Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Actor Jay Tavare Is Being Exposed As A Fraud?! WTF?
According to several women and the Native American communities at large, actor Jay Tavare, isn't what he seems. As a matter of fact, many have gone as far as labeling him a fraud with a penchant for violence towards women.
Women, who either identify themselves as Native American or other, have cited issues of domestic violence against the actor. To further support their claim, much like entrepreneur, Michelle Shining Elk, these women had evidence, such as documented recorded death threats, to ensure that they won restraining orders against him. Tavare has had well documented circumstances of domestic violence towards women culminating in a string of restraining orders against him in several courts throughout the continental United States and possibly more on the way.
To make matters worst, several women, particularly the elderly, have filed complaints and sought legal action against the actor because of false promises he made to them to ensure that he could swindle money/discretionary income from their pockets until he had bled them dry.
The Native American community as a whole had performed their own investigation about Tavare and there findings were rather explosive. He's not Native American, there's no record of the family he claims let alone tribe/clan and was exploiting them for personal monetary gain by using fictitious charities to do it. The objective was to send money, via money gram or money order, to him directly using a PO Box versus the charity because there were no such charities to begin with. This explains the expensive, exotic luxury cars that he drives in addition to whatever he pulls through his purported gigolo tactics.
Tavare's name is really Richard Jai Janini and he's of Persian heritage. You may best remember him as the Indian chief, Waka Mani, in the film, 'Unbowed'.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 4315 Newer› Newest»This report contains a couple of bare facts, but combined with the gross exaggerations that accompany them, it amounts to a very misleading article. I know for a fact that Mr. Tavare has never attempted to defraud anybody. The court orders that you mention but fail to cite in detail are all for civil complaints surrounding just two situations that have nothing to do with the public. The supposed reports of violence are, interestingly, all anonymous, for some reason and there are no police records to support this. Most importantly for you though, your statement that Mr. Tavare has attempted to "bleed dry" anybody are frankly libelous. Mr. Tavare has always represented his charity causes sincerely and in good faith. He has put his humanitarian activities ahead of his work on many occasions and he has spent thousands of his own dollars towards travel and other expenses related to promoting these causes. I am withholding my name in this comment because recently, people who have supported Mr. Tavare have been seriously and illegally harassed by the very sources of the "information" you have written about here. That alone should tell you something about the motives of those who are behind this. If you will contact me privately, I will gladly tell you who I am. My association with Mr. Tavare is professional.
I've noticed several incorrect statements in this article. Let me point them out.
(1) The charities Mr Tavare support (Adopt-a-Native Elder and Warming Hearts) are genuine and legitimate. They can be verifed at this website
(2): The name Janini is incorrect. If Janini was used in all web searches, wrong information has been obtained against Mr Tavare. The name used in the 1983 Malibu Disco Dance Championships on YouTube is Janani (see link: Any credible journalist would at least verify they have the correct name before conducting a witch-hunt.
(3): Mr Tavare has only one car, not several, which he paid for from his own pocket.
(4): The statement that Mr Tavare has attempted to bleed dry any person is libellous. Mr Tavare has spent hundreds of hours of his time and thousands of dollars of his own money promoting and supporting these charities.
(5): Exaggeration, speculation and assumption cannot be presented as fact (a) in saying future restraining orders are on the way (speculation and assumption) and (b) that there were a string of restraining orders, where in fact they were civil grievances pertaining to only two incidents, (exaggeration)
I refrain from using my name because I have been harassed by these sources of information.
Don't let them intimidate you to take this down, they always do this when someone posts criticism and facts about this lowlife Jay Tavare. Jay Tavare's supporters are the worse harassers and bullies who will not stop, they are the one's that seek out people that speak out against him and get the truth out.
Wow I'm gob smacked! Accusations against Jay Tavare are coming fast and thick a woman by the name if Michelle shining elk seems to be leading the witch hunt, I dont know what to think really its all rather confusing, there seems to be evidence supporting these womens claims "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" these people are really out to get him and finish him off in the movie industry. Who's telling the truth who is lying, who knows.
I know this guy from school... and it wasn't on an Indian Reservation..... he was schooled in Kent, UK. Even back then he was mysterious about his origins and family, definitely from a privileged background though. I even remember his disco dancing routines as he was one of the 1st guys in school with a Sony Walkman with metal cassettes... remember them?
I dated Jay Tavare 23 years ago and, if he was telling the truth, he was not an American citizen at that time because he wanted me to marry him and when I said no he married Kimberlee Rayburn. He also bashed my face in with a gun and I have recent text of him admitting this.
I would like to see that text if you don't mind. Contact me at The Truth about Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani. Thanks, Susan
Jay also smacked around his ex wife Kimberlee Rayburn for running around with younger black men. There's a rumor that Jay got served and will be arrested soon. It's about time he pays for all his wrong doings.
Jay Tavare is a lazy ass. He never changed after being in Dubae. He lays around smoking pot and looking at photos of himself. Left his bags unpacked for weeks. He is no friend to anyone but himself. I hate him.
Yeah because he believes the world owes him something.
Jay is an out of work actor that hasn't grown up even though he's probably as old as Moses.He never takes responsibility for anything he does wrong. He's a liar, and a disease caring leech who preys on gullible women all the time! He even makes Peter Pan look more mature. Women, guard your purses and your hearts.
Jay Tavare is nearing 60 yrs old!!!!! Still dreaming of becoming an actor. Give it up Jay, it ain't gonna happen! lol. You have no money, no pension, no job and a swallow life, you live in a cave, you're a drug addict, you're diseased, your short and quite ugly these days. Times a ticking Janani. Stop fantasizing on you Vega mask no one cares what you did 20 yrs ago and get a JOB. I hear Target's hiring. bhahahahaha
I wish I could show you, and everyone, these text messages but that is not legal. However, if they were needed legally, I would have no choice.
I'm sure many of us have text messages from Jay Tavare that could get him into a lot of trouble but what really hits a nerve is how Nancy Rossov the non working Director/Producer can defend a woman abuser like Jay Tavare when "YOU" yourself Nanci have been abused by this monster and menace to society. It's YOU Nanci Rossov who called the police on Jay on several occasions. You have the nerve to lie and put other woman at risk of being hurt and abused by Jay. I don't know who is worse. SHAME ON YOU NANCI ROSSOV. Tell everyone the real truth of why you defend this's because he's fucking you. He brags about his old hag experiments with senior citizen woman like you. His exact words Nanci and much much more that's to embarrassing to share. One more lie about how wonderful Jay is and I will be forced to post evidence of everything I mentioned above and trust me I have all his text messages about you. So many woman are coming forward with horrendous stories they've endure with Jay Tavare. A class action suit should be filed.I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
This is all so sad. What I find particularly disturbing is that it seems people are not taking Jays problem with violence seriously. I have read more about how old he looks, which is a fact of life and happens to the best of us, than about that he needs to get help. His friends should be encouraging him to change his ways and go to anger management instead of victimizing the women who are speaking out against his abuse. It is not okay to call it a "witch hunt" or "women scorned" when we stand up against abuse. People should be a little more concerned that he may really injure someone. I know first hand how dangerous he is and feel lucky that he did not kill me. For people that have not seen this side of Jay, try to remember that there is no smoke without fire.The way he is defending himself is to attack verbally and blame others for the things he does and that is a classic sign of an abuser. The abuser always says "I hit you because you made me mad or if you had not ... " making it your fault and therefor doesn't have to take any responsibility.
Jay should be making apologies and getting help instead of perpetuating drama on the internet in order to avoid the real issue.
I am surprised that, even in this day and age, women cannot speak out against abusive men without being afraid and that we still have to be silent in order to protect ourselves. It seems to be a vicious cycle that victimizes us all over again. How can we stop it? How do we worn other women about someone if we are afraid for ourselves?
It's time for all woman who have suffered at the hands,lies and manipulation of Jay Tavare to come forward and file charges against him once and for all. He has gotten away with his threatening behavior for much too long. What are we waiting for?? I'm willing. Are you?
I agree with you that women should come forward and stand up against abusers like Jay Tavare. Abusers like himself get away with hurting others because many women are afraid of retaliation. towards themselves or their love ones. Moreover abusive men often resort to intimidation, threats of exposure, mind games, or more physical violence towards their victims. They are master manipulators and agents of fear. They know what to say to a woman to get her to back down. Lastly, men like Jay Tavare rely on using brute force or Black mail to keep women quiet. I hope that the
people who are harmed by Mr.Tavare stop suffering in silence and file police reports and bring criminal charges for the violations he committed against them. He shouldn't be allowed to continue his victimization of others because of his obvious depraved background.
Under the freedom of speech law it is NOT illegal to post private texts messages. Please consider posting Jay Tavare's threatening text/email messages so others can see who he truly is.....a calculating mean spirited violent fraud who resorts to threats and bullying when exposed!
I agree, it is not illegal to post text messages. Susan
Nader Jai Janani aka Jay Tavare keeps getting away with all this vile abuse because the women are not strong enough to go forward. The only way he will stop abusing women, is if those abused will go to the police and file a complaint against him. Otherwise, more trusting women will keep getting abused. STOP THE CYCLE!!!
Yes stop the cycle. He is still preying on women and lying through his false teeth about who he really is
I hope this person does expose him so that his band of female zombies get a picture about who Jay Richard Nader Janini Tavare really is about. They can't deny what's coming from his own mouth.
JAY TAVARE thinks he can cover up the fact that he is a FRAUD just by entertaining the dwindling few fan girls he manages to keep on his FB by posting ridiculous pics of himself. It's all he has to offer in his pathetic little life. Classic Napoleon Complex...a personality complex that consists of power trips and false machismo to make up for short height and feelings of inferiority. Sucks to be Jai....
Abusive men don't only abuse you, they abuse every woman they are with.
Any man that puts his hands on a woman is a coward and less than a worm on the ground. Women are not punching bags and shouldn't allow men like Jay to continue assaulting them. I'd rather be man-less and live in my house with 500 cats then subject myself to abuse.
If you look at the names of Janani's fans 6 months ago and compare them to now, there are a whole new group of fans. The older ones left. Plus, so many have proven that Janani is creating a good number of fake profiles and the pics he uses belongs to another woman. I know of someone who emailed that blond woman and she was not happy!
Here is Jay Tavare's life in a nut shell......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................empty
I do believe in KARMA, and one day JAY TAVARE AKA JAI JANANI it will get to you. You will someday feel what I felt. You will one day experience what you did to me...
I believe in karma too, Anonymous. Jay is catching hell so much he needs to walk around with a catcher's mitt.You will reap what you sow, Jay Tavare. You will get your come up ins soon.
I am very ashamed to say that at one time, I believed all the lies that Jay spewed. He is not who everything thinks he is. He is not Native American. I've seen proof of his true identity. Next, he is abusive to women and at times, men. I've heard voice messages of his rants towards former girlfriends, threatening their lives. It was pretty graphic and scary, folks! Lastly, he is deliberately infecting women with sexually transmitted diseases. People, Jay needs to be stopped. In many ways, he takes on the persona of a terrorist because of his extreme violence and intentional assault with a deadly weapon, in this case, his infected penis.
