Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Actor Jay Tavare Is Being Exposed As A Fraud?! WTF?
According to several women and the Native American communities at large, actor Jay Tavare, isn't what he seems. As a matter of fact, many have gone as far as labeling him a fraud with a penchant for violence towards women.
Women, who either identify themselves as Native American or other, have cited issues of domestic violence against the actor. To further support their claim, much like entrepreneur, Michelle Shining Elk, these women had evidence, such as documented recorded death threats, to ensure that they won restraining orders against him. Tavare has had well documented circumstances of domestic violence towards women culminating in a string of restraining orders against him in several courts throughout the continental United States and possibly more on the way.
To make matters worst, several women, particularly the elderly, have filed complaints and sought legal action against the actor because of false promises he made to them to ensure that he could swindle money/discretionary income from their pockets until he had bled them dry.
The Native American community as a whole had performed their own investigation about Tavare and there findings were rather explosive. He's not Native American, there's no record of the family he claims let alone tribe/clan and was exploiting them for personal monetary gain by using fictitious charities to do it. The objective was to send money, via money gram or money order, to him directly using a PO Box versus the charity because there were no such charities to begin with. This explains the expensive, exotic luxury cars that he drives in addition to whatever he pulls through his purported gigolo tactics.
Tavare's name is really Richard Jai Janini and he's of Persian heritage. You may best remember him as the Indian chief, Waka Mani, in the film, 'Unbowed'.
«Oldest ‹Older 4201 – 4315 of 4315 Newer› Newest»To the long winded posted at 11:12 am. I know you see things through hat filled eyes...But um, yeah you said only a few people posted comments on his live stream...better check out the posts. 541 comments on his live stream? That hate is clouding up your vision. Or you need some glasses. Also, once again your vision is in question. If I could post pictures can take a good look at him and you can clearly see the man in FINE shape. With no sagging, as you claim. Get those eyes checked out. Ugly is as Ugly does and if that's case, you are one Ugly, Pathetic, Hate filled, lying, envious, Jealous, simple minded, obsessed Moron. Like you would know what Jay's favorite foods are. What you stand outside his window? Stalker now too??? And you call him a retard??? Pot calling the kettle black on that one.
Honestly who gives a flyin fuck about Jay Tavare. He is washed up and doesn't have anything to show for his life other than these continuing post about he is this and that. I agree people should get a life and stop putting this loser on blast. Enough is enough. The man has nothing not a bean or a crust of bread to show for his efforts. Anybody who falls for him now is an idiot or lives on an island called Special Needs. Seriously leave this man alone. He is not worth all of this continued hoopla!
I totally agree with the last poster. People need to leave him alone. Build a Bridge and get over it. What happens to anyone who become involved with him it totally their own fault. I think, it's pretty well known he has herpes. So, if a fangirl chooses to sleep with him, it's her own fault if she contracts herpes. There are more important things in this life than trying to destroy a person. Because, instead of destroying Jay, you are actually destroying yourself. It's time to just let it go.
All I can say is WOW! I stumbled across this page by accident. The Bitterness and anger that comes across in each post is sad. I have no feeling towards Mr. Tavare one way or the other. I really don't know much about him and I don't care. However, If the women mentioned in these post have been swindled by Mr Tavare and or sexually abused why are they not filling lawsuits against him? I did a lot of checking and with the except of a few restraining orders, some issues with a pending(on again/off again) divorce and a herpes settled lawsuit nothing else has been filed against him? If he is the monster you say he is, why are these women not seeking restitution from him? FYI for the person made a comment about how they hoped He would go to jail for the Herpes lawsuit. I direct you to google Celebrities with herpes. You find MANY hollywood stars/singers with herpes Who were sued(they settled out of court) this seems standard procedure in most cases. And those stars are much bigger than Jay is. People like...Robin Williams, Derek Jeter,Brad Pitt, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian, to name only a few. Sadly, it seems almost common place in Hollywood. The Part I found the most funny, was when someone commented that after he went to jail for spreading Herpes, then he would be deported. You can't be deported for spreading Herpes. If that were the case David Beckham and His wife(Both having Herpes) would not be allowed back in this country. Your Anger could other wise be spent in a more positive way by doing good in the community. Maybe in women's shelter. Or with homeless. Bashing a person like Mr Tavare isn't helping anyone, nor are you hurting him. Attacks on the size his "manhood" are school-girlish. I was amazed at how many women claim to have either been his girlfriend or slept with Mr Tavare. I laugh at this, because it's so easy for anyone to claim to have slept with him, esp when you can not prove it. In fact, many of the things posted in here seem ridiculous. The People posting these so-called "facts" don't even post their names. Again, anyone can claim anything is the truth...unless you have something or someway to back it's hear-say. I don't know him, i don't want to know him. But, for your own sake, turn your anger into doing something positive and good for someone and leave all this anger behind. Anger Breeds more anger and you can live a happy life if you carry such anger in your heart for a man that is a loss cause.
Anonymous July 12 @ 1035am. If you just happened to "stumble" on this site and are proud of what you said why don't you post your real name?
Jai is crying again to the pathetic few that believe his lies. Same patterned.
All of you who are blaming the women who were scammed, abused or infected with herpes are sickos. Shame on you.
I can picture Jai crying his eyes out, throwing a fit and spitting all over the place. Poor Baby.
