Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Actor Jay Tavare Is Being Exposed As A Fraud?! WTF?

According to several women and the Native American communities at large, actor Jay Tavare, isn't what he seems. As a matter of fact, many have gone as far as labeling him a fraud with a penchant for violence towards women.
Women, who either identify themselves as Native American or other, have cited issues of domestic violence against the actor. To further support their claim, much like entrepreneur, Michelle Shining Elk, these women had evidence, such as documented recorded death threats, to ensure that they won restraining orders against him. Tavare has had well documented circumstances of domestic violence towards women culminating in a string of restraining orders against him in several courts throughout the continental United States and possibly more on the way.
To make matters worst, several women, particularly the elderly, have filed complaints and sought legal action against the actor because of false promises he made to them to ensure that he could swindle money/discretionary income from their pockets until he had bled them dry.
The Native American community as a whole had performed their own investigation about Tavare and there findings were rather explosive. He's not Native American, there's no record of the family he claims let alone tribe/clan and was exploiting them for personal monetary gain by using fictitious charities to do it. The objective was to send money, via money gram or money order, to him directly using a PO Box versus the charity because there were no such charities to begin with. This explains the expensive, exotic luxury cars that he drives in addition to whatever he pulls through his purported gigolo tactics.
Tavare's name is really Richard Jai Janini and he's of Persian heritage. You may best remember him as the Indian chief, Waka Mani, in the film, 'Unbowed'.


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Anonymous said...

Yes Diann has something wrong with her for being abused for ten years and never walking away. She also has something mentally wrong with her to leave her makeup and toys at his apartment knowing he uses them on everyone else. Then again Teresa and Diann both are athletic and have a build like a muscular tall man and well they have the plain jane look in their faces. Jay himself has told everyone about Teresa's abortion for two decades ago, he was married and still legally married.

Anonymous said...

KDR looks better now than when she met him and she offered her daughters to him least that is what he said

Anonymous said...

MJD went to court with CP wonder if she is going to sue him too?

Anonymous said...

He also said he could fuck anyone in front of Diann and she would still beg him to be with her. He uses her like the doormat that she is he said.She begged him for weeks to have birthday dinner with her and her family. He said he didn't want to go and that he was bored to death. He made fun of the grandma dress Diann wore. He also said Diann had STD's

Anonymous said...

Margaret Johnson Doran should sue Jay for all the free work she has done for him as well as all the sex video's she had sent to him and all that he shares with each and every woman he is with.

Why would anyone send this creep sex video's??? He sends them to Dubal and to his friends in London.

Anonymous said...

Oh I been reading this blog for some time now but now I must say something:

I volunteered at the rug show and I distinctly remember a group of woman having a meeting with Jay concerning Margaret Johnson Doran. We all hated her because she was so jealous of any woman that Jay would give anytime to and she's MARRIED! She would sit and stare and make weird faces looking sad and mad all the time. Jay said she looked like an old grumpy lady lol Anyway, Jay told us that Margaret had mental issues and that she was in love with him and threatened him to ruin his career if he let her go. He also said that he was slowly planning to cut her off but had to do it smart so she wouldn't retaliate. Jay himself told us how she would call him everyday bugging him and when he didn't respond she would send naked picture and made several sex tapes for him in her bedroom that she shared with her husband!!!! What mother would do such a thing??

Seems Margaret is now teaming up with Cindy because Jay finally cut her crazy ass loose......GOOD FOR YOU JAY;)))

Margaret needs to get a life and and stop interfering in Jays life. YOUR NOT PART OF HIS LIFE MJD. Jay made that quite clear dear.....bhahahahahahah. We're allllllll laughing at you.

Anonymous said...

All of this is really stupid!I don't get is why you ladies are still wasting your time writing about this fucker. He fucked you? Yeah get over it! Sue his ass if he gave you a disease. But stop pointing fingers and talking shit about KDR, MJD, Diane and Teresa. These women probably beat themselves up enough for being with this wad of spit. Ladies put this all behind you because Jay ain't doing well. He never will because his evil is following him everywhere he goes. He will always be nothing but a bottom feeder.Jay your time is coming, Baby. Karma is just waiting to check the check your ass defaulted on many tines!

Anonymous said...

What........? Nooooooooo!!! "Margaret Johnson Doran should sue Jay for all the free work she has done for him as well as the sex videos she sent him and all that he shares.........?"

Disagree!!!!!!!! Not cuz i'm a nutty fan Jay Tavare's but bcuz I have no love 4 married women who cheat on their husband OR 4 fools are protective cups (defenderS) 4 the queen of FakeALITY Jay Tavare. No way no how Mags..... or is it......Bags......or is it....... Huffing on a Post or is it............ Let Me Write EVERYTHING For You I'll Make You Look Good????

I know!!!!!! I'll juss call you.....MJ.......D(insert here)........

Soooo.........of all the dickwad protective cups of the world MJ.......Douchebaguette......protective cup #2349843 was the smartest dumbest of them far!!!! And......because of all that reaping all she it sowed???? Don't matter....they both fit.

With regards to the sex videos she made........ of herself .........THEN sent to him. Nobody made her attach a file or a hit send button!!!!!!! MJ.......Dickwad-Defender...... has NOone 2 blame but herself 4being MJ......Dickmatized.............. juss sayin is all

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous above you do not know the whole story. Each one of these women throughout his life has a bad story to tell. Notice not one has a happy story that he has ever been with or around?

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani

Is Iranian and not Native American
Pathological Liar
Do a thorough background check and you will find

He is still married
He is Iranian
He has been accused of raping an indian actress
He has had the local hollywood police brought to his apartment several times for domestic abuse
His wife filed charged on him for domestic violence and abuse
He put her boyfriend in the icu
Multiple women sued him and men for civil harrassment, money loans, abuse
He has herpes
He has an iranian passport
His driver's license is fake
he is 56 years old
he has no respect for any woman
he never had any of the so called charities established and he took money
he gets money sent by fans to the western union and he uses it for personal gain
he collects unemployment
he is bisexual
he begs and gets women to send him naked photos and videos of themselves and he blackmails them with it some any way not all
he will do anything for money
he has no integrity or morals
he has been with many underage girls and prostitutes
he is a drug attick
he is a porn attick
he is a sex attick
he is a psychopath
he is a predator







Anonymous said...

I hope KDR pushes him out on HWY 1 You GO GIRL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

by the way they look soooooo GAY

Anonymous said...

Dear Volunteered at the Rug Show,

You've been "reading this blog for sometime now," but yet all you can come up with is a pithy little story about a group of women hating on MJD and talking about her facial expressions? Gee, let me guess. You, like that group of women you mention were all on team little man and there to swoon over him. Oh. I mean to support him.

Of course, you were! It's not rocket science to figure out that you were. You cheered a little (or a lot) too loud for your butt boil. So please spare us your attempt to give what you have to say about MJD or your butt boil any credibility because you "distinctly" remember a situation or "he told us [you] himself."

Instead of following this blog for "some time" maybe you should go back to the beginning of time (as it relates to this blog entry) and re-read it. As you do, work on comprehension because I truly want you to get that no good will ever come of having a violent and vile ignoramus like Jay Tavare in your life. That is the truth, whether your relationship with him is real, fantasy or cyber-based.

I'm not even an MJD supporter

One other thing. You might wanna cool your jets over being braggart about things Jay "himself" has told you, or acting as if you are somehow bake sale special because you "know" things. It doesn't help your case or your cause. It only confirms what everyone is already thinking. That you "are" "special" because you don Jay Tavare pom poms in your hands. Do you really wanna be "that" kind of special?

Bottom line. Whether you accept it or not, he is a bad, bad person. That is never going to change.

Anonymous said...

We all should post his nasty naked photos he has sent to all of us prob the same ones. I remember when he was in Maui he kept sending naked pics of himself in his hotel room. I was getting text messages in the middle of the night from him wanting me to see his erection. He said he was lonely. I remember one where he was sun tanning naked on his balcony hotel at the four seasons and he took a pic of his penis laying down. Another I have is of him when he returned from Maui he was naked with only a flag scarf around his neck and so many more of his cock shots. What a perv!!

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous aka I am not even an MJD supporter.....LOL "WE" all know it's you Margaret. Your writing style is so obvious. Jay also agrees it is YOU Margaret.....hahahaha!! (get a life)

Yes, we are all happy that you are not at the rug show anymore and you know who we are;)) You used to defend Jay online against MSE. It was only when he dumbed you and made fun of you that you now want revenge like the crazy neurotic woman Jay always said you were. Now move on and leave Jay alone. he is thrilled you are finally out of his way. Your jealousy,loss and defeat is killing you while Jay is happy and successful and dating who ever he sees fit ha!

We're allllll still laughing at you including Jay;)))))

Anonymous said...

Jay would always text me: "You're a Goddess and I'm a lucky Mortal" I'm so sure he says that to about 50 other women. CREEP!

Anonymous said...

I applaud MJD for having the strength to walk away from Jay and have nothing to do with him. He has his looney fuck friend KDR do all the dirty work by sending the sex videos to everyone including MJD's husband at his work place. Jay constantly tries to get MJD back and she has shut him down. She has paid a very steep price for believing Jay and having relations with him. Again, I applaud her and hope she is able to move on with her life. Why don't you all support her and leave her alone. Why attack other women who are trying to make a change for the better? BTW, Jay is never allowed to step food at any of the ANE events. They know the truth about him and he is banned. He is banned from the Mesclaro Rez. Remember when Jay made a big deal about going to the Mescalaro Rez over the 4th of July then saying he would stop by his Navajo rez on the way to help the teens? Then nothing, posts deleted. He didn't go. He was trying to get his fans aka his fake profiles to believe he is native. What a crock of shit. Women who have naked pics of him, post them. Post his email or voicemail threats. Time to turn the table on him. Send them to the producers of anything he may be involved in. DO SOMETHING to stop this vile infection laden it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. that said people need to stop picking on Margaret.. I never met Margaret and I have no intentions to meet her. She, Cindy, Chanchi, Kimmie, Diane Teresa, Shay, and others are victims of this crude little squirt! I hope that his evil ass gets wha''s coming to him soon. Furthermore I hope his fans,especially Kenya find a way to get on with their liYves.Kenya I read some of the despicable things Jay or his dead head bitchez said about you, and I just wanted to say, fuck em! They'll get there's. Clearly they're all sick! I don't know you and only looked at your profile and pics once. You are a beautiful woman. Stay strong!!! Cheyenne

Anonymous said...

I agree that ALL you women are victims and you all need to move forward with your lives however Margaret Johnson Doran according to Jay and from what I've seen has caused a lot of problems because of her jealousy. She has tormented every woman Jay has dated. Margaret has a dark evil side that finally caught up to her. So don't be too quick to feel sorry for her. Jay himself has shown me emails and these long crazy text messages from Margaret where she is calling some of his friends and girlfriends the most vile names and threatening Jay to leave them or she would expose him. Shame on Margaret as she IS a married woman with two children behaving like an obsessed neurotic fan. I do feel sorry for Kenya. I've read your comments and seen your profile and I'm very sorry for what you're going through. I'm not saying Jay is blameless but Margaret has verbally attacked many of Jays special girlfriends unproved with racial and evil remarks....I've seen them! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Margaret has verbally attacked many of Jays special girlfriends unprovoked with racial and evil remarks.....I've seen them!

Anonymous said...

Cmon you guys, its not Margaret that's attacking Jays gf or exs. Its KDR! She is the one that's double crossing Jay. And posting nude pictures of Jays exs and taping everything. Margaret was not the only one that was married here. KDR also was MARRIED and cheated on her husband. She threw around money like she had so much. Buying Jay furniture, clothing, weekend getaways, giving him money just to show off.

No one is laughing at MJD. We are laughing at YOU KDR!!!

We all know you are BROKE!!

Maybe its time for Jay to give you back that money you gave him?

Sweetheart you may need it to pay your bills. LOL

Anonymous said...

To the person above, KDR is jealous of all of us. She should be jealous at her daughters instead. Because Jay would rather be with them than her. Who wants an old maid that dresses in fish net unless you are walking the streets.

Anonymous said...

Booooohaaaaaaaaa.......Margaret always getting in Jay business. He finally kicked her to the curb. We all new at the rug show about how much Jay couldn't stand her. He told us about her nasty sex tapes 5 or 6 of them. Some of us saw them and they were nasty. Margaret trying to act like a porn star bhahahaha...Jay said her granny panty and unappealing masturbation made him almost throw up. She shouldn't be talking crap about other woman when it's Margaret who is the trashy whore. Jay also told us how she would cry about her stinky mechanic husband who couldn't get a hard on...No wonder Margaret is sooooooo lonely and miserable and has to keep her nose in other people's business. The irony is that Jay is still very much with all these women Margaret keeps dogging....jealousy will kill ya maggie;)

Hey Margaret Jay said you had two facelifts that did help you. Is that true? he also said you will never look sexy to him with any amount of plastic surgery at any age. perhaps you should've went for the breast implants for your flat chest and some butt implants for your flat know Jay prefers a nice round butt lol

Life without Margaret Johnson Doran is heaven on earth;)))

Anonymous said...


What........? Nooooooooo!!! "Margaret Johnson Doran should sue Jay for all the free work she has done for him as well as the sex videos she sent him and all that he shares.........?"

Disagree!!!!!!!! Not cuz i'm a nutty fan Jay Tavare's but bcuz I have no love 4 married women who cheat on their husband OR 4 fools are protective cups (defenderS) 4 the queen of FakeALITY Jay Tavare. No way no how Mags..... or is it......Bags......or is it....... Huffing on a Post or is it............ Let Me Write EVERYTHING For You I'll Make You Look Good????

I know!!!!!! I'll juss call you.....MJ.......D(insert here)........

Soooo.........of all the dickwad protective cups of the world MJ.......Douchebaguette......protective cup #2349843 was the smartest dumbest of them far!!!! And......because of all that reaping all she it sowed???? Don't matter....they both fit.

With regards to the sex videos she made........ of herself .........THEN sent to him. Nobody made her attach a file or a hit send button!!!!!!! MJ.......Dickwad-Defender...... has NOone 2 blame but herself 4being MJ......Dickmatized.............. juss sayin is all

Anonymous said...

Nope nobody made MJD her attach sex video files or hit the send button. Nobody made her send 5 sex videos.....just sayin ha!

We all still talk about MJD's trashy nature at the rug show...Her sex tapes have been banned here in Florida lol

Anonymous said...

Margaret Johnson Doran is no saint and guilty of stupidity big deal. Don't forget who the violent predator is. It ain't Margaret Johnson Doran and she ain't the one who should be in jail. Last I checked, sending naked videos is not against the law. Just stupid.

You know what is against the law. Violence against another person. Jay Tavare. You have been lucky. Very, very lucky but it seems your luck is about to run out man.

Anonymous said...

It's puzzling to me that Jay has gotten away with so much, I mean he should be in jail. Can somebody explain why this lying excuse of a man hasn't been prosecuted??? Seem you all have enough evidence to come together and have him arrested. Stop complaining about this little man and do something about it or STFU!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you not learned anything up to this point? He is a psycho and he gets away with shit because he puts the fear of god in the women and men he has violated either sexually or physically. He tackles his conquests before the car engine has cooled down and he tapes it then uses that stuff against. He is cunning and deceptive on top of being a violent rager. He has gotten away with his bullshit all these years because he has used threats and actual physical abuse to put his victims into a place of being paralyzed with fear they stay silent. Until MSE no one ever put out there that he was violent so we didn't know about each other or that there are as many of us as there are. Before there was no one talking out loud or to each other because we were scared out of our skulls worried for our skulls. He is a crazy muther f'r in case you missed that. Most of us thought we were alone in what he had done to us but now that has all changed this blog has empowered many of us to stop our silence. Now we ARE talking and people ARE going after him. But it is still a struggle because these are he said, she said situations. Jay Tavare is a professional plaintiff and defendant and he has been in a myriad of cases so he knows how it goes. He is a stupid man, but has done enough time in a court room to know how to manipulate both his victims and the system. So until you are in our shoes you can STFU because you don't know what in the hell you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

"we need someone to come forward about the prostitute he left for dead several years ago in the hollywood hills. we know one of you knows the details. go to the lapd hollywood branch to report or the fbi. there more than likely is more than one of you that knows details. please, I am her sister and need justice."

Well someone finally went there and accused him of murder. Funny how this person provided no meaningful info like the victims name, contact info, their name, year, etc.

You ladies (and I use that term loosely) are accusing him of everything under the sun. It's really sad and pathetic. It sounds like some of you are just on here spinning up tales. And concocting any story you can in a desperate attempt to get someone to listen. Some of you sound very needy, whiny, etc.

Where's the Excedrin?

There needs to be a warning on this blog:
Reading this blog is detrimental to your health. Reading the comments could cause headaches, seizures, drowsiness, nausea, etc.

You're all a bunch of nutcases!

Anonymous said...

No anonymous above.....but allowing JAY TAVARE to fuck you will cause:

malaise,insomnia,insecurities,fear,pregnancy,forced abortions,bruises,physical and mental abuse,depleted bank account,etc!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to keep an open mind here as I only know Jay Tavare from his FB page and what he posts. I been reading a lot of negative comments about Jay all over the internet. Kenya McDonalds story really peaked my interest and have me questioning Jay. Who is Kenya and what was her relationship to Jay. What horrible things did he do to her? Was she a fan? I'm only asking for details as it could help other women/fans who are in communication/contact with Jay. Jay and I have been chatting privately and he gave me his phone number. I'm reluctant to call after reading all of this mess.

Please advise.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous person above, Kenya McDonald has a Facebook page. Please inbox her privately. If you'd like to know the 411 of her dealings with Jay Tavare.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping kenya would share it here. She has mentioned a few things that Jay allegedly did to her on another site but it was a bit vague. I will consider messaging her privately as well but I'm afraid of any repercussions. I really just want to know who Jay really is. Like I said I'm keeping an open mind. Jay and I have been having some pretty intense sexual FB messaging back and forth. He wants to meet but all this has me rethinking things. One more old is he really? I know I'm much younger. He told me he just turned 50.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above,

Please email Kenya. I am sure she will talk to you.

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous asking about Kenya, I can tell you a little about her. Kenya was a fan for years of Jay Tavare. I contacted her after I noticed that she left his page and started peering on The Truth About Jay Tavare page on Facebook When I inboxed her,she told me that she met him and he used her that's why she could no longer be friends with him. .After I found out what he did, I unfriended him. If you want any more info, just email her.

Anonymous said...

I also "unfriended" him after reading Kenyas experiences. I believe she had been a friend of his for a long time and knew him personally, therefore I was appalled at the way he treated her. He seems to be surrounded by misery at the moment, hes not worth the time.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous new fan of Jay Tavare above......RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM THIS SOCIOPATH!!!!! Do not believe a single word he utters out of his herpes infested mouth. He will tell you that everything here and on hisThe Truth about Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani page are nothing but scorned ex fans and lovers but he is a pathological broke ass liar. EVERYTHING HERE AND ON THE HIS TRUTH PAGE IS THE GODS TRUTH! Go ahead and private message Kenya, you'll be shoched at what she endured at the hands of this predator Jay Tavare. He has fans fly in often to met him only to leave with STD's and a broken heart. He's nothing but a glorified extra living on unemployment who relies on his 7 year fuck buddy, Shay Richie who only makes $400 a week to pay his rent who btw takes regular beatings and verbal abuse on a daily basis. If you are a smart woman you will take this and all 1047 comments as the truth.

P.S.- Jay is NOT 50 but nearing 60 yrs of age! If you still have seconds thoughts, go to the Hollywood police department and ask to see how many times the police have been called to his shitty one bedroom apt on Franklin and Whitley. You can also google to see all his court records.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning. I say that with a smile of grandeur and I am not a Psychopath. However, the one in which this blog is dedicated to is.

As far as Margaret and Kimmie, yes they were married and made a mistake. But neither one of them expected to be bruised, emotionally and verbally abused, both of them loaned him money that he has never repaid, etc.

Here is the big question, For Jay at 56 years old do you honestly think it was the first time he had slept with not one, but two married women knowingly? Do you honestly think it was his first time to do so? Did anyone hold a gun to his head and tell him to sleep with either one of them knowing they were married? Did anyone hold a gun to Jay's head and tell him to accept $6,000 from Kimmie knowing she did not work and it was her husband's money? Case closed. If you are going to point one finger, you must point one right back at the other party. Oh, but that's right he is from Tehran, Iran and they think women are beneath them and a man can have several wives. Well if that is your religion, so be it. But do not try to impose your beliefs on another.

As far as the fangirl wanting to know about Jay Tavare, Jai Janani.

There are alot of women hundreds that WALKED AWAY, RAN, KICKED HIM OUT.





Anonymous said...

OH Lawd is that a Gummy Worm I feel? Do you have any tweezers so I can pull it out?

Anonymous said...

LMFAO Grandma Rossov must have held his hand and helped film the so called trailer for the native film that they are trying to raise money for. He looks hideous like a big green chicken. Those poor fools if they think he will help them raise money for their film? OMFG

He had a few decent roles two decades ago, then what?

I ain't sum dumb shiiiiiiittttt

Anonymous said...

66 yr old Grandma Nanci Rossov aka Precious from Lord of the rings(that's what Jay called her) isn't much older than Janani. They both qualify for senior discount day at Ross and Denny's bhahahahahaha. I can't imagine Jay fucking that old goat! He once said fucking Nanci was like fucking a sponge...yuck!

Anonymous said...

How did that recent visit go with Jackie Fortunato go Jay? What about Heidi Viher, Allyson McDaniel, Allyson Mueller, Leotie Romy, Keli Bennett, Temryss XeliTia Lane, Mona Lillkall Kassarp, Kiara Hunter, Lisa Charleyboy and Steph Sylvedra?

That's right all the REAL HOTTIES DUMPED YOUR ASS!

How's Vida these days and Cherrilyn? Won't have nothing to do with you will they?

Because you abused them, used them, cheated on them, drugs, porn, won't work, embezzlement, fraud

has anyone alerted the IRS yet? or unemployment office?

Anonymous said...

Did you ever pay Cher Devore back think that was a UTAH visit huh?

Anonymous said...

Please contact all these women listed above to warn them about midget monster and to alert them to get tested for STD's. Dumb ass Jay is so transparent isn't he. Cherrilyn left Jay for a younger hotter actor lol but not until she used him. She was sick and tired of Diann interfering in their relationship and Jays lying ass!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the unemployment office have been informed but others need to call them as well. They're investigating my complaint. IRS is next on my bucket list;)

ahhhhh life is shit for JJ xo

Anonymous said...

How can the psycho bitch collect unemployment? He would have had to work someplace for three months full time minimum. The Mooch doesn't believe in W O R K! The only name I recognize above is Allison McDaniel. What happened to her?

Anonymous said...

Allison saw who he really was and where he lived and got tired of paying the check at restaurants. She also found out he had a pack of bitches he was banging besides her...HOPE SHE GOT HERSELF TESTED FOR STDS!!

Anonymous said...

So Kenya McDonald is saying she had sex with Jay?? In her dreams maybe...haha!! Have you all seen Kenya. I mean she's a big ass momma like obese. Why would Jay have to fuck that when he can fuck fitness girls???

Jay's right about you women...bunch of lonely as reject fans LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yes he slept with Kenya. She is a big woman but she is pretty and has a heart. You don't understand, it doesn't matter to him. Women, Men, Young, Old, Fat, Skinny, Model types, Big Asses, Little Ones, Underage, Prostitutes, it just doesn't matter. He is sick. He is a clinical psychopath. We can spell that out for you too if you want us too one more time.

Ask him why he doesn't work a day job?
Run your background check, call the police
Ask to see his driver's license and passport
Look around in his apartment and you will find self made porn, lingerie, pumps, pills, pot, poppers, cocaine, pills, jewelry
1800 numbers
strip clubs numbers

He is obsessed because he is certifiably insane

PS That so called fan base is looking pretty weird these days Janani and also old and ugly just like you

For Halloween why don't you put on your clip in hair extensions, stick a feather on your head and put a leather rag around the gummy worm and put on some mocassins and speak an indian word, afterall it is dressup day

Anonymous said...

now be a crazy little boy and go smoke your weed, dream about being a big movie star, talk your way into some poor woman paying for dinner and grab Shay or a hooker off the street if you have any change in your pocket and pretend you are a stud, NOT

Anonymous said...

There's always two sides of the story and Jay sure paints quite a different picture of this crazy Kenya fan of 3 yrs. Wasn't Kenya in love with Jay and obsessed with him. She sure defended Jay on his FB wall against MSE and Susan. All of a sudden she's mad or feels betrayed and goes on to slander him. Please...get a life!

Anonymous said...

Kenya was in love with Jay but obese with him-not! Yes she did defend him against the truth page and MSE because she believed his lies like any other woman. Yes she was betrayed like any of these women or men. What's your point? The point is Jay took advantage of a good hearted, beautiful woman! Yes she's a big woman, but it didn't stop Jay from pursuing her and then lying about it! Wake up people, Jay had sex with Kenya and other women because he was attracted to them. Just because Kenya is a big woman doesn't mean she's not hot. Pussy comes in all packages to Jay Tavare-big, little, skinny. He loves to fuck and it doesn't matter to him who he does as long as he gets off-dumb asses who think he's got one type! Jay did Kenya the way he does all women and she has every right to be upset-but slander this asshole? I think not. Jay's past and future are melded together in one big shitty ass mess way before Kenya every came on the scene. Whoever the anonymous, dizzy bitch is talking shit about her, Jay is a fucking lying shit ball and has spent 20 years of his life screwing over women's feelings, so are you trying to say that Kenya is responsible for the years and years of documentation of his abusive, fucked up behavior? Are you trying to say that this site and the other sites are lying about his sexual escapades? The only one who is being slandered is Kenya! Jay is trying to use her as a scapegoat because he knows the gig is up and every dirty, rotten thing he has every done to women and men in general is coming back to bite him in his little ass! I am glad that Kenya finally woke up and saw him for the monster that he really is! I hope that the stupid bitch who commented earlier about her weight chokes on her own fucking tongue.

Anonymous said...

Jay's freaky fiendish ass wrote those comments above about Kenya being in love with him. People wake up! The fact that he-I know it's him, has the gaul to try and tear down a former fan makes me sick to my stomach! The following is his modi operandi (mo): He seduces his fans like Kenya who may be lonely or just in need of attention with his fake ass Native American on a horse, hero pictures. He charms them into coming to California to see him under the pretense of showing them the sites, and has a one night stand with them. After the sex, they never see him or barely hear from him again!. God forbid they ever give him money!

Every last one of his fans who expressed love for him were told to keep their interaction with him a secret because he claimed people were hating on him! Every last one of his fans who had a crush on him were told to strip and bare it all for him. Every last one of his fans/ex lovers were told they were special! Every last one his fans in love with him were convinced by him to send pictures of themselves barely clad or naked to his cell phone or to his Sacred Tribe email address! Every last one of his fans who took it upon themselves to meet the great Jay Tavare, midget ass celebrity ,were mentally abused, degraded, made fun of by him after they sent him pictures.

People this is the truth! I encourage the rest of his fans to keep away from this creepy loser! He is a predator who has a lengthy track record of fiendish activities against ex-girlfriends, fans, the elderly or any one he thinks crosses him. It's all about Jay. people! He cares not for others and thinks he is beyond reproach what a roach! Time to sweep up the trash. Fans like Kenya, and Women like MSE, KDR, MJD, Susan, Dianne, Shay, and countless others need justice! Stop believing the lies of this fucking shit face sicko! Expose him for the truth!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, and Yes! All True!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One lesson to learn in life: you can't scorn a woman and think you've achieved an accomplishment. It never works out! Jay, you should have chosen your enemies more wisely. But as a sociopath you could not care less. Now you have to deal with the consequences. No mercy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
October 21, 2014 at 4:18 PM

To say that a fury like a "woman" scorned is like suggesting women are the only ones who can give hell worse than hell itself is certainly mysogynistic because I've heard plenty of stories of dead women found in bushes and in other horrific places due to male reactive mistreatment. So women ain't the only ones. This phrase is for men to tell each other to beware of the other sex in a seemingly nurturing way but still is as misguided and unhelpful regardless of the sender's good intentions. So if you want to use that phrase or change it to make yourself sound clever or "learned" or to support a friend - I wouldn't, because in a way you'll just sound callous and vindictive.

Anonymous said...

I wandered in here browsing through archives after following a post on Dr Dre? You women are spending as much time on this forum as those girls I ran into last week on a Justin Timberlake forum on another site, though they were saying nice things about him instead. (About as wacky but nicer.) Where do people find so much time to talk so much about celebrities? Do you work, have households to run, children to dress, schools to attend, groceries to pick up, like normal people? - Catie

Anonymous said...

Yes Catie,

We all have lives. This forum is used to protect potential victims of Jay Tavare's from his evil. This man has destroyed so many lives, so if I have to take time out to warn others, then so be it! Just be luck Catie you never met the creep because if you did, he could potentially seduce you out of you wallet and panties-plus give you a nasty disease like herpes or HPV! It is not as easy as you think to go on with one's life after this creep put one's health at risk. I am a normal woman with hopes and aspirations. All this changed one dark day when I fell for Jay. Am I lonely? Miserable? Nope! Do I have a life? Yes! My question to you Catie, is, wouldn't you want to be warned of a predator lurking around your back door?

Anonymous said...

In case you need his # to file a lawsuit. 323-652-1212

Anonymous said...


Jay is not a celebrity. A celebrity is an A List Movie Star, he never has been and never will be. Secondly, we all have extremely busy lives and we do not want others to have to endure what we went through, countless others. and the last question to you is this

Have you called the police station or went down to the LAPD Hollywood Branch and asked them questions about Jay Tavare? You have a right to know. Have you run a thorough background check? Have you went online to and ran his name?

If you have an ounce of common sense after doing the above, you will understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jay has a pattern of behavior identical to a psychopath. All psychopaths are not serial killers like is so vehemently described in the movies. Do your research on Psychopaths vs. Sociopaths. If you know Jay then you can check every single item on the list and then some.


How difficult is that to understand?

Anonymous said...

oh dayuuum I done lost my flyswat, do any of you have a newspaper I can roll up to get that dirty nasty old persian fly off my azz?

Anonymous said...

Dear Catie aka Nanci Rossov. You see Jay has a big mouth. When he's stoned he can't control himself. I really hate him so I'm telling!

Question to you Ms. Rossov...(I was always told to respect me elders) but I'm puzzled why you continue to support Janani?? Hasn't he abused you too? Haven't you called LAPD and the Rez Police on him several times?? Hasn't Jay threatened you? Doesn't Jay call you the most vile names when he's raging which is often? Are you stupid or desperate for his friendship or both? Doesn't he trash talk you to every woman he's with?

Wake up Nanci Rossov and stop enabling this monster!

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's all true. He said he would always be greatful to Nancy for directing the movie Unbowed and picking him but he said she had a crush on him for years. He told me he would get with her because he needed an acting coach before auditions and it was free. He also said she bought him dinner every once in a while. And drumroll please, he said he was sick of her and her loud obnoxious mouth that she didn't know half what she thought she knew, she was old, ugly and it was like fucking Precious in Lord of the Rings. Like pulling back one of those wrinkled sharpai dogs to reach the dried up hole.

and he should have never said those things, he is using her, abusing her and taking advantage and she is letting him and for what? a buddy to smoke a joint with, a limp cod and we all know by now that she has loaned him money. you better run or he will tapping all that social security soon and guess what he does not give a damn about you because he is a sociopath. he only cares about himself.

Anonymous said...

Whatever... do whoever is calling me "Nancy Rossov" is just proving how weird this group is, because I'm not Nancy, whoever SHE is, but I don't really care. And whoever is telling me to call the police to ask about this guy, why would like bother looking up stuff for someone I don't even know who he is and could care less about either? Sort of silly. Anyway, I still think you remind me of the those Timberlake fans in your, uh, passion. Have a good evening. I'm heading back to the Dr. Dre saga now. :) -- Catie

Anonymous said...

Nice try Nanci Rossov aka Precious from Lord of the Rings. Jay also said you live in the ghetto near Inglewood because you were a failed Director turned acting couch to untalented child actors. He said you have to couch to pay your rent. Isn't it said that he talks behind your back about how ugly and nasty you are to everyone. You're an idiot Nanci Rossov!

Anonymous said...

This blog is about the vile and disgusting Jay Tavare not any other women. Please ladies do not turn on each other. This is what the snake wants.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani type in party search by name and pay $4.75
Call or Go down to LAPD Hollywood Branch Police Station you have a right to know his history
Do a thorough background check
Herpes ask some of his exes and ask to see doctors paperwork, emails, texts where he admits it

He is Iranian
He has been in some films and is not a celebrity
He is abusive, a fraud, has embezzled money
He is still married on paper
He has Shay living with him and yes he is sleeping with her
He sleeps and screws around as much as he can, somebody different everyday
He cons his fans out of money for fake charities
He has slept with numerous underage girls
He lied to the public and everyone about who he was and still does
He uses drugs
He is addicted to drugs, porn and sex
He has every single description that pertains to a psychopath
He has a narcissistic personality
He doesn't love anyone but himself
He has bruised many women with his fists and knocked them down
He takes money from women all the time with no intention of paying it back
He is bisexual
He is 56 years old
He uses a penile pump, viagra and cyalsis
He does not work a day job because of his background check and he is lazy and he bums off of girls he is screwing and fans
He is a conman
He is as about as romantic as the shit you flush down your toilet
He is a pathological liar
He threatened to kill many people Michelle Shining Elk was just one and she took him to court

Kumbaya good one Kenya

About every 30-60 days he will have smoked enough pot that he will say okay I have to get my life together and he will do some yoga stretches, take a ton of selfies, do a 2 minute fitness video, chant and say he has seen the light and yet for the millionth time he has been enlightened!

Jay walks hand in hand with the devil

But remember the devil didn't win

Anonymous said...

Right on above...YUP thats Jay loser Tavare except NO he does not love himself. He hates himself for being a short and I mean munchkin short 5'51/2" ass midget, he's broke and hates it, never will be a real celebrity or A list actor, he hates being Iranian, he hates the fact that he isn't a woman, he hates were he lives, he hates shay and the fact that he needs to keep her there to pay his rent, he hates that he has to fuck Nanci Rossov to eat, he hates his sister Negi because she has more than he does. JAY JUST SIMPLY HATES HIS LIFE.......KARMA BHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!!!! I just had to copy and paste this Jay Tavare analogy. Who ever wrote this couldn't have summed it up better...... I'm dying laughing!!

About every 30-60 days he will have smoked enough pot that he will say okay I have to get my life together and he will do some yoga stretches, take a ton of selfies, do a 2 minute fitness video, chant and say he has seen the light and yet for the millionth time he has been enlightened!


Anonymous said...

Oh here's one for ya Mr. Romantic Indian Wannabe all he can do is get the mirrors, puff pot, look at himself, tell you to bend over and arch your back and then when he grabs his ipod to turn on teeny bopper music he says U want sum Big Black C***, Come on Now I wanna try and C**, Be still, Look at that A**, then he hits you, talks down to you, readjusts the mirrors and blames the fact that he has retarded ejaculation on the woman he is fucking!


Somebody Grab my Fly Swat! It's that Dirty Old Nasty Persian Fly trying to get up my ASS!

Anonymous said...


Gives me chills just thinking about it.....

Anonymous said...

Word up! Jay's a walking pestilence! He doesn't give a crap if you get burned just as long as he gets served. He will rationalize the situation and be like, "Oh well, the bitch slept with me without a condom, so you deserves to get my disease." or "Oh well, hahaha, if she was dumb enough to come to California to see me, then she deserves to get the clap, herpes, HPV! ""All these women like this mudderfuck en cock!" "They'll be back for some more of Dr. Jay's herpe invested lovin! Ladies please watch out, because Jay is fake, and a loser! He craws up his own asshole and lays eggs after eating all those beans!

Anonymous said...

OMG He does the 1 o clock, 11 o clock turn thing with everyone! Too old for this shit, yep heard that many times. Keep your heels on and walk around to control your every move and then he is trying to hookup with ten more. Thing is he is all washed up in life, his career, his wallet, his cod, his looks and hell he never did have any sense, God he is so DUMB and I mean he makes the dumb jock thing look smart compared to him.

Anonymous said...

Our recent sexual encounter was a failed one. Jay is so stressed out these days that he can't get it up! He's had problems before with keeping an erection and uses viagra AND cialis but all the online attacks,failed acting career, financial and mounting legal problems have really taken a toll on him. His bank account was overdrawn again. EDD hardly covered his expenses this month. Raging like never before. Oh and he was talking and complaining about how he should've been given one of the leading roles in Bone Tomahawk. I guess he feels the little background part where his face is covered up is beneath him.....not a good time to be around him. The littlest comment sets him off into a nutty rage.

Anonymous said...

So why are you around him?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Battered woman stay with abusive men like Jay for many reasons. Here are a few reasons I remain.

Financial, Fear, Abandonment, Shame, No where to go, Love, Low or no self worth, Believing his lies, being told I'm nothing and no one will want me, being beat down, believing that he'll change

Anonymous said...

Then you need do something for yourself. Call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) ... or you can chat with them online at ... you owe it to yourself if you are in an abusive relationship with ANYONE.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jay Tavare the only place you can feel one iota of self-worth is your pathetic fb pages with your needy, simpleton followers.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jay looks like your body is finally starting to look flabby with muscle wasting lol. Bro it's all the years of steroid and growth hormone use you now can't afford to continue and it shows lol. As far as the growth hormone, your Mother should've given you some as a pre teenager huh. YOU ONE SHORT FUCK LMFAO!

KARMA DUDE LOL. Sounds like these ladies aren't fucking around either. You deserve all the shit thats happening to you!

from your past...Golds Gym

Anonymous said...

Oh My here we go with putting up pics of his poor dog and saying if you want a loyal friend. Hmmmm and let me sum this up for you on what LOYAL means to Janani.

It means TURN YOUR HEAD if he Hits you, Screams at you, Screws anyone and anybody of his choice, Infects others with stds, Screws married women, Rages all night long, Does whatever drug of choice, Lies to the government, Lies about his true identity, Lies to the public about his heritage and claims another for financial gain and fame Do I need to go on?

Anonymous said...

Bhahahaha....Janani's "circle" seems to be diminishing day after day. His fuck buddies are sick and tired of his shit. Two of them, long time "friends" as he calls them sent me private messages giving me horrific info about Jay.

Hey Richard...Your days are numbered lol! Don't know who your loyal friends are?? You're absolutely right. Poor Bardot doesn't have a choice but lick your black balls for chicken.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised! All anyone with any sense has to do is go to the local police station in Hollywood and ask about him, do a thorough background check or go online to

He is dum ta da dum

clincial psychopath
embezzled money from CAA along with his wife whom he is still married too legally
has a ton of restraining orders, domestic violence, civil harrassment and sued by women for money loaned
will not work a day job so how the hell do you think this old man survives he never was a big star so his royalties are not that much and couple voice overs a year sure won't do it, he bums off of women

but what is he going to do now that he is an old limped dick man playing an ass munching centipede turned cave dwelling canibal? HMMMMMMMMM

He lied to hollywood for years and the native american community for personal gain
He never had any legal charities and he would give some money to the charities and keep the rest
He screws as many as he can at once and he only cares about himself
Romantic does not register with him
he is bisexual
he has herpes ask some of the women that got it, some don't
he screws married women
he screws prostitutes
he calls 900 numbers
he uses marijuana, cocaine, poppers, speed, ecstacy and whatever he can get his hands on
his family is not rich, if they were do you think he would live where he does in low income apartment housing
he talks about every woman he is with and the minute they cross him and don' t believe every word out of his mouth here we go a raging psycho

there is proof for ya if you just look it up

Anonymous said...

Come on now don't hold back give us the info, are the prostitutes turning on him now

Anonymous said...

Jay I am no longer angry with you. Wow dude, you are pathetic. You have nothing left but shriveled up pride. Oh I promised I was going to be nice. Okay, here ya go, one coupon for niceness. Jay you need to humble yourself. Maybe you should disappear for a while, change your identity because you really aren't famous. Nobody truly knows you. Let off the drugs, really pray for real. Give your dog to someone who will truly love her and not use her for an extra sex toy. Go to detox and a therapist, man, to see why you have so much rage against women. And this is the biggest one of all, be celibate so that you can get your life together and stop passing around your dreadful disease to women who don't deserve it. You need to finally face your own demons, man because until you do, you will always will be salivating in evil. You got demons, man, deal with em!

Anonymous said...

He has sex with his little dog?

Anonymous said...

Of course Jay has Bardot do kinky things to him. I've seen Bardot licking Jays balls too. Jay is a fucking freak! He has issues. Beatings by his Father he witnessed and endured growing up really messed him up. Jay needs intense therapy for sure.

I'm contemplated reporting him for animal cruelty/abuse under the sexual abuse of animals penal code 286.5 also known as "bestiality" or "zoophilia". It's a misdemeanor in California with fines starting at $1000

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how tormented that little dog is when he is high on drugs and raging at people? That is abuse in and of itself. Can you imagine what the dog thinks? She is confused probably, thinking why is he trying to make so many puppies and there aren't any? Is he going to hit me like he does the bigger female puppies? The dog needs taken by someone and put into a good home.

Anonymous said...

Bardot IS traumatized by his raging and abuse. Each time he yells and screams and punches the walls she runs and hides either under the bench press bench in the bedroom, in the bathroom on the side of the toilet or out on the balcony. All signs of fear. It's very sad to see. I feel bad for her. We all need to call animal cruelty and report his abuse on Bardot. Strength in numbers with better chance they will take our reports seriously and send someone to investigate and save poor Ms.Bardot;(

Anonymous said...

It only takes one phone call. YOU do it right now! Someone has to protect that dog or don't tell us about the cruelty.

Anonymous said...

This group of girls is all talk and no action. They complain about how cruel Jay is but won't turn him in. They won't report domestic violence. They won't report child abuse. Do you honestly think they'll bother reporting animal abuse? Quit playing the victim and just talk about it. Act like courageous women and ACT on it! Otherwise your talk is worthless.

Anonymous said...

Report his sick pathetic ass....I did!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above Jay has been reported to FBI, Homeland Security, LAPD, Airport Security and now it looks like to whomoever takes care of animal cruelty. This has been done by many people. They all will handle identity theft.

Anonymous said...

He's also been reported to LACRIMESTOPPERS.COM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LMAO He keeps posting pics of Aros the old dude whom he said he was embarrassed to wear his galactic orgasmic designs like he is an old friend, who knows maybe a really good old friend. Looks like they most definitely have done drugs together! BAAAAHHHHHHH

Don't forget the British Rock Clown Live from the Sweet Potato Lounge

Hmmmm then there is sweet Rick who does way more work than he does and is indian!

Oh Wait Tafoya who has bonked that big indian girl singer you know the one forget her name and Jay said his poor wife looked like an old hag and she doesn't know how to dress up for events.

He also said Cunt Chan Chi owes so many back taxes to the IRS is why she has been scrambling financially and that she would sell a few hundred dollars of her new facial line cause it's the holidays and then that's it folks and she lives just around the corner from Jay, imagine what her place is like, a little cleaner is all.

Poor old Zumba Dancer was good looking when she was 40 and now wasted over a decade on thinking she was the only one sleeping with Jay. What a dumb woman and now she is old and wrinkled and missing a tooth, what a damn waste. He said he would never settle down with her cause she looked old and had two kids and he couldn't even take care of himself. He gave her fifty dollars to babysit that tortured dog.

PS he was recently at Runyon Hills with the Celeste Van Rooyen photographer from Dubai/UK that took his pics.


Anonymous said...

Just think Janani some of us are Men that are posting but ya don't know who do ya

Anonymous said...

He told me that about about Chan Chi too, that she was a cunt and that she was in so much debt. when they met she had her belongings stuffed in a storage room and homeless. That she was dirty and messy all the time. He hated having her around but needed a dog sitter. He also said Chan Chi had a weird body and a fat stomach for a yoga teacher. Her fashion is ridiculous he said!

Yup poor Marie Escamilla so abused by Jay. He said she needed meals and he needed a dog sitter and thats it lol. He saidd it was embarrassed by her old aging face. missing tooth and she didn't take care of her self. He laughed at her recent attempt of becoming an extra actress. Have you seen her youtube videos giving us the hollywood sign and secret dog park tour? Missing tooth galore bhahahaha!!!

Maybe Jay and Celeste ran into Chan Chi and Yogi at Runyun lol

Anonymous said...

KDR stop writing about Jays ex gfs!!!! WTF wrong with you?? Why are you so jealous of them? These women are ten times better than you! They have class which you will NEVER discover according to Jay. Don't even go there about their appearance because you took the trophy on that sweetheart. We googled you and found pictures of your FAT ASS body that you had all your life. And Im talking you were HUGE sweetheart. Were you on the BIGGEST LOSER tv show??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Jay is fucking his dog? Muahahahahaah! So he really screws every vagina he can get hold of. Muhahahahahahah!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he has done a threesome with Celeste Van Rooyen and Ms. Bardot. Muhahahahahah! What a perverted motherfucker! Muahahahah!

Anonymous said...

There are a ton of women and men that know all about Janani's personal life, he can't help but blurt out ALL OF IT when he STONED.

Anonymous said...

Y'all think you know who's writing about Jay and ALL his ex's and that's just fine. Doesn't change what I have to say. Call me KDR, MJD, DM, SