel. Rapist, abuser, porn fiend, drug addict,heathen, and dildo user, the hour glass has almost run out of sand for your ass! West side that mudderfucka!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahhaha! Well Daym!!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad life isn't like the Monopoly board game. We can say to Jay Tavare, " Go to jail, go Strait to jail, do not collect your $200.00, do not pass Go, just take your Persian ass straight to fuckin jail!"

Anonymous said...

I don't hate Janani but I do think his actions are reprehensible, which most conscientious people will be. If there are limited legal options for these ladies, for their own reasons, this is the only way really to counter a dangerous man. Educate the public about him. We're taking a moral stand against a tyrant who abuses his power as a public figure to take advantage of others and breaks laws. Karma is a bitch and we are onto you, Janani!

Anonymous said...

Did Jay fuck Jillian Marchlewski as well?

Anonymous said...

If you have information about healthcare professionals illegally giving prescription drugs to someone, do the right thing and report it. She has no business working in healthcare!

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to be judged then why are you posting on a public blog?

Why are some you ladies stalking other women's pages? Why are you stalking Diann and her dads face book page? By continuously going to her page to check on the activities of her, her family and friends is stalking.

You're acting like a bunch of wild animals by attacking any and everyone. Everyone seems to be a target. Why are you victimizing the women who's names you're posting on here? What have they personally done to you to justify the personal attacks? If you're not jealous as you claim then what's the deal?

Anonymous said...

I agree some of the comments are stupid. Some people visiting this blog have said they find your comments entertaining. Is that the purpose? Entertainment? I thought you ladies wanted to be taken seriously. Kinda hard to do that with the childish behavior some of you are displaying ijs.

Anonymous said...

" He forced anal sex on me after I told him to stop and that his cock was hurting me. I am too ashamed to to go to the police. I don't know if they would believe me because most of the sex was consensual."

So which part was consensual and which wasn't? Did you consensually have vaginal intercourse? Did you consensually give him fellatio? Did you agree to everything except anal? So you said no, but then said yes? A little confusing don't you think? Kinda hard to call that rape if you said no then turned around and said yes.

Anonymous said...

Looking at other people fb page is NOT private unless you make it private. Don't post anything on the internet if you have a problem with someone looking at it. Researching a person is not stalking. Detectives do it all the time. I wouldn't call them childish, would you?

Anonymous said...

If Jay has raped so many as claimed on this blog then why not just screen captured a pic of the comments, or print them out and take it to the police to at least get them to turn their attention to him and start looking into some of the accusations. I'm sure someone might take the comments serious. Someone may start investigating him for rape.

Anonymous said...

Especially if you are Jay Tavare who wants to be the big super star. Your privacy is over. He should try hiding his face from the camera when someone takes a picture or you. Or better yet don't go out in public. That's the perks of being a " BIG STAR". LOL.....Well that's what he claims to be. " A BIG STAR" LOL Of course, someone need to wake him up. He's still in la la land.

Anonymous said...

The childish comment was referring to the name calling you're doing on here. That is rather childish, don't you think?

And you are stalking their pages. What reason do you have for going on their pages? To rake their names through the mud on this blog like you've been doing? Is that your idea of investigating lol?

Anonymous said...

Jay may not be entitled to privacy, but the women's who's names are being posted aren't celebrities. Like some of you they are victims too, are they not? Aren't they entitled to privacy? How can you ladies show such disregard and disrespect for women you don't know? Why are you attacking them? Why are they your focus?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tavare, Don't you think its time for you to apologize to all the women out there that you took advantage of? And come clean with the truth about everything? Apologize for claiming that you are a Native indian? ETC??? Then this blog will stop. Don't you want it to stop? But if you keep on playing that innocent / I did nothing wrong person. It will just continue. Your choice. Believe me im sure it will not stop unless you are locked up.

Anonymous said...

This is to the person who questioned the lady who Jay forced sex on. Listen honey, no means no, even if a woman is in the middle of having sex and she changes her mind and says no! No means no! Many women don't come forward because fear of being judged or not believed, so you need to understand. Unless you have been in a compromising situation like this, please don't judge someone else!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but you can't say no then say yes then say no and then say yes then say no then say yes. This is why she would have a hard time going to court. You can't send mixed messages to someone. You can't say no turn around and say yes and then call it rape! She shouldn't have consented after the anal sex.

And everyone on this blog is judging. Don't post if you don't want to be judged! If she goes to court her actions will be judged there as well. That's why she didn't go to the police. Because she said "yes" to "most" of it. So he raped her "ass" but not her vag or mouth lol? Is that right? Gtfoh!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right no means no...but she also said yes! Doesn't yes mean yes?

Anonymous said...

This is why people end up not reporting because of the scrutiny and victim-blaming that goes on with men and women who feel they were raped. What an ass hat Janani is.

Anonymous said...

There's this new thing called affirmative consent. "Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time."

Yes can become NO at anytime.

Watch out Janani, your time as a predator is soon over.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare should have this tattooed on his forehead:

To the women duped by Jay Tavare:

It is good to speak out and share. It helps you to work through the confusion, shame and pain he inflicted on you. It's also embarrassing, but that is what he banks on - that our pride that we got caught up in such a nightmare so embarrassing that we do not confide in our family or friends.

He has probably called you every name in the book and told you are you are crazy. You are not.  It is hard to reach out for help, when you have been psychologically, emotionally and in some cases physically abused. He is an expert at what he does, and our hearts were not trained to detect a master manipulator and con artist. He did this by effectively mirroring you, by telling outrageous lies, and going to extraordinary lengths to cover those lies. He is such an effective liar he could probably pass lie detector tests.

To the women who wouldn't hesitate to get involved with Jay Tavare:

Want to get involved with that loser who doesn't have a job, can't get a job or have any interest in getting a job?

Want to get involved with a man is verbally, emotionally and physically abusive.

Want to get involved with a cheater, a fraud, and pathological liar.


I am one of the women who fell prey to that idiot's bullshit. Everyone should know, he TRULY doesn't care that he is spreading herpes. In his warped demented mind, it's your fault for sleeping with him. If he has it, everyone deserves to have it too.

Jay Tavare will walk into your life. He will con you, scam you, scold you, shit-can you. He takes what he wants and needs from your life. The minute the source of supply shows hint of running out or is drained and he has nothing left to gain; he's out! But, before he completely disappears, he'll keep fucking with you. He needs to make sure he makes you feel like a piece of shit because he is mad as hell he isn't getting anything from you anymore. You have inconvenienced him.

He'll leave rage-fueled crazy rants in your voicemail. When you do talk to him, he will scream over you as he reminds you of the piece of shit you are. I own my home, car, have a job and a small savings, but I'm the loser. He will tell you, you are a fucking pathetic loser that nobody will ever want. He will tell you how lucky you are he graced you with his presence. He will tell you how incredibly fucking ugly and hideous looking you are. He will tell you he fucked you out of pity.

He will try and convince your friends and family that you are all the things he says you are for no other reason then because he says you are. He is that arrogant and feels everything he says deserves to be taken at face value with no questions asked. He is vicious in his hate and the lies he spreads if you are his target.

I couldn't figure out what was worse. When it ended or waiting for him to get out of my life for good. He doesn't go away easily or quietly even when he is the one to leave.


Anonymous said...

continued from above...

Now what I realize and know about him is that the man I met in the beginning was a con artist and manipulator who pretended to be something he is not. That who he NOT who I saw in the end. He is a depraved monster who can only keep up his act for as long as he is getting what needs and expects you to give to him.

There are women in his life who I have watched him do this to who let him back in. They don't get it. He moves in cycles and each time they let him return he has less respect for them and the cycle ends sooner than it did each time before, and more viciously.

He works hard at keeping an operating roster of women he is working at the same time. He can effectively manage two sugar momma's at the same time with several side jobs (women he is sleeping with) without missing a beat. He thrives on the chaos of the kingdom he thinks he has created.

He finds it difficult to be on his own and never truly has been. He will always be searching for new women to scam, to freeload from, to live off. If it’s not you, it will be someone else.