Most of us don't care at all about him anymore. But I and most the rest of us can prove a few things with photos of the great Tavares and his little wand! Somebody should set up a site where we can post these things anonymously. But really, the reason none of us jumping through hoops to prove things to outsiders is that we hear the ring of truth in each others the stories. Shaves his body? Yep, that's him. Likes to watch rough porn and listen to raunchy violent rap music while doing you in front of his closet door mirror? Sounds like him. Dyes his hair an improbable black color? Yeah. Smokes pot all day and uses multiple erectile dysfunction meds? Yes! Has a collection of lingerie and ladies' shoes in his closet? Ummmhmmm! Shall I go on? HAAAAAAAAAHAhahahahahahahaaaaaa
To comments July 12 at 2:59 pm If you are telling the honest to goodness truth, then you have the law behind you...start posting your names! I mean, if Jay harrasses you, get a restraining order...prove to everyone he is the monster you say he is...put you name out there! Or are you afraid of a slander lawsuit if you that? To comment at 9:34...You can set up a tumblr to share these pictures you say you have. DO IT. you can set it up under a fake name, let's see these pictures you claim you have. If you are legit and you have all this evidence, here's your chance to blow Jay out of the water. So, let's see them. How better than to wake up all the "fangirls" than to show all the evidence you claim to have on him. So, go to tumblr, set up an account under a fake name. And if you don't know there is a thing called, you can set up a free email account also. let's see whatcha got. Post the link to the tumblr account here and make this stuff available to everyone. You wanted a place to share em, well, there ya go. Tumblr let's you post all sorts of stuff. Bring it on. It's a put up or shut up situation now. You have the place to do this, so do it. Don't make excuses, either post all this stuff you have on jay and let us all see or Just shut up!
Anonymous 7-13 @ 8:03AM
For someone who claims to have just stumbled on this site and really doesn't know Jai you sure have a lot of information and accusations.
If you really googled him, the first thing that would have come up is the site re: the Herpes lawsuit. Only one part of that was settled, the Fraud is still pending.
You would have seen a multitude of sites with pictures, first hand account with names of those he has abused. Pictures of Jai's real Persian family. His school etc. etc. etc.
He recently lost another lawsuit where he said he needed sponsors for the Apache Run Film his Apache Productions was doing and yet several years later no film. He had to pay this woman back. He beat Nancy Rossov and his then Executive Assistant Tracey Parker wrote a statement, and then took it back.
The lawsuits, including his ex wife, were filed but Jai threatened them with their life. He beat up a man so badly he was near death and in the hospital. Jai constantly threatens to do harm to anyone who questions him. Like an Apache on the Mescalaro rez who Jai attacked. Jai is banned from that Rez, Adopt-An-Elder program and others for his violence and fraudulent ways.
There is a woman who took Jai to court and won a Restraining Order.
Several other women were going to but Jai taped their sex acts and threatened them with that and again bodily harm to them and their families.
Take an hour and read all these first hand accounts, pictures and documents. If you truly care, you will be shocked. Otherwise, you are just a mouth piece for Jai.
Since you are so confident in your statements, post your name. You put up or shut up.
I for one am not interested in ever having my name associated with him again. Anyone who is asking for that doesn't understand what it's like and that it really does not stop him. I did my part and now I'm done, happily and thankfully done.
Oh My Oh My Me thinks (cough cough) it's time to roll out ALL the NAMES of every SINGLE WOMAN HE HAS SLEPT WITH AND WHEN! Let's DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With PICS, EMAILS, TEXTS ETC>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No computer would be able to handle that much space. Plus, don't forget the guys and the women he raped.
Yo What Up Ho
You got your Little Man from Iran
Doin the Hand Stand
Don't think he can shake it
All he can do is put it in the oven to bake it
Cause it would take a big crane to lift it up and fake it
Aww that deflated little man from Iran
With his sunny fake tan
Acting like he's indian
When we all know it's a fact he is pretendian
Ask him how many dicks he has had shoved up his asshole
How can somebody who abuses his body with illicit and illegal drugs almost daily, has and spreads stds, beats women and men and elders possible teach others to be health in all ways?
You have never earned anything in your life. You refuse to hold a full time job. You live off welfare and food stamps. You couch surf until you are finally kicked out of these women's homes after destroying their lives and emptying their bank accounts.
You have lied about every single aspect of your life. This is yet another scam.
I am glad to know that you will soon be in jail for all your past, present and future illegal activities. Just like that elder told you a couple of years ago, your life is going to catch up with you. Now is that time.
For all the hater(s) who love to call Jay a narcissist...have you taken a real good look at yourself(selves)? Believe it or not, the obsession you have with Jay is a mental illness, so before you start flinging names at him, you need to read what i posting and take a good look at what you are doing and WHY you are doing it.
Obsession is irrational and harmful. It has many unhealthy hazards; it can prevent you from personal growth and individualism. It is not possible to get all that you need in life from another human being and trying to do so will smother the other person and leave you feeling dependent and helpless. With time, obsession unbalances people’s minds and they often begin to neglect parts of their lives. But even if their lives remain in balance, if the object of their obsession is taken from them, they find themselves devastated, often convinced they have lost their last chance in happiness. This belief is a delusion. Happiness never depends on any person, no matter how important that person may seem.
1.) Identify who you think you're obsessed with: This is a pretty easy question to answer. Is there a person you're interested in who you just can't get off your brain?
2.) How much of your day is taken up thinking about him or her: Are they the first thing you think about when you wake up or the last thing before you go to sleep? Do they suddenly float into your mind as you're working, socializing, or occupied with other activities?
3.) What routine activities are interrupted by him or her: If they don't return your phone call or don't want to see you, do you feel emotionally damaged? Do you cry easily because of this person, and are you overly sensitive to their responses to you?
4.) What is your expected outcome: Do you realistically expect to be with this person, or do you know deep down that that will never happen?
5.) What is their response to you: How does this person treat you, in turn? Do they make an effort to be with you or are you always the one to seek them?
6.) Are you hiding your obsession: Are you afraid to admit to anyone else just how much you dwell on this person? Do you have feelings of shame or embarrassment to confess how much you think about them?
7.) Evaluate your life within this person: How would your life be if you weren't stuck on this person? Would you actually feel freer and more willing to try and find a new love interest?
8.) Get to the root of the problem: Where is this obsession coming from? Were you traumatized by a breakup or damaged by a former relationship, which is making you not want to let go under any circumstance?
9.) Realize the need to detach: After answering these questions honestly, do you feel a guilty need to detach from this person for your own well-being?
How to Detach
second part of the post above...
If you answered yes to more than four of the above questions, you may want to consider mentally and emotionally distancing yourself from the person in question. There are effective ways to detach from someone, and the process doesn't have to hurt. This takes time and a bit of effort on your part, with small steps taken each day. Here are five simple steps to apply every day to help you detach:
What people need to understand is that obsession is never positive. Even when people are obsessed with helping the world or spreading love, which are positive in essence, no thought or act should dominate their lives to the point that they live only for it. Moderation is a truly the key: everything in moderation, nothing taken to excess. This includes food, money, love, etc. Obsession is a real trap; you are not able to let it go. You want to stop thinking about that person, but you just cannot. Here is how to get out of this trap:
Face the obsession: the only reason you cannot let it go is that you do not want to do so. Be determined to get rid of it. Be realistic; is there any chance for a relationship? Or you know deep down there is not, and you are wasting your time and energy.
Admit that you have a serious problem. Your obsession occupies most of your time.This is a problem you should work on. Be aware of the hazards; obsession is like a slippery road that will make you fall.
Quit torturing yourself by stalking social media profiles. Do not keep pursuing themand their activities, in order to avoid becoming emotionally involved.
Try to distract yourself from these thoughts by finding something pleasurable to provide a break, which would remind you that other things in life are still important. Read an interesting book, watch an entertaining movie. Do something that takes you out of your head.
Have a mission in life. Finding and embracing a mission will defend you against the sense that your life is meaningless.
Adopt a practice that grounds you. For example do something physical in different surroundings: swimming, going to the gym, meditating etc.
If nothing works, go and seek professional help, speak with a psychologist or counselor. Getting help is perfectly normal. The therapist will understand what’s actually going on with you, and give you advice on how to get through it. It’s a process of self-discovery and understanding. So, yes...I clipped the parts of many articles to show you exactly the issues you haters have. MENTAL ILLNESS. You are obsessed with Jay, You call him names and belittle him to make yourself feel better about yourself. In order to go on with your life/lives you need to let him go. But, you can't, because you are obsessed. So, when you call Jay names, we all know it is only because you hater(s) are mentally ill and we understand.
Here's an article you haters need to read...
WTF is all that babble you just posted. lol Have you researched DENIAL?
Jai is a threat to anyone who comes in his path. You must be new but trust me, he will attack and use you.
He is a vile, despicable monster who ruins lives and destroys families.
I, and so many more, are warning others so that their lives may be spared.
Methinks the person with the longest post is the most obsessed. Why do ya care? Hahaha!
He does have at least one incurable communicable disease. Absolute fact.
Now this is true tea!
love obsessed LMFAO HARDLY! Nope just trying to warn others of this psycho. Does he work or bum off of AARP Lonely Women? Does he wine and dine you? Does he date 5 women at a time and fuck every groupie that sends him a big ass picture Yep He sure as hell tries! LMFAO meanwhile limped dick persian bastard has his eyes set on his next meal for him and that dog of his. All you sistas gotta do is hang out at the park every day for two weeks and see how many bitches and hoes he brings! LMAOLMAO By the way we have now installed a camera at the doggie parks he goes too and on his street!!!!!!!!!
Who is the ex of his who is with a real big time deal now?
Like, he introduced her to this mega brain guy and spark flew. Now the guy is a legit millionaire and neither of them will talk to him for nothing
Correction. Billionaire.
He and chichi thought tried to keep them apart
Hey Anony at 8:45pm Your sentence as you wrote it..Who is the ex of his who is with a real big time deal now? WHAT THE FUCK does that mean???? and i am assuming you are the same anomy at 9:23pm He and chichi thought tried to keep them apart Your sentence as you wrote it...again..WHAT THE FUCK does that mean??? Obviously, English is not your first language!!!
Maybe it's not. That's nothing to be ashamed of.
Looks like I hit a nerve with you.
English is my third language, FYI. How many do you speak, defensive person posting at 10:49 am. What I meant to say is, one of his exes went on to do better with somebody he introduced her to. Why should this make you so angry? Why do you take it so personally?
After all, aren't we all just having fun, mensa membership not required? But if you feel superior being grammar police, very well. Hahaaaaa!
Check him out on his FB promoting a Huffington post blog he didn't write.
He did work on it aside from reading it and griping at the actual author. I was in the room.
That is his mod of operation. He can't do anything he is illiterate. He dictates what he wants, then yells at the top of his lung in a sick rage at the smallest thing. He likes to believe he knows more than anyone but his ignorance shines through.
I noticed his changed the bio on his facebook page trying to make out he is now a spiritual life coach. ROFLMAO. He is fooling no one. The kitchen he has used is filthy and grimy. He is living with a black woman now and using her place.
The women are starting to question his abilities, qualifications, how he makes a living and what experience he has. He lies but there are less and less watching these videos.
No one is going to pay a penny for any of the advice he is giving and stealing from real professionals. Another scam that will earn him a couple $$$ but not enough to buy a meal.
Jai gets high and uses other drugs daily. He continually looks at old pics of himself while trying to get his limp std infested dick up and failing. He smells like a swine which is what he is.
Correctiom. He did NO work on it.
WORK is not in Jai's vocabulary. Fraud and Scam is all he knows. He lied again today saying he is Native American and gets residual checks.
That is all this vile evil monster knows...lies
You forgot about exploitation. He knows about exploiting. Don't I know it.
I can't believe that Gil Birmingham is everywhere. He is so busy I don't know when he has time to sleep. He was on the season finale of Animal Kingdom last night. Fantastic in Hell or High Water. He was on the same level as Kevin Spacey in House of Cards and now Wind River.
Talk about a real native actor who is holding his own against real A list actors and one himself...Gil Birmingham is hot in hollywood and real life.
What is the pretend indian Jai Janani aka Jay Tavare doing? pause pause pause pause pause think pause pause pause
Oh yeah, nothing!!! ROFLMAO Loser!!!