Jay Tavare will stop at nothing to continue to make up shit and lies.lies,lies....Jay I know for a fact that you didn't move and still live at your same shit hole apt with drug dealers and prostitutes at
6615 Franklin Ave. Hollywood, Ca 90028 apt 306. My friend was just there with you all day while your African American live in fuck buddy was at work. Come on Jay are you stupid!!?? You don't have any loyal friends anymore. I guess they all learned from their MASTER Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani. You messed with all of them and now they've all turned against you bhahahhahaha! My friend also informed me that you "Business Address" in Beverly hills on Robertson is in fact just a small private mailroom service that John owns;))) Liar liar house on fire. So much to tell, so little time. I hear you like under age girls or at least you did 23 yrs ago, you pervert! You'll burn in hell for what you've done to her and others.
Jay, you're seriously making yourself look like a damn fool that you are.Everyone's laughing so hard at your FB posts and lies. Why these same woman put up with your shit is inconceivable. No wonder they're all contacting each other and turning against you. Even the ones you THINK are loyal're dumb as hell
WooooooWza the bat cave. You wanker hahahahaha!!! What the heck have you done. I'm fricken shocked by all the comments above although I knew it would eventually catch up to you someday. Guess that someday is here huh?? Geez! Call me
Believe it, Anonymous above
You must be a man because only a man could laugh at the pain of women. Yeah your old buddy, Jay Tavare, is a freakin nut case, taking pleasure in the abuse and continued destruction of a woman's heart and spirit. He cares not for what he's doing. When confronted with his wrong doing, he'll simply turned it around to make it seem like he is the one being wrong, when that is not the case at all. He'll also lie and say "oh, these bitches are scorned women that I decided I didn't want to be with anymore." or "They are haters and are jealous of my fame." What fame? Where are the residuals from the movies he supposedly helped produce? Tavare lies without a conscious because he is all self serving. He reminds me of a shark swimming around in shallow waters trying to find easy prey. So whoever you are, don't laugh because it's not funny. It wouldn't be funny if he did this to your daughter, sister, or niece if you have any.
Isn't this the day and age where housewives are respected and we don't put down other races and where physical abuse toward anyone is unacceptable?Mr. Tavare seems to be crossing all these lines and seems to think it is okay. Mr. Tavare needs to run his updates.
Hey Jay, don't spend all of your EDD check you got yesterday. It has to last for a whole week unless you get another $2.00 residual check from one of your block buster movies. Pay back all the nice woman you borrowed and took money from or do they all have to take you to small claims court! I think they should....for the money and the abuse.
Say what you will about the man...even if it's all true that he's a abusive, violent, etc. It's not right to post his address online. You're crossing the line doing that. You could be putting him in real danger. If what all you say is true then press charges against him, sue him, etc., but these vicious online attacks are reducing you all to his level and making you all no better than he. There are better ways handle someone like this. Online attacks would only provoke an abuser even further. Seek justice through court!
It is Jay Tavare himself who puts himself in danger. He deserves to be punish. I salute Cindy Pain for encouraging all woman who were abused and taken advantage of to seek justice for all woman. Many woman now have the courage to sue his broke ass and throw him in jail where he belongs.
I agree that it's not right to post someone's address on line but I understand why it was done. Women get tired of being victimized by creeps like Jay Tavare. He deserves to know what it feels like to be violated! Then maybe he'll think twice about the harm he's doing to others. But knowing him, he won't .He lacks empathy for others.
If you feel he deserves to be punished then let the law handle him as opposed to persecuting him online. Vigilantism is wrong, especially when little to no evidence has been presented to validate the claims against him. Until proof is presented then the claims are unsubstantiated. I have yet to see any hard evidence outside of the restraining orders. But my question is, if he is so violent then why hasn't anyone pressed charges against him and attempted to have him put in jail? If he made threats, I'd like to see those messages and see both sides of the conversation. How do we know he wasn't goaded or provoked into giving those responses? I am not defending this guy. I would just like to see what transpired in these messages to cause him to make such threats. Why is there reluctance on the part of some to post the messages? As soon as they are asked they stop responding...why? Why not post even a snippet of the conversation? Why are they hiding these messages?
Anyway back to my point, in posting his address he could become a target for stalkers, etc. Someone could try to kill him or seriously hurt him as a way of extracting so called justice. Would that make some of you happy? It's one thing to write an exposé on his his character. It's quite another to expose his personal information. Whatever he has done there is no justification for putting his address online. Before you know it someone will be posting his social security number. Where do you draw the line? It's understandable that many are angry, betrayed, etc. and have a right to be if the accusations are true, but again seek justice the right way. These things have a way of getting out of hand fairly quickly.
FYI: To whoever posted his address, if any harm was to come to Mr. Tavare as a result of you posting that info then you could find yourself in trouble with law enforcement. People think they can say and do whatever they want under the guise of anonymity. Though you may be posting "anonymous", you're not exactly anonymous. Whenever you leave comments online, you leave a thumbprint behind. The police, feds, etc. can request that info from the website if need be. Just something to keep in mind when you decide to conduct these online attacks against someone.
The woman Jay Tavare uses and abuses are the victims. His address should be the least of your worry anonymous. It certainly looks like Mr. Tavare or what ever his name is will have his day in court soon, one of many more to come. When Jay lures innocent woman back to his apartment he's not exactly very private about where he lives. I've seen his home address posted on many other sites and FB pages with photos. Perhaps he needs to stop making his home his fuck pad and so damn popular.
Answer to anonymous regarding proof: That's a great idea. All woman used and abused by Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani aka Nadar Janini please start posting evidence of Jays threats and abuse online. I think thats what she's {anonymous} is asking. I personally think thats a great Idea. I'll start posting voice mail rages and threats and text messages that would scare the lights out of you anonymous. I mean if you think just a few restraining orders is not serious enough!!?? I'm sure a dozen or more woman could start posting a lot of evidence. I mean he's already been served to appear in court 8/11/14. Jay if your reading this and I know you are. See YOU in court darlin xo
There's no smoke without fire -such a relevant cliche, don't you think? I hope you can handle the outcome of your words because they might just send Jay into exile. Still my question to you, do you think women could make up this sick crap about Jay?
For the past year, I have suffered from what Jay did to me. His weapon of choice, is his deadly penis! I am suffering from a sexually transmittal disease after being seduced by him. The proof is in my doctor visits, medicine, and continued feelings of anxiety. I will never trust men again, because of him. The fact that Jay can just be so nonchalant about his actions, bothers most of us. That's the reason for all of these posts. Believe it, Anonymous; this isn't a nightmare but I wish it was. I wish that meeting him was all a bad dream that I could recover from but it is reality. It is a reality of most women who have dated him, loved him, or had a relationship with him.
I am so sorry anonymous that just one encounter with that monster Jay Tavare, you now have to suffer with a life long disease. FYI-In the State of California it is a crime to knowingly spread an STD. Jay Tavare has been spreading his STD's to every woman he has had sex with and I'm counting hundreds. Ladies please get tested and treated and contact an attorney.What Jay is doing is a criminal and punishable by law. Jay Tavare belongs in jail where he can no longer hurt another innocent victim.
How much more proof do you need, Anonymous? These women are coming out in droves about about Jay Tavare's destruction. I feel bad for you Anonymous because you refused to see the harm he is doing. He is a sick predator, and a sick human being who needs to feel some type of retribution. As a matter of fact, he should be made to wear a Scarlett letter in the shape of a H across his forehead. He should also wear of tee shirt that says, "Warning, I have herpes and other diseases. Sleep with me at your own risks." Comical yes? But true.
Yes Yaz... Jay Tavare is a sick predator who is finally being exposed as the not so charming but manipulating calculating fraud that he really is.He continues to have casual unprotected sex knowing he has STD's!!!!! I mean not one mention of his Dad on Fathers Day. Don't you find that so selfish yet odd?? He should be apologizing to each and every woman he has hurt, deceived and infected instead of posting those ridiculous photoshop pics of his steroid infused aging body on a daily basis.
Anonymous, you probably know as well as I do, Jay is in love with only Jay. He's on his own little island and can't see passed his own. Men like that can't get passed the mirror on the ceiling, where they watch themselves commit crimes against women. Egotistical to the core, they have no redeeming qualities other then their shallow good looks which by the way always fade.
He has a huge collection of nude photos that he gets women and girls to send to him and he shows these photos to other people including his girlfriends and male friends. This will ring true to a lot of ladies out there who are feeling special because he wants to see their asses. Lots and lots of asses, all oiled up. Sorry to be graphic, but it's not a pretty fact.
It's quite obvious that Jay is an extreme narcissist and suffers from a severe case of Napoleon Complex Disorder. I recently saw him up close and he isn't aging well. He looked bloated. You know that all too familiar look when someone has had way too much botox and fillers done to the face.. that look! It must be so darn difficult for Jay. I don't envy him not one bit. Jay needs to stop lying about his age and except the fact that he is aging. I saw proof that his real birthday is 8/23/58. Jay stop posting exaggerated selfies. Almost 60 yr old men don't behave that way. Be a real man and get yourself a job so you can can start feeling good about yourself and start paying back your loans and judgements!!
I've seen videos of various girlfriends he has filmed for his sick pleasure. I was disgusted and horrified to his dismay! Thank God I'm not interested in him anymore. He is not only a fraud, but a bloody pervert!
I've seen pictures and videos of several girlfriends he has filmed and skyped as well. Why would these woman send him naked shots and videos over the internet!?? What a stupid thing to do especially since once you send anything over the internet its anyones property and Jay cannot be trusted to keep them private. The fact that he is having affairs with girls is most disturbing. WHAT A PIG!
Jay is such a dumb ass. He thinks his current GF's and EX's are loyal. Think again're sleeping with the enemy bhahahahaha...They're as classy and loyal as you are. Kimberly Rayburn only agreed to marry you 23 yrs ago because a smarter woman turned you down and it was only for you to get your "Green Card" Marriage of convenience turned into a nightmare of abuse, neglect, embezzlement, restraining orders and jail. She then fucked up your budding career. Karma;)
Is it true that Jai and Kimberley had a settlement with the court where they are mandated to pay back the movie studio where Kimberlee worked as an executive assistant and embezzeled money from them? Jai's computer was taken and that is where they found out how it was done? I wish they put him in Jail so that he couldn't hurt anyone else. This abuse will continue as long as they women and men refuse to come forward. Yes men. When jai was a promoter, nott owner, of a nightclub, he was suppose to get pretty women and men in the club for the disgustingly nasty arab men. He always bragged how all the women and men wantedhim. All his fantasies came to life with both sexes.
It is not true that pictures and videos transmitted over the internet are "anymore property." Consult a copyright or internet harassment attorney. I can give you the name of one of the best. Video and photos copyright remains with the author. Distribution. Without permission us a felony in some cases.
It is still foolish of these woman who send naked shots and video over the internet to Jay, especially since he is sharing them with others. He brags about how he receives nasty photos and video from woman for years and have shared them with his male friends in London and Dubai. He also loves poking fun at some of them too.
I am sad and disgusted the mistake of letting Jay screw me. I hate myself. Sometimes it's very hard not to give up. Then to find out that he might be bisexual is really too much! I can't deal with this anymore I won't be back to this site because learning all this extra stuff about this fool is really putting me on edge because I sent him pics of myself doing things to my body. He promised it was just for his use and he wouldn't show anybody else. Now to hear that he showed pics to other people fills me with a new anxiety and distrust!