Thankfully, confusion and shame is not a permanent state of mind. Confusion did force me to seek out information so I could understand the truth and feel free again. I still have moments where the warmth of shame overcomes my face, and I beat myself up for being what I think was so stupid. But I have to remember, I was conned and manipulated by an expert.

If you are currently caught in his game of lies, deceit and deception. Know he won't just leave. Vanishing acts by men like him are rare and if they do vanish, count your blessings. Pathetically, will try to save face with a smear campaign to discredit you. But, there is good news on that front.

Jay Tavare's reputation as a sociopath and pathological liar have are exposed, and his credibility is non-existent. Not a whole lot that he says these days is taken seriously these days, especially not when he is speaking negatively about a woman or women. He has no one to blame, but himself for that. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut and his tactic of achieving silence by threatening violence backfired.

So, when it ends. Finalize it. No contact! This means blocking calls, texts, and social networking sites. Don't engage in his nonsense. You are going to need time to yourself to gather your thoughts, regain strength, and to come out of the confusion and madness he left in his wake. Don't let that miniscule man add any more of is psychopathy to your life.

Anonymous said...

^^^ WORD!!!!

Anonymous said...

That rule doesn't apply to her. She said no initially, but then turned around and gave him consent because she wanted to have sex with him! She just didn't like the anal. Sorry that's not rape.

But if you're so convinced it was rape, then why don't you print these comments and take it to the police to report. Isn't it your civic duty to report crime when you're aware of it? Even if she doesn't think she should report it, it doesn't mean you can't. So why not at least try to get the ball rolling?

Anonymous said...

Listen I am the one that went to Jay's apartment. The comments I am getting is exactly why I didn't go to the police in the first place!Yes I was attracted to him and agreed to have sex after he seduced me. I didn't say "yes" and then "no" and then "yes" like you are trying to make it seem! I clearly said "No, Jay, stop, your hurting me!" He laughed like a ghoul and forced anal on me anyway. I screamed in agony as he kept doing it.How is this giving him mixed messages? No means no! It just make me so angry that people want to judge me so harshly when they weren't there! As far as me going to the cops is concerned, I didn't fill out a report because I just wanted to get away. I was too ashamed and worried that the police would say the same thing that you are saying all over this blog! No one knows what happened to me. I never even told my best friend because I didn't want her pity! To this day, I can't get rid of the little witch voice in my head saying, "That's what you get for going to see a guy over the internet!"The only reason I came on this blog is to warn other women about him! I won't return to this site again!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the person above to share what happen to you. This blog is here for everyone to come out and warn others. This animal should be stopped.

Anonymous said...

People who don't have herpes don't know what it is like to deal with this disease. It causes a person both physical and psychological havoc. I am angry, devastated and extremely depressed. I rarely go out on dates because of my fear of being rejected because once I admitted to a guy that I was interested in that I had herpes he freaked out-dropped me like a bad habit. Yes I got herpes from Jay Tavare a while ago! I was celibate when I decided to have sex with him so that's how I know he gave it to me and I was tested for STD's for meeting him. Now I'm jacked up for life and I just feeling bad all together. I want to date and meet a good man but I just can't. Herpes is a big mood killer. Maybe that's why Jay didn't expose this to me. Either way, we should have used a condom. Jay I hope that you are reading this. I just want to know that you should have told me or you should have insisted on using a condom. No good will come to you for infecting me or other women on here. I am glad that people are exposing you! Rhonda P

Anonymous said...

You can say "NO" at any point during the sexual contact, period. If the woman doesn't say anything after saying NO, it doesn't mean Yes. The ambiguity of consent lead California to reform their stance on consent/rape. The law will catch up on you, Janani. Moment a woman says NO or STOP, you respect her wishes.


Rhonda, you are right.

The responsible thing to do was for Janani to tell you about his herpes and used a condom. Plus, it's a crime (misdemeanor) to knowingly spread herpes. Honesty and having consideration for the well-being of others is not part of his way of being.

His next "argument" is to question the women no why they do not call the police and take him to court. Why he's not charged with a crime. What a doofus. lol. Seriously? You have a history of making threats against women, physical battery, and acting like a loony. You've been sued for these very acts and have received civil judgment. That is enough to substantiate these women's claims of your poor behavior.

You sound like those anti-feminists who engage in victim-blaming. In fact, you sound like a man who is desperate to defend himself because you're being ripped a new ass hole on your forehead!

Anonymous said...

Do you ladies know that Jay sends me and my buddies naked pics and sex videos. He has for years now. Why you whores send him naked shots? Why you let him take pics of you looking like sluts. Hey you're also to blame. Thanks! Keep them coming chap LOL

Anonymous said...

Distributing personal photos and videos without consent can be construed as cyberbullying and harassment. Copyright infringement and invasion of privacy, too. More law suits coming your way!

This is a misdemeanor. You can be fined $1,000 and max of 6 months in jail. Plus, if he's exchanging photos/videos for some sort of product like food or drugs, the victims can sue him, too.

Anonymous said...

No is NO plain and simple Period. As soon as that young lady said NO he should have stopped. ENOUGH of this attacking the women. Obviously you are jealous. The blog is about exposing the monster. Susan

Anonymous said...

Wow! Reading this blog and hearing about the nefarious situations many women have endured at the hands of Jay Tavare is astonishing. It is not any wonder they feel confused about their feelings and how they see themselves after the mental mind-fuck I am sure he has put them all on.

First, I got to say. It is never okay for someone to pressure or force themselves on you sexually without your consent. It is called sexual assault and illegal when they do. I agree with another post which states she was glad these women who have been physically and sexually harmed by Jay are coming out and talking. If not for anything, but to start healing.

Reading the blog, it is obvious Jay Tavare is a sexual deviant with no boundaries. The word "no" means nothing to him in his sadistic quest to take what he wants, especially sexually. Each situation shoulds like a classic and egregious case of sex-as-power that translated into sexual assault and/or rape.

I do not think any of the women who were duped by Jay Tavare thought the sexual experience they would have with him would be anything but romantic and memorable. Why would they, he spends a considerable amount of time projecting a persona that he is safe, kind, gentle, trustworthy a good match for them.

Unfortunately, what they are completely unaware of is the hot mess of Jekyll and Hyde they are going to encounter. Jay Tavare seems to have mastered being an innocent and charming person in front of witnesses; but, a vile, vicious, violent and vindictive person in private. Catching these women off-guard and totally in shock. There is no way they could have known to expect a cold, callous, detached man who will eventually dehumanize them in the bedroom and treat them like objects.

Jay Tavare is a form of Cat Fish.

Anonymous said...

Every devil has its disciples so why would Jay Tavare be different. To the women who argue that NO doesn't mean NO your warped mentality falls right in line, like good little soldiers, awaiting for your next thought commands from Lucifer's double Jay Tavare. Atten HUT!

First and foremost disciples, educate yourselves up and learn, this is important so pay attention. There is an enormous difference between consenting to regular sexual contact vaginally and consenting to be sodomized. They are not one in the same, and in the State of California in some situations, sodomy is still a criminal offense. Know it.

According to your theory, since she consented to regular vaginal sex, that opened the floodgates for Jay Tavare to sexually violate her anyway he wanted to. After all, according to you...a yes, is a yes, is a yes -- no backsies. Well, your logic fails. Miserably.

California's "Yes Means Yes" law requires an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision" by each party to engage in sexual activity. Noting that, the silence or lack of resistance does not imply a green light for sex, and that drunkenness is not an acceptable defense. It also sets forth, in no uncertain terms, that the sexual shall be revoked at any time with "No."

So, her words "No, Jay, stop, you're hurting me!" while she screamed in pain and agony clearly conveys that her previous consent for vaginal sexual activity was being revoked. That she made it clear she did not want him engaging in a sexual act of that nature and consent was not given. Jay Tavare had a legal and moral obligation to acknowledge and respect her verbal "no" by stopping his actions, but he didn't.

Rape is a form of sexual assault that involves unwanted penetration of a person's mouth, vagina, and/or anus by a penis or object. By definition of the law, and this woman's description as to what happened to her, Jay Tavare's actions meet the definition of what is considered rape.

Anonymous said...

Its hard to thread a moving needle, especially the back door needle being dry and all. That would take an awful big and restraining effort on the part of the Persian fuck pig Janani to complete his penetration of her holiest of holies whilst banging away and keeping his victim from removing his tiny cock from her arse. I have seen it, so I know its not going that deep and therefore not hard to remove, as once again I did it. He does love the arse though. He is anal rentitive by the way which makes him obsessed with the chocolate avenue. Both Mens and womens.

Anonymous said...

Yet he continues conning, abusing, infecting and ruining innocent victims on a daily basis adding to his toxic circle of fucked up friends. The only way to stop his evil ways is to have Jay eliminated from this world for good. It not that difficult to do. Then we can all go back to our wonderful fulfilling lives B.J. (Before Jay)

Anonymous said...

Nader Jay (Jai) Janani


August 23, 1958 (CA Driver's License)

Mamood Janani
Tehran, Iran

First Language:

Attended Elite Private Schools:
United Kingdom

US Public Record (First):
Marriage License, Las Vegas
October 1, 1991
Name: Richard Jai Janani
Name: KVR
He didn't check Native American on the marriage application. But why would he, he didn't start turning Native until after Unboweled 1999 and after The Missing 2003.

The little man from Iran went to private boarding schools in U.K. That totally explains his wackadoo accent. How that dipshidiot thinks for a minute his obvious Persian looks and goofy accent don't sell him out as SO NOT NATIVE AMERICAN is as cray-cray as he is.

Anonymous said...

In 1991, he married under the legal name: Richard Jai Tavare

Anonymous said...

Yes. and you can see the marriage license and FACTS YOURSELVES.




To the woman that posted her horror story, you are not alone. There are so many. If you want to prosecute, there are approximately 20 women posting on this blog that WILL BE WITNESSES FOR YOU.



Anonymous said...


I'm sure if any of the ladies privately emailed The truth page... the ladies there could help facilitate introductions or perhaps help create support networks amongst all the ladies who have been violated, assaulted, and abused by the dick, prick, predator - as the common denominator to a lot of you. I know they keep things private and don't disclose info to outside sources or anyone so you would never have to worry about breach of your confidentiality. It is so important that the women who have been violated by that POS seek support to help them in the healing process and perhaps you might be able to help each other. What he did, what he does is real, toxic and don't ever second guess what you feel or let anyone try to invalidate what he did to you because it is not for nobody NOBODY to say how you each are feeling, coping, healing.

Anonymous said...

Just be careful of those sneaky people who will pretend to be a victim but actually fishing for information.

Anonymous said...

Hey midget man....your fake March 23rd Birthday is coming up again. You actually believe your own stupid lies but we all know the truth you IDIOT! YOUR BIRTHDAY IS AUGUST 23, 1958 ASSWIPE!! STOP LYING TO YOUR DELUSIONAL FOLLOWERS. Notice I didn't say "FANS" Thats because celebrities have "fans" and YOU'RE NOT A CELEBRITY! BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....LOSER!

Anonymous said...

Jay is not the only person who lie about their age. There are MANY.

But if you look good for your age, BE PROUD! Why lie? You will get more compliments from others and they only wish they look as good as you at that age. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look good at all. He has horrible hygience. He is greasy, horrible teath and his face is pot marked. He is nasty and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

And there are some that think they look good. Only to find out, its only in their OWN eyes.

Anonymous said...

His age doesn't lie, and neither does his face! Boi needs a check-up from the neck up because he's been beat up from the feet up! PAAYUKE! The girl swooning over him needs to get her eyes checked, then her head. She aint seeing thangs right, or thankin them right either.

Anonymous said...

Photoshop is your economical solution!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

To the woman several comment above who wants to find an attorney to represent her with Jay giving her STD's. Any personal Injury attorney can help you. In the State of California. it is unlawful to knowingly infect others with Herpes, HPV and HIV. Anyone who has contracted Herpes or worse should file a lawsuit. This is the only way to get this menace to society to stop infecting and ruining innocent lives. We need to band together and put him in jail. The time is NOW!

Anonymous said...

(1) Jay Tavare may have herpes and spreading the disease. He has sexual intercourse with women knowing he has herpes. Knowingly spreading herpes is a misdemeanor.

(2) Jay Tavare may be acquiring prescription drugs illegally. If the supplier of drugs works in the medical field, consider how you may lose your right to practice or how your reputation may be affected. He's not worth losing your job.

(3) Jay Tavare may be illegally distributing photos and videos of naked women that he gets from his fans via Facebook, and doing so without their permission. He may be doing this in exchange for commodities.

(4) Jay Tavare may not be respecting the wishes of women during sex when they tell him, "no" or "stop." Affirmative consent stipulates that a person can refuse sex at any point during intercourse.

(5) Jay Tavare has a history of threatening and physically and emotionally harming women. It's possible that women are not reporting him due to fear of retribution. His volatile behavior is documented in emails, voicemail recording, and lawsuits where he's had civil judgments placed upon him.

If the legal system can't catch up with him, it does not mean it is OK to continue to engage in these acts. We are standing up and spreading awareness to inform the public to be careful. Victims are bravely sharing their stories to caution you. Ultimately a person will decide what he or she will do with him but I hope you consider what these ladies have gone through and think about this carefully.

Anonymous said...

If what some are accusing him of is true then he should be held accountable. While I feel sorry for those who claim they contracted an STI after being sexually active with him, that is the risk one takes when having unprotected sex. He is not only to blame in that regard. You may not want to hear it, but the truth isn't always easy. Not all these women believed they were in a monogamous relationship with him. Most were not. And being responsible and protecting YOURSELF is your responsibility. And they are paying the price for that mistake..wherever they picked it up from. There are people in this world who will take advantage of people if they allow them to. I don't know the truth about these allegations and I won't pretend to and participate in vilifying him. If someone is brave enough to run a smear campaign or participate as 'flying monkeys' then they shouldn't have a problem following through with legal action. I don't mean to sound callous but without tangible evidence and all the online attacks against him only make certain individuals appear like spurned lovers.

Anonymous said...

Listen here sweetheart, Million of women get rejected from relationship DAILY. But I don't see or hear million of women accusing their past lovers for this crime. Yes, it their responsibility to protect themselves. But it is also his to tell them that he carries that disease TOO!! Knowing that you carry it IS a crime vrs NOT knowing.
Stop using the word REJECTED!!! Those are not rejected women. Most of these women are ANGRY and UPSET that they caught it. Some of these women slept with him ONCE and caught it. And you define it as REJECTED??? Do you actually know the meaning of rejected? Knock knock anyone home?? Maybe you should consider looking up that word.

Anonymous said...

The devil's disciples with their "lover scored," "he rejected you, you're mad" theories. "Vilify?" "Smear campaign?" Always excellent and choice words used by a guilty sociopath and his minions as they do their work which is to adore, serve and deflect.

Satan incarnate just loves his sunshine filled triple dipped in desperate lollypops (followers). It's almost sad, the levels to which they lack the wit or intellect to think for themselves. It boggles the mind their inability to break down and know the difference between what is fact and what is Tavare created fantasmomagic fiction.

The fact that he has lollypops shouldn't be surprising - and it's not. After all, he invests an incredible amount of time (invaluable time) to recruit, indoctrinate and hold on to them. He needs them, his ego needs them, all of his personalities need them. His lies, deception, and deceit need them. If he didn't have his lollies, he might just fade up and wash away. Aw hell, now that last sentence is just wishful thinking, the world couldn't be so lucky!

Anonymous said...

For the twenty women that are posting on here. Not one of them are scorned lovers. You have to have a lover first to be scorned and that Jay Tavare is not. Secondly, to the ones that contracted an STD, the women asked him if he had anything and he said no. He lied, just like he does with everything else. It is someone's responsibility to use protection and also the other parties responsibility to disclose such information. It is ILLEGAL TO NOT DISCLOSE THAT INFORMATION.

But what can you expect from a PSYCHOPATH!




Anonymous said...

