Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Actor Jay Tavare Is Being Exposed As A Fraud?! WTF?

According to several women and the Native American communities at large, actor Jay Tavare, isn't what he seems. As a matter of fact, many have gone as far as labeling him a fraud with a penchant for violence towards women.
Women, who either identify themselves as Native American or other, have cited issues of domestic violence against the actor. To further support their claim, much like entrepreneur, Michelle Shining Elk, these women had evidence, such as documented recorded death threats, to ensure that they won restraining orders against him. Tavare has had well documented circumstances of domestic violence towards women culminating in a string of restraining orders against him in several courts throughout the continental United States and possibly more on the way.
To make matters worst, several women, particularly the elderly, have filed complaints and sought legal action against the actor because of false promises he made to them to ensure that he could swindle money/discretionary income from their pockets until he had bled them dry.
The Native American community as a whole had performed their own investigation about Tavare and there findings were rather explosive. He's not Native American, there's no record of the family he claims let alone tribe/clan and was exploiting them for personal monetary gain by using fictitious charities to do it. The objective was to send money, via money gram or money order, to him directly using a PO Box versus the charity because there were no such charities to begin with. This explains the expensive, exotic luxury cars that he drives in addition to whatever he pulls through his purported gigolo tactics.
Tavare's name is really Richard Jai Janini and he's of Persian heritage. You may best remember him as the Indian chief, Waka Mani, in the film, 'Unbowed'.


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Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor and take that diseased filthy bag of puke to court. To the women he has infected. Strength in numbers. If one is met with another and another and another. That flea bag days are numbered. But until you do, he is going to be sticking his disgusting diseased limp wee man dick in everything he can. He is a miserable piece of shit and he wants everyone else to be miserable around him. He doesn't care that he is diseasimg women. He only cares about himself and his own satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

It must suck being broke. LOL

Anonymous said...

Where will Jai Janani be in 10 years?

Anonymous said...

On welfare, living on his EBT card and covered by Medicaid. That's how it is with anyone that doesn't have a job. If anyone think they will get ahead by using other people money, you better think again.
Remember as you get older.....ask yourself where is your retirement? Got a home? Have any Health insurance? Job? If you answered NONE to all the above questions.... Sorry to say that you are total " LOSER ". It would be embarrassing for you to even show your face to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm 10 years.

His looks are gone and he can't get it up. No woman will bother to give him what he demands because he's no longer desirable. So he starts pimping women to feed his own habits and lifestyle. Law enforcement catches up with him and you will see him frequently in court wearing an orange outfit. He's in court and ranting incoherently about how he's a celebrity and how he was in movies with award winning actors and directors. He ends up leaving town and finding relatives who agree to hire him to sell persian rugs. He always tells his customers about his hollywood life and how he's just selling rugs so he could write a movie about it lol. The end.

Anonymous said...

Where would Jay be in 10 years. Hopefully he will be lying in the gutter, holding an empty can of beans, and begging for coins. There goes your pride, Jay Tavare in the gutter. Your herpes will be so old they'll also collect social security. While you're gumming your last bean, make sure that you add a tent to your summer home so that others won't step on you or your pet rat. Bhahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Emma, twice or more you have posted how incredible (in disgusting graphic detail) the sex was with the monster. Then, as a side note you got herpes. I doubt you are real. Anyone who contracted herpes from this psycho would not be going on in graphic detail about the sex. Herpes doesn't just affect you but all your future partners. More importantly, if you were to deliver a baby, the baby would contract herpes as he/she passes through the birth cannel. So do us all a favor, and only speak the truth. Susan

Anonymous said...

Actually Susan, I am real! Sadly my story is real! I did get herpes. I do have hpv! Do you think I could make this shit up? How dare you judge me! The sex was great and yes I did get a disease. I was just trying to warn other fans about falling into the same trap. Jay was a good lover as fucked up as it seemed! What do you want me to say, Oh Jay was terrible and I got herpes? No, the truth is that I had sex with him, enjoyed it and now paying for it with two disease! That's the truth! I am not advertising for Jay. I am just trying to warn others not to be seduced by him in the only way I know how. Who are you to judge me? Who died and made you the Urban Halo police?


Anonymous said...

To Emma- you saw sex with Jay was great but you also say you two were high as a kite! I had sex with Jay and it wasn't great. His dick couldn't maintain an erection dear LOL I think you were so high that you only imagined that sex was great. I'VE HAD AMAZING SEX BUT NOT WITH JAY TAVARE LOL!!!

All Jay did was talk about himself. It was boring....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what this new lawsuit filed against Jay is all about. I went online and saw a recent lawsuit against Jay Tavare for Sexual Battery, Fraud, A Violation of California health and safety code, and emotional distress.

Jay caused me emotional, physical and financial distress many years ago. I should've filed a lawsuit. I had a thriving business and beautiful peaceful home until Jay came into my life and turned it upside down.Took me years to get rid of him. He still likes to take credit for my success but that total BS! More women need to come forward and hold him accountable. Looks like thats already happening:))

Anonymous said...

Susan has nothing better to do but involve her ugly fat self in other peoples business. She's still mad that Jay didn't show up for her event because she wanted him to fuck her too MUAHAHAHA! There's one scary pussy that wasn't tapped by JT LOL!

Anonymous said...

To the idiot above, leave Susan alone. In my opinion I think she was the smartest. We need more people like her. Expose that dumbass!

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone know what this new lawsuit filed against Jay is all about. I went online and saw a recent lawsuit against Jay Tavare for Sexual Battery, Fraud, A Violation of California health and safety code, and emotional distress."

Other than the news that process servers and police were looking for him, and that someone informed the police about his possible whereabouts, no news. Legal process starts when papers are served so I hope they found him.

When you say "recently," how recently were they filed?

Anonymous said...

Let's give people the benefit of the doubt that they tell their stories as best they could. Basic message - beware of Janani, period.

And the "idiot" sounds like Janani himself hahaha.

Herpes can be transmitted even with protection so beware ladies!!

Anonymous said...

He is a shitty actor who beats on women and spreads his diseases. Lies to the faces of elders, young people and anyone who will listen to his bullshit! Ladies don't turn on each other, keep the greater good and picture in mind and that's saving other women and people from falling into his diseased lying trap. There is not one redeeming thing about this loser jackass. He's heading to jail one day soon! Pray for that!

Anonymous said...

The court can mail the papers for you, or a process server or the police. run a background check, asswipe has to get his bills, checks and other bullshit in the mail. Oh yeah that's right his buttman magazines! LMAO He really dreams of being one of those women. Hey maybe somebody can report it live from hoddyvood and whistle while they do it BBBAAAAHHHHAAAAA

Oh yeah chichi her lids look fabulous but hey no denying it now you are a chink chink chichi you cannot hide those slant eyes now! No matter how many blue/green contacts you put in and no matter how many blonde extensions. Those fabulous non sagging lids now accentuated your slant eyes big time chink chink

TMP looks like a needy gothic dominatrix always wanting to get approval from the persian psycho with the limp noodle God wake up you are supposed to be smart, you look like such an idiot

Anonymous said...

Oh My God, that idiot posted about online attacks on huffington post. Urban Halo is his only claim to fame of late! BBBBAAAHHHHHH

No you complete delusional psychopath. You are UPSET because ALL YOUR LIES ARE BEING EXPOSED.


Oh yeah that's right a ton of women are just being mean because they all wanted you and were looking for love. Both of which is true and sadly each and every one that EVER encounters you gets hurt in some way and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH LOVE.




Anonymous said...

There goes KDR again cutting down Chanchi looks.

To Chanchi, laugh at her because that woman cant sleep knowing that you are more sexier than her. Jealousy is just eating her up!

No woman out there would write that kind of comment EXCEPT her. Bottomline....We DONT CARE! Remember, this blog isn't about them and how sexy they look. Its about Jay! Get yourself a job instead of commenting on Jays ex's.

Anonymous said...

KDR isn't talking shit about Chanchi...It's Margaret Johnson Doran who sent Jay all those trashy nasty sex video's from her bedroom. Only Margaret talks shit about every woman Jay is still with. Margaret once FB messaged me about jay giving her herpes but wouldn't procecute him because she's married. She also said horrible things about Chan Chi and KDR. So I know it's Margaret and NOT kdr. BTW- KDR is HOT and SEXY! Just ask Jay LOL

Anonymous said...

To the person above, don't give us any bullshit KDR. We know its you who commented above. And married? Don't forget that you slept with Jay while married. Talking about yourself? LOL Why don't you waste your energy on figuring out how you will be paying your bills next month and for the years to come. LOL You will be joining Jay real soon. And we all will be having the last laugh on you. Muahhhhhh to you sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

I'm not kdr or Margaret but I do have something to say about Chan Chi. First of all Jay said recently that for an esthetician Chan Chi has to wear tons of cake makeup to cover her wrinkles and discoloration on her face. He also said she tries too hard to look like a white girl dying her hair blonde and wearing color contacts.He admits she's a big turn off especially with her flat screen butt (his words) According to Jay her skin care line is a hard sell after looking at her face. This is ChiChi's second attempt with her product line. Jay gave me and my sister products but it wasn't any good. Truth is Jay is embarrassed by Chan Chi. There is nothing natural about her or face. How can she sell skin care products when it obviously hasn't helped her face??