I am pleading with all you women out there who are trusting the so called "Jay Tavare" videos and who is preparing to rip you off with his "personal training" videos.
There are so many women, just do your own research yourself, read these threads, go to the LA Court records and look him up by cases, read the transcripts from the two Jane Does who trusted him and ended up with herpes, raped and other horrific things.
Call the Navajo and White Mountain Apache tribes and ask is Jay Tavare or his grandmother, mother/father were ever enrolled or members of the tribe.
Ask Jai himself the name of his clan. Then be prepared for the sickest hate-filled threats he will send to you.
Read the emails that Jai sent to an elder who questioned him and what he said to her. He threatened to send the Apaches to her to beat her. He cussed her out. There are so many emails, letters, ect where Jai threatened women.
He has women he had drugged then raped. One woman refused to marry him because he needed a green card (His real name is Nader Jai Janani and he was born and raised in Tehran, Iran) he put a gun to her then pushed her out of a moving car.
He asked his fans to send him donations directly instead of to the Adopt-An-Elder program then kept it all.
I could go on and on but I want you to research yourself. Just Google Jay Tavare it is that simple.
Jai has never worked a day in his life like the rest of us. He had a couple of roles but that isn't the same as a real 9 to 5 job. He refuses to work and makes up lame excuses. The only reason he has anything is from fans, women who believed it and all who regret the day they ever met him.
He has no degree. There is no proof that he even graduated from High School. To be the trainer he is claiming he would need an intensive and very difficult degree. He is planning on charging you an exorbitant amount of money.
DON'T PAY HIM ANYTHING. Seek a degree person to help you. Someone who is qualified and not just a scam artist.
Unfortunately, I knew Jai personally and I have paid dearly for it. I don't want anyone else to go through this. My family and kids are paying the price.
He is not the CEO of Apache Dragon. Google it, the papers will show it was opened by him but he never paid the dues and it was closed years ago.
He is banned from the Adopt An Elder program for committing fraud, abuse, beating Nancy Rossov, having sex with fans and using the elders. The women who sent him donations directly called ANE and found out they didn't receive one penny.
He is banned from the Navajo and Mescalaro Apache Rezs for the same reasons. He was paid to produce a video for 100 year anniversary solicited donations/support and stayed there for free including "his team." In the end, he produced nothing but bills. One of the male residents questioned Jai's Native Blood and the tribal police had to be called because he went into a spitting rage threatening this man.
PLEASE EVERYONE get away from him and do not pay him anything!!!
He's never delivered on any of his so-called projects and this online fitness/wellbeing course will be just the same. Don't send him any money - ask him what qualifications or licences he has to give advice on nutrition and physical training.
His team paid their own way and received no compensation or reimbursement.
Bull Shit!
And this comes directly from those in charge of the Apache Run and those who paid for Jai and all his so called production team. They bled them dry and produced nothing but debt and humiliation by them towards the tribe.
Jai's then Executive Assistant bragged that Jai paid for all of them during the entire trip including lodging and food. Within seconds of writing this, she changed her mind and said the same statement you just did.
Thankfully, there is proof that Jai and his team paid zero!
They may have paid for Jay, but the volunteer workers paid for their hotel, food and gas to get there. They received not a dime of compensation.
OMG ChanChi is thinking that gay looking guy is going to ask her to marry him by Christmas! LMAO Come on Granny Boobs and flat ass, think again!
OMG I saw this douchebag's old executive assistant so called in Burbank the other day. Didn't she use to live in Utah or Nevada? I did go to some of those rug shows and remember seeing them fighting. Didn't this chick start sending him sex videos?
Fuck this shit. Have you seen that Kimmi De Rego lately? The lawyer dumped her big fat azz.
Heard Kimmi De Rego's Sister In Law is banging her ex! RLFMAO
Where in Burbank?
That's really random. Exactly where did you see her?
Ladies can be please get a life? Geez! Jay is an ancient mummy-he's done. You all know that. Now you are going after KDR and Chanchi again, names that haven't come up in years-really? This is just getting ridiculous! Find a hobby, take up a cause, and leave this $5 dollar Indian or his past paramours alone.
Anonymous above,
you are absolutely right, some of these chicks on here are just sad. They keep talking about the same thing over and over again-Jay did blah, blah; Jay stole blah, blah, blah; Chanchi is blah, blah, blah! Who cares! Jay doesn't deserve this much fan fare or gossip because he is a nobody. He couldn't even make the trashy magazines The Enquire or Star, which are both pieces of trash. They rather report things like Woman Gets Pregnant by an Alien than say anything about his life. That's how irrelevant he is. I mean Big Foot gets more press than Jay does, and this creature is not even real.
Ha ha ha Anonymous,
Bubbles the Chimp, Michael Jackson's ole companion is more of a celebrity than Jay Tavare! Bubbles got more media and recognition than Jay. If you ask anybody who Bubbles is, they'll say, Oh yeah, Michael Jackson's pet. Then ask them who Jay Tavare is, you'll hear crickets. Bahahaha!
I heard Kimberly De Rego / KDR is broke ass. She got to make her pennies stretch now. lol Oh yes, she should have a little money. She won that lawsuit against Jay for catching herpes from him.
Nope KDR is doing just fine. She finally hit the big leagues and is now getting married to someone who has money. Sorry to disappoint Anonymous above but KDR is very happy with a man who accepts her just as she is.
KDR didn't hit shit. Who wants to marry that bitch. Now she knows how it feel to be broke. RAGS to RICHES back to RAGS my dear. ROFLMAO Loser!!!
Ah, yes, she did. You're the loser! Poor pathetic lonely loser with nothing better to do than to try and drag others down! Hey I thought this site is supposed to be about Jay Tavare? Why the interest in KDR?
What is with Jai posting all his photos from the 1980s. He aint foolin' no one. His fans keep asking him if they are from the 80s and he curtly responds, NO LATE 90s. LMAO No One Believes this vulgar monster liar fraud scammer pig
Does Jay Tavare have a net worth of 9 million dollars? Can someone verify?