Dear Anonymous..You are not alone. I dated Jay Tavare years ago and he used me and abused me. I trusted him and took him in when he didn't have a home. He turned my life upside down. He made me do things with him sexually than til this day I am ashamed of. I always knew he was bisexual. I remain civil with him because he has a way of keeping his victims near and in his circle. It's all control. I don't want retaliation from him because he can be dangerous. Any woman who is involved in Jays life is at risk. I know a lot and it saddens me that he continues to hurt so many woman. He cannot be trusted and he will never change.
The women who give him the photos and videos believe in the moment that they are unique and special. They have no idea what's really going on. It's only later, when they find out that people are "accidentally" seeing their private media that they discover that they are just one of many. Then they learn just how indiscriminate he is. He has no idea of all his partners habits or histories. And to anybody who criticizes these women for remaining anonymous, remember... Photos and video are very powerful silencing tools.
Don't be fooled by Jay Tavare. He has a specific purpose for each and every person in his "circle." Some do free work for him,some give him money, some loan him money, others are just sex objects and never seen in public together and very few he calls a girlfriend that he takes out to meet his family and friends and events.It doesn't matter because it's still all about him. Just like the cheap closet mirrors he uses to view his aging body during sex.
What a creep! The circle of life, Jay, the circle of life-that's all I have to say to you. You are a real scum bag. I don't get how some of your exes still want to hang on to you after you gave them herpes. I talked to many of them and they were like they are still with you! I am like, really, like so pathetic! They need to dump your ass and find men that can treat them right. Your shit ain't all that, especially since its infected!
I don't get it either, Anonymous. Women should not have to feel like they need a man, so they stick with the likes of that vampire, Jay Tavare. Count Dracula uses women, sucks them dry, and then makes them do his bidding or black mails them. Such a low life, piece of garbage.
I wonder how many female fans get face book messages from Jay Tavare trying to seduce them with his nude and photo shop pics only to find out when they actually meet him that he looks nothing like his photos but instead short, creepy and stoned out of his mind!
I'm curious because he does have a history of doing just that. Jay treats his fans like an online dating service where he aims to please and disease for a fee....
That's exactly a good description of Jay Tavare. Before I met him, he sent me all of these pics of him with a hot bod, but when I finally met him,he looked like a lizard. His eyes were blood shot and he was smoking Marijuana. I was so shocked because this wasn't the Jay I expected to meet.
That is down right disgusting. It's obvious he hates himself and has low self esteem. I mean who posts photos of themselves from the 1980's and 90's..........Jay Tavare does bhahahahaha! What a loser.
I think if Jay just came out of the closet as a homosexual that he truly is, he would be a much happier person and he would be in all the trouble that he is in. Must be difficult being Persian and admitting he is gay. Kinda sad;(
I wish that the person who posted a naked picture of him never did. He has a very grotesque body. First, he has a flat butt, then major curvature of the spine. Just looking at him you know he smells terrible and he is nothing like he presents. He really is disgusting. naked.
Goodness such horrible description of a man who has laughed at women and their flaws, poked fun at full figured women, making them feel bad about themselves. He is such a truly vile and despicable man!
I'm absolutely in shock after reading all the comments above about someone I once admired. He bashed his ex in the head with a gun??? He's beaten other woman and spreading STD's?? I'm no fan anymore.I will never comment to his face book wall again and if I do it will be comments to make other fans aware of who he truly is. I hope Jay Tavare pays for all the wrong he is doing to woman. Shame on you Jay. You had me fooled. Glad I found out your truth.
Encouraging all woman to file law suits against Jay Tavare for abusing, using, infecting or taking money from you without paying you back. He is bragging that he has close to a million dollar inheritance due to him this summer from his parents in Europe. Thank you Jay for again flapping your big herpes mouth. Pay back all the woman you owe money to. LOSER!
Yes other women need to be protected from this predator. He has a sickness and absolutely will not stop until he infects every woman on the planet.Think about your sisters, daughters, nieces, friends and cousins he could come in contact with. He wouldn't care about your love ones and would take great pleasure in defining them! Women we are all sisters no matter what race,culture, or creed! Find the courage to stop his sickness.
JAY TAVARE is on the loose....and coming to a bedroom near you!
Woman,Children,Wives,Husbands,Daughters,Sons,Nieces,Nephews even Grandma's lock your doors and hide your key because Jay doesn't discriminate when he wants to abuse and infect his STD's..........Ban together and stop this predator!
Poor guy. Tavare obviously hates himself and his only friend is the past. Napoleonic syndrome ,Sociopath, anti social, extreme ego, in denial of so many deep issues, but at the heart lies a man with deep self loathing hate of himself who is severely depressed about being bisexual and no job. This site has been a real eye opener and I always thought he was like this. I worked with him years ago on a film, and found him so creepy and fake and a deep darkness behind his eyes. Persian, Indian, Pakistani as some have suggested does not matter, but his character is very odd and his facebook wall is just constant old pictures or naked selfies??? He has become a joke really since Kimberely left him for a better man really who I met and was a good person that he just emotionally and physically abused. Clocks ticking Jai Tavare for you, 60 years old, overweight, full of fillar and botox.
While I do sympathize with you all who had a bad experience with Jay, I question why you all aren't using protection when in engaging in sexual acts with not only him, but anyone. I'm assuming none of you are teenagers and you are well aware of diseases like AIDS, HIV, Herpes, etc. Why aren't you doing more to protect yourselves? It's your body after all. And you have a responsibility to protect it. Also how well did you know this man before having sex with him, giving him money, etc? Or were you caught up in his celebrity? With so many sex tapes online and nude pics being sold for money, why trust someone you barely know with such intimate things? Yes, he deserves to be punished for the things he has done. But I do hope your mistakes will be a lesson for someone else. Watch who you trust with your body, money, etc. You ladies aren't totally innocent here. He used sex to get money. It's the oldest trick in the book. It's easy to get angry with him, but you should also be angry with yourselves for being foolish and naive. For the future I hope you ladies are more cautious and use better judgement.
Yes anonymous....Woman are enraged with Jay Tavare and they are finally doing something about it. Many knew Jay very well but as YOU know after experiencing his horror yourself, Jay is a con artist and he belongs in jail. Did you use protection when he lived with you anonymous??? I know what he did to you and others. He has a big mouth and enjoys talking about what he's done with and to his ex's. I hope you used a condom when you had threesomes with him. Don't judge. We are all innocent victims. Have you asked yourself why you send Jay your nude pics??? No! Because we're all guilty of falling for his flirting and evil ways.
"How much more proof do you need, Anonymous? These women are coming out in droves about about Jay Tavare's destruction. I feel bad for you Anonymous because you refused to see the harm he is doing. He is a sick predator, and a sick human being who needs to feel some type of retribution." ~ Yaz Hamid
I need proof that will send him to jail. Why is it that these women aren't doing more than getting restraining orders against him for all that he is being accused of? Why haven't they pressed criminal charges? Why are they allowing him to potentially violently hurt and infect other women with STD's? Why aren't they trying to put this man behind bars? I feel sorry for you, that you can listen to their testimonies and not question why they aren't doing more to protect the public from this man. They are getting restraining orders to protect themselves, but do they not feel obligated to help protect other women by having this man locked up? How can they sleep at night knowing that he is going to harm another woman the way he did them? That's sick.
To the anonymous writer two above....How dare you blame these woman for the evil Jay Tavare has done. You sound like one of his old groupies who tolerates being treated like a doormat. I know he has several who has been taking his crap for years knowing all too well that he will never settle down with anyone of you. Celebrity!!?? Please, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp are celebrities. Jay Tavare is a wanna be nothing. If you think He's a celebrity then you definitely drank his kool aid. Get tested sweetie. Jays got coodies and more!
If he were a nobody then none of these ladies would be fawning over him. He may not be an A-lister, but he is obviously known and has fans or there wouldn't be an article about him. You'd all be saying Jay who? Someone even commented that he treats his fans like a dating site! Sorry but my point was made. He has groupies, that is evident by virtue of these comments alone. No one is blaming the victims. How is telling them to take responsibility for their part blame? And fyi: I don't need to get tested! I never slept with him. Quit making assumptions. You are making an ass out of yourself. All of these posts with the exception of a few are anonymous! You don't know who posted what as evidenced by your comment lol. You sound very foolish.
Sex sells. The only reason Jai is known is because of his pictures from 20 years ago. I have yet to have someone know Jai by his name alone. Even after mentioning the movie and describing his part they still don't know him. Jai is not an actor. He has had bit parts. Truth only please.
Fact: Jay Tavare is NOT a celebrity, his a has been glorified extra!
{I just asked six people here at The Grove if they knew an actor named Jay Tavare and they all made a funny face and said NO! lmfao!}
Fact: Jay Tavare is a fraud. He is not Native America, He was not born in Arizona, His real birthday is 8/23/58, He speaks fluent Farsi, He is 5'6" and his real name is Jai Janani.
Fact: Jay Tavare is a drug addict who forces woman to do drugs
Fact: Jay Tavare is physically, sexually and emotionally abusive toward woman and under aged girls.
Fact: Jay Tavare is knowingly spreading STD's to men and woman
Fact: Jay Tavare is going to JAIL if he doesn't pay the piper
I'm sure someone has proof of all the above facts they can post online to satisfy anonymous;)
Does anyone know what STD's Jay Tavare is spreading in particular? Herpes? What?
I'm not shocked at all. Jai's a man whore. Where there's an orifice, his penis will enter. Gross herpes infested midget man. One of his long time
fuck buddy described him as a lazy ass. I think she meant herpes ass!
Danggggg......I didn't know about him at first until I seen him in the 1999 movie "Unbowed" a few days ago and was intrigued by him in it. Decided to look him up and now that this site has exposed him for who he really is, and seeing how nasty he is towards people on Facebook, attacking, threatening, just confirms his character. It turned me away before I even had a chance to become a fan. I am disgusted and disappointed. :-/
Also I don't get why he keeps lying about being Navajo/Apache....Jay, if you're reading this---what's so wrong with being Persian, shouldn't you be proud of your *own* heritage instead of lying and stealing from others'? And why continue to lie about your age? You are what, almost 56 years old now? Clearly your current pictures are showing your true age. Aging---it happens to everyone. Man up and accept it. It just makes you look worse. IF you were really born in 1978 like you claim, you sure as hell look like one worn out 35/36 year old hag. :-/
lol@theabove. God dang, this guy has some haters. I wonder if he reads this page and realizes.