Anonymous said...

I'M NOT KDR but I know it's YOU Margaret Johnson Doran! You're a jealous hater. Karma will get you and your family for all your hatred and evil ways LOL. You will never have Jay and you will always ride in his back seat with me in the front seat. That was a great day;))) Look who he's with today......not you!

Anonymous said...

STOP!!!!! Keep it about Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani. The liar, abuser, calculating mudder fucker.

Anonymous said...

KDR is HOT and SEXY? Jay doesn't want hot and sexy that's why they are not together. Jay want someone with money or someone that can work for him for FREE. She is probably broke. He only uses women to pay for things he want and need. Example...Roof over his head, meals, clothing, and bills. Oh yeah, I forgot he also NEED a writer since he cant write at all. Survival is his number one reason why hes with ANY woman. And if you have nothing to offer him, you are history. That's how Jay work instead of getting himself a real job. So ladies if you want Jays company, be ready to pay out. Nothing is free when it come to him.

Anonymous said...

Chanchi you look great! Ive seen your photos. Laugh at any comments KDR write about you. She claims its not her but it is. I can read between those lines that there are alot of jealousy. I am sure your product will take off as soon as people try it. Maybe KDR should try your products? It might help her wrinkles on her face.

Anonymous said...

Margaret im sure you are just as beautiful as Chanchi. I know you probably don't give a crap for Jay along with everyone else. So ignore what KDR write about you. She love to mess with people. Only this time it back fired at her, now her life is a mess. She is one unhappy woman. That is why she is acting that way.

Anonymous said...

Most of you women on here are a lost cause, talking about each other. Non of you are getting any younger so why you keep taking puck shots at each other? Meanwhile, Jay's probably sitting in the corner getting high, and laughing to himself how he got you silly bitches to hurdle insults to one another to take the heat of himself! If you want to create another website so that you can get all your hostilities about one another out and then go on and live your lives. Let's keep the heat on Jay's ass shall we! Is there anything new yet about Jay?

Anonymous said...

Yes he was just at his storage facility 6 days ago. What was the Indian Actress name that accused him of rape. Who filed the last lawsuit on him?

Anonymous said...

MJD is divorced, kids grown, and works. You can find out alot if you dig. You imbeciles!

Anonymous said...

Yeah there ya go Janani. Chan Chi has a business that makes her clients feel better about themselves. Looks like you could use a few lessons, ahhhhh but psychopaths can't learn, sorry charlie.

You made her feel better about herself by getting your neighbor girl Dina Nikki Rassias to come over and S*** your C***, you told everyone she had no ass, you told everyone she was always broke, you told everyone she had to sell her business in Agoura Hills because she owed the IRS, You hit her in the hallway and in the car, you cursed her, called her names and you told her she had to leave when she was homeless after three months and the real truth is all along while she thought you guys were together you had so much discretion and just full of good merit and humble humanity for humandkind and your so called earthling bullshit that you literally would F*** someone up the A** and literally a few hours later get her to S*** your C***.

I pray to god this woman wakes up and sits your despicable lying deceitful lazy ass on the street and keeps that dog of yours because YOU DONT DESERVE BARDOT.

I saw with my own eyes how terrified she was of you at times trembling in fear of your fucking screaming in rants and raves and all it was was because some woman found out about you fucking ten others or someone figured out your con game of hollywood lying that you were an indian to get the damn job when you were no better and I mean no better than ISIS, I put you in their category as a human being.

There are more women that know of your deepest desires to kill people that irritate you and have what you called wronged you and the fbi and lapd HAVE BEEN EDUCATED.


Anonymous said...

yum yum in your M**** P*** and A**

Anonymous said...

I heard KDR is gonna cruise by in the yellow submarine and pop Janani's tires. You GO GIRL

Anonymous said...

Jay hit KDR and bruised her legs up all because she caught him in lies and she was taking back the bags full of groceries she put in his refridgerator. She has pictures. She paid for his new couch got that via text and photos. She paid for clothes, dinners, hotel rooms all while she was legally married. Hope she sues Tavare for abuse and harrassment and fear for her life. She got him on tape threatening lives too. Sure isn't the first time.

Anonymous said...

Are the mothers of those underage girls going to press charges? All they have to do is ask all of us to be witnesses and I am positive everyone will come running.

This douchebag was checking in junk at storage the other day.

Anonymous said...

Sound familiar CHINK sorry baby you can't come up I have friends here right now then you call sorry babe can I call you back I'm busy dont' make me come over there you call because you are downstairs no babe can we see one another tomorrow

Think about it and then KICK HIS ASS TO THE CURB because HONEY there is another damn fool's couch he will go sleep on and won't THINK TWICE ABOUT IT.

He LOVES himself and that is it!

He also griped about all of Yogis hair in his apartment and that you were dirty and messy and how he had diarehea everywhere but he made your ass clean it up

But this time when you trick him to catch him in his own lies be damn sure you get pictures don't cry one drop and get a guy that knows martial arts to stomp his sorry ass into the ground and set all his shit in that storage unit out on the fucking street along with him

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I too saw that he has a new lawsuit that has been filed against him. So that's gonna make it two that will be new for him because I know of another that is being prepared by an attorney now. That jackass is going to get his due for all the havoc he has wreaked on the lives of so many. The lowlife scum sucking piece of shit no talent broke ass bitch Tavare.

Anonymous said...

Bwaaahahahaha! The California court system should just have preprinted case cover sheets made. Leave plaintiff part blank and Jai Janani Jay Tavare aka Richard Jai Janani aka Richard Jay Tavare aka Jai Tavare, Defendant

Anonymous said...

LMAO YEAH But they would need one for EVERYTHING. Now, can someone tell me why his WIFE of whom HE IS NOT DIVORCED FROM LEGALLY and any fool can look that up now just why did his wife file DOMESTIC ABUSE CHARGES? You idiots. Hello out there? Can you pull your heads out of your asses?

Anonymous said...

KDR bought Jay all of those things while married? Shame shame on you KDR for spending community funds on your lover. Do you know you cant do that? I think its time to tell her dr. husband that news. Im sure he could use it in their divorce case. Sucks being her. LOL

Anonymous said...

Here's a spoiler: he's going to spin these lawsuits as him being the victim of vicious, crazy women who are so obsessed and jealous of him and his successful life. Then he's going to minimize these cases if he doesn't get sent to jail. But it's a civil judgment not criminal. Blah blah blah. His personality dysfunction would make it impossible to see it any other way than that it's other people's fault and that he is the righteous one. Maybe post lots of new age crap meme posts on Facebook and old pictures of him half naked to distract his fans.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare's stupidity is so profound it is hard to wrap ones head around the fact that there a a few, small few, who believe his billshit. It's classic sociopathic behavior for a predator to play the victim. He's a master manipulator with a God complex who is incapable to realizing that the majority sees him for what he is -- a diseased pathogical lying mental case who beats on the women in his life, threatens to kill people who he feels have wronged him, pot head, coke snorting, little man who tries to pass himself off as Native American and an actor who is broke, recently evicted from his shithole apartment living a other people's couches. He is pretty much all the things he tries to say other people are, he is not a victim he victimizes.

Anonymous said...

What other Hollywood "celebrity" manages his own Facebook pages and personally correspond and/or meets with fans for sex?

Anonymous said...

Go Check Out Mahealani Love on FACEBOOK....... Uhmmmm Janani now just why have you not gotten KDR to take this down? Makes ya kinda go huh. Everybody has seen it right? Been circulating for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I heard KDR is still seeing Jay. Can anyone confirm this?

Anonymous said...

KDR is MAHEALANI LOVE!!!! No one gives two shits about her, Chanchi or any other twat he is using for the minute! Get your seething jealousies in check and stop trying to cut a bitches throat on here. FOCUS!!! Stay on topic which is that bucket of scum Janani Tavare! So sick of the KDR CHANCHI MARGARET bullshit.

Anonymous said...

can somebody please give us the case numbers for the new lawsuits?

Anonymous said...

Im sure Jay is NOT seeing KDR anymore. She has nothing to offer him. She is BROKE now that her husband left her. She wants everyone to think they are together. In her dreams!

Anonymous said...

Jay is still with Kdr driving her new white mercedes. He's a liar. I saw pics of them recently. He cannot be trusted. I hate him. He hasn't done any of the things he said he would do after coming back from Dubae. I said it once and I'll say it again. Jay Tavare is a lazy ass!

Anonymous said...

Why would kdr give Jay the time of day when she snagged a flithy rich Attorney who just bought her a new mercedes. If she is still seeing Jay someone needs to inform her rich man. What a dumb ass if she is. I would never sacrifice anything for that broke ass midget Iranian! Move on Kdr, Jay is NOT worth it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Money money money

Anonymous said...

New Mercedes and rich man? My ASS!

Anonymous said...