ROFLMAO Hell No! He doesn't work. He has never held a full time 40 hour a week job. If you look at what he did on imdb as an actor, he maybe made $5k on the Missing but the others maybe $2k. He owns nothing. He has his Persian aunts send him money. Fans send him money. He has the women pay when he wants to go out for food, drinks, and shopping. He is a major drug addict. He goes from one woman to the other bankrupting her and abusing her and then moves onto the next.
His car is at least 20 years old. He was evicted from his crappy apartment almost two years ago. His sister, Negi Janani, pays for his trips overseas and his lawsuit for herpes amongst many other things.
If Jai says he owns, has or is is 100% a LIE. Nothing about him is real.
Not unless it came from his dad and stepmother.
Get some help, and some self respect 'ladies' even though all these anonymous persons are probably one.
Keep your legs closed, use protection.
If he liked it then he would have put a ring on it...
Jai, you already put a ring on it and it is still there. You are married to Kimberlee Rayburn. You are staying in the US because of this marriage. You abused her, beat her, and verbally tore her apart so bad she is in hiding. You idiot are a true monster.
What a jackass. Besides scamming and frauding these ladies with his so called self help/diet/giving you a 20 year old body lol, he constantly is pushing everyone to join his Circle.
Pathetic to say the least.
What experience does Nader Jai Janani have a professional life coach? What has he personally accomplished?
Oh yeah, nothing, unless you consider being a gigilo, scamming the elder and creating fraud after fraud without producing anything.
He has never work a full time job in his entire life. He has stated numerous times he could not do that because it would drive him nuts.
How does he support himself? He doesn't. He has others do it including his elderly Persian aunts on a fixed income. When women get tired of being beaten and used, they dump his ass. He lies to all government agencies about his so called income. He is on food stamps. He claims workers' comp, how I have no idea since he doesn't work. He works the system for any benefits possible.
He and his CURRENT wife, Kimberlee Rayburn, are still paying back the Executive for a movie producer whom the two of them imbezzeled money. The courts should have thrown them in jail. Kimberlee has nothing to do with jail because he broke her not just physically, but, emotionally.
Anything Jai has put on his so called life videos is just repeats of what others have said. His food that he makes looks horrible. I wouldn't let my dog even try it.
He has NEVER completed anything he claims or was given money for.
None of the so called companies he started even exist -- google them.
He never went to college, hell he never even finished the Iranian boarding school.
My best advice for all of you that love jai -- RUN, RUN, BIKE, TAKE A TRAIN or PLANE but the hell away from him. Block him. Get a new phone # if needed. Just get out.
Nader Tavare has black nipples and black balls and scaly from herpes outbreaks. And I hear he smells like rotted middle eastern food when an ex was eating his ass. And his teeth are bad behind those nasty ass white veneers that look like dentures.
Yes I saw MJD the other day, his very old boney looking exec asst. Yikes. Scary!
Desperate, Harassing, Begging, Pleading, Intimidating, Shaming...these are just a few words to describe what the pretend indian Jai is doing to the couple of fans he has looking at his video's (which has no new content) and imploring them to join his Circle.
Hell, there is no legitimate company called Jay's Circle or Jay Tavare Academy. Jai has no job and this would be his only income. lololololol
Jai is a Joke and Pathetic.
I know who you are and why you posted that comment. I know what you're trying to do.
You know my number very well. Address your nonsense to me directly.
"Jay Tavare" wrote this as his tagline on his Facebook page:
"I'm a Hollywood actor/stuntman & trainer who has studied the human body,mind & spirit for decades."
I typed it exactly how he did lol
Let's break this down shall we?
"I'm a Hollywood actor/stuntman" Jai, you are only as successful as your last project. That is the saying in Hollywood. For you, that would be Human Centipede 3 where your was face stuck in the ass of the guy in front of you sucking that guys shit. Hmmmm
Next, "trainer who has studied the human body,mind & spirit for decades.": Really? In your posts you have stated many times that you have trained many celebrities. If this is true, then where are their testimonials with their names? Where did you study the "human body,mind & spirit" for decades? What are the names of these programs? Clubs? Schools? Please post your degrees, certificates, or any training acknowledgements.
You recently stated that the "Circle" is geared towards woman and that you are training (currently implied) men separately. How many men? When do you do this so called training? Where do you do this training?
These questions are very basic and required of any trainers whether in a club or independent. Anyone who is working with the body,mind & spirit would need to post their credentials for those who are expected to pay for it.
Lastly, you claim you are native American and not Persian. Yet, no Nation, tribe or clan claims you in the native community. So please "sir" tell us, what Nation, tribe and clan do you belong to?
All of this is getting so boring. Jay is old as a tampon. Please talk about something else.
You do realize this site is dedicate to talking about Jay Tavare right? Are you high?
Yes I realize that this site is about Jay Tavare but that last comment you made was quite stupid. Am I high? Is that the best you can say? How lame.
Hey Nader Jai Janani aka Jay Tavare, how was your vacation (or are you still on it) with your Janani family in Dubai. (Jai and his family fled Tehran, Iran and went to the UK) Pics are available at Team Tavare on Facebook.
You go to the middle east or Europe almost every year - courtesy of your sister Negi Janani having to pay your way.
You claim to be Native American - Navajo, raised by grandmother on the rez, and White Mountain Apache & Latin. When was the last time you went to the Navajo Rez where you were raised? What about the White Mountain Apache rez?
Oh that's right, NEVER!!! I have had the misfortune of knowing you for over fifteen years. You have never been to either rez which you claim to be so proud of your heritage.
What gives? Is it because you have been lying to everyone since you came to the US? Noooo!!!! (sarcasm)
You are an illegal alien - not even an immigrant since you never took the time to take the test to become a citizen. You are here illegally since you married Kimberlee Rayburn and tortured her. She wants nothing to do with you. You are stilled married but live in separate states.
