Monday, October 28, 2013
Kanye West...In Regret?
Word on the curb is that rap artist, Kanye West, is in utter regret of having anything to do with reality starlet, Kim Kardashian. Unfortunately, too little too late as he has a child to consider in addition to obligations to remain in a relationship that he doesn't want to be in.
Kim refuses to accept the fact that the arrangement is not working and she refuses more that he leaves her for the love of his life, Alexis -- whom he saw at a function he was in attendance with Kim. Hence, the purported blow up that has been in the headlines as of late surrounding the two.
According to sources, West was more than all aglow, he was nervous in Alexis' presence despite her being often on the other side of the room although clearly seen and having very much his attention....much to Kim's dismay.
Also, bets have been made that if Kim and Kanye do marry, the marriage is slated for failure as seen through her previous marriages that were considered absolute disasters in which the men were desperate to get out of and relieved upon dissolution.
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