Pop icon and Queen of No F*cks to Give, Madonna, is discussing for the umpteenth time, her rise to stardom. She notes that resilience, despite hardships, sexual assault and numerous break ins in her start up New York apartment, was her key motivation.

Actress, Sandra Bullock is not considered a date worthy type by actor, George Clooney. Despite his not given concrete reasons to the media, it has a lot to do with Bullock's maturity; being an older woman whereas he desires younger the older he gets.
Additionally, it has been purported that Clooney doesn't approve of having romantic involvement with women who have children. Many allegations have surfaced that the actor has a subliminal panache for supporting racist views. The fact that Bullock has a black child via adoption makes her, to him, a non-desirable. These racist allegations were made regardless of the fact that he had been involved with a black woman several decades ago.

Actress, Halle Berry, is slated to star on a CBS sci-fi television show produced by Stephen Spielberg. The show, entitled 'Extant', will portray the actress as an astronaut who had been away from her family on a year long work related project only to return to unexpected changes. Berry's first televised debut was 'Living Dolls'.
What more has been circulating is that silver screen opportunities are drying up for the actress but one thing for certain, she doesn't have to worry about the paps giving self imposed photo ops.
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