Friday, October 4, 2013
Jennifer Lopez Deals With Her Movie Set Insecurities By Process of Elimination
Regardless of the old adage, "you're going to get old someday", Singer/Dancer/Actress, Jennifer Lopez is making certain that that doesn't apply to her by enforcing a stringent criteria that she wants producers to "understand completely". That criteria is that she will not be physically upstaged by any woman on any set under any circumstances. What exactly did Lopez mean by being physically upstaged? She meant that she will not share the spotlight with any woman who she deems as possibly being more attractive than she is -- even if it means taking matters into her own hands to insure this.
Jenny from the Block has been said to have gone as far as functioning as a casting agent/director for the film, 'The 33', about a Chilean coal mining incident. As the "casting agent/director", Lopez will either approve or disapprove of any female actress to audition or appear in the film. This despite their talent being just as sub par as hers.
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