You are the poster child for deportation -- Trump is trying to get rid of people like you who have broken the law and are illegally sponging off us taxpayers. You never filed taxes -- I know because you told me! You have never worked a permanent job because you are LAZY and a LOSER.
A pathetic excuse for a male human...correction, MONSTER.
LOL!!! Jai.... you freaking moron...Karma is a bitch son. You get back from life what you put into it. And since your life has been nothing but lies and stealing from others...this is what you get for your old age...LOL!!!!!!!!! Karma is indeed rightous
Have you seen his recent pictures! Dear God He looks Old and Leathery. All wrinkled up, you would think he could get some free injections or face creams from C*** Chi! LMAO another bloated asian face that is 52 years old.
Some of his past ex'es whom eh worked with have such lame existences. Old decrepid housewives who live in a fantasy world because they cannot face reality. So glad I moved on and am now happily engaged.
I don’t know who you are but your online bullying is dosgusting. Your just a keyboard warrior who is bitter. Go back and read your posts.... you are andosgusting person. Bullying can lead to suicide..... would you like someone to do what you are doing to your child, friend or Mother..... what would you do. Would you say that to someone’s face? If so let me know where you live you disgusting excuse for a human.
Deanna Tezak, you have just threatened someone's life via the internet. That is a federal crime as it is the internet. I am sending your message to the police.
j'ai trouvee des photos par hasard en faisant des recherches sur des apaches et j'en suis tombée amoureuse de ce mec,vraiment dommage, belles photos d'un grand menteur myto,je suis tres déçue,
O que eu vejo aqui...Algumas pessoas apaixonadas pelo Jay de uma forma muito forte, que ficaram tristes depois de um problemão e não se sabe se são as mesmas pessoas que repetem os posts (Todas escrevem como "anônimo", então não é possível saber) então, estão atacando a ele, porque ele não quer escolher entre vocês ! Desculpem! Pode até não ser, mas é o que está parecendo! Se ele é celebridade? Acho que sim! Não existe celebridade pequena, média ou grande! Existe "celebridade"! Queiram ou não, ele é conhecido! Nos filmes ele teve diversos papéis! Mas para nós, os gamers, Ele é o Vega! Todo gamer o conhece! Eu gosto dele por causa do VEGA do filme Street Fighter, o personagem que ele eternizou! Vega nasceu no super nintendo, mega drive, playstation 1,2,3 e agora o ps4!Parem de dizer que ele nunca foi ninguém! Então, continuando, vemos alguns aqui ex namorados ou namoradas, denegrindo, atacando, sendo ruins com ele por um motivo que mesmo que seja verdade, é passado! Passou! É triste? Sim! Mas o planeta gira! A vida continua! Eu desejo o melhor para Jay, assim como para as pessoas que ele marcou e que o marcaram! Ninguém é perfeito! Todo mundo erra! Aprendam com seus erros! O mais engraçado é que os aficcionados pelo Jay que amam/odeiam irão me jogar pedras logo depois que eu postar! Joguem, apaguem meu post! Mas parem de martirizar a si próprias! Parecem umas 5 ou 6 pessoas disputando o Vega entre si, repetindo post, dizendo que ele não presta, mas no fundo, vocês gostam dele e o perdoam, (isso se ele for culpado de alguma coisa)!! Assim como ele perdoa a pessoa que o marcou (se ele estiver mesmo marcado) Deixem ele em paz e vão viver suas vidas!! E desejo que todos estejam bem! É a minha opinião. E sim, sempre achei ele lindo, desde quando eu era criança, e o assisti em Street Fighter com o Jean Claude Van Dame!! Um abraço e Desculpem qualquer problema :)
Ps: Sim, estou escrevendo como anonimo, porque notei o nível de ódio e perseguição por aqui que é tamanho, que todo mundo está escrevendo como anônimo... Vim externar minha opinião, só isso! Obrigada!
What gets me, and I have personally known Jai since 1987 in London... when he was already in his mid 30's... is that no one has come forward with stories of abuse and sexual assault! He has beaten, threatened and assaulted many women over the past 4 decades at least.
So we have cultural appropriation... stealing native roles, abusing women etc. And there is nothing about this anywhere!?!?! How the fuck is that even possible in this day and age!?!?!?!
For the one who wrote the post of "March 14, 2015 at 06:03"
So the actor only loves himself because he has no children?
So my husband and I choose not to have children, so we do not love ourselves? Are we narcissistic for this reason?
Pay attention to the shit you write, because instead of you winning sympathizers, you will only pass hate to the readers, you mentally retarded!,2,6
Jai is a PIG
Why Doesn't Jai Janani who uses the alias Jay Tavare's "Fans" Question Him?
Oh yeah that's right...they do and he either:
1- Leaves it for his "Fans" to attack and call them vile names;
2- He deletes them - then sends private messages threatening their life etc.
3- Jai posts his Poor Pitiful Me I Am Only Trying to Do Good post getting his fans to fawn all over him. Jai says that those that speak the truth and question him are secretly in love with him and couldn't have sex with him. VOMIT
REMINDER: Jai has Herpes and has knowingly spread it. Two Jane Does brought a lawsuit against him and WON! Jai outed them even though he wasn't supposed to. Jai REFUSED to get tested...why? Because they would have found more than Herpes!
Questions that SHOULD be asked or HAVE been asked:
1- What Clan is his Native family a part of? He claims Navajo on his mothers side where his grandmother raised him on a Navajo Rez in Arizona. Father, White Mountain Apache
NOTE: Jai has been denying ever saying this. GOOGLE, It is all over the internet, press and YouTube etc.
2- Where is his Accent from? It is obvious it is NOT Native American!
That is because it is Persian. Nader Jai Janani was born in Tehran, Iran to Persian Parents - Mahmoud and Victor Janani. He has a sister, Negi Janani.
Proof: All over the internet. There are pictures of Jai at his family reunion in the Middle East. Jai's mom, a pic of him in the pool with his sister and father. NOTE: It was his sister who outed him by tagging him in the picture. LOL
Look at those who post, especially on those ridiculous health videos. Tons of Janani's, Englands etc. Jai removed himself from their friend's list lol. But not before screen shots!!!
4- How does Jai afford his lifestyle? He mainly does student graduate films which would pay minimal. The few, and I mean few, roles recently are to scale. If he EVER earned residuals, it would only be in the Missing from 2003.
From Jai's own words, he would go nuts working a 9 to 5 job.
So...he came to the US on a Green Card and mooches off his old Aunts, and other family members. He uses and abuses women until they kick him out. He scams (later) and has embezzled in the past ...court records.
He doesn't EARN a living like the rest of us. He just lies to get our hard earned earnings through taxes.
5- Married? Yes! Kimberlee Rayburn. Around 2003 she got tired of his physical and emotional abuse and went into hiding. Her own father had to post a message to Jai asking where she was. He has to stay married to stay in this country.
The first woman he demanded marry him to stay here said no and he pushed her out of a Moving car causing her to be admitted to the hospital in serious conditions.
7- Abusive? Hell Yes! So many women, so many threats, long term restraining orders. Band from the Mesclaro Apache Rez and Adopt A Native Elder rez for abuses. This was several years ago. He also scammed, embezzled and used them.
HE DOES NOT VISIT Rez's to help anyone but himself!
This is just a tip of the real Jai Tavare...the man, the myth, the MONSTER!
Omg!!! I am tottaly this all true?? Jay is iranian, not native american?? How about his family? Where are they? No children wife or ex wife? Friends, agent co-workers? He his a pimp???? OMG!!!
OMG! He beats women?? He is a rapist??? They didnt call the police imediatly after?...i cant believe what i am heart is broken...i am shocked beyond words...he looks so nice...
Please, I am is fan, I am from Portugal and just accidently came across this blog! Its horrifying!!! Please someone tell me this is a nightmare! How can he be so hated? I truly whant to believe he is innocent...but acusations of exployment, rape and violence?? Please not him!
Wow! All of this info is horrible! My daughter was a dire-hard fan of Mr.Tavare when he did the Vega movie. She, at one point, attempted to contact him to inquire about an autograph. So, upon her leaving for Afghanistan deployment, he had replied to her and apparently left some kind of weird, disrespectful corresponding message. I do not have all the details. She said it had to do with sending nude photos of herself via internet. Tell me, what kind of guy does this??? I am starting to believe these write-ups on here about him.
Wow! All of this info is horrible! My daughter was a dire-hard fan of Mr.Tavare when he did the Vega movie. She, at one point, attempted to contact him to inquire about an autograph. So, upon her leaving for Afghanistan deployment, he had replied to her and apparently left some kind of weird, disrespectful corresponding message. I do not have all the details. She said it had to do with sending nude photos of herself via internet. Tell me, what kind of guy does this??? I am starting to believe these write-ups on here about him.
He needs to be put into a sweat lodge (wigwam), to sweat out all of his demons. Rolmao.
He is what we refer to as basically a wolf in sheep's clothing, rolmaf, in his pathetic scenario of sortedness. Furthermore, in his case a wolf donning a cheap, plastic buckskin. He would be the perfect movie role as The Untalented MR.Ripley." His time has FINALLY came to be dicovered as a quacksalve,a fraudulent impersonator.
He is in his 60's. Had a couple supporting roles and few liners. Rape, Drugs, Abuse, Human Trafficking. Yep Iranian. SOB lives on a trust fund a small one with royalties from SAG. Has not paid in to social security. Fake US Citizenship. He bragged at one point that he fucked 2000 women a year. No condoms, he just washes it off with soap and water. He even screwed a gay photographer for 10,000. He wore a condom to fuck him up the ass, he needed the money. He will do anything for money. He is a narcissistic pig and materialistic. There was this swedish lady Marie Escamella or something, she is dumb as shit. He was fucking her daughter while her and pictures circulated. Oh God and some Chan Chi lady that tries to sell homemade lotions. They are all crazy. Stupid. Was screwing some black homeless woman too that lived close. He just doesn't care, throw him s ome cash and he would jump on a big fat cow and fuck it.
the big fat cow would not want the disease riddle, green puss, infected non working tiny dick.
I've read he is a speaker, like for a kids non-suicide group or something in the past. Would anybody really want their kids to be around a guy like him....
a guy that commits cultural appropriation and other bad herpes deeds, lol? Would you want a liar & abuser as your kid's role model? Hell- I certainly wouldn't.
He is a loser that no one gives a damn about. He thinks that he is a gift from the heavens...lmfao, he is such a dumb fuck!
A Loser who mooches off of women until he destroys them. I wonder who his latest victim is. Who really own that's Mazaretti? Jai only drives a 1980 Fiesta
An orange jumpsuit would be his best fashion choice. A prison jumpsuit! He looked like his true character in prison attire, hopefully a future outfit he can wear!!! Suits his SORRY lying ads best!
Human Centipede movie, lmfao, horrible, warped movie, in my opinion.....except, for Jai donning the orange prison uniform. Hope he wears it soon.
I thought Human Centipede 3 was his life story---he loves to toss a man's ass. Plus his inner black sole is burned and ugly.
Ladies and men, listen up. "Jay Tavare" is MARRIED. Everything he told you is a LIE. He married Kimberlee Rayburn in Vegas in 1999. By 2003, they were both having affairs. When Jai came home from filming in 2003, he found Kimberlee with Rolando and beat him so bad he was in ICU for almost a month. Jai was so proud of what he had done he posted his on his fan page. Kimberlee went into hiding because Jai not only beat Rolando but he beat her and abused her on many occasions. He is a vile pig.
Kimberlee changed her last name is now Kimberlee Bradford. She has Jai as a friend and he has her as a friend. She is even good friends with Jai's sister Negi Janani.
Jai is still married to Kimberlee. This is the only way he is able to stay in the US. In 20 years he has stayed here on a green card and violated the rules to be here. He has committed crimes, fraud, beaten women and men, frauded Adopt An Elder program, been banned from ANE because of the fraud, not allowed on any Apache Rezs for threatening a man who asked him the name of his clan and then beating the director of Unbowed. Witness filed a statement then he threatened them and they withdrew.
BEWARE of JAI JANANI who uses the name of a dead man and his birthday from HAwaii JAY TAVARE.
YOU sound like it's JAY TAVARE trolling due to TRUTH based paranoia. The truth sucks eh? Especially when it ends up all over you, like flies on a pile of shit. Guess what.... YOU'RE the shit.🖕💩
Funny when the link to any website is posted, it automatically highlights in BLUE. I don't see that in the links mentioned in your post. Hey... I bet this is JAY TAVARE posting this 💩 pile. Yeah, not a wonder you want to post anonymously. F**k off JAY TAVARE. The jig is up.
Many women HAVE pressed charges. Have you been paying any attention? And why not publish his address. Knowing a woman beater, he'd probably show up, even if there's a restraining order, so why not put that goof on the receiving end of his own behavior. And PLEASE, spare us the "LET THE LAW HANDLE IT"... Police are useless. Half the cops in any given police force, is prone to being domestically violent themselves. Geez, seriously, WHERE have YOU been?
Hey JAY TAVARE, quit TROLLING. Practically everyone knows what a GOOF you are. We know it's YOU.
Yeah, but for all anyone knows, all those posts by "Anonymous" that have a narrative defending "Tavare" might very well be posted by himself. After all, psychpaths are narcissistic and it wouldn't surprise me if he was trolling this feed, & posting as various "Anonymous". Would YOU be surprised?
Yup, that's MY point too. Anonymous, could very well be HIM. One commenter even called him out saying~"If you're reading this Jai, and I know you are...." Words to that effect. But yeah, he's definitely trolling, using the Anonymous ploy.
The place you should start is Youtube. On any given fan posted video, I've been trying to put the word out on this fraudulent prick. There's actually fans who claim they met his mom and that she's "Cherokee"... Funny, I'm sure Tavare's original claim was that he's "White Mountain Apache" on his mother's side. So even his fans can't even keep Tavare's stories straight.
When I first came across him, he claimed his parents were gone and he lived with his grandmother on a Navajo Reservation in Arizona. His mother was White Mountain Apache and his father Navajo/Latin. When he was too big for his grandma to raise him alone, he was sent to live with some Middle Eastern family who sent him to a boarding school in the UK. I knew he was lying then. First, anyone knows that Indian Children are to be raised by an Indian family first. They can be given up to the tribe and the tribe will find a family for them. Secondly, why would a family adopt him only to put him in a boarding school. When the truth came out that he is Iranian and his family had to flee, he denied his parents were alive. Then pics circulated of his father and he denied him even though they look so much a like. Thanks to his sister Negi Janani she posted a family reunion photo with Jai, his Father and Negi, his sister. He started to mention his dad for a brief time because he knew he was going to die soon and claimed he would inherit a million dollars. Jai used his father his last years of his life. Jai took everything from his family and all the lawsuits were paid by his father or sister. He is the biggest moocher and liar. There is a special place in hell for a monster like him.
Jai is spreading Herpes and other STDs and as absolutely no regard for his sex partners. Even after losing the multi million dollar settlement, that his father had to pay since jai is broke, he hasn't changed. No condom and no revealing his serious sexual diseases. The two does and the potential hundreds if not thousand of women and men who contracted this serious STD, this is a life sentence. The way they used to practice safe sex is now forever changed. Their medications, the affects of the disease and sharing it with potential partners, who may not want to be with them, is forever. Their life will never be the same.
I am glad that your drug has worked for you but that is rare.
If the courts felt like you did, they wouldn't have ruled in the Does favor and put such a harsh judgment against Jai, whose father of course paid...again.
Jai refused to be tested. The only reason for someone to refuse is because they know they have the disease and potentially even worse diseases. I feel the Does had the right to know how that Jai was infected with so that they could be immediately treated.
I'm Celina Gomez from Canada, i have been cured from genital herpes with herbalist sakura herbal medicine.
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How pathetic is it that the only thing Nader Jai Janani aka Jay Tavare can post is movies he did over 20 years ago.
Why hasn't he done any real movies since then?
He can't act. No one can understand what he says etc. BUT the main reason is the fellow real Native actors knew he was a pretend Indian. If that wasn't bad enough, he would sit with the cast and talk about the most vulgar and down right despicable sex acts he had. Drugging girls then raping them. Having his fans come meet him and after a some sad sex could call his best friend to join them even though the girl begged him and kept saying no!!! After sex, he would force the girls or guys to go shopping or a restaurant and force them to buy him whatever he wanted. If they didn't, well, he would beat them.
He came here on a green card and in order to stay he needed to be married. The first girl he asked she said no she he open the car door driving fast and pushed her out. The second said yes but made her life a living hell. He was never faithful and beat her repeatedly.
He is a major drug addict, his hygiene is horrible. He has also denied his Persian born family until recently when his father died. He wanted an inheritance.
From day one, he has forced his Aunts to pay him a monthly stipend. When he needed more drugs, he would them screaming that he needed more money.
He has openly stated he has never held a 9 to 5 job as that is not something he is interested in. SO how do you think he lives?
Ask some questions.
Is this really the person you want to worship?
The # 1 cure for HERPES is to inform your partners BEFORE sex and to wear protection. Something Nader Jai Janani doesn't do and therefore LOST his lawsuit for spreading herpes and other STD's along with other severe allegations. Jai is pure evil and only cares about himself.
Yep. Look at the people he hangs around with. Grifters and gigolos. Birds of a feather flock together. He is Persian and now his most notable role is going around pretending to be Native American, scamming older women for
$ and infecting others with stds. It’s one thing to be in a picture with a celeb and another to claim to be “friends” or part of their inner circle. Look at the company he keeps.
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