Oh I can tell you all for sure that Jay reads this and his Truth page everyday several times a day. He is obsessed! I've recently seen him at his worse throwing a tantrum and raging like a crazy ape because of all the shit and truth that is coming up online by ex's and people Jay has either hurt or taken advantage of. I'm tired of trying to help him. He is no friend. He's only nice when he needs something or when he needs help with his dog. I'm sick of him and hate the way he is. This is Jay's Karma
This is addressed to the Anonymous who questioned why women didn't use a condom when they were with Jay. First of most of these women thought that they were in a monogamous relationship with this man. He led them to believe they were the only ones. Secondly,he gave many of his fans the impression that they were special. Now I know you're not the only one judging fans or former lovers of Jay Tavare. Yes women should have used a condom when engaging in sex with him .Still nobody is perfect ;we all make the mistake of not using common sense in matters of the heart. By the same token, Jay is 80 % responsibility for the tricks he has pulled and the irreparable damage he has caused so many.There are so many more women who are afraid of being judged by people like yourself, so they remain ghost. I, too,was ashamed and afraid of being judged and that's why it took me a long time to come forward about Tavare's antics. He should have disclosed his disease to potential partners, regardless if using a condom or not. One can still contract herpes even when using protection. Did you know that? So before you start putting on your goggles to dissect human flaws, step into our shoes for a change. Jay should not keep thinking that he is beyond reproach because no one is!
How do some of you know Jay Tavare is bisexual? If you know this personally, does anyone know if he's the "giver" or "receiver" during anal sex with other men? I've always wanted to fuck him in the ass, not gonna lie. Hell if he treats his Facebook page like a dating site as some of you say, then I'm totally down.
Jay Tavare is bisexual. I should know. Jay was always the "giver"...mirrors, oils and poppers as I remember it.
Look I don't care what floats Jay's boat,nor do I care about his threesomes, use of poppers, or sex toys. Every human being has some strange sexual appetite. I think you guys are getting a way from the issue. The main issue is to look at the damage he has caused by all of his fraudulent acts. Jay Tavare needs help. He doesn't need a bunch of hens on this site talking about what he likes in bed. This man might have diagnosed mental issues. Jay if you're reading this, get help man. It is obvious you're in a bad way with the drugs and multiple sex partners.
I hope that you see this ass a wake up call to get help. You're not young anymore, Honey! Time to grow up has been long over due.I hope you pay these women back and get serious help because you are halfway through your life.Think about the legacy you will leave behind! You have nothing to give anyone other them some old dried up tree sap. Sorry for the harshness but it's the truth. Man up and acknowledge the atrocities you have committed against women. Acknowledge the continued lies YOU keep telling about being Native. Give it up, Jay, everyone knows you're NOT Apache, Navajo or from any one of Native tribes. Find yourself, Jay, and stop spreading the pestilence of diseases and lies!
OMG...I just saw all these comments about Jay Tavare.This really scares me because I've been having occasional sex with Jay and if he is knowingly spreading Herpes then I need to get tested.
Freaking out! Thx
There are a couple of people trolling on this blog--continually insisting that the women who've been unwitting victims are morally obligated to pursue criminal and civil action against Jay--who fail to understand the workings of the real life legal system.
Consult the Los Angeles Police Department for the real facts on how likely a criminal arrest and prosecution are in a case like this. Ask them what they need in order to pursue such a perpetrator. When you do, you'll discover that (except for on fictional television shows) it's extremely rare for there to be sufficient evidence for any action.
Then consult an attorney expert in civil cases surrounding these sorts of issues. You'll discover that the cost of suing is very high, and the likelihood of being able to prove financial damages and relate responsibility for those damages to any individual is extremely low.
Justice in real life is not anything like what you see on TV, so stop harping on the fairy tale notion that there will be a grand legal victory. Stop assuming that women who've made the decision to move on and not dwell on this loser any more are doing so out of fear, laziness or moral irresponsibility. Consider that they have a far more intricate understanding of what has happened than you do. Realize that nobody is more motivated than they are to thoroughly evaluate all options and make a wise choice. They know better than you what is the right thing to do.
Unless you are a victim, pipe down; you don't know what you're talking about.
The above is in response to Anonymous who said (at June 22, 2014 at 3:36 PM): "I need proof that will send him to jail. Why is it that these women aren't doing more than getting restraining orders against him for all that he is being accused of? Why haven't they pressed criminal charges? Why are they allowing him to potentially violently hurt and infect other women with STD's? Why aren't they trying to put this man behind bars? I feel sorry for you, that you can listen to their testimonies and not question why they aren't doing more to protect the public from this man. They are getting restraining orders to protect themselves, but do they not feel obligated to help protect other women by having this man locked up? How can they sleep at night knowing that he is going to harm another woman the way he did them? That's sick."
No one is trolling. Why should anyone have to pipe down? If he is spreading diseases like he is being accused of then criminal or civil charges can be pressed and he may face jail time depending on the STD he is spreading. So quit the fear mongering that causes some women to not want to step forward. No one is getting info from tv court room drama shows lol. You don't know what you're talking about. You say consult a lawyer, well have you consulted one on these ladies behalf to know what their legal options are and what it will cost? If not, you need to pipe down and quit discouraging these women from doing the right thing. By the looks of it, you are the one who is trolling. If they were not able to seek any type of legal recourse then people like Michael Vick would not have gotten in trouble for having unprotected sex with a woman knowing he had herpes. She was able to seek legal remedy through a civil case, even though he used an alias to obtain his medications. These women can seek justice and should. As evidenced by their responses, many have not. What good does ranting online do? Nothing! It hasn't and won't stop him. Some of these women sound like they need therapy, etc. You may not have much faith in the justice system, but it can and does work. Unless you have something meaningful to add to the discussion then keep comments to yourself. You're not helping these women by suggesting that little to nothing can be done for them. You must be a fan or one of his groupies smh.
Excuse me, but I am speaking to you from a position of knowledge that you do not have. I have consulted on of the best L.A. attorneys on this case and I have spoken with the LAPD about this. I'm not talking about generalities, I'm taking about Jay Tavare. I know better than you, I promise you. What I'm saying is that I don't have enough proof of anything for them to do anything. What I'm telling you is that it would cost me upwards of $20,000 to begin to try to build a case against him and the man has no assets to pursue, so no attorney in his right mind will take the case on contingency. What I'm telling you is that, while all these things might be illegal, that is way different than actually being able to do anything about it. Fear mongering? Shut the fuck up about "fear mongering." You don't know what it's like to be afraid, with respect to all the things that everybody is talking about here. I do. What I am telling you, is you have no business telling women like me and others that we are in the wrong for "only protecting ourselves." Protecting ourselves is, for most of us, about the only option we have left. You want to help me pay an attorney to try to do better, post your contact information and I'll give you the chance to put real power behind your words. What exactly are you doing to help? As for me, I've done all I can which is way more than most people.
i am a woman victimized by Jay Tavare! What gives you the right to question why I haven't come forward? He did give me genital herpes and tried to make me feel that I was the one carrying it all a long. Then he told me to get it quiet and not tell anyone. What does that tell you, Ms. Know it All? I am a victim, embarrassed because I had unprotected sex with a moron, because I thought that I was in love with him. I fell for his charm, and wanted so badly to believe that he was feeling the same vibe as me. Now I have this incurable disease that he gave me. I didn't come forward because of the shame. I didn't want my friends, family or community to judge me, or make me feel stupid, so I kept silent. People, like you Anonymous, make victims feel horrible, because you want to make us feel inadequate for not knowing how the legal system works. Still let me tell you something, I might not be ignorant when it comes to understanding how each state governs their people but don't hide your contempt for victims behind patronizing words! I loathe people like you! You talk out of both sides of your mouth, but produce no useful solutions. I might not have done nothing before, but I will do what I can now to warn others about Jay Tavare!
How are all these people sleeping with him? Does he have a big penis or something? Geez. :/
LOL@Lilly-Jay has an average size penis compared to other men I've seen. Jay has to use a penis pump and he needs viagra or cialis otherwise it goes limp quick. Thats what happens with age and years of steroid and HGH use.
Lily it's all smoke and mirrors with Jay Tavare so you see, he is even fraudulent about his package size.
What I find offensive in some of the above comments is the demonizing of gay and bisexual people. You lot make it sound as if being gay or bisexual is dirty and something to be ashamed of. I am a proud to be gay, and I sure as hell am super careful whom I have sex with and to use protection all the time, whether I'm in an exclusive relationship or not. Fact is you all knew this man had many sexual partners in the past, so why take the risk by not using protection. If you chose to ignore this important fact, then you were only fooling and harming yourselves. Knowledge is power to make the right decisions about your health and your body, no matter how much you want to have sex with him. Most gays are not promiscuous, and maybe you ladies can learn a thing or two from us. If you don't open your legs at a every flirtatious word from this man, maybe you lot would not be in this predicament. Take responsibility for your own bad choices and stop persecuting others in opposition to you. It is free speech by the way, and it goes both ways.
To the Anonymous above.,no one has said anything disparaging about gay people. Being gay has never been the issue. Being abusive, drugging your partners and not disclosing that you have a potentially deadlly disease is! It's funny how people come out of the wood works to criticism people for making wrong decisions.!Yet ignore the fact that Jay is deliberately infecting women with this disease, condom or not! Yes I made a mistake by sleeping with him without protection and I take full responsibility for my actions. Don't judge me or others because you don't know the full story! Furthermore don't assume that people are making fun or gays, bisexuals, or transgenders!Because one's sexual orientation has never been the issue here.The issue is that Jay is hurting people, misrepresenting other's culture by feeding stereotypes of historical images that are atrocious, deliberately infecting people with stds, showing private tapes of sex partners without their permission, and. appropriating funds without paying it back!Look at the big picture before you start assuming things about other people!
My rule of thumb, is never lend a dime unless you can afford to part with it for good. Another lesson. Never lend money without a contract and an agreed, signed repayment schedule. There is no such thing as a gentleman's word anymore. If you don't state it in black and white, the agreement never existed.
If Jay's sexual orientation has never been the issue, then why are do you all keep stating he is gay or bisexual? What relevance does his sexual orientation have? And why are you lot sending him x-rated pictures over the internet? How stupid can you be? If you didn't know, photos and videos go through several servers and service providers before it ends up on the recipients phone/email/etc. So many strangers have access to those pics. And making sex tapes, knowing full well he has many other sexual partners, is down right daft. You are obviously not the only one he is having sex with. And if he is having multiple relations as you claim, his phone or laptop or hard drive will be available for snooping from any one of those women he is sleeping with, women who have no integrity nor respect for his and your privacy. In fact one even claims that she has a sex tape on her laptop of someone else having sex with Jay. She claims her laptop was hacked and that sex tape leaked. I'd hate to point out the obvious, but what is a private sex tape of another woman's sexual relations doing on her laptop to begin with. She obviously stole it from Jay in the hopes to use it against him or the woman on the sex tape. Then she claims her laptop was hacked and the sex tape leaked...Really, she should be a little brighter than admitting she has someone else's sex tape in her possession on her laptop, Bright Spark! You lot need to wake up. You all claim to be banding together, but you won't hesitate to stab each other in the back in an instant. It's every woman for herself in this game you are playing to discredit Jay.
This old man walked the red road apparently, whatever the hell that is?. I would say it was more like the yellow brick road in the Wizard of Oz. Now he is a Doctor I see, Doctor Do-Little as possible maybe. Wow, Borderlines are great value, especially Homo sexual borderlines jumping up and down like rumple stilts-skin in fits of rage when confronted with the truth. It would appear that many people on here no him very well. Nat xxx
This Injun ain't no Injun after all, but a woman abuser Born and raised by Iranian parents.