Just found this. Man, that Jay. He must really think the world if full of stupid people. Either that or he thinks he is just such a gifted pathological liar no one would ever be the wiser. I looked up all the court documents and lawsuits for him and the man is a real piece of work and what has been said is true, then I found the following site. There is just no dark place the cockroach won't take his lies and deceit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the crux of the problem is that he did not disclose that he had herpes, thus knowingly transmitting the disease. That is a violation of California's Health & Safety Code. Although condoms can be a protective factor to STDs, it does not 100% prevent the disease. Had the women known he had herpes, their decision to have sex with him may have changed. Knowing a partner has a communicable disease is a critical factor! If you had sex knowing Jay had STDs then at least you can say, "well, I took a risk." These women have not this option. They trusted him implicitly. They regret it and many have said that they took responsibility. That does not excuse Jay Tavare.

The person who victim-blames is once again wrong and trying to defend the bio-terrorist Jay Tavare. Perhaps you may want to take responsibility for defending a man with a long history of inflicting pain and suffering?? It's people like you who shelter these kinds of men. How does that work for you, victim-blamer?

Anonymous said...

It is hard to prove that these women got herpes from Jay. Women who are willing to cross a whole continent to have unprotected sex with a stranger they only know from Facebook would not sound that reliable in front of a court. I am not judging the morality of these women, but their level of wisdom. Sorry, these women are not teenagers but fully grown-up women who are responsible for their own health and well-being. Of course it is against the law to knowingly transmitting herpes. But it is forbidden to rape and kill as well. And it still happens. At this moment several women know that Jay Tavare has herpes. It does not stop them from having unprotected sex with him. At this moment several women know that Jay Tavare is an abuser and is does not stop them from meeting him, etc.

Kimberly. said...

F lister.... A nobody... A freak... Full of filler and botox... GH and Testorsteron... Arse lover.... Stupid, pathetic little man full of his self importance. A Legend only in his own minuscule mind...... I have worked with him and her and I know him and her and them. Fuck off, you are a nobody you silly little old man and will never play another decent role which you have not since the missing. I GUARANTEE YOU OF THAT AND WILL GLADLY TAKE ANY WAGER YOU WANT which will be around 5 dollars with your broke arse... The part made for you was the human centipede, with you face stuck on a sweaty arse hole, which for you is life imitating art. Perfect role. I saw you last week, and fuck me you looked rough.??? what have u been doing u freak

Anonymous said...

you must inform your partners that you have herpes before engaging in sex. If they understand the risks of sex with Jay Tavare, they can make appropriate decisions of whether or not they want to have sex with him. If he didn't tell them, he deprived the partner of this opportunity to decide.

Your argument is still weak if you're saying they are big girls, they make their choices. They were uninformed of critical piece of info so they can make appropo choices. That's why they have basis to sue.

Anonymous said...

It is very insulting for some of you to assume that several of us are lying about getting herpes from Jay Tavare! I know that I got herpes from him because I hadn't had sex with anyone in about 2 years and when I had sex with him, I got herpes! This isn't a scam! Jay's broke ass doesn't have any money to offer any one. for the pain and suffering he caused! I can't get money from him so all I can do is vent! Secondly many of his ex girlfriends shared stories saying that he had given them herpes way before I even had sex with him. Stop trying to twist shit around to make it appear that oh women are just lying on him. Bullshit. Last thing is who are you to judge us for coming across the ocean to see this prick? Some of these women live right in the same city as him and he gave them herpes, so your point is? What ever the case is, Jay has no business fucking people without a condom! He knows that he is responsible for people having herpes and hpv! He's a serial abuser and herpe giver and the more you try to justify his behavior the more he thinks he can get away with it. The motherfucker should be paying my doctor bills for giving me this fucking disease!

Anonymous said...

"you must inform your partners that you have herpes before engaging in sex. If they understand the risks of sex with Jay Tavare, they can make appropriate decisions of whether or not they want to have sex with him. If he didn't tell them, he deprived the partner of this opportunity to decide.

Your argument is still weak if you're saying they are big girls, they make their choices. They were uninformed of critical piece of info so they can make appropo choices. That's why they have basis to sue."
I beg to differ. I am a severe opponent of Jay Tavare. BUT I have never understood the mindset of women/men who sleep with complete strangers without protection. If you take such uncalculated risks you have to be aware of the possible negative consequences. Of course "you must inform your partners that you have herpes before engaging in sex". But we are not living in an ideal world. Jay Tavare is an abuser, a master con man and a blatant liar. The rules of fairness do not apply to him. Furthermore I never said the women who got herpes should not sue. They should and I would be gladif they would.

Anonymous said...

I have chills up my spine and nausea thinking I almost agreed to meet with Jay a few months ago but my better judgement told me not to. Venting here is healthy but doing something about it will seek justice. If what you ladies and gentlemen are saying here is true and I don't doubt you because I spent many nights chatting with Jay online and on the phone and also experienced his charm and wicked tongue and rages, then you all need to hire an attorney and sue Jay for knowingly and intentionally infecting you all with STD's. It is unlawful and punishable in the State of California. There's enough of you on here to build a great case against him. His reputation is already fucked and this will only flush him out for good. All he has is his childish face book page posting of seflies and another day at the gym with him dog. How embarrassing for a 60 year old jobless man!

Good luck to you all and SHAME ON YOU JAY TAVARE!

Anonymous said...

LMAO Like Never Before! HE LOOKS LIKE AN OLD GAY QUEEN IN HIS LATEST SELFIES! DISGUSTING doesn't even describe this Maniac

Anonymous said...

"Last thing is who are you to judge us for coming across the ocean to see this prick? Some of these women live right in the same city as him and he gave them herpes, so your point is? " Yeah, his ex-girlfriends live in the same city and as a girlfriend you usually trust your partner. But why do women have unprotected sex with a man they hardly know or do only know from Facebook? I do not judge their morality, but their sanity or wisdom or whatever you may call it. It is a stupid decision to have unprotected sex with a stranger. Period.

Anonymous said...

There are women who are coming across the ocean to fuck Jay Tavare, the biggest asshole this side of the planet? I know that the women on his FB page come across as nutcases. But seriously? The more I read about him, the more I believe in black magic. Did he bewitch his fangirls and fuck buddies? These women seem to be their own worst enemies. And do not accuse me of victim blaming. I am not responsible for their stupidity. A lot of these women are victimizing themselves. Good examples the lady from RSA and the older lady from LA. Jay Tavare is the main offender, but these two women are his sidekicks and are supporting this asshole in his crimes.

Anonymous said...

The women already told us about their regrets and the lessons they learned. I don't think we need to add to their wounds by being moralistic about their actions. Should've, would've, could've.

Anonymous said...

Lana Lennox hmmmmm he has his fishing line out, going to see if there is some money he can get from this one in Beverly Hills

Anonymous said...

we have intercepted pics he talked jennifer bradshaw into sending

Anonymous said...

We all make mistakes as human beings and most women are especially vulnerable because we think with our hearts. In the first place I don't think most of these women came to California to have sex like you assume. From what I'm reading most of it is because they wanted to meet him and hang out. Jay convinced me to come to California to go sight seeing, including showing me where the stars hung out and hiking. It wasn't about the sex, although I have to admit I was seduced by him. So stop thinking women who got tangled in his web of deceit just came over to Cali to fuck because that's not the case at all! Yes I am a grown woman and I knew better to use a condom, but how many on here even in this day and age use a condom all the time?

Anonymous said...

That's a good point. I guess, too, from some of the stories being told it's easy to assume the purpose was purely sexual on the account that women were sending nude photos and videos. But, that is conjecture rather than telling us the purpose of meeting for all the women who met up with him.

Anonymous said...

There is NO Argument to the FACTS.

Jay has been Mentally, Verbally and Physically Abusive to Many people and it is documented in and other people know it.
Jay has threatened to kill people and we have voice recordings.
Jay is a pathological liar.

