Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Porn Star, Jenna Jameson Has Officially Hit Rock Bottom!
I chose a picture of Jenna Jameson that shows her at one of her better times for old times sakes but the porn starlet has officially hit rock bottom! However, this is common for those who choose a profession in pornography as their life path.
Jameson was not only know for her sexual prowess with men and women on film. She was also a force to be reckoned with as a business woman to capitalize on her marketability to make millions for herself aside from what she was contractually obligated by way of employment.
Unfortunately, she returned to her drug addled past spending practically all her $30 million fortune in it. When people closest to her try to help her and encourage her to seek help, she shuns them just as much as those who try to work with her despite her being high during projects and interviews. Her properties are reported to be in foreclosures and her children now residing with their father, MMA's Tito Ortiz.
Ortiz has had a rocky relationship with the starlet in which the authorities were often involved painting him as the abuser and never once was she ever fingered as the instigator. I gather upon further investigation into their domestic disputes and her extensive drug abuse history, it was clear that he would have primary access to the children as she was cited as being an unfit parent between the two.
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