Woo, woo, pump your breaks, Anonymous woman above. Stop trying to make Jay look like the victim by criticizing people for not being more mindful about their indiscretions! We who were victimized by this creep made a huge mistake by letting our guards down and giving him access to our bank accounts, or our heart,while he turned around and spit our faces. Don't you dare, dare,inveigh against those who try to shed some light on to what Tavare has done and continue to do. Yes it was our choice to get involve with him and for that we have to pay a heavy price! However, we are trying to warn other women to think twice about getting involved with smooth operators like Jay and to look at all men that they first meet with caution and suspicion to avoid making our mistakes. Most importantly to love one's self first.
Yaz get out of la la la land! There are many women on here who are not like you, and just want their few minutes of fame or a chance to mess over dude. Don't be so hard on Anonymous for stating some of the obvious; she's making some valid points! I agree with some of her points about posting Jay's sex life on here. That's messed up. I also agree that these women should not be sending nudes or porno over the internet because it makes you look desperate and stupid, especially because you never know who could be looking at your work, including your boss! I've read some wild comments about this guy Jay Tavare. Wow! If I were him, I'd change my name and move to another country where people don't know me.
Wow I'm shocked! I know this Jay Tavare from years ago. I had heard similar stories about him and stayed far away despite his constant advances.He worked at this nightclub in Beverly Hills...Stringfellows if I remember the name correctly. He thought he was the shit as the manager but the owner got rid of him after only a few months. Jay was not very popular if you know what I mean. He would take willing girls in the mens bathroom to have sex...Thank God I never let him touch me.
Thought for the day....If you don't want your naked pictures and sex video on the internet, don't make them in the first place!!!! And don't send them to a creep like Jay Tavare. It's forever lost in cyberspace...Duh!
Yeah like duh, don't post shit over the net! Still I wonder how come people not saying nothin about Jay posting his ass all over the net for the world to see or on his face book page. Seems like double standard, don't cha think? My sister used to drool ova him, calling me talking about go to this site there's a pic of Jay naked! I'm like Jay who? She seen him in that movie Unbowed and went gah gah over this fool! He aight! Now I get on this site to see all this shit about ole boy! I'm like, you gotta be kiddin me! I had to tell my poor sista the man she crazy for is a freak of the week, and probably go knee deep. Lol!
I may have agreed that the sex life of Nader Jai Janani aka Jay Tavare shoud be kept off this site and the real issues of abuse, fraud, etc should be the forefront. EXCEPT, Janani has chosen to use his fans and those who attend his events as a way to have sex with these trusting women and use them. So, they have every right to mention his personal sex life with others. Everyone needs to know if he is bi because that may bring up other sexually transmitted diseases. Janani is a sick person who needs to be behind bars.
Janani needs to register his limp penis and hands as a lethal weapon. He should be required to tell any sexual partner what std's he has. He should be in prison for anyone he ever hit.
The problem is that Jay Tavare has a circle of weak battered woman who allows him to continue to abuse them. He currently has one of his fuck buddies who he has punched, kicked and thrown out of his moving car living with him only because she pays his $1,400/month rent. He's been abusing her for years and another 10 yr fuck buddy who literally takes his physical and verbal abuse just to be with him. He has laughed at how she begs him to see her!!!! Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani uses and abuses woman...period!
Too bad a witness wouldn't call the police on their behalf. Or have a family member stop by.
What I don't get is....herpes is a pretty visible disease. Pretty much in your face.....How come none of you hoes spotted that shit when he pulled it out? Yeah what he's doing is wrong, and he's a complete idiot in general, but y'all shoulda inspected that shit first, common sense. Zero sympathy on y'all's behalf.
To Alex, please educate yourself before making ignorant comments.....Most people who have herpes have no, or very mild symptoms. You may not notice mild symptoms or you may mistake them for another skin condition, such as a pimple or ingrown hair. Because of this, most people who have herpes do not know it.
Genital herpes sores usually appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals, rectum or mouth. The blisters break and leave painful sores that may take weeks to heal. These symptoms are sometimes called “having an outbreak.” The first time someone has an outbreak they may also have flu-like symptoms such as fever, body aches, or swollen glands.
Repeat outbreaks of genital herpes are common, especially during the first year after infection. Repeat outbreaks are usually shorter and less severe than the first outbreak. Although the infection can stay in the body for the rest of your life, the number of outbreaks tends to decrease over a period of years.
You should be examined by your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms or if your partner has an STD or symptoms of an STD, such as an unusual sore, a smelly discharge, burning when urinating, or, for women specifically, bleeding between periods.
So as you can see Alex....dem WOMEN not Hoes were lied to and infected without knowing it!
you sound like Jay or one of his groupies....typical!
Alex who are you calling a hoe, hun? You must be one of those bitch ass men, who wear their male bravado on their sleeves. Get the facts, Sweetie before you start talking ish. Nobody wants any sympathy from a moron like you!You're probably sitting there besides Jay, stroking what's left of his ego. Oh I forget, my bad, you said "hoe, "so you must be talking to him.
Go fuck yourself because you don't know shit!Herpes are not obvious if a person isn't having an outbreak, Dumb ass! Pick up a book and read because you sound all kind if stupid!
People please don't stoop to the level of this Alex person! He's obviously not too bright!
He might be Jai. LOL
Okay, sure. But Jai using and abusing you all is partly your responsibility as well. Were any of you forced to have sex with him? No. Did he tie you up and hold you hostage to do it? No. Did he force you to do drugs with him, or engage in those orgies? No.....You all call him a man whore, yet you all knew the risks you took when you had unprotected sex with him out of lust. Yes, it's wrong for him to go around spreading the disease without telling anyone, but you were the ones to open your legs. To the person who said "....most people who have herpes may not even know it."....if that is truly the case then perhaps Jai doesn't even know he has the disease himself, no? Informing him about it might help.
And about the physical all CHOSE to stick around and put up with that. Most women with common sense would have left the instant someone put their hands on them, reporting it right away. You all chose to stick around and get beaten because of low self-esteem issues. Women like you make the rest of the women look bad, and just feed into the sterotype that women are weak. This is why the majority of people have zero sympathy for domestic violence victims. There are shelters out there, and things you could have done to get away from him. Now am I siding with Jai on this? No. But if you choose to stick around and put up with that crap, then you deserve to get beat. The truth hurts ladies, but it's the truth. Each of you ladies and Jai are equally 50/50 at fault.
Also I suggest you to delete this blog. If I wanted to, I could have each and every one of you commenting here arrested for slander.
That is all.
Oh boy another staunch supporter of Jay's. Listen, again open the letter before you read the mail! Not one of us has asked for sympathy! So please stop assuming females who have been hurt by him are crying wolf!What the hell is wrong with some of you? Life isn't cut and paste like you think. Then to the one above that said the women who endure domestic abuse are weak and make other women look bad? You make yourself sound so ignorant! As usual, there are women out there who look down upon other women and spout of some mindless dribble followed by "This will never happen to me. "You don't know the circumstances or situation, so unless you. do, stop being so quick to shake your finger in somebody's face. Sleep before you pronounce a sentence about someone's life!
Alex or shall I say Jay, a person can not be arrested for slander. Do you even know what the word slander even means? Please go pick up a dictionary and look up this word along with the word fraud.. You'll remember what the word fraudulent means since it has your picture next to it.!
Jay, I mean Alex!!???? You're so stupid and predictable. You can't get arrested for slander you idiot. Everything on this blog and yes it's a blog ding dong, is the Gods truth! You abuse woman, your penis is diseased, your a liar and a fraud and YOU ARE NOT NATIVE AMERICAN nor were you born in Arizona on a Rez. Is little Napoleon having a hissy fit? Bhahahahhaha.....
You sound ridiculous Janani lol!
"You don't know what it's like to be afraid, with respect to all the things that everybody is talking about here. I do. What I am telling you, is you have no business telling women like me and others that we are in the wrong for "only protecting ourselves." Protecting ourselves is, for most of us, about the only option we have left. "
Just as I suspected you are one of his groupies smh. You had a sexual relationship with him and it went sour and because you weren't smart enough to get evidence on this've got nothing! You'll never see your day in court and now you're trying to discourage others from pursuing justice. Sucks to be you huh?
As to your remarks earlier, you said that I fail to understand the workings of the real life legal system. Do you know who I am or what my background is to make that type of a statement? No? Then shut the hell up! I think most readers will be smart enough to see through your phony facade of concern for these women. You do not want them to seek justice because you can not get any for yourself. What a pity. But that what you ladies are having on here, isn't it? A pity party! Misery sure does love company. Well cheers to you all! I hope you enjoy wallowing in it!
"circle of weak battered woman"??? More like circle of desperate groupies now flocking together. Like seriously cut the crap!
For those who say they had unprotected because they loved him, how long were you with him before you had this epiphany? Were you with him a few days...a few weeks...a few months...a few years? How long did it take for you to fall in love with this man? It's hard to take some of you ladies seriously when you admit that you knew he was having sexual relations with other women and you chose to have unprotected sex with him anyway. Some of you knew about his abusive nature and chose to get involved anyway. Some of you say you claim his "celebrity" (or what ever you choose to call it) had nothing to do with your interest in him. So then please, humor me...did you know who "Jay" was prior to meeting him? If so, how? Was it through his movie, photos online? Or did you genuinely not know him at all and met through a friend, etc?
What was your motive for talking to him? If you claim he's old, not good looking, not very good in bed then why bother to continue to pursue anything with him after the initial meeting? What was in it for you? When did you find out that he was broke? Before or after he "used you and abused" you?
I'll stop there. I'm pretty sure I won't get any answers to those questions. Just a lot of evading, whining and complaining, etc.
The first time I saw him in a movie, I highly doubted he was Native American. And there was just something about this man that bugged me...rubbed me the wrong way...made my skin crawl. Call it intuition, a gut feeling, or whatever, but he gave me the creeps right from the start. So, out of morbid curiosity, I decided to Google him annnnnd I discovered all of these horrible stories about him (least of all, how he's not really a Native American). But I wasn't at all surprised because my instincts rarely fail me. This man sounds like he's a cowardly, manipulative, con artist who preys upon vulnerable, kind hearted, or unsuspecting people (especially women) to get his evil way. There are also allegations of him taking financial advantage of the elderly, as if his charade as a Native American wasn't low enough. Ladies, what goes around comes around. Call it karma, call it what you will, but people like this will soon be their own undoing. From what's been told here and from what I've read elsewhere, it sounds to me like karma is already catching up with him. He's not above the law either, so stick to your guns, stick together, and hang him high!
I'm quite sure most of these ladies were planning to use and abuse Jay, like most gold digging women who target those in the film industry. They were probably hoping that he was rich or at least financially secure and that he would fall in love with their pussies, marry them, and take care of them. Funny how the tables turn. They are the ones that got used and abused. They were probably planning to extract some type of money out of him until they found out he was broke! Now they're angry, bitter, etc.
For those who had a sincere interested in this man (and weren't groupies, obsessed fans, etc) and got used and abused, for them I feel sorry. Just because some don't have evidence to convict, doesn't mean that you don't. If you possess any strong evidence against this man, then you could see a judgement in your favor. But evidence is what is crucial. If you lack evidence, then basically it's your word against his. If he has an STD then he is taking medicine...unless he is unaware of his infection! He could be spreading a STD unintentionally, simply because none of you ladies bothered to inform. If you contracted an STD from him and did not notify him then you are just as responsible for him spreading this STD to others.