Why did he lie about still being married?
Why did he lie about his age?
Why did he threaten to kill multiple women?
Why did he accept money from women with no intention of paying it back?
Why does he insist on not using a condom when he is sleeping with multiple women all the time? Why doesn't he insist on using a condom when he sleeps with women?
Why did his wife file domestic abuse charges in court?
Why isn't he divorced?
Why can't he tell people about is parents?
Why doesn't he take pictures with you when he is seeing you?
Why doesn't he want a relationship?
Why doesn't he get a day job when acting work is dead for him?
Why does he continue to post selfies all the time of just himself or himself and his dog?
Why does he not own a home?
Why doesn't he show that he is proud to be your friend or proud to be with you as a couple and acknowledge your existence in his life?
Why does he seduce every person that throws a bone his way and beg them to send him pictures and videos?
Why does he share them with his friends?
Why doesn't he have more male friends?
Why did he lie about being native american?
Why has he been evicted numerous times?
Why has he lived on the street more than once?
Why does he rage when things do not go his way all the time?
Why does he sleep with married women?
Why does he accept money from married women when he knows it really belongs to their husband?
Why did he put a man in icu?
Why have you not done a background check?
Why have you not contacted ALL his Exes?
Why have you not check court documents?
Why does he watch hours of porn daily?
Why is he so busy when he clearly is not working at anything but conning people?
Why does he use drugs?
Why does he always blame others for his own mistakes?
Why can't he take any responsibility?
Why does he always act childish and name call women cunts?
Ask him how many prostitutes he has been with?

Best of All, Ask him Why it takes him all night long to try and even have an O and then IF he does he pops out a half teaspoon and acts like he has really done something and brings you a tiny amount of tissue?

Ask him why he has such bad english skills?
Ask him why he represented Italy in the dance competition in the UK?
Ask him why he has been accused of rape by the indian actress?

Go on and let the Psycho Devil spew his bullshit, Trust me IT IS SUPER EASY TO TANGLE HIM UP because not only is he ignorant but illiterate in the extreme!

Anonymous said...

Lana Lennox has a rich boyfriend. Why bother with homeless broke ass Tavare?? Lana and John has been warned and directed to this page and his truth page;))

Anonymous said...

Who else needs to be warned. Please give me a list of names. It is my mission to expose and Stop this vile monster who calls himself Jay Tavare in his fucking tracks!!!!

Anonymous said...

April Deep Aries
Jennifer Bradshaw
Jackie Fortunato
Cherrilyn Silva
Chan Chi
Marie Escamilla
Alexis Hyuna
Amber Paquette
Amanda Sanchez
Jo Airis
Lana Lennox
Teresa Prater
Tatiana Dekhytar
Ericka V. Shimkonis
Elizabeth Adams
Rose Nasution Arruda
Seddona Johanson
Precila Lucero
Kristen Big Eagle
Kim Stiffler
Ash Burnham
Crystle Lightning
Heart Hayes
Nikki Giavasis
ALL Combat Radio Girls and the Owners Lota Hadley
Nikki Giavasis

Walt Marchlewski

Shannon Noelle is doing some work for him too she needs to be warned!

Cyntha Twedt
Ishtar Bennett
Janet Franco
Teri Stewart
Vida Guerra
Stevie Stephenson
there's more

Anonymous said...

Amy Hardy
Bertha Thompson

And keep your female dogs away from him, he is desperate!

Bree Olsen (know it!, he told me the story of being with her after the centipede movie and grinned like the devil himself when he said her name!)

Anonymous said...

Who is grinning now M**** F****

Anonymous said...

She paid nearly $3000 for her and Jay's outfit to Sue Wong's Party! He sure couldn't afford it!

Anonymous said...

Alexandra Trojani UK
Julie McCann Quinn
Yasemin Rosanova
Daria Shamr_d
Charisse Malone
Azalia DB
Gabriele Ketterl
Tracey Anne Pearson

Dont forget the little french woman dominique that went to the rug shows that sends him money and gifts

Anonymous said...

LMAO Grandma Rossov is not that DUMB afterall! I was at the same restaurant the other day and overheard her say she puts up with his childish bullshit just so she can get laid! She said she has to have an intellectual conversation somewhere else!

Listen though Grandma, you gotta go get you one that is not a psychopath! At least find one that isn't crazy and broke!

LMAO he looks like such a Queen in his bathroom selfies making a duck face! He is almost 60! Oh God the dumbfuck's routine. Grab the woman he is with and he can't do nothing, sit on the potty trying to line his lunch one and dinner one up and nighttime one up. Scramble an omelette with whatever he has! Take the dog for a pee at the dog park. WTF! LMAO SO HARD! Witcha broke arse!

Anonymous said...

my name is mark jessica from germany, DR olokum. Trust is the only Dr who could ever get your HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Michelle! who truly testify and said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr.Trust, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 2 days after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing DR.Trust gave to me from the ancient part Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at:, or call him on his cell phone number on :+2348161554365

Anonymous said...

Poor Grandama Rossov has a love hate relationship with Jay midget man Janani. Wake the fuck up Nanci!!?? He treats you like shit, uses you to prepare him for auditions and fucks you with his diseased dick only to talk about you to others. Haven't you had enough of his abuse. Don't you deserve better?? I thought you're suppose to be an educated woman?? Do you have such low self esteem that you allow a man to berate, abuse and belittle you over and over again?? ugh what a weak pathetic woman you are..... Precious Indeed!

You need to get some help said...

Been reading this blog for days and can't believe what I've been reading. More like shocked. I am no longer friends with Jay. I think that guy need some mental help

Anonymous said...

Good for you above. Jay doesn't have friends. His "circle" consists of lonely battered women who's lives have been destroyed by the one and only MIDGET MONSTER. Look at his FB, it's been dwindling since he's been exposed as a fraud woman beating disease infested dwarf. Jay's a pathetic waste of mankind lonely 60 yr old weasel taking duck face selfies in his bathroom. Actually it's not his bathroom because he doesn't have a bathroom anymore LOL....He's looking more and more gay lately too! Hair high and tight, lip gloss, eye liner, concealer and tight ass pants.....grossssssss hahahaha!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jay is so jealous of Vincent Mclean. Some of his female "friends" and ex's are quite chummy with Vincent who is much better looking and authentic and way more talented than Janani.

Bahram said...

I hear he is back in therapy.??????? Deluded old man.

Anonymous said...

"Yes I am a grown woman and I knew better to use a condom, but how many on here even in this day and age use a condom all the time?" I am no moral instance. Of course, nobody has to use a condom if she /he has sexual intercourse with a stranger, but they should not be astonished if they catch herpes, Hepatitis C or even HIV. I do not judge people morally. Their sex life is none of my business. I just do not understand why people risk their good physical health for sex with a person they do not know. I just do not understand this carelessness. And I would not call it a "mistake" to catch a veneral disease. I call it carelessness. Yeah, we all make mistakes. But we should not blame our own mistakes on others. Loads of people know by now that Jay Tavare is an a**hole and there are still women who would risk an infection. No problem, none of my business. But I am always asthonished about the venting. "He should have told that he has herpes!" He should, he should, he should... But Jay Tavare did not. He is a blatant liar and a criminal.

Anonymous said...

To the woman who wants to warn people:

To warn Chan Chi is a waste of time. She is completely bewitched by Jay. She would even die for him. Maybe you should inform her brother. Chinese families are usually tight. But unfortunately I doubt that she would listen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Chan Chi is a puppet and Jay is her master. Poor woman. She is one of the lost causes.

Anonymous said...

He will not let Chan Chi go. Never ever. She works and still has money.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the women who slept with Jay Tavare and got herpes from him. Had I been warned about his disease, surely I wouldn't have slept with him at all. Women keep telling your stories and getting it out there about this lowlife Jay Tavare. It's too late for me but it won't be too late for the other women who cross his path. Dana

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare seems to have so many unprotected sex that it is a miracle that he does not have HIV. Or maybe he has? Women contract HIV easier. For females having unprotected sex with a male, the vaginal and anal membranes are much more likely to tear, leaving an easier way for HIV to invade the body. People with untreated STIs are more likely to contract HIV than people without STIs. Why? First, some STIs cause ulcers, or sores, in the genital area. These sores create an opening in your skin, making it easier for HIV to get into your system.

Anonymous said...

ChanChi is the one who needs therapy and Jay is the cause of her setbacks and insecurities. I mean she continues STILL to tolerate his abuse after being punched and slapped in the face just because she walked in on Jay getting a blow job from his neighbor Nikki and thats not the first time shes gotten physically abused by him. Not to mention all the horrendous verbal abuse calling her the most vile names. What man goes around town laughing and talking shit about a woman who gives him shelter, free pussy and beans. He recently said her facial business isn't doing well because it's difficult for her to sell her services and products looking like the way she does. I've known ChanChi for several years now and we are all friends but she seriously needs to wake the hell up! My wife and I are so tired of hearing and seeing her upset and crying all the time. WAKE UP CHANCHI because while you're out working and hustling to make money Jay is entertaining another woman in your apt sometimes! Sadly we know all Jays girlfriends and they all need to wake the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

This leach dares to criticize a woman who works hard for her living and even gives him shelter and food? Since when you have to look like Miss Universe to sell beauty products? What an utter nonsense. Mrs. Chan looks good enough to sell them. And btw the business is not about her looks, it is about the looks of her costumers. Jay Tavare is an idiot in the true sense of the word.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered where she got her name from. Roll with the punches, huh?

Therapy is useless unless the person has some inkling of desire to change and is ready to do so. Janani in therapy would be totally useless. Narcissism and psychopathy are the 2 most difficult conditions to treat. Actually, therapy can worsen their behavior because they learn how to pretend to be "good" in society while continuing their old ways.

Anonymous said...

Janani cannot be healed. He has to me eliminated in one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised someone hasn't eliminated him already! He's not difficult to find. Just follow the stench off Hollywood Blvd on Orange Ave.(ChanChi's apt) How rude of him to take other women there during the day while CC works. He told me he was dog sitting at a friends place...SMH!

Anonymous said...

Seems like there were a lot of women Jay used and abused. But the one that spent the most money was that Kimmie girl. $3000 for their outfit for that event? She must be a real idiot to spend that kind of money when Jays sleeping with many others at the same time. I heard she was flashing money around like it grew on trees. But now that she is broke. Im sure Jay kicked her to the curb when he found out she was broke. Poor Kimmie. You should get your stuff back from that loser.

Anonymous said...

" NO NEED TO WORK" Looks like someone need to now. LOL

Anonymous said...

Then my wife and must've been talking to the ghosts of Kimmie and Jay recently LOL. Jay will never kick Kimmie to the curb. He's always said she's his kinda girl! You ladies are terrible. Why not worry about your own lives and leave Jay and whom ever he chooses to see alone.


Anonymous said...

OOps wife and I

Anonymous said...

KDR Kimmie was taken advantage of by him, acted out and now moved on with her life. Just so happens Kimmie was what he called his wife too Kimberly Rayburn and yes she lives in Hollywood slums too and he said she is trying to bake cookies for a living and has a tons of cats! KDR Kimmie the one he took advantage of is broke, divorced and looking for her a real man and know she will have to go back to being a nurse. At least she has some job skills, Jay has none!

Anonymous said...

KDR is the one that was married but told everyone she was divorced. She walked around with her nose up her @ss. I don't feel sorry for her at all. Cheating on her husband with Jay has a price. And she is paying for it now. By the way, she was never a RN which she claimed. Shes a LPN who cleans their @ss. Karma is a bitch, aint it.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the women who are a fixture around Janani. I'm not worried about them because they know what an idiot he is and choosing to be with him.

I'm more concerned about the fans who get sucked into his bullshit. Pathetic is the guy who wants us to leave Janani alone so he can continue to abuse and take advantage of these fans. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

They like it so I fuck it. Now arch that back at 1'oclock and show Daddy dat ass so I can go balls deep...MUAHAHHHHHHAAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would make a meme that goes, "What Janani thinks he is like" "What Janani fans thinks he is like" "What Janani actually is like" lol

Anonymous said...

Jay has gone off the deep end. Posting again as "Team Tavare" AHEM aka Jay asswipe Tavare LOL! Wishing himself a Happy Fake Birthday and complimenting himself hoping to get birthday gifts WOW...Hey Jay perhaps it's the testosterone and HGH injections you get weekly at Dr Franco's office but guess what....YOU STILL LOOK OLD WRINKLED AND UGLY! Is your nose getting hookier and pointier. Man you mugly!! Monday ain't your Birthday dipshit. Maybe someone should post your drivers license on your FB wall this time on "your Birthday"

WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE JAY JANANI...I remember skyping with you when you created "Team Tavare and Victoria" you're making quite an ass of yourself....AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

What an assclown! Muahahah! "Team Tavare : We would like to wish Jay a wonderful Birthday that is coming up on Monday, and to let you know you are loved by many and you are making a difference in a positive way for so many lives. You are an inspiration to us all, like fine gold you are rare, now can you tell us how the hell you keep getting younger looking each year ? Ha ha ha"

Anonymous said...

No offence, but Chan Chi is stupid as fuck.

Anonymous said...

Yes she is and it's sad that she feels Jay Tavare is the best she can do. Especially since he's still trash talking about her saying she's delusional to think she's his girlfriend.That she's just a friend he helps with her dog and that her yoga for the face business is slow and still not making any money. WISH UP CHANCHI...HE'S LEFT YOU CRYING ON THE STREETS BEFORE (many times) AND CHEATED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU (many times and STILL). Stupid is what stupid does!

Anonymous said...

What's even more disturbing is Chanchi calls herself a wellness couch and mentor yet she's so miserable holding on to something that is unhealthy and negative in her life and continues to allow a sleaze like Tavare to use and abuse her. Practice what you preach Chanchi! Wellness my ass....How's the cocaine use CC?? Do you rub a little powder on your face as part of your facial treatment LOL? What a joke you are!

Anonymous said...

LOL he is fool's gold

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is NOT your Birthday Jay fraud man. His drivers license needs to be posted again on his FB wall for all 10 of his "fans" to see he's a lying sack of shit! You're nearing 60 August 23,1958. Free pancakes at Ihop soon for ya Grandpa...Sunday is senior day LOL

Anonymous said...

Ive seen his real birthday when it was posted online. I don't understand why would Jay lie?

Anonymous said...

Gold digger

Team Tavare. said...

His b day was in April and he was In Dubai with family celebrating on a boat. He is 50, Persian and that is the facts.. All this noise is stupid. Either do something about him or shut the fuck up. Wining like a bunch of rabid, desperate old Dogs. Take a shit or get off the pot... Talk is cheap.

JT said...

I am team tavare and victoria. So what. Eat my arse hole with a spoon you bunch of fucking old washed up and haggered old women.

Anonymous said...

Ah so he lied to the US government and State of California about his real birthdate and birth year? OK then he should be questioned for falsifying his information.

Anonymous said...

Not only did he lie to them about his birthday/year, but also his address. He used his PO Box which is illegal. He has committed fraud on so many levels. But that's ok, because he has been reported to every agency and that is why he is on the run. Run little man, run. Your days of fraud and abusing women is over. Susan

Anonymous said...

Go Susan!!! For you who continue to believe Jay midget mans lies just go to to see that his real birthday is in fact AUGUST 23,1958. Yup old man Janani is nearing 60! LOL


Anonymous said...

Yup its true. Court records say 8/23/58 as his birthday. Go ahead and look it up. Jays lying about today being his birthday like he lies about everything in his life including his height LOL! Must be tough being 5'5" huh Napoleon.

Anonymous said...

So if you say Jay is lying. Where is his drivers license. I'm new here and now curious if what is being said here is true. I'm shocked? I will look up these alleged court records on Jay as well. I found this blog from a simple google search which brought me here and his truth page. WTF!!?? Is his drivers license on the his truth page. My friend and I are now very curious. wow!

Anonymous said...

The drivers license has been removed. You will get the same information from the LA Court pages. Susan

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SUSAN!!! OMG I'M LOOKING ONLINE RIGHT NOW READING ALL JAYS COURT DOCUMENTS AND ORDERS!!!!! YES I DO SEE HIS 8/23/1958 BIRTHDATE. Why is he lying?? Everything can be found online these days. I'm more disturbed by all these abuse charges and restraining orders. I'm ashamed that I fell for his BS. Calling my friends now to warn them. FYI- Jay and I met at Sue Wong's party recently. We have mutual friends in the biz. Wait until they see all this stuff on him. I'm also informing Sue Wong!

Thank you again Susan. I hate men like Jay Tavare. Who is his agent?? Does he have one? I'm informing everyone I know here in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...


Jay's duper's delight is surely hitting OVERDRIVE!

Jay Tavare's age and birthday (or birthdays) have been the subject of scrutiny for years. Suspect is the fact that multiple months, dates and years pop up when trying to figure out who he is beyond the imposter he has spent the past two decades creating based on lies and deceit.

Turns out he is a scallywag of names, birthdates, stories, etc. AND if things aren't already confusing enough with all his names and stuff, his birthday shows up as being on March 23, March 24, August 23 and August 24. In a variety of take your pick years: 1959, 1958, 1971, 1974, 1976.

Since his California State driver's license says August 23, 1958 as his date of birth. We're gonna go with it as his real birthdate. All the other dates we'll chalk up to fake cake'n stuff days, like today. Because he lies and stuff. That's what he does. Liar, liar little hairy hobbit's pants are on fire.

One could suppose that today is really his birthday. He has after all used March 23 (and March 24) as days he was born several times. But! If today, or tomorrow is truly his birthday. Then that would mean he filed false and fraudulent documents with the U.S. Government and State of California when he showed up here in the good ole U.S.A. in the late 80s early 90s?


It's not an impossible notion. When you take into consideration his proven pathological lying abilities and his "I'm a calculating mudder fucker," self-proclamation. He does like to lie about lying for the sake of lying because the lie is so good and that's no lie. He has never found a lie he didn't like or concoct one he surely thinks is genius and fool-proof.

But, whatever, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he submitted truthful non-fraudulant documents to the government and state of California when he got his Green Card and driver's license.

Anonymous said...

Interesting tho....

That the 57-year-old Jay Tavare tries to pull off that he is the age of 39, 41 or 44 years is neither cute or plausible. His age-delusion is fascinating and that he thinks he is pulling one over on people with the 1970s birth years is very "I believe in unicorns."


It's not uncommon for actors to shave a year or two off their age in the entertainment industry, it practically goes without saying. But that halfwit douchebag can't keep his ego in check, has no impulse control and somewhere along the line starting lying about the years in which he was born. A year or two is one thing. But, 13, 16 and 18 years is another. It's indicative of the depths of his delusion and the wide range that is his detachment from reality.

He loves the path of a lie, gets off on creating ambiguity and confusion over every aspect of who he is and his life. He gets off on seeing how he has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many people. Sadly, what they fail to realize is that he laughs at their "stupidity." It's how he rolls.

How sad are the gaggle of hens who hang on his every word and practically pee themselves as he deceptively smiles and thanks them all for today's birthday wishes. When he is lying to them...

On another note. Oddly enough. It seems that today is a day where it could be said that as an actor, he puts on a good show. Cool yer jets turbo - didn't say he was an actor of all time, he is just pulling of being an actor. Just for today. His faker extraordinaire delivery is believable in that today could be his birthday. Makes it plausible he might just be able to make a buck as a sometimes, but hardly ever actor. The way he laps up the birthday wishes and posts photos of himself with birthday cake celebrating his fake cake'n stuff day. So real. Could almost touch the real.

Ah well. Dude is a disaster. Here is what we know for sure. That the dipshidiot isn't special when it comes to being immune to that which plagues even the best of the pathological liars - it plagues him as well. And that's, the woeful inability to keep lies straight.

According to his California State Driver's License, he is:

Name: Jay Tavare
DOB: August 23, 1958 (Age: 57)
Address: Robertson Avenue, Beverly Hills, CA
Issued: March 26, 2008

However, other birthdates, names/aliases he has used are as follows (info that comes up on searches):

March 23
Jay Tavare, Jai Tavare, Richard Jai. Tavare, Richard J. Tavare

Date: March 23, 1971 (Age: 44)
Date: March 23, 1974 (Age: 41)
Date: March 23, 1976 (Age: 39)
[Source: Public Records and as Self-Reported by Tavare]

March 24
Jay Tavare, Jai Tavare, Richard Jai. Tavare, Richard J. Tavare

Date: March 24, 1959 (Age: 56)
[Source: Public & Court Records]

Date: March 24, 1957 (Age: 58)
[Source: Ex-close friend of Tavare]

Date: March 24, 1974 (Age: 41)
[Source: www.beenverified]

as Jay Tavare, Jai Tavare or Richard J. Tavare

August 23, 1959
[Source: Public Records]

March 24, 1959
[Source: Public Records]

March 23, 1958
[Source: Public Records]

March 24, 1957
[Source: Ex G-friend of Tavare]

March 24, 1976

March 24, 1974
[Source: Jay Tavare Self-Reporting, Internet]

March 23, 1971
[Source: Jay Tavare Self-Reporting, Internet]

Anonymous said...

Case Filed: January 23, 2015 by attorneys for Plaintiffs
Case No.: BC570229

Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe II, et al.


Jay Tavare

February 27, 2015:
Attorneys for Plaintiffs filed Proof of Service of Summons and Complaint on Defendant

July 25, 2015:
Jury Trial

Attorneys for Plaintiffs Levine & Blit are expert Plaintiffs attorneys who specialize in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
If you were infected with herpes, HIV, or another sexually transmitted disease by someone who did not disclose that he or she was infected, that persona broke the law and you have the right to compensation.

In California, it is unlawful for a person with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) to not inform a partner of infection prior to sexual contact.

Don’t let the embarrassment of an STD keep you from seeking justice. If the Los Angeles attorneys at Levine & Blit, LLP take your case and don’t win, you don’t pay. Call 310-281-0100 for a consultation.

You Are Protected under the Law
California Public Health Law §3198 states that “any person who, knowing himself or herself to be infected with an infectious venereal disease, has sexual intercourse with another shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

If your partner did not disclose his or her sexually transmitted disease prior to sexual contact, you can sue for pain and suffering.

Our LA Attorneys Can Help You Fight this Battle
In one moment of carelessness, your life can come tumbling down if you contract an STD. Rebuilding your life may be a struggle. You will need assistance when you try to collect compensation from the person who infected you.

The difficulty of winning an STD lawsuit lies in the burden of proving:

Who infected you
That the accused knew he or she was infected before sexual activity
You are also burdened with having to protect your identity and to deal with the scrutiny and judgment of others.

The attorneys at Levine & Blit, LLP are experienced in California STD law. We also recognize that contracting a sexually transmitted disease is extremely personal and can be a potentially embarrassing. We will take extra steps to protect your identity while we expose the predator that wrongfully and unlawfully inflicted you.

Although the contraction of a sexually transmitted disease changes your life forever, there is hope.

Anonymous said...

The ones that have been tested and came back positive, TAKE HIM TO COURT so EVERYBODY knows. To the ones that tested and it came back negative, test again to be sure. If nothing else, you need to set an example, don't be afraid. There are women and more than one that has Jay admitting in writing he knew he had it and gave it to them! "Let's keep quiet about this, ok. I don't want to cause a big bla bla bla."


Anonymous said...

You can go to that law office's website, click on the STD link, scroll to the bottom, and get a free case evaluation.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow!!!! To the Bat cave Batman...Jay Tavare is being sued again. This time for giving multiple women STD's!!! Well happy fake fucking Birthday Janani LOL! Now you're really fucked!


I'm beyond disgusted

Anonymous said...

When I told Jay he gave me herpes almost a decade ago, he told me to keep quite. He also said 1 out 4 people have it and not to freak out. He said he never tested positive. I never saw proof of his test but deep down I knew he gave it to me because I didn't have sex with anyone else but him. I know he's freaking out about the law suit but he brought it upon himself. I have so much to tell.


Stop the diseased bastard, call a lawyer now! said...

To all the women who have been damaged and left diseased by the scum's blatant spreading of his STDs. You are encouraged to call the law firm representing the Jane Does, who filed a PI case against Jay Tavare in January.

I'm calling first thing tomorrow!

1. Talk to them about my case and find out what my options are; and

2. Tell them what I know, what I experienced, how I was manipulated and lied to for the sake of his desire of sexual conquest. How he has refused to take responsibility for what he has done to me despite my devastation. He doesn't care and could not care any less about what he has done to me.

Herpes is forever! His carelessness and heinous selfishness ruined every single relationship I will ever have for the rest of my life.

If anything, I am going to help them to gain a better understanding of the prick that is Jay Tavare. I'm doing this for myself and for all the others who, like me, have been left to deal with life - with STDs. That scum of the earth has left me with the nagging ugly reminder of what a mistake I made with him.

He obviously has no plans to stop. He knows what he is doing; he has admitted it. Arrogantly, he has made it clear that he doesn't give a shit about it either. Like he says "they like it, so I fuck it."

Don’t let the embarrassment of a STD keep you from seeking justice. Call these lawyers. If the Los Angeles attorneys at Levine & Blit, LLP take your case and don’t win, you don’t pay. Call 310-281-0100 for a consultation.

Anonymous said...

#JayTavare must be #SpitRaging and trying to lay really low now. Too bad he bowed out of that geek con thing because the process servers could've served him at the event.

Anonymous said...

Is Jay Tavare going to travel to Turkey with his two affluent fuck buddies to avoid the lawsuit?

Anonymous said...

Jay is going to Turkey? Fuck, fuck, fuckedy, fuck! Is he crazy or what? Where does all the money come from? With Chan Chi and the Gothic horse? A threesome with Jay in between? That is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, "The Horse" and "The Chi" are paying for his expenses. There are loads of Russian whores in Turkey. So the girls have to give him some extra money. MUAHAHAHHA! These two wone are extraordinarily stupid.

Anonymous said...

Jay loves whores to the max. Sometimes even bareback. So you gotta be careful boys and girls. The "sacred machine" is a complete lie. Jay Tavare is not healthy. Beware!

Anonymous said...

Trio infernal in Turkey. That is so funny. All three deserve each other. They all love to post selfies of themselve like teenagers. They are nutcases. This is like a bad soap. Leading roles: "The Lord of the Flies"(Jay Tavare), "The Chi" (Clara Chan) and "The Horse" (Tracey Marais Parker).

Anonymous said...

He told me he was going back to Dubai for business. If ChanChi and Tracy are supporting him they are more stupid than stupid. He'll be fucking whores on their dime LOL!

Anonymous said...

Jay told me Diann M had STD's and that he always wore a condom when he fucked her. Of course he told me after having a threesome with them. I kicked him out! It was so long ago but I'm tempted to call the law office.

Anonymous said...

Jay has business in Dubai? Supporting madam Billie with her "model business"? Is he aiming is to become the next male "Heidi Fleiss"? Tracey and Chan Chi would oblige to anything. They would even die for him.

Anonymous said...

I hope he tries to leave the country and gets detained. First, he needs to be thrown in our prison, then exported back to Iran. He is the lowest of low loosers. He is so vile and disgusting. How can anyone be with someone who has the worst hygiene and rotten teeth? He must reek. Someone bragged that he farts during sex andi t doesn't smell. Is it because his BO is worse? He is butt ugly and has a horrible misshappened body. Grossseeee

Anonymous said...

Business in Dubai? A new project? Muahahahahah! Never ever! Jay could work as a dogsitter or gardener for Madam Mobayed. But beware Billie! Your precious daughter. Jay likes them young.

Anonymous said...

If Jay is so bad, why are some you still thinking about him? Why? Let it go, breath. The more you hold on to his negativity the more you won't have a life of your own! Personal I never saw the appeal for him. He is short, stub, and not even handsome. He looks like a fucking leprechaun but he isn't magical delicious! Really, ladies get a life.

Anonymous said...

He farts during sex? How very romantic! Lol.

Anonymous said...

If you are not interested in Jay, why are you here? Really, get a life.

Anonymous said...

Really, ladies get a life. Muhahahaha! We all have a life. Shove your rhetoric up your ... whatever. Back on topic. Nikki Giavasis has a beautiful mansion and a former husband pays her 20,000 per month. An idela scenario for gold digger Jay Tavare.

Anonymous said...

So the leach wants to suck Nikki dry? Has someone informed Nikki?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll leave the US for good, not that that would solve this problem.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that he will leave the U.S. Where should he go? He cannot afford Dubai for a longer period of time. Back to the UK? He can hide best in California. L.A. is a big city and there are thousand of naive desperate women to manipulate and abuse. He will not change his evil character. Not in this life. Janani is not going to change his antics until he dies ore is eliminated by someone. This will go on and on and on.

Cher said...

His leaving the U.S. for good wouldn't solve his problems but it sure would make the U.S. a better place. Bye bitch take your coke snorting, pot smoking, steroid filled sacred machine back to where you belong. Hell!

Anonymous said...

Nikki is my friend and she/we know all about Jay. He is just one of her boy toys. Nikki wouldn't settle for that scum when she has many other wealthy boyfriends. Jays a joke and she know it. Flavor of the month LOL

Anonymous said...

He can pimp for Madame Billy In Dubai and that is it. Nobody will give him a job and there is nothing there for that moron to do. Billy worships him, why I have not got s clue but she also is strange as fuck, so not surprising that these two giant egos got together. The madame and her pimp. Beautiful

Anonymous said...

Praying for justice to prevail, legal or karmic justice.

If there's something we can do to help, let us know.

Anonymous said...

He's been dodging and lying to Marie E.He's busy in "meetings" With all the meetings he allegedly has one would thing he was a working actor LOL Over her he said. Once he uses and abuses he's on to the next.

Wise up Marie. He's been bullshitting you since you arrived in LA!

Anonymous said...

I told him to stop with the botox and fillers that he is obsessed with because he's starting to look like a chipmunk. Dr Franco should refuse to give him more testosterone due to his rages.

Anonymous said...

Jay said Billy is too old looking for him now and that he has his eye on her daughter. That fucking pedophile.

Anonymous said...

Just noticed that the owner of this blog, JuJu Dupree, hasn't posted a new blog on here since November 2013.

That sorry excuse for a reason to share my oxygen, Tiny Tim Tavare, has 3201 comments that have made about him on this entry.

Way to go shit-for-brains Janani! Your shenanigans have kept this blog alive and kicking!

You rock! Keep up the good work you less than mediocre waste of energy, time and space.

Going to start calling you Jay Tavare Defendant because that seems to be how your name shows up the most these days.

You're a fucking loooooooooooooser #JayTavareDefendant

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have emails from Jay admitting giving STD's to several woman

Anonymous said...

To the above, that is evidence. You should give it to the women that is taking him to court.

Anonymous said...

Cherrilyn Silva went Rabid on him. LMAO Now Tracey Pearson is hanging on to his every word. He talks about her like a dog, how old she looks in the face and how she has no ass, but she will soon become the Diann Marchlewski if she doesn't watch. Nanci Rossov and Tracey Parker show how absolutely naive they are to not verify information on Jay. We have given many ways to verify everything we say to the public and it's not hard. Guess some people don't mind if their so called friend hits other women, has stds and lies about it, goes into violent rages for no reason, does every drug he can get his hands on and has the attitude that he is too good to get his hands dirty on a job so he would rather BUM Money off of WOMEN TO LIVE to make up the difference for his dwindling income.

Listen up you DUMB FUCKS. He just got evicted from his apartment a few months ago, if he can't pay his rent he isn't working! God you people are dumb as shit.

Anonymous said...

To the woman who has evidence of Jay admitting he gave women studs, please contact me at I really need your help. I won't reveal who I am until I know that you are legit. I hope you understand.



Anonymous said... all need to come together as one voice to stop Jay Tavare in his tracks. I've been following this blog as well as the truth page and his hilarious FB wall. I'm completely and utterly disgusted by him. His days are numbered and there's no way in hell he'll do any worth while acting as far as I'm concerned. I've directed many casting directors and working actor friends to this blog.

To the woman who is offering her email address for info and evidence, GREAT JOB! Evidence and everyones testimony will eliminate this vile beast.

You all have my support.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT TRUST That could be Jay Fishing to see how many women kept their emails and texts and voice messages. ONLY SEND YOUR INFORMATION THE SUSAN OR MICHELLE's FB PAGES!


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