Who fucking cares. KDR Is a twat! Jay Tavare is a leech. They are perfect for each other. And if she is dumb enough to already be cheating on her so called "new" man with that homeless midget living With that other twat Chanchi - because he got evicted from his apartment - then so be it. Let it happen. They are all gonna be fucked in the end. But for god's sake STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT THOSE BUTCH BITCHES no one cares! Really truely no one cares. Stay on topic which is the horror and fraud that is Jay Tavare Jai Janani. Snap out of it!

Anonymous said...

LMAO "BUTCH" Feb 12 at 12:47 !!!!!!!! SPOT ON! He wants his women built like a muscular man with a booty!

Perla Salbano said...

I saw Jay Tavare or is is Jai Janani the other day. I've never seen him in person. There was a time when seeing him would have made my tinkle in my panties because I was a fan, but now, I find him repulsive so I just looked at him from afar. And no, you stupid Jay fan bitches I'm not a stalker, I just happen to be in same public place he was so fuck off!

He looks nothing like the photos he constantly posts of himself on Facebook. He is really gross! Dirty, greasy looking old man who dresses like a teenager. I can only imagine what he smelled like, ugh! Yuck! I didn't get close enough to have to smell what I can imagine was B.O. stench because he looked like B.O. stench.

He looks old as shit! Leathery, tired, puffy, saggy, weary, beaten face and short! I knew he was short, but I had no idea he is that short!!!!!! He really does live a lie because he says he is 5'11...HA! Hardly! Try a 5'5 on a good day.

It's obvious, the years of being a druggie and steroid user are taking a heavy toll on him. I couldn't help but think those men and women who are having sex with him must be blind! Blind and desperate. I just puked.

Heard him talk to0. That shit, that voice would get on the nerves but quick! I imagine the only person who doesn't get tired of Jay's voice is Jay. It was obvious, he really does think he is something. Nope. He's old as fuck and ugly!

When I was a fan I didn't believe he could be approaching 60, but I know now, he is approaching 60. Without a doubt, he's a leather head.

He needs to stop lying to those fans he has left by posting super out of date photos of himself because he no looky likey any of those pickies.

I'm so grateful for this blog, being able to get court documents from Los Angeles County and The Truth About Jai Janani page on Facebook because even though it took me awhile to accept the truth about him, after doing my own research, and asking people my own questions and reading the same things being said about him over and over and over again I get he is a deplorable, despicable lowly man who is a violent liar.

Anonymous said...

Jai Janani asswipe has been reported to Huffington Post for fraud. He did not write any of his blogs. TMP is being reported to for fraud. TMP f'ed up by using the same wordart in previous posts all over her fb page. Just read this weeks posts by the vile monster and then go to the article. He cant write a comprehensive sentence let along use punctuation to save his sorry excuse for a life. TMP you are going down the sinking boat which is Janani made up world. Don't try to delete anything now as it all has been copied and saved.

Anonymous said...

I expected something more after he was puffing his chest and beating it like a a wild animal on April DeepAries' show, threatening to write something so revealing that would shut his critics up.Just proved he was an animal.

Anonymous said...

a rabid animal...

Anonymous said...

A box of a dozen roses was delivered to Jay c/o Chanchi's Couch and the card read. Jai, I think you are a sexy beast. I love all 5 feet of your Iranian stupid ass! Happy Venereal Disease Day! Love, Jai

Anonymous said...

I love how Jai the monster is all over his page crying like the little sissy Iranian boy that he is that it is he who was being picked on like a little school boy by these mean horrible women cry me a river. I have seen the emails between him and the real alive carmel who he said wasn't real and he never sent her emails. It is Jai who uses threats via emails voice mail or phone calls. He has abused women in all the horrific ways. What is happening to him now is women who are actually standing up or shall I say looking down on him and telling the facts. Jai go fuck yourself well that is if you could get it up lmao

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how he'd respond to lawsuits:

Look, she sent me her nude photo or her video... She was meeting me for sex and she knew what she was getting into. I didn't know I had herpes. I'm a victim of malicious and jealous women who are targeting me because they hate me and are jealous.

Anonymous said...

This is how Jay responds to the women who think they are the only one but then catches him texting/fucking another:

Baby..I'm not lying to you when I say I am not having sex with Suzy Q. I am off that cunt for good, she is unstable and the one lying. She is obsessed with me and won't stop begging me. Now let's have a magical day at our secret beach soon darlin xo ( and then he'll text the other one...Baby come over now. I'll throw down the pass. I can't wait to have your wet pussy and that ass. Bring snacks and fluids.)

Wake the fuck up ladies....he's still up to his lying tricks!

Anonymous said...

Yeah and if you question him one too many times about other women he will beat you. He has a really short fuse. First of all he thinks he is gods gift to humanity and no one should question him ever! He isn't gods gift he is the boil on the butt of society. A real piece of shit loser. Wake up people and see him for what he is. A violent lying bastard who uses people for whatever he can get out of them: sex, money, clothes, food, you name it. He is incapable of shame so he has none.

Anonymous said...

Of course Jay has no shame. You have to be born with a conscious to experience any kind of empathy. He is one of the most boorish men I have slept with-such an ogre!

Anonymous said...

What a little bitch he is. Trying to play the victim. Crying around about keyboard cowards. Hey shit for brains Tavare chew on this you big binky sucking know what is far worse than crying around about keyboard cowards? Little tiny men like you who beat on women, threaten to kill women and attack elder women who have called you out on your bullshit. You reap what you sow you waste of space and oxygen and karma is a bitch. Maybe instead of raging your violence on so many women, threatening to kill so many women, inflicting your diseases on so many women, using so many women and Instead acted with an ounce of decency, owning your bullshit your life wouldn't be the shithole dumpster that it is. It was just a matter of time before your bullshit user, abuser, diseaser ways came to an end. You have no one to blame but that ugly bastard you see looking back at you when you look in the mirror. No one but yourself man. No matter who you try and blame for your demise. It is all on you. You did it to yourself. You, you, you!! Your a sorry excuse for a man, you give men a bad name, you are an embarrassment to all men. There is no one thing about you that is honorable as a man or as a human being.

Anonymous said...


You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

I have loved you for many years
Maybe I am just not enough
You've made me realize my deepest fear
By lying and tearing us up

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

I know I'm not the only one
I know I'm not the only one
And I know...And I know..And I know
I know I'm not the only one

Now and only now I too will expose you....

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget what Jay Tavare aka monster from hell did 23 yrs ago:

I dated Jay Tavare 23 years ago and, if he was telling the truth, he was not an American citizen at that time because he wanted me to marry him and when I said no he married Kimberlee Rayburn. He also bashed my face in with a gun and I have recent text of him admitting this.

Anonymous said...

That asshole still isn't a citizen of the US. He is still married to Kimberlee and that's how he manages to slither through the cracks like he does. The best thing that could ever happen is getting he violent sorry excuse for a human being deported back to the shithole he came from. I and many others have contacted the FBI and immigration so it's only a matter of time before he either gets deported or ends up in the clink. The rat bastard suck sucker of this earth!

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani

Ask him why he tells everyone he has two birthdays?
Ask him where he was born?
Ask him his parents names?
Ask him his nationality?
Ask him what he checked on his marriage certificate for nationality?
Ask him why he is still legally married?
Ask him why he sleeps with several women at once and lies to each one of them?
Ask him why he doesn't work a day job?
Ask him how many women has he hit physically?
Ask him how many men he has slept with?
Ask him if he still uses drugs and ask him every kind he has used?
Ask him why he asks his fans to send money directly to him for charities?
Ask him why he isn't getting any acting work?
Ask him why he watches porn daily?
Ask him why he sleeps with married women?
Ask him his real age?
Ask him where he lives?
Ask him why he drives an 11 year old car and has not gotten a new one?
Ask him how he can draw unemployment benefits when he has not worked?
Ask him why he likes Dubai so much?
Ask him how many prostitutes he has slept with?
Ask him how many and how long has he had stds?
Ask him why everyone is suing him and taking him to court?
Ask him why his wife filed domestic abuse charges against him?

When you are done asking these questions (of which you will not be able to without him going rabid) WHAT IS HE HIDING?

Ask him if he has said he ever wanted to kill different people?
Ask him why he threatened to kill Michelle Shining Elk?
Ask him why MSE took him to court?
Ask him if he is a persian bastard?

Anonymous said...

He is still threatening to kill Michelle Shining Elk I hope she knows that.

Anonymous said...

Have you reported this threats to the authorities? Court?

Anonymous said...

Yeah if you know that there is credible threat, like if he has a plan and haas the means to follow through with his threats, please contact police and MSE.

If the message was intended to play with MSE's mind then that's not cool. He's threatened many times and hasn't followed through. I'm sure if she finds this disturbing, she has some legal reason to ask Blogger to identify each of us and follow up on credibility of this threat.

This is serious matter.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell has 2880 comments on a blog!!!!! Jay Tavare YOU'RE FUCKED BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's not because you're popular or famous. It's because everyone hates you... YOU ASS WIPE IRANIAN MOTHA FUCKA!

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff's department and a process server are both officially looking for his homeless couch surfing saggy leather faced ass to serve him with court papers. Another lawsuit is in his midst for the hag loser! He is living a charmed life these days. Charmed in the deadbeat loser getting his ass sued kind of charmed way. Thanks to the person who sent me the heads up on this. Ha haaaaaah JT your ass is grass you dumb claud. You just can't stop yourself can you. You think you are so smart, so clever, but you are an idiot who keeps setting yourself up for everything you are getting. Your years and years of being a fraud con artist are biting you in you jackass. Couldn't be happening to a more deserving person. Rock on loser rock on! Bewaaaahahahahah!

Anonymous said...

The courts can serve his PO Box in Beverly Hills. He has to get mail. You cannot lie to the SHERRIFF! Give them a list of women and men's names that would know how to get ahold of him.

Chan Chi go to her place or place of business
Nanci Rossov Inglewood
Cyntha Twedt agent
Diann Marchlewski Equinox
Marie Escamilla new work place
Stuart Volkow
Heart Hayes
Alan Tafoya
The Landlord of old funky Franklin Park apartments
Rick Mora
Lota Hadley
Lota's Husband
Sue Wong
Nikki Giavassis
Cherrilyn Silva
Amy Hardy
Veronica Melendez
Bertha Thompson
Negi Janani


He has to renew his driver's license and they have his address
You have to keep a current mailing address with dmv

Who dat ? Who dat?

Beaches be like Who dat?

The ReAL Beatches Be Like Run Like Hell from the PSYCHOPATH with HERPES

Anonymous said...

What's Nadar being sued for this time??? Fraud, Assault, Lies LOL...Shouldn't be too difficult finding a persian midget driving a baby blue old ghetto chrysler 300 on the streets of LA. Just wait for him at his PO BOX at 256 S Robertson Blvd Beverly Hills. According to IMDB his acting Agent is JLA on sunset. Do a sub service there and embarrass his hairy ass.

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! Hairy and scary! Jay's rat as is running out of holes. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

All those women listed above and more have love hate relationships with Jay. How very sad for these women that they will never find peace and be loved the way a woman should be love. If you settle for second best then thats what you'll get. Have some respect and love for yourself...geez!

Anonymous said...

Second best? Jay Tavare isn't even second best. He's a bottom of the poop lagoon dweller who comes In dead last. It is sad those women allow him into their lives because all he does is a use them, bring them down and soak their lives with his sewer scum.

Anonymous said...

Janani grooms females into doing things like send him nude pictures or have sex with him or give him money - all for his own gains. Predatory behavior.

You can tell you're in the company of a narcissist if you feel so so so special and loved one moment, then next thing you know you are physically and/or emotionally beaten up. He's smart enough to know who are most vulnerable (like the ladies craving "special" attention) and what he needs to do to hook you into his web of deception (give you attention, flatter you, tell you that you're desirable, etc). Wrong kind of smarts... yuck! Hairy scary lol.

Anonymous said...

Tell the Sherriff's Tatiana Dekhytar, Teresa Prater, Teri Stewart, Janet Franco, Jackie Fortunato, Heidi Viher, Raquel Harrison, Julie McCann Quinn, Carmel Cocoa two and Tracey Marias Parker all know where he is and Dominique B Side that lives in another country that sends him money all the time, that strange little french woman is sucked into his lies about being Native, a Star, bla bla bla.

Kenya ----Bertha Thompson will listen to you

You women out there that have the emails and texts with him telling you to keep quiet about him giving you herpes and hpv you need to SUE

KDR needs to SUE him too for abuse, harrassment, and the fact that he threatened to physically hurt her (again) if she did not give him her husband's money. She was afraid for her life. He conned her into buying him a new couch and a long leather coat. She donated like many others to the so called Navajo Water Charity. He abused her physically and mentally. She was afraid to leave him after she made a mistake of cheating on her husband.

Jay was even telling her to get rid of him right after he found out how much the doctor's life insurance policy was.

But drumroll I heard KDR IS going after him and she has pictures of his abuse and tons of receipts. He used her.

Anonymous said...

Leona Davidson, Yasemin Rosanova, Anna Florence, Liann Warren and Amber Lynn Pacquette, Steve Cook all will know where he is too! Galangha Thai, the Indian place around the corner from his old apartment, ZARA, Addidas Stores, Don't forget the damn doggie parks! Just like clock work! Oh yeah and the doctor where he gets his testosterone shots! Vida Guerra dumped his ass a very long time ago just like Cherrilyn did because he was sleeping with Diann Marchlewski once a month!

Anonymous said...

KDR sue his dumbass!!! Get back that money that Jay took from you. Don't let him get away with this kind of shit. He uses EVERY WOMAN and mess up their lives. You left your doctor husband/ good life for this scum bag? And he wanted to kill your husband for his life insurance??? Definite a low down scum bag. Time to pay him back in court. We all here cheering for you!

Anonymous said...

Hell I sure would not want to be one of these ignorant women. Whoever you hang around and are friends with is a representation of WHO YOU ARE. Think about it and UNDERSTAND THAT! How embarrassing if the Sherriff comes looking for his ass at their place. OMG

Anonymous said...

To the person above that wrote about Jay killing KDR husband for his life insurance policy. You should that to her doctor/husband immediately. This is a CRIMINAL CASE! This is something that should be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

To whomever is harboring the fugitive aka Jai will go to jail too if the Officer of the Curt is not able to serve his sorry ass because you are deliberatly hiding him. Is he worth it? Susan

Anonymous said...

Another thing he wants to keep hidden is why he was kicked off the Winnetou production. He says he walked away from the project over money...they wouldn't pay him what he thinks he is worth ($10.00 is too much to pay that skank). The truth is he was whoring around with Sabine Lesavoy and had made himself a permanent unwelcome leech around her household and her doctor husband got sick of seeing his face constantly at his home. So he told Jay he needed to not be around so much and Jay flipped his lid. Jay went into one of his psychotic rages and wrapped his hands around Dr. Lesavoys neck and threw him up against a wall in a choke hold. It got broken up and Jay got kicked out of their home and THAT is why he was no longer associated with project.

Jay Tavare is a sinister shyster demon seed. He is violent people listen up and when he beats you because he always ends up going there. Go to the police. Sabine saved his ass from her husband pressing charges and all the other people he has attcked and beaten saves his ass out of fear and not getti cops involved. He is insane. Stop the insanity and start calling the police on him because until you do he is roaming around free and it is just a matter of time before he goes too far and someone ends up dead. A man named Rolando already almost died from being beaten by Jay, he need up in the ICU and Is lucky to be alive. And let's not forget that he beat his ex girlfriends face in with a gun when she refused to marry his middle eastern ass so he could stay in the states.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Chan Chi work out of Dr Levasoy's office??

Jay needs to seriously be locked up for life so he doesn't hurt another soul.

Everyone needs to ban together and get this loser behind bars. If anyone has been a victim of abuse or infected with a life long STD by Jay you must file charges against him. There are STD Attorney's in beverly Hills who will gladly take on your case. I'm sure Jay has infected hundreds of women and men and possibly children.


Anonymous said...

Jay also beat Chan Chi in the face and choked her neck many times after she walked in on Nikki giving Jay a blowjob, went ballistic on kdr bruising her legs when she tried to leave him, threw Shay Richie out of his moving car after punching her so hard she couldn't breathe, choked and beat Diann Marchelewsky hundreds of times after she would catch him fucking another woman, beat Marie Escamilla and constantly belittles her and uses her as his dog sitter, pushed Cindy Pain down and screamed and threatened her because she wanted him to attend an event and he refused to go, not to mention all the women he has emotionally abused. Too many to list. I think you get the picture.

Anonymous said...

This guy has been an asshole jerk since I knew him back in the 80's here in London where his sole job was as a Gigolo! I knew a producer from America who had him try out for a band because of his winning the Disco Dance competition but that did not work out at all. He has never been in any bands as he states, never toured anywhere in a band and got the idea of playing a Native American because people in the UK told him he looked Native American. I

Anonymous said...

WHY?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?! Has Jerkoff little Iranian monster been able to get away with all these beatings? Why haven't the women, or their loved ones, gone to the police? Court? etc They can still ban together and put him away. PLEASE, what is it going to take? Murder? Please ladies, put your pride aside and do the right thing. I do not want to read that you or someone else has been killed by this lunatic. Susan

Anonymous said...

He performed his music Dance Warrior at the 1984 dance championship but whoever posted that video on youtube totally edited him out so we don't know how bad it was.

He was in a dance music cover band called Streetlife in the UK. He claimed they had many hits but it turns out his band covered dance music that were top hits back in the day. He doesn't even know how to hold a bass guitar lmao! hahaha loser!

Anonymous said...

Summer 2014 Photo is dated and there are more!

Anonymous said...

So he has been a fraud and a liar pretty much his entire life. Seems there is not an ounce of truth to anything he says. He denounces the name Janani as if he has never heard of it before, but he looks just like his father Mahmood Janani. How shameful. He is a dirty little bastard who thinks the world is full of idiots who will accept his bs and lies at face value. It was a bad day for him the day people realized he is completely full of bs and lies and started to call him out. It's no wonder he has rage issues and is violent. Must be hard and stressful to keep up a life of fraud and lies especially when you start getting questioned about being a fraud and a liar. He should just leave the US and go. Ack to where he came from. He is not welcome here anymore.

Anonymous said...

He is violent and gets into a rage so easily because he has retarded EJAC*******. Persian Dude is backed up to his ears and then once in a blue moon he does manage to get some out, it's half a teaspoon! MMMUUAAAHHH!

Anonymous said...

Hey I used to work at this persian restaurant called Sultani Restaurant at 1535 La Brea Ave. I know this guy Jay. He would come 4-5 times a weeks with different women. He always ask for chicken for his dog. He was friends with the owner and spoke fluent Farsi with him. My boss said Jay was 100% Iranian. This blog is fucked up about him. I thought he was up to no good with all the different ladies he would show up with. DAMN

Anonymous said...

I knew he wasn't Native when I saw that bad make up job, horrible wig and that supposed paint on his face in Unbowed. All these stupid women still talk about Unbowed.Jay looked unnatural then with that fake ass accent. What a fucking bad actor you are, Jay or Nader. What ever!

Anonymous said...

Unbowed was a terrible movie. He looked like he was in a halloween costume and his acting was horrendous. I think of him fucking Nanci Rossov up the ass and it makes me vomit! Jay once said fucking Nanci was like fucking Precious from lord of the rings and he only fucked her because she gave him free audition advice......They are actually close in age..... Bhahahahahaha!

Sue Wong said...

Jay Tavare is so delusional he thinks that people up for an Academy Award today are actually his friends. Anyone want a $5000 bet that Meryl Streep or any REAL actor wouldn't even recognize his name or face, let alone Remember that he played a bit part as a featured extra in one of their films. He thinks he and Ron Howard are buds he acts like Cate Blanchett adores him. Buhaaahaaahaaa That baboon even said he enjoys seeing "his friends" battle it out for an Oscar. What a fool. He really needs to get off the crack. No one up for an Oscar knows his pathetic ass and if they once did they sure as hell don't know now he is that insignificant and forgettable. After everything that come out about him being a fraud and violent abuser even if they do know him none of them will admit it. They're probably mortified they were in a film with him. "His friends" lol he is so desperate to be relevant in a world where no one even knows who the hell he is.

Tom Six said...

I beg your pardon but Jay Tavare is very much a star. He is a star in my human centipede trilogy "The Human Centipede".

Anonymous said...

Poor Jay, how pathetic you are! I actually feel sorry for you. You still don't get it that you missed your big changes 30 years ago! Give it up, dude and go get a job, for crying out loud!

Anonymous said...

He thinks he is above getting a job just like he thinks he is above the law. And get this, that fugly fool says the only reason he isn't getting acting jobs these days is because he is just too good looking. Guess he didn't get the memo that every casting agent and studio got...the one announcing he is woman beater, thief, violent rageaholic, drug addict, pathological liar, and over all shitty actor and bastard that is anything but a humanitarian, good actor or writer.

The closest he will ever get to an Oscar is a spectating fan walking the streets taking pictures as they set up and prepare for the Oscars Like he did yesterday. He is a legend in his own little shit for brains mind and nobody who has ever been nominated or won an Oscar has the time of day for a low rent delusional shitty ass phony never was so he can't even be a has been like Jay Tavare - the creepy name dropper and whacko who makes up stories to go along with the names he drops.

Anonymous said...

he is following Cherrilyn Silva, Nikki Giavassis, ChanChi, Marie Escamilla on Instagram and Facebook because he is sleeping with all of them and he doesn't want any of them to pop of photos of them together because he is lying to each one of them. What a bunch of women with no integrity, no common sense, no self esteem.

All you have to do is look at the way he has treated you in the past for starters and everyone he is ever around for almost 60 years. That old dog is not going to change.

Are you that hard up and stupid that you can't ask the police about him, ask his ex wife about him, ask the long list of exes about him, run a background check, run a report online on

But hey I guess if you meet someone new or if your friends new boyfriend hits her, curses her, takes money from her, screws married women, screws people without telling them he has stds, rages out of control, calls women vile names, won't work a day job when he obviously isn't getting acting work, threatens to kill people you will just turn your head and say oh well, namaste everyone deserves the next 3000th chance afterall!

If you are around someone of his reputation and continue to be then you must be just like him.

I surely would have hated to have been the one on the couch next to him during the oscars while the hot shit rolled from his lips with golden lies attached while he stroked his limp weanie and telling you to bend over and treating you no better than a psychotic dog.

Anonymous said...

What I have learned in life............

1) You cant fix STUPID
2) You cant reason with STUPID
3) STUPID will always be STUPID

We are basically wasting our time with these STUPID WOMEN. Why do you think these women are still SINGLE? They are STUPID!! They like being USED by him. To them thats the BEST they can find is Mr. Tavare or whatever name he calls himself.

He's like cancer. Ladies its time to cut the cancer out before it spreads around. Be smart for once in your life. USE your BRAIN if you got ANY. He has NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to OFFER you !!!! THINK !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Man them bitches be stoopit for even given that piece of shit the time of day. They ain't nevah gonna get it they be too dam dumb. Like minded stoopit birds of a feather they be flockin togets. Dumb as shizizzle beyotches and hag Tavare.

Anonymous said...

A 58yrs old man by now should have a house ( he has none and sleeps on someones couch), be ready to retire ( Cant retire with no job and he has no retirement because he never had a steady job) , health insurance ( with no money and no job, how can anyone afford insurance? ) , should be able to take care of the woman/wife ( he cant even do that, he expect the woman to pay for everything for him). And these women love him? Do you actually think he love/care for you? After reading this blog, who would want to associate with that loser? Only if you are a loser yourself.

All you ladies out there that gave him money, gifts, vacations, free work ( volunteer ), clothing , furniture, and who basically kissed his ass are all dumb or been manipulated by him. Im sure he's laughing at each one of you. Because it never cost him anything. Not one dollar came out of his pocket. He lost nothing that's why he can speak to you like that. He has no respect to women. All you women out there should never pay for a man or even his company! After reading this blog everyday, looks like KDR spent the most money on him just to keep him while she was married. He doesn't care if you are married or not he will take advantage of you. KDR should sue his ass just like Cindy. Take him to court and make him pay back.

We should never reward him for his bad behavior. Do what is right. Continue speaking out on here. Stop him from taking advantage of another nice lady out there. Take him to court.

Anonymous said...

I'd say everyone that posts on here will back KDR up. I'd say everyone that posts on here and there are many would back anyone up that wanted to sue him or file charges on him. All you gotta do is ask us sisters!

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope that California Department of Public Health will take notice of this moron and ask victims to come forth if they had been infected with herpes by Janani.

He's like a bio-terrorist. His infected penis is a biological weapon that renders people ill and psychologically scarred for life. I know some women are coping and have come out to speak against Janani, but I'm sure there are those who are ashamed and suffering by themselves. How can we all support you guys?

It's very good that this blog allows people to post anonymously. Loser Janani called us cowards for being anonymous but considering how physically and psychologically violent and threatening he's been in the past, who'd want to go public knowing there's potential danger? People who sue him and report them surely have a fear in the back of their minds. He's all talk but he's also a big dumb-ass you just don't know what he'll do.

Janani, you're the biggest coward of them all by lying and manipulating others for your own gains. You hide behind a facade of righteousness and entitlement while you perpetrate terror on others. BIGGEST COWARD OF THEM ALL.

Anonymous said...

Jay knew he was infecting hundreds of women with his STD's. Diann Marchelewsky warned many of them just to keep them away from Jay so she could be with him. Jay infected Diann too and was told by Jay to keep it quite. Why would anyone want to be with a selfish diseased pig like Jay. Diann needs her head examined because he doesn't give a shit about her. He says all the time that she's not hot, terrible fuck and that she's boring to be around. It's a love hate relationship and Jay simply uses her like a doormat when he doesn't have anyone else. He's infected her already wha'ts the difference I suppose....fucked up!

Anonymous said...

I agree with above that Diann allows herself to be used and abused by Jay. I also agree that more women should sue Jay! C'mon KDR, MDJ, Kenya, Susan, ChanChi, Shay and anyone else he has used and abused. Sue his hairy broke ass!

Anonymous said...

To February 23, 2015 @ 5:08pm

Well said. So very well said. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Some years ago a wise Surgeon General said that the only safe form of sex is self-gratification - but that's questionable, considering the horror stories from ER doctors and nurses haha. Yeah, fantasizing and self-gratification is safer than actually believing in those fantasies, meeting him, and getting into his messy life drama. Much gratitude to the ladies who work tirelessly to expose this idiot. You can only do so much to put your warnings out there... these ladies are adults and make their own choices. If they choose to believe you are all insane and instead, buy into Janani's BS, they've made their own choice and that is that.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with fantasizing and romanticizing about someone. This is what keeps us alive because let's face it, sometimes life can be dull, dull, dull! Anyway my point is, Men like Jay study woman and prey on our desires and need to feel wanted and love. I don't think most of these women are stupid but just have a longing to for attention. Furthermore, I don't think it is funny to laugh at these women who have been stung by this bastard, because you don't know the full story.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you but after reading posting after posting. Would you think these women would wise up? They keep on going back to him and believe whatever garbage he tells them. Sorry that's plain STUPID to me

Anonymous said...

Fantasies are merely our inner desires or needs - to be loved, to feel worthy, to feel validated, to feel attractive or desirable etc.,. It's true that narcissists like Janani are good at intuitively selecting their prey and grooming them by giving these women what they need. When things are good, the relationship is so so so so good. Then narcissist will eventually turn cold or cruel. Inflict pain. But they tend to remember the good parts and ignore the bad parts of the relationship. This is common in couples with domestic violence issues. That's what gets them to go back to their dysfunctional relationship - because they continue to seek the elation they get when things are going good, when their inner needs are met.

Anonymous said...

Well said to the person above

Anonymous said...

UGH...this is all so boring already. We all know Jay is a gross, broke, short, drug addict persian who continues running around Hollywood lying and deceiving women. What's more hilarious is the very same people who he calls his friends are the very ones outing him. They all think he's a joke. Bhahahahahaha!!!!

Anonymous said...

So I'm guessing you all will be taking him to court sometime between now and never hahaha? You ladies sound like a broken record. Jay is blah blah blah blah! Shut up and do something besides running your mouths already like press charges! Take him to court! If you hate him so much and he's guilty of all you say then what's stopping you? What are you waiting for? I agree you're a bunch of keyboard cowards if you're not willing to go to the police when so many women have said they will support you and be there for you and testify if needed. What more do you need?

Anonymous said...

Oh contrar, some women are taking him to court but from what I hear, it is hush hush. More news to come one day soon.

Anonymous said...

The first comment on this blog was made: October 3, 2013. It's now February 26,2015!!! And you're still at it smh.

Anonymous said...

lol whoever called us a broken record needs to reflect on his or her own statement and recognize how he/she also sounds like a broken record.

Anonymous said...

A broken record is good to have. Its better than no record at all. So ladies, keep playing that broken record!

Anonymous said...

LMFAO as I read Team Tavare aka Jay Tavare reply to Susan calling him out on IMDB.

To Jay: HEY DUMB ASS I KNOW AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS TEAM TAVARE AND VICTORIA IS YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Are you a bigger idiot than I always knew you were or were you just high??

Fucking dumb Iranian making a fool of yourself on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

That dumb man from Iran makes an ass out of himself on a daily basis because he is convinced he is of high intelligence and the world is full of idiots that falls for, and believes everything he says. He thinks that if he says it that everyone takes it as the word. The only people who believe his shit are his idiot fans who refuse to believe the evidence put in front of their faces that prove to them he is a violent, pathological lying fraud whose ass keeps ending up in court and in front of the police being questioned about episodes of violence. He's just lucky he hasn't left marks on the faces of the women he has attacked or that brushing takes a while to appear or his ass would have ended up in jail. It is just a matter of time before his ass ends up in jail or deported, either or is good. Say bye Felicia or uh fakey bakey JT bwahhhhaaaaahaaaahaa you great big short dumb oaf

Anonymous said...

His groupies are dumb. Comments like, "I can't believe he hasn't had more lead roles," or "I hope you win the Oscars," or "You are such a wise person," (after listening to him going all histrionic on AprilDeepAries' show)... Not to mention the dumb-dumbs who said they did their research about him haha! Some of them are like the Manson Girls, I swear.

Anonymous said...

Ah the great Jay Tavare king of bullshit knows all like the Wizard of Oz. Like the Wizard, he was exposed and his time in the sun was short lived.Jay you can't blast women with your venomous words when they're telling the truth about your lies, molestation, and criminal behavior. You are a liar and most women know it now. Man you have almost 3,000 comments against you, come on now! It's not about cyborg bullying you or hating on you! It's about protecting the public from you, moron! Who ever continues to believe your load of crap, need their head examined from wood pecker holes!

Anonymous said...

That pinhead says he can't "imagine a world without Spock" chiming in on the recent passing of Leonard Nimoy as if he personally knew him. You know like he always dropping trying to make it appear that he is far more important than he really is. Everyone knows he is about as important or as popular as the shit on the bottom of your shoes.

Here's something for you to chew on you human centipede ass eater JT. There are hundreds upon hundreds of "folks" who imagine and dream of a universe without your abusive, lying, fraudulent ass munching self! Why don't you do the US a favor already and go back to where you came from. See ya NOBODY WANTS TA BE YA! Loser!

Anonymous said...

Has Jay midget man lost his mind??? That video he just posted torturing that poor dog should definitely be reported. I was also drawn to his short stubby legs!!?? Is he an UMPA LOOMPA??? Those are the shortest legs I've ever seen on a 60 yr old man Bhahahahaha! 5'11" my ass. He's only 5'5" thats why he's soooooo mad LOL!


Anonymous said...

He is such a looooooooooooser he can't even hope to aspire to be mediocre. Mediocre is waaaaay outta that wee man's stubby legs short arms reach. He is so irrelevant and not worth remembering he has to use that poor little dog of his to get attention. He's such a dumbass he doesn't get that no one gives two shits about his ugly forgettable saggy ass it's his dog people are looking at and interested in. The dogs got more star power in her lil claw than that clown has in his whole 5"5' little person height. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Chanchi he is using you, you've got to know that. Using you for sex, your couch and your food. SMDH You are pitiful and you should be ashamed of your lack of integrity and self respect. Your parents must be proud �� :/ What are you are going to do when you don't deliver to that entitled ass fast enough and he beats you? Because you know he will AGAIN. I hope you go to the police this next time. Please you have the ability to initiate change in stopping his violence againt women. Wake up and seem the bitch slaps girl.

Anonymous said...

He's still lying to Marie E, KDR, Niki and Diann saying Chanchi is only his "FRIEND." Then lying to Chanchi that he's not seeing any of them. Little does CC know that while she's busy trying to solicit clients at work her little "Friend" is banging his flavor of the week LOL. It's all so fricken insane to watch and believe me when I say I see and hear it all. Chanchi needs to wake the fuck up because Jay is totally using her and talking shit about her.

Anonymous said...

KDR is still with him then?

Anonymous said...

He's making his rounds on different couches. What a loser bhahahaha!!!! Add Kimberly Rayburn to the list. They share a public storage unit lol....for real!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think KDR is with him. Jay only want women with money that can support his life style. KDR is broke.

Anonymous said...

If we follow his usual pattern, she pays for the storage unit, right? hahahaha! Midget man knows how to milk money and freebees from women. He not only takes money from them but their life and vitality. Soon these women will look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings because their life force is depleted. Run, ladies, run!

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that by pretending you care about any of the women you list that the truth is you are jealous of them doesnt show through? Stop mentioning these women. Remember the name of this blog is JAY TAVARE. He is the only person to mention. Are you really too stupid to comprehend that?

Anonymous said...

"I try to help others but I do not claim saint hood and I do not want to be a role model although if others follow me that is okay by me."

WARNING: do not follow him! haha

Anonymous said...

You're right he knows how to milk money and freebees from women. Susan worked for free for him. She was one of his former freebies lol. Now she's on here bitching cause he made a fool of her dumbass. You mad or nah Susan lol?

Anonymous said...

How exactly did he make a fool of me? Susan

Anonymous said...

Love how Janani supporter(s) needs to jab here and there and totally fails. Susan did a wonderful job. Janani keeps making a fool of himself and we are laughing very hard here.

Anonymous said...

I am another one laughing here. He's an idiot and always will be one. Susan only speak the truth. I guess you cant handle that can you Mr. Janani

Anonymous said...

Jay is sooooo bothered by Susan he can't think straight! I've seen him recently rage in such a way I thought he was going to kill somebody. He's on this blog and his "Truth" page constantly. It's the first thing he looks at when he wakes. So keep up the good work Susan and anyone else who is calling him out. It's fun watching him crash and burn.

Anonymous said...

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.
— Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Yes Yes Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani is in TRUE FORM by the last posting......Snap Judgments. HMMMMM




UHHH YEAH dumbass, why is it that you tell everyone you have two birthdays again? Please spew those golden lies again or is it just hot shit you roll off your tongue these days?

So just what was the lie you told all the women you are sleeping with as to the reason you are following Cherrilyn, Alexis Hyuna, Ash Burnham, Chanchi, Crystle Lightning, Marie Escamilla, Tatiana Dekhtyar and Nikki giavasis on Instagram, God I bet it was a damn good tale, wasn't it?

Susan is not mad at all for doing the free work because in the beginning until she found out the truth about you, she thought she was helping the Native American Community by helping a fellow Native American Actor of which YOU ARE NOT INDIAN AT ALL. Then when she discovered that you are A TRUE PSYCHOPATH she stopped just like anyone with any sense at all would.

Does he have herpes and hpv, yes. Don't believe it, ask EVERY SINGLE WOMAN HE HAS BEEN WITH and they will tell you the truth. Some got it and some didn't. Jay is very clever in one way, he seeks out and tries to hold onto the women and girls that do not have anyone else in their lives and he knows will not cheat on him while he has a string of people he sleeps with.

Sorry Charlie, Most people do not approve of POLYGAMY. Why don't you move to UTAH, Warren Jeffs is in prison and YOU ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL AND CALIBER THAT HE IS! Bet they would take you back in and you can ask the prairie girls to put on fishnet stockings, bend over for some LIMP BIG BLACK C***.

Hold on, Hold on, Don't move, 12 oclock, 1 oclock



Anonymous said...

Hey Chichi if you get some invisalign it will straighten your teeth out and they will be pretty pretty, but you will have to get ahold of a C*** bigger than Janani's to stretch your mouth out normally on both ends to give a big smile. Your eyelids are fab, too bad you have dark blinders covering your eyes.

Guess you want that dirty thing in your mouth after he has dipped it in twenty others that month, huh. Guess you want him airing your dirty laundry about the irs.

Don't know why in the hell you would give him the time of day when he kicked you out when you were homeless. He don't deserve your couch especially after he hit you and slapped your more than once. Guess you like that kinda stuff, huh.

Or who knows just maybe you got yourself a FREE DOGSITTER! BBAAAAHHHHAAA It's all he knows how to do and is qualified to do, he can't even be a gigolo anymore!

Did you just see Leona Davidson the other day or was it Cindy Pena? SSSHHHEEETT It may have been Liann Warren, Cyntha Twedt.


Jealously is not a part of any of this and if you aren't smart enough to understand that, too bad. All part of a common goal and we have accomplished that and now we will finish.

Did you tell Chi Chi that you laced that Molly the other day? Hmmmm?

Have you gotten anymore testosterone shots or B12 from the doc lately, Fuck that shit just ain't working is it old man!

Who is Negi Janani? Who is Anna? His sisters and they sure were not born on a REZ.

BTW don't know many INDIANS that know many Middle Easterners.

Ask any INDIAN, Native American if Jay Tavare is INDIAN.

You know, Tavare is Italian, not an INDIAN name. If you wanted to play cowboys and Indians in the movies so damn bad, why didn't you pick an INDIAN NAME DUMB ASS?

Wet Janani's Hair and see what happens, it's CURLY! Ask him why he shaves his entire body? INDIANS DON"T HAVE HAIR!

How is Rick Mora these days?

How was your visit with Cherrilyn the other day, saw you out walking with Bardot and the Pomeranian. At least you talk like you know that dogs temperament to your buddies.

How is that buddy of your Jeff these days?

Yeah swapping nudie pics and videos for marijuana. KNOW IT

Anonymous said...


You are a slimy bastard. I heard that there are many woman suing your ass for giving them herpes and hpv. You really are a shitty article, Tavare! You are a useless piece of shit who can't get off unless you're torturing others!The public needs to be protected from creeps like you, old ass bastard. I hope and pray that other women wake up and see you for the fucked up person that you really are. Unlike you, I don't lie about being infected. I tell the fucking truth and use a condom! Your nasty cock needs to be melted for what you have done to me and other women. You can't divorce Karma, you ass hole!

Anonymous said...

Cherrilyn has been informed that Jay is still fucking his circle of female "FRIENDS." She left Jay before and ran off with a much younger hotter actor LOL She's not the only one who has dumped his lazy broke scanky ass!

Anonymous said...

I believe Jay gave me herpes too! I slept with him several times and one time brought my friend along because he kept begging for a threesome. He was verbally abusive many times. Calling me racial names when ever he had his mood swings. As an African American swimsuit model, I didn't need to take crap like that from him and ran as fast as I could. I CANNOT BELIEVE ALL THESE COMMENTS AND THE FACT THAT HE CONTINUES TO INFECT HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF WOMEN! Age has surely caught up to him. He looks terrible. Seeing him gives me the creeps.

Stevie. said...

Not even a E lister. Completely deluded, broke and a pathological liar to top it all. What a phony and sad little man with his tiny infected penarse

Anonymous said...

To the Swim Suit model above,

Please get checked out if you hadn't already. Everything being said on this blog is true about Jay Tavare. I am also an African American woman and he physically and mentally abused me, and of course, gave me herpes. He is a racist, and abuser of all women! Please,please get tested and then seek justice.

Anonymous said...

Jay is a nasty fucking bastard. All that hate he spews out is a reflector of what he feels about himself. He hates himself for not being tall with straight hair and blue eyes. He hates himself for not having huge cock. He hates himself for not being educated. He is so full of hate for himself that he wants to belittle others especially women so he goes around deliberately infecting them with herpes and HPV. What a loooooooser!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In California, it is a misdemeanor to knowingly spread herpes.

"Willful exposure

Anyone who has any kind of infectious, communicable, or contagious disease in California commits a crime if that person exposes him or herself to others. This crime is punishable as a misdemeanor offense. You also commit this crime if you knowingly expose someone else whom you know has such a disease to other people. (California Health and Safety Code section 120290.)"

You can be fined and put on probation for this offense.

Furthermore, if you have suffered emotional and physical suffering, loss of wages, and medical expenses due to herpes, you can sue his ass.

I hope multiple women come forward so this man will be stopped.

Anonymous said...

If you hear something that sound like a rattler from a rattle snake, it's probably Jay Tavare! He creeps around unsuspected girls all the time. That's not a surprise because it's in his DNA! Jay you are a mudderfucka. Why don't you just evaporate. Everybody knows that you are a fucking snake. The jig is up, you are not super stud anymore. You can only please lonely ass women who don't know no better. They don't know what you are doing to them is actually criminal and can bring assault charges against you! You think all that shit you learn from watching porno makes you a great lover. Bhahhhhha! Nope you are just a mimic Jay, a fake! Have a good day fake!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bwaaaahaaaaa! Coffee Bean made me laff!

It figures and it is not at all surprising that the homeless asshobbit Jay is hover-pigging around public places looking for victims. He is a predator and that's what predators do. Luckily, the public is safe because there ain't no get up and go gigolo in that geriatric geezer. Gross!

Anonymous said...

Do you know an Attorney to call regarding Jay giving me and others STD's?? I heard he was being sued for this already and I also want to file a claim.

Suffering with this life long disease all because Jay was negligent, careless, selfish and a coward. I want him to pay for what he's done to me. I'm afraid to have children now that I have herpes. Herpes that Jay Tavare gave to me.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say HERPES THAT JAY TAVARE KNOWINGLY INFECTED ME WITH. He also forced me to snort this liquid substance from a small brown bottle as he unexpectedly pulled my hair and head back and said "take a deep breath, c'mon one more, again." I refused but he pulled my head back again this time harder and holding the bottle under my nose. He did it too and turned into a crazy beast doing things to me that scared the crap out of me. He's the devil and must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

the coffee bean....uh yeah maybe where one of the naïve girls works. He had been seeing this bolivian model actress in her twenties and made her promise to not tell her uncle whom knows Jay. She is very tall, black hair foreigner. He is older than her uncle and her uncle will not be happy when he finds out!

Anonymous said...

I was sitting in this hair salon in Beverly hills that I go too and I saw Jay come in to the shop. It was a while back. When he left I overheard this male hair dresser talking to a blonde one next to his booth about how Jay comes in with different women and he gets them to pay for his haircuts and a Chinese woman he was seeing she told the hairguy that she tricked Jay and came unexpectedly to his apartment and caught him getting H*** from a neighbor. The people were yacking about how he was an old typical Hollywood sleazebag that had a couple decent parts at one time and continually posts 20 year old photos to get women and con them. He is a real Casanova at first and then turns into a maniac is the word on the street. Guess from the looks of this blog he is on the street.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for a lawyers to sue him for civil liability, I think the type of lawyers you are looking for is domestic tort lawyers or sex tort (like personal injury lawyers). You can google search terms. You have to figure out how to prove that he infected you and that he knew he was infected prior to infecting you. Am sure a lawyer can help establish the case but it'll be helpful if the women can band together and help each other out, too!! Just make sure Janani and his associates don't try to sabotage....

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. That douche bag works so hard to make sure it is known what a big man about town he is. Big time actor, a rich bitch that everyone wants to be and wants to know. No one believes a word he says, all you have to do is look at his ugly ass. You can't put lipstick on a pig, seriously dude has bad case of fuglies. It is hysterical that he believes his own hype and seems to be oblivious that his douchebag reputation is larger than life and precedes him everywhere he goes. Like he is a joke and people know it and are laughing at him and he is really that stupid he doesn't get it. Ha ha ha what a clown.

Anonymous said...

How did your encounter go with Kim Stiffler that came to town?

Anonymous said...

Awww look the little Apache boy stuck his finger in a light socket and he came out with curly hair and a foreign accent and dancing in a competition for Italy!

he has two birthdays! Woah what does that mean boys and girls? Do you have two birthdays?

Holy Moly did I hear him right that he has lied and told the world that some Persian or Italian family flew all the way over to the Navajo Rez or Apache Rez from the UK to adopt him?

Since he wanted to play cowboys and Indians in the movies, why didn't he get an indian stage name?

Can't wait til the FBI pops him, they are taking their time because there are so many different issues.

Listen dude because you are a clinical narcissistic psychopath that is why you have never gotten it. You should have just told the truth and said, look I am Persian, I am Italian and I moved to the US and I want to play the part of a Native American in the movies.

Instead there are countless interviews online where he out and out lies about who he is, where he was born and his bloodline.




Anonymous said...

Gay, broke, vertically challenged, full of filler which makes him sweat like a pig, diseased, swollen head, 60 years old, deluded as fuck and these are his better traits... I see him also at his fav coffee shop with that ridiculous dog whose balls he licks daily... Sad pathetic little man.

Anonymous said...

What are fillers?

Anonymous said...

His dog is female,you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Don't bag on the dog! It's not her fault she's stuck with the hairy hobbit from hell!

Anonymous said...

I go to the same hair stylist, Terrance. Jay would set up our appt together so I would pay for his brazillian keratin treatment (hair straighting treatment) Terrance asked me out many times and would tell me Jay brought many different women in the salon. Jay has very course curly kinky hair. Almost like a black man like most persian men. A treatment cost almost $200 a pop. I wonder who's paying these days.....not me anymore LOL (he's prob using his flat iron on a daily basis bhahahahahaha!}

btw Jay- Terrance thinks you're FULL OF SHIT LOL!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Straighten your life, dude, not the hair.

Anonymous said...

Damn all this is just so fucked up. I wouldn't want to be Jay Tavare any day of the week. Damn, man, you ought to know better than fuck over American women! They know all your secrets, you poor bastards.

Anonymous said...

His newest f*ckbuddy?!/kim.stiffler.3?fref=ts

Anonymous said...

Seems about right........ False as fuck, just like him. Perfect dysfunctional compatibility. Two plastic faces, filler, botox, collagen, Ken and barby ass fucking which is jay's true love as he's gay.Stifflers mum who jay would nail in a heartbeat. He would fuck a spider if he knew which legs to open thick persian immigrant

Anonymous said...

Now that's entertainment. That spider commit is original! Bahhahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hair extensions?

Anonymous said...

"He would fuck a spider if he knew which legs to open." H-I-LA-R-I-O-U-S!

Anonymous said...

Why is Kim or any of these women being brought into this? Why are you tossing these ladies under the bus? What have they done personally to any of you? Your behavior on this board is disgusting and cowardice. You're so quick to give these women's full names and facebook profiles, but too afraid to give your own. Too afraid to go to the cops to report, but so quick to talk shit on the internet. You're a bunch of keyboard cowards.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me...what is your name? You are no different than the few who WRONGLY toss around women's name and profiles.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the one tossing around names. So why should I have to supply mine? That makes no sense. Nor am I on here helping to spread vicious gossip! So yeah I am different from those doing it. How dare you attempt to question me over their inexcusable behavior! Shut the hell up!

Anonymous said...

So yes excuse yourself from further stupid comments. You are comparing apples to oranges. Simply because I choose not to display my name does not make me like them. I would be no different than them if I behaved as them by putting those women's names on here. I am calling them out on their behavior. Just as others on here have done. It needs to stop! It is malicious and petty. They are attacking women who have done nothing to them. In doing so, they are running the risk of ruining their reputations. How is that just?

Since you are claiming I am no better for not posting my name, then guess what doll, you are too. Where is your name? Please post your whole name along with your facebook profile if you feel that it is hypocritical not too. Go ahead I'll wait....

My point is, don't post others full names and facebook profiles if you are not willing to post your own information! Leave those women out of it! If this blog is about Jay then keep it about Jay without defaming and slandering women who are victims too!

Anonymous said...

Whoever is posting the names of those women is a keyboard coward!

Anonymous said...

I think you can post anything you want. If they are connected to him in anyway, why not? He is a public figure, isn't he? Post away!!!

Anonymous said...

YES!!!! Terrance is Jays hairdresser in Beverly Hills who straightens his kinky hair LOL. Everyone in that salon thinks Jay is a joke. Always boasting about absolutely nothing. Terrance said Jay's an over the hill wannabe actor who needs a reality check hahahahaha! Terrance asked me out too ha!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't talk about kinky hair. There is someone that also has kinky hair that she has to straighten it out daily. So don't even go there before I wet you hair and everyone will see yours. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

His hair is nasty now all short and frizzy and graying. Guessing no one is paying for his hair care because he sure can't afford it.

Anonymous said...

It's not his hair that concerns me but how bloated he's been looking. Must be the testosterone, B12, HGH he injects on a weekly basis. That video of him dancing on that boat really shows what he really looks like. Short, Bloated, old, rusty and crusty LOL

Anonymous said...

There's a rumor that Jay has posted sex videos on youtube sent to him by several women. Does anyone know what name it's under?

Billy said...

He's fat and old and nearly going bald, Jay Janani, Jay janani... Sing it, it has a nice ring to it...Go dance witcha broke arse... He actually belives himself to be a star and only ever wants to talk about himself. This little old man needs psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

I think really that this blog is like Jay Tavere, old and tired! Women please find something else to do because some of these comments are just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

You think you " NO NEED TO WORK" ? Counting your pennies everyday? How does it feel to be broke ass? KARMA is a BITCH! Cant eat out without money nor can you go hiking without gas. No money no life. Continue counting your pennies. Enjoying every moment.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on its getting old. But reading this blog is becoming very entertaining. If Jay only told the truth to everyone and not use women for his benefit. All of this wouldn't have happen to him. He brought this upon himself. He has to face what he did. So let the ladies speak.
If you are getting tired of it, then find yourself something else to do and don't read it.

Anonymous said...

If you think this is stupid, stop visiting this site.

Anonymous said...

Ishtar Bennett doing good these days Jay? Hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Amanda Sanchez, Jo Airis, Janiece, Seddona Johanson, Precila Lucero, are all in his mind trance of psychotic behavior now. He has them sending pictures of themselves. Luring them with bullshit, lies, fantasies, and 20-25 year old photos.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I do think it's stupid. I mean granted, some of you chicks are making valid points by exposing Jay Tavare, but some of you are just talking about the man's hair plugs, what he eats, blah, blah, blah. Then you talk some more blah, blah and keep naming some of the people he's fucking with attacking these women instead of warning them. I mean this blog is suppose to be about exposing this fucker not about who has their hair straighten and who has money. It's just stupid ass shit!

Anonymous said...

There is another hair guy in hollywood, named Ron or Robbie or something. Marie E goes there to get her hair straightened for 150 is what Jay said and naturally tried coaxing me to go so he would try and talk me into paying for his. NOT! Didn't happen. This chick right here won't pay for NO MAN's SHIT!

Anonymous said...

Go on Girls, I dare ya! Ask him who his parents are, where he was born, what his race is, if he is still married, how many he is screwing and if he has slept with men, how many drugs he uses, how much daily porn he watches, if he has stds, how old he is, why he doesn't work a day job when he clearly isn't getting acting work, why he got evicted, why he won't take his picture with you, why he doesn't visit the reservations where the real indians are. Go on I dare ya and you will get a rabid psychotic response.

oh baby, I am 50 I don't need this shit. look it, if you want to be with me fine, we can be friends and have adult fun, i need time to heal from what my wife done to me, i am not looking to be with anyone long term, namaste, zoo goo dalash, zippy zappy doo, cat man doo, here I am believe all my lies and I will do my best to make you hit the ceiling all the while I am lining up my next meal ticket, rent, gas money, shoes, coats, couches and guess what I will take you to the free beach, dog park full of shit, a free hike and a freebie move from Director's Guild of which I belong. Yep sure will.

Oh wait, you know i love you, they are just jealous and talking trash, they are crazy delusional.

Huh Janani.....hundreds and yes I mean hundreds of women are delusional and YOU ARE COMPLETELY INNOCENT.




SO ladies if you are harboring him and you want caught up in all this mess so be it.


Anonymous said...

LMAO I don't think I have laughed so hard in ALL MY LIFE! The pics of Jay just from about 4 months back with Diann Marchlewski and her family at the Italian Restaurant! Her dad Walt has posted more! OMG I honestly don't know who looks the worst! LMAO LMAO LMAO HOLY SHIT DOES DADDY KNOW HE GOT HIS GIRLS AND GAVE THEM STDS, DOES HE KNOW ABOUT THE REAL JAY TAVARE? JAY WENT FOR A FREE MEAL!

Anonymous said...

Oh God, did you see that pic at the Italian Restaurant. Diann's Dad has pics posted all over the place of them together! LMAO Dayuum I don't know which one I would run from first! LMAO BBBBAAAAHHHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

Oh Lawd, somebody pllllleeeezzzze get my flyswat! Dayuum somebody done got beat with the ugly stick!

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