If he knows he has an STD, if you are in his place of residence look for prescription bottles. You can take that info to a prosecutor! If you think you have been infected by this man, go to your local Health Department. Get tested and give them his name if your results come back positive. You need treatment, so that you don't infect others and so does he! For those who claim he infected them with no symptoms, then how do you know for certain that he gave you the virus? How do you know he has it? Where is your proof? For all we know Jay may not have an STD. Some may question why would anyone make that up? Because people lie all the time! If you scroll up and read some of the comments, you'll notice that after one woman says she was infected then others just automatically take her word as truth and start agreeing. Again with no proof. Sorry I'm not convinced. Some of you sound just as promiscuous as Jay. You had sex without knowing him well. You slept with him knowing he had multiple partners and now you're on here feigning innocence. What is your sexual history? How many men were you all sleeping with? Was Jay your only partner at the time? How often do you get tested for diseases? You're blaming Jay for contracting an STD, but some of you seem pretty relaxed when it comes to your sexual practices. If you had unprotected sex with him, then who else have you had unprotected sex with?
I'm inclined to agree, the more I read some of the comments...looks more like a smear campaign to me. You're angry cause you believe he took advantage of you, when you were probably planning the same smh.
To anonymous above who is most likely Jay or one of his Mommies that he is also fucking for favors.....Thank You for opening a can of worms. Be careful tho, you may not like the answers.....
Proof is in the pudding and Jay Tavare knows it, darling. His own words again in his emails acknowledging and fully aware about him infecting his partner with Herpes and then demanding to keep it all "quiet" is enough to find him GUILTY!
This isn't the first time Jay foolishly admits and exposes his evil malicious ways via email, text or voicemail. Remember Jay is stupid and history repeats it self.
I'm incline to think you a fool for supporting this menace to society!'re right anonymous!
If what you claim is true, that Jay does have a STD, then he was a victim too. You don't get a STD from nothing. Obviously, a sexual partner of his never disclosed her status to him. But a lesson is to be learned here, no matter who is at fault. Take responsibility for your own health in the future. Hell, if need be, get your partner to have a full range of STD tests before you sleep with him or her. To invest the money to pay for the tests, also means you are serious about each other. If one of you refuses a test, then alarm bells should ring.
Jay Tavare is knowingly infecting innocent men and women with STD's!!!! He is not the victim. He is a predator. He is required by law to inform his partners. Jay is fully aware that he is infected with STD's and continues to spread it and asking woman to keep it quite. Jay Tavare is the perpetrator!! Get it right.
Some of these comments are really bizarre and have stupid written all over them! As usual, double standards are in play here. It's always the woman's fault or we are gold diggers who wanted income from Jay. Pleeeeez shut the fuck up because you don't know the true deal. Jay is the one who is the gold digger and whore. He is the one who tricked women out of money and when their well dried up, his ass was out of there!So stop trying to victimize this piece of fly paper, yes fly paper because if he can use you, he'll stick to you until there is nothing up. Jay never bought nobody shit never paid for shit,so what the fuck are you going on about! Think, 98% of the women he chooses all are educated and have bank.That's why he chooses them, so he doesn't have to come out of his pockets which is filled with lint and fucking moths. Stop trying to block these ladies from warning other potential victims against this Iranian Gigolo, Native American wannabe. Those who support him,continue kissing his ass and being abused by him you bunch of zombies!
Where are these emails, text messages that you are referring to? Put up or shut up! Anonymous was pointing out the obvious that if he has herpes, it's because someone gave it to him without disclosing their status to him. If he is spreading STD's then why has no one reported him to the Health Dept.? Go ahead I'll wait for what the rationale is behind that. You can report him anonymously. So what is the excuse for not doing it? I'm guessing you don't want this vile, evil, menace to society to go to jail? Yup you ladies are slowly discrediting yourselves and any argument or point you were trying to make. No wonder prosecutors won't take you're case. They can see you're all full of crap. You whine and complain online but aren't willing to take any action to do anything about it. I guess some of you like dating a violent and diseased dick. Oh well!!! It's pointless to keep complaining when you don't intend to do anything about it. Jay is "blah blah blah" is getting old and tired. You sound like a bunch of old cackling hens at this point.
Yup no answers to any of the questions asked! Didn't think so! Or you'd end up looking just as bad as him! Yup evading, whining and complaining! You ladies are so predictable it would be funny, if it weren't so sad. I feel sorry for all of you. Please seek therapy and get on with life. If you could allow a man to do all that you claim without doing anything about it, then I question your mental health and sanity. Some of you are in need of help. Were some of you abused as children? I just don't get it. I'm not excusing Jay's actions. Yes Jay needs therapy too, but make no mistake, you need therapy as well. So get your heads out of the sand! If you are are so "educated and have bank" why on earth would you choose to be with a man who you say is a "loser, creep, etc"? Makes no sense! Shouldn't you have been smart enough to see through his bull long before now? Some of you may have "book sense", but obviously not much beyond that. You all can't be too smart if you're making such dumb choices. Yes all are at fault for not protecting yourselves from STD's and for letting a man seduce you out of your hard earned money! You can't cry victim when you were a willful participant. You were willing to play and you lost. You shouldn't have gambled with your health and money like that. Jay is not the first con artist to take advantage of others in this way and he won't be the last. So learn from your mistakes, so that you don't make them again!
Ladies, Alex is Alex Buheimen who worked with Jai videotaping their experiences on the reservations. Alex, I am not bashing you but just want to educate you. When a woman is battered by the man who proclaims to love her it hurts her to the core. She wants to do anything she can to get his love back. Part of the abuse is him telling her, "Why are you making me do this to you?!" The woman starts believing it is her fault. Trust me, I know. I am an incredibly strong woman but was taken in by the man I thought I loved. I finally had enough and walked away. I did go to the police and I could have an RO against him but if threatened to kill me if I got one. The RO is only good if you are able to call 911 during the beatings. I pray that each of these women are stronger than I am and go to the police. If enough do, then this monster would be in jail. Alex, to you, it seems simple. The first time he hits you, leave. I truly wish it was that easy.
Anonymous above you're cackling the loudest! What's worse you don't know what you're talking about. Jay was reported 'to the health department in LA but unfortunately, unless it's AIDS or HIV, they won't seek him out. That's why it's important for women to know what he has. Secondly, Jay was told by several women that they have herpes, including myself. Do you want to know what his response was "Oh, I am in the middle of something right now. I'll call my doctor and get back to you because the test is really expensive. Just make sure you keep this quiet.It's not as bad as you think." What does this tell you? If Jay didn't know he had it, he would have been shocked and said, " Thanks for telling me, I'll go right a way" His nonchalant attitude made me very suspicious of him. Furthermore ,I am sick of people saying well we women that slept with him,should have used a condom. None of you supporters of his has yet to say I told him to get tested ,nor have you asked, "Jay what have you done to these women? " Instead your responses are one sided and too quick to down or discredit women. Ok, you're right in that women should be careful who they sleep with but the same should be said to Jay.He needs a wake up call! He also need people to stand up to him and say, "Jay stop abusing women, stop sleeping around spreading your virus, or use a condom, man, for Pete's sake! " Instead you baby him, stroke his ego or hold pat his hand, saying "There, there, Mommy is going to make it all better. " Stop cuddling him and pretending you don't see has serious problems!
P.S. Alex, I thought I read someone that you ended your association with Jai. Is this true? Why?
What's really sad is not one legal document has been shown in this article or the subsequent comments. If you have text messages let see them. If there have been documents filed with the courts let see copies of them. He may or may not be who he seems, but I guarantee the people writing this crap aren't what that seem either...
Anonymous above...Be careful what you ask for. There are multiple documents, court orders, legal notices, emails, text messages and Voice messages that can easily be posted here anywhere including Jay pathetic face book wall that he uses to post 20 yr pics and continuously talking about himself...boring! Not to mention proof of his real birthday and place of birth ..hint..{it's not in the USA} Your wish may come true...Stay tuned!
Comments are coming in from several woman and different sources all telling the same horrific experience with Jay the calculating mudder fucker as he proudly claimed on his voice recording I heard of him threatenting to kill Susan and others.....
You obviously don't know what the fuck your talking about and you don't really know the real Richard Jai Janani born Aug 23,1958
I hear Jai is relocating to another country as he is terrified of being arrested and also nobody will touch him now in Hollywood as his past deeds bring him the karma he deserves. So many men and women partners are pissed with him and he can no longer run and hide. so he is moving from america Karma has caught him. It is called karma but pronounced "Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yipekia
Oh he's spreading that "I'm moving to another country" lie to try and dodge all his court hearing and subpeanas lol.
Jay you can but you can't hide. Even your little sister can't hide you, NJ homes LTD. You may be short but you're still not hard to find Napoleon.
Jay can move all the way to the Equator and his negativity will follow him! Jay you can't run from the truth, because it will follow you like a shadow! You'll just keep running from that demon that's in you!This demon is already consuming you and swallowing you whole because you are a coward, damaged goods!
I met Jay at an event not so long ago and who'd known all this about him. After reading this blog and that FB page Truth about Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani I'm convinced that he is all these ladies are claiming. Even his personal FB wall is creepy. It's screams trouble.
He comes across as so sincere and charming and bragged about being in Street Fighter. He wanted to show me a mask from the movie, I said no thank you!! I'm now guessing its one way to get females to his place. Similar to Jeffrey Dahmer....makes my skin crawl.
Thank you,Anonymous, that is the perfect analogy to describe Jay! His supporters have some nerve trying to discredit these women, saying they need proof. I guess this makes them sleep better at night .I wonder why they haven't questioned Jay and asked themselves the following questions :
#1.Why are there so many blogs,written about his predatory and fraudulent behavior?
#2.Why are there so many restraining orders (11) sited in a article entitled Jay. Tavare, History of Violence?
#3.Why do so many women remember the same lines he uses how he wants to give it to give it to them, "balls deep?"
#4..Why have several women come forth about him giving them herpes?
#5Why has Jay brazenly admitted putting some man in the ICU and boldly threatened the women on. Truth About Jay Tavare aka Jai Janini, saying that "they were good as fucking dead, I'm marking them off my list!"
Present these questions to your hero Jay and see won't he come up with some infantile, cockamaimy excuses, going round and round the Mulbery bush trying to come up with answers from his fried out brain! Go ahead, I dare you!
It was his ex-wife, Kimberlee's boyfriend, Rolando that Jay put in the ICU. He threatened to do the same to me in October 2007 and just before he went to Dubai. Susan
Susan I hoped you filed charges.
Oh hot off the press....Kimberlee Rayburn isn't Jay Tavare's ex wife, she IS his wife. They never got divorced!!!! Of course the marriage was just for Jai to get his green card but nonetheless they are still married;)
Lie after lie after lie......Wake the fuck up Nadar Janani aka Jay Tavare!
Yaz, the police did call him and asked him to leave me alone. I don't live in CA. What did he do? Call me and threaten some more. I would have to pay to have him come to me. It wasn't worth it. My boyfriend at the time called him and let him know that if he came to my place, it would be him he met. Trust me, Jai couldn't handle him. lol
If I were Jay Tavare, I would change my name AGAIN and return back home where he belongs. Who does this to women?? File charges and get his stink ass in jail. How dare he get away with all this crap here in America. Report him to immigration. Don't let him hurt another human being again. My uncle is a detective and would love to hear about this low life.
Who does what to women? 2 people called anonymous say he gave them std - throw him in jail. do they or does she have an std? has anonymous ever even met him? does he have an std? lots of accusations. lots of promises of proof. no proof.
I would love to contact your uncle. You may contact me at The Truth About Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani. Susan
Who does what to woman!!?? Apparently you're not comprehending what MULTIPLE woman have shared here as well as on other online sites like THE TRUTH ABOUT JAY TAVARE AKA JAI JANANI or you're choosing to be an ignorant idiot.If you don't have anything of value to say here don't comment. You don't make any sense and you sound stupid. You must be Jay.Now Shut the fuck up!
To Anonymous who commented above at 10:34 pm....lets recapped for you since your a dumb fuck.... Jay used a gun to bash in his girlfriends head, Jay forced himself on a 16 yr old GIRL, Jay is knowingly spreading HERPES to hundreds of woman and men and children, Jay physically abuses woman, Jay uses woman for money, Jay is a sociopath, Jay lis a pathological liar, Jay lies about his heritage and age and place of birth, Jay is NOT Native American, Jay is a fraud, Jay is shorter than most 15 yr old boys, 5'6" to be exact,Jay is a closet Queen, Jay breathe stinks because he doesn't floss....shall I go on???? What an idiot!
It's been very hard dealing with the disease that Jay Tavare gave me. It's still hard to admit it to myself that I have herpes. Guys I'm not a slut,.I don't sleep around. Most of my life, I've been pretty vanilla, carefully choosing the partner I wanted a relationship with every time. Then I saw Jay and my common sense went right out of the window. I'm sitting here now thinking what attracted me to him. Some of my attraction to him had to do with his charm. He just seem very truthful and spiritual. Spirituality is one thing I am heavily into so we clicked right a way. I used to message him all the time about different topics and although he was busy, he always made time to write back. We were Facebook friends for years before things heated up between us. It was never about money or fame as some on here indicated. I dtruly felt a spiritual connection to Jay Tavare. I fell madly in love with him. We didn't get together until much much later. I really thought highly of him and trusted him,so it felt natural not to use a condom. Although I didn't experience the abuse some of these ladies experienced, I did meet the real Jay, the monster their referring to here. At times he would yell and scream at me, demanding that I sent him pics of myself naked. He made fun of me because I wasn't as sexually experienced as him. He laughed when I complained he was rough during anal sex (btw his favorite position. ). Yet I wouldn't leave him alone. I kept going back for mistreatment. I took months of his demands, submitting myself to him repeatedly. I developed herpes from him and just wanted to die. I feel so stupid, betrayed, and angry. I know that I have no one to blame but myself for being so trusting of him.I am so heartbroken and sad that it's just hard for me. Still I am able to speak our and. warn other people about how terrible Jay Tavare is. He is like a rabid dog out to infect everything in his path. Please listen to my story and don't judge!I'm just trying to warn others about the real Jay, menace to all people
Tuli Livingston
The Anal master. Now that is wrong, but usually for men with tiny penis, which apparently he has according to friends of mine and his wofe. What a strange mixed up individual
Tuli, I am sorry you had to experience that. I am in a circle of ex lovers of him, and I two have stated that he insisted they come to his home and against their better judgment they did. They had a drink and the next thing they knew, he was having sex with them, very rough, and hitting them. They were humiliated and wish now they went to the police right away. This is a warning for anyone who wants to get with him.
My question is if these women were given spiked drinks why didn't they go to the police? What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Why do you keep letting em get a way with hurting women. If any of these women he brutalized and had sex with are reading this,please, please, please go to the police. Jay needs to be arrested before he kills someone! Do you guys understand? These are some serious allegations you guys are accusing him of,don't you thing?
It's a difficult situation and so easy to judge why women stay with this monster. Simply like most predators, Jay Tavare is sociopath with all the charm and charisma in the beginning but once you're in his "CIRCLE" it's too late. It always puzzled me why some of his fuck buddies stayed for years,Still used as a stepping stone when he has no one else to screw 7-10 yrs. He is cruel to those long timers the most. Using them only when he needs something or if his current girl friend or lover is mad at him. Jay will call these vulnerable battered long time fuck buddies and have one of them over at his home in no time. Only for them to have to endure the same lies, abuse and rejection once he fucks them. His famous excuse is "This isn't working right now" or "I'm in a meeting" or "I need time to miss you" or "Let's plan a great day at OUR secret beach darling".....It's all lies and excuses because he has another one to see just hours later, sometimes minutes later! Jay is a Calculation Mother Fucker indeed who needs serious help. Woman need to stop believing his lies, report him and stay the fuck away from him.
ENOUGH GARBAGE. I know I should let you crazy obsessed fans with your DELUSIONS that Jay would fall in love with you keep ranting your hatred for him. But man. You’re so BITTER. You keep screaming the same LIES. If someone points out the obvious by asking for proof, you tell them to shut up. That’s useful.
For the one or two sane people reading this, here are some facts. Jay is the BEST LOVER I’ve ever had. From the beginning he told me he isn’t exclusive with any woman. (If that offends you, DON’T DATE HIM.) He’s never asked me for money, always pays for dinner or whatever we do. In the many years we’ve been seeing each other I’ve NEVER had an STD. Yes I get tested. When we argue he yells and sometimes says mean things. Anyone who really knows him knows he has a quick temper. But then like any other couple, we make up.
I have been cyber stalked and harassed because of our relationship. The woman behind this SMEAR CAMPAIGN said she won’t accept that he doesn’t love her and she’s going to DESTROY him. She sent emails to the husband of one woman HOPING TO END THEIR MARRIAGE. She sent nude pictures of herself and him to COUNTLESS others. She’s told so many lies about him that even that HATE page BANNED her!!!
I know actors, especially the good looking ones are dogged all the time. But man this is OUT OF CONTROL. You want to follow some DISAPPOINTED EX PSYCHO into crazyland? For real? I don’t feel sorry for her. I do feel sorry for the obsessed fans who fell for him. You’re hurt and ashamed that you slept with a man who didn’t love you. It doesn’t make you a bad person, a slut or an idiot. You had a one nighter or a few exciting encounters with a man who didn’t ask you to marry him. It’s OK. MOST OF HIS FANS WISH THEY WERE YOU.
Thanks for reading this. Probably POINTLESS to write it but I had to try.
Satisfied lover
Tuli, thank you for sharing your experience. I am sure most of the women who are commenting don't share your experience. Some of these women are groupies. It sounds like you had a sincere interest in this man. You say you were facebook friends for years. How did you come to meet him on there? Did he friend request you? I'm not judging, I'm just wondering how you became friends on there. If you sought him out because you had attraction for him based on his pictures online or his movie and were maybe somewhat infatuated by him then it is easy to understand why you may have let your guard down with him. After sharing long talks you felt a connection with him because you had common interests and got along well. It's understandable. It's easy for people to get taken in by someone you're talking to online. Shows like Catfish are proof of that. Just because you connect with someone online doesn't mean you know them. How many times did you meet him in person during the times you were corresponding? I think your situation presents a learning experience from the perspective of online dating that people are seeing a lot of these days. Sometimes the person who was so wonderful on a social media site, might be very different in person. People will sometimes talk to someone for months online without ever meeting. Dating someone online can be very dangerous. I warn others all the time about it. When you chat with someone online it's easy to get caught up in this person's story. But it is a story that they are trying to sell you through pictures and words. That's not to say that you can't have positive experiences dating someone online, but many people don't. Many women have horror stories. You really have to be careful.
As a word of caution: No matter how well you think you know someone, use protection ladies! Unless you have an agreement that you're going to be exclusive to each other, always assume regardless of whether or not he says he loves you that you're not the only person he's seeing and having sex with. If a serious commitment has not been made like a proposal for marriage, then this person is still single and free to sleep with whoever they want. Again it's your body! Protect it!
To the delusional anonymous bitch who's defending this monster Jay Tavare.....YOU sound like a battered woman and it's sad. Your message is contradicting and quite pathetic. Another Mommy who Jay cried to for sympathy and begged you to defend him because all his shit and dirty laundry is finally out in the open. How satisfied are you knowing he's raping young girls and tearing up families you dumb fuck. Jay probably holding a fucking gun to your stupid head brainwashing your simple minded ass. Wake up BOZO. Jay has many "LOVERS" many you don't know about but accept because you have zero respect for yourself. Say what you want and continue believing his lies because you look and sound like an ass. Jay will keep the delusional woman close by just in case the smart woman wise up and leave him.
Wise up your sound stupid
Dear Wise up your sound stupid
Wake up. PLEASE. You are only hurting yourself. Calling me names and trying to insult me won't help you.
Jay has NO IDEA I commented on here. I found out about it through that HATE page.
To whoever wrote to Tuli. Sound Advice for the digital era.
Satisfied Lover
Tuli, I too was a victim of Jay Tavare. He saw me 5 mos prior to our meeting at a party. He said he tried to pass his phone number to me and couldn't take his eyes off of me and my hot red dress but he was with a date and it was difficult for him to come over and talk to me.I never noticed him. He managed to find me on face book the next day and he messaged me. At first I was perplexed as to who this person was telling me he saw me the night before and can't stop thinking about me. How I was the most stunning woman in the club and he loved my body my look and my dress. His profile pic at the time was the one of him almost naked on a horse. He went on and on flirting and complimenting me. I later found out that the "date" was actually his girlfriend a pretty Asian woman. I brought this to attention and he denied it and said no way was she his girlfriend with an LOL..I blew him off knowing he was a player and I wasn't going to be played. His messages didn't stop for 5 months. Always asking to meet up with him and heavily flirting. I must say it was fun and flattering at times getting his more frequent messages.I still have all his flirthy messages and recordings professing his love for me and how I was his only one and other messages apologizing for something he had done to me and wanting me to forgive him. Each time he hurt me I forgave him and took him back. This went on for a year and a half. I have so many voicemail messages from him I wish I could share here, maybe I can. I'm tired of people not knowing the truth and why some of us reacted the way we did. he played one woman against the other. We had developed an online flirty friendship.I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said no. After 5 mos I finally agreed to meet him. He said he was so excited to meet me that he had cleaned his apt and ordered take in sushi. That day prior to meeting his flirting became more sexual in content. He bragged about Tantric sex, how it was going to rain inside etc. October 12, 2012 was the best and worst day of my life......and the story of lies, abuse and betrayal begins
Yes, um,thanks for the lovely words spoken earlier.I only knew Jay through Facebook. I was such a great fan of his. I was so tickled pink that this gorgeous man paid attention to be because I experienced a really bad break up a couple of years ago that left me heartbroken. I corresponded with Jay for years before I even started having romantic feelings for him. He gave me his number and invited me to LA. I'm was expecting a meeting with him like something out of Disney but our encounter was over so quickly. I felt so dumb for coming all the way there just to be with a man I never met. I realize how stupid women like me must look to some of you, but I truly thought I was in love with him and he'd embrace me with the same affection. I didn't know that it was a wham bam thank you ma'am because he sent me some sweet messages that made my toes tingle. When we met, he didn't even say hello. Just pushed me down on the bed, stripped himself and had me.Afterwards he asked me to compliment his body. I had to look at it and saw no visible bumps.But when I returned home I became ill, had the most God awful pain until the doctor diagnosed me with herpes. Because I don't sleep around, I knew who gave it to me.I don't know what else to say guys .There's nothin I can do about having herpes. I only hope others will learn from my experience about getting involve with men over the internet .
To the delusional dumbass. You admit that you got tested for STD's and it was negative, so you won't have a problem with the subpeana you'll get to testify under oath and showing this proof will you now?? Thanks for that bit of information. You're not so bright after all;))
Ladies some men are into rough sex like slapping, choking, pulling hair, humiliation, bdsm, etc. If you're not into that sort of thing or it's something you've never tried before then it can be scary and seem abusive. It's important to talk to your partner prior to having sex about what you're into and what you're not. So you don't end up having an unpleasant sexual experience.
Dear Tuli,
I'm sorry that you were hurt by this jerk .Your story is fuckin scary -no offense. I don't really know who this Jay Tavare person is.I was just surfin the net looking up celebrity shit when I ran across this blog. This guy sounds like a real sleezy mofo! And to read all this other shit about him made me go out and buy a drawer full of condoms! Tuli I'm not tryna be offensive but really girl, you went all the way to LA to get herpes? Ok, ok I'm sorry that happened to you, I can't relate.Just like I can't relate to some of these women on here trying to dissed the others on here tryna cock block sayin this guy Jay satisfied them in bed. Hello,are you smoking crack? These women on here telling you he's carryin herpes and you. still standin by him? None of this shit is add-in up.
WOW, to the person defending Janani and harrassing the women who experienced the true jay, STFU. I have no doubt you are one of his "executive assistants". Are you the one who left your husband for him? As for the "hate" page. Aint no hating going on there, just the truth, and only the truth. Do we make fun of his stupidy? You betcha. He is an ass and everytime he opens his mouth it spews stupidity. Let these women vent and you can meet Janani at another "charity" event and screw him. Oh wait, he isn't allowed at ANE, the Mescalaro Rez or any of his previous charities is he? LOL Susan
Rough sex, Skunk weed, oils,women fighting each other, herpes, and an up your ass fraud wannabe Indian. Hmmm! Must be Jay Tavare. Did I get it right. Ding, ding, ding, ding, did I win the prize?
You tell them Susan!!!!
Wake up people! Jay is a fucking crimcreep! He ain't no fucking ass celebrity -just a old ass fucker, still using those same corny ass pics of himself looking like a dollar store male stripper.His spandex wearing, roll of quarters in the front of his crotch days are almost over. He should be making commercials for adult diapers now instead of skipping around trying to be in movies with his head stuck up somebodies ass.Mannnn, give it up, you have a much better chance of finding a leprechaun in your shoe then being a star!, You had your chance and blew it, because you were too busy sticking your worm into anything that smells like fish! To Tuli, girl don't be afraid to live, Don't let this bastard steal your joy!To the other women messed over by him, people hear you! Don't get discouraged by the few skanks who do his bidding. They need to feel needed even if they know he's using them. Ugly women. need love too! To the one who came on here to defend her master -talking about how Jay takes her out to eat I know that's a fucking lie! Jay wouldn't give you eye water to cry with if you needed it! He's a cheap motherfucker, calculating how many pennies he has left to buy that cockeyed dog of his food! The only place Jay can take you out to eat is to the garbage dumpster behind his apartment building. And to Jay, grow some fucking balls and accept age,my man. You will never rate the hunk scale again ,looking like an Iranian Michael Myers .No wonder you only come out after dark.
Peace everybody,
Amen Erica, BJ, Susan, Tuli and anonymous who tells her story about this horrible man, This patheitc fool who claims to be satisfied supporting a man who abusing and raping woman and children should be locked up in a mental institution. You're right BJ ugly woman needs love too. She must be very ugly and toothless;)) Woman like her get other woman killed by abusive men!
She has obvious characteristics of a woman with insecurities and low self esteem. How pathetic.....and just the kind of weak woman Jay likes so he can use and abuse at his disposal.
Now he's being accused of raping women! And yet he manages to elude the legal system and avoid jail time. How does he do it? Next he'll be accused of murder. You've already come pretty close by comparing him to Jeffery Dahmer smh.
Encouraging all woman to get tested if you've been with Jay Tavare. He is knowingly infecting men, woman and children with his STD's. If you are positive please retain an attorney{google STD attorney in California} and help stop this menace to society. In the State of California it is a crime to knowingly infect others with HERPES...and Jay knows he has it! Many are sick for the rest of their lives because of Jays negligence, he must pay and he will.
Now he's being accused of raping and infecting children with STD's!!! Madness!!! Some of you ladies have really gone off the deep end. You sound really nutty right now. WTF?
Jay is known to prey on. teenage girls! One is the daughter of a good friend of his. The other is the sister of a former girlfriend. Listen idiot, no one has to make up shit about Jay Tavare. Guard your teenage girls from this predator. Stay tuned, more to come..
What? Jay is raping children now too??
"he must and will pay"??? Those words sound ominous. How will you make him pay exactly? What are you going to do?
Yes....This is true. Jay loves preying on under aged girls. He did have sex with the 16 yo daughter of a business friend and other minor girls. He stalks his neighborhood nightly drooling on young woman on Hollywood blvd, dressed in his skintight jeans, tank top, gigilo hat all stoned and glassy eyed. Using his poor little white dog as bait.
Why does it sound nutty??? Jay is infecting a large population of woman. he has sex with girls 16-18, they too are at risk. If anyone is nutty, it's Jay mother fucking Tavare!
So he raped these young girls and gave them STD's too? And he's still not in jail??? Hmm...what's wrong with this picture?
If this is true why hasn't anyone reported his ass???? Like what the fuck......if you people know he's raping children why doesn't anyone do shit about it????
Janani reminds me of Michael Jackson and what he got away with because the children's parents cared more about MJ that their own children. I agree, WHY THE HELL ISN'T HE IN JAIL? Where are the mothers/fathers protecting their kids at all costs? I'm sorry but there does need to be some responsibility on those that allowed this and for their own reputation they chose not to report this monster. They are as guilty as he is. I'm done. Janani hurt you, YOU REPORT HIM! My god, you are now allowing kids to be raped because of your reputation staying clean? FUCK YOU!#@
Hmmmm ,what's wrong with this picture is that there are too many women on here talking about their various experiences with this one guy that it's hard to decipher what's true and what's fiction. Still if there is some validity to their accusations that this Jay guy is sleeping with young girls it is not surprising that no one has come forward yet. One possible scenario is that these teenage girls are possibly too scared to say anything out of fear that no one will believe them. We live in a society where young girls are viewed as sex objects and preyed upon by pedophiles almost daily . Remember Elizabeth Smart? Take a look at the news. Sex sales and let us not forget the big controversy with Willow Smith.The media feeds the public a steady diet of fast food and smut. Some of these kids are so traumatized that it would take years to speak about their trauma. While your sitting around sipping a cup of coffee, a child is being violated somewhere. Sometimes they use their poetry or stories as an outlet for their pain.I work with children that's how I know. Children are like miniature adults. They are not really sure who to trust, so a lot times, they suffer in silence. Although I'm not sure if many of the stories on this post are credible about Jay Tavare's involvement with teenage girls, I'm not quite sure it's not true either,especially if he is as charming as these women claim. . If it is true, people need to keep an eye on their children, especially females. If any of his friends are reading this and have teenage girls, question them.
"stay tuned, more to come"?
Stay tuned for what? Your mental meltdown? You're really starting to become unglued. I can tell from reading your comments that you don't know Jay personally. You never met him. You're not one of his victims. You're getting all of your info about him from blogs, websites, etc. You're a bandwagon supporter! Were you a victim of domestic violence or do you know someone who was the reason you're defending some of these groupies so passionately? Or you're just trolling different sites. Either way, you're a few cards short of a deck! That much is quite obvious! Seriously get help. You need it.
Sounds like Jay the impostor himself is anonymous above....LMFAO!!
Everyone commenting here with the exception of a few delusional weaklings who support Jay Tavare the midget monster know exactly who you put that pipe down because crack is whack. Get a job like the rest of us so you can pay back your debts.
Oh my....I used to be friends with Jay on facebook and he would message me all the time sending my inappropriate photos and messages. he knew I was Married but he continued. He flirted with me and complimented my body and told me I was pretty. He said I was quite a woman and that my husband was a lucky guy and if I ever come to Los Angeles he would see me and take me around. He once asked me if I would help him find out who some of the fake profiles that were commenting bad things about him on his FB wall were. I eventually defriended him because he started giving me the creeps. Now reading all this I'm glad I stopped talking to him. I want to warn woman on his fb wall about him. this is so not right.
Dear Anonymous Idiot who believes I'm joining the bandwagon.I know your none other than Jay Tavare. What's the matter I hit a nerve? And yes I know you very well! along with every woman on here! You are everything described on here. Stay tuned more to come is a way of saying I know other people will be commenting too and they have!
So "stay tuned", how do you know him?
It's one thing to claim he used you and abused and you all did nothing about it. It's quite another to say that he is "raping and infecting children with STD's" and stalking and preying on them and yet he's not in jail. You all say he's no celebrity which means he's not getting special treatment, so why isn't he being prosecuted by the law??? I don't want to here any more crap about how nothing can be done to put a pedophile who's raping children behind bars!!! Total and complete bullshit!!! You're making yourselves out to be some lying psychotic bitches!!!
This is stay tune
Jay and I had a brief affair three years ago.
Yes!!! Jay is having sex with minors and yes he has HERPES! do the math and shut the fuck up ugly ignorant BITCH!!! Having him prosecuted is the goal here. More woman and girls who he took advantage of are woman now. Most were scared and threatened by Jai but because of this blog and others like it exposing Jay Tavare the fucking PSYCHO, these scared woman are being empowered. So keep your dumb comments to yourself and do something useful for battered woman instead of supporting a sociopath. You're acting like a Charles Manson brainwashed follower. They all eventually ended up in jail as I recall. That's the goal here for Tavare....GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL!!!!!!!
To anonymous who had the affair with Jay Tavare three years ago...are you a man or a woman? JUST CURIOUS
To just curious are you an idiot or a moron? Just curious!!!
You're contradicting yourselves now. First you say: "Jay loves preying on under aged girls. He did have sex with the 16 yo daughter of a business friend and other minor girls. He stalks his neighborhood nightly drooling on young woman on Hollywood blvd" Now you're saying: "More woman and girls who he took advantage of are woman now." SO these girls who he raped are all adults now? He's no longer going after children or is he? If they're all adults then you've all allowed for this to go on for YEARS!!! And haven't done shit about it yet. I'm calling bullshit on you bitches!!! You're on here venting! That's it! Some of you already said that it's too expensive to prosecute him and that you lack evidence...blah blah blah!!! You all have every excuse in the book for why you haven't done anything. But you expect for everyone to believe that "having him prosecuted is the goal"??? You're full of shit!!! Get the fuck out of here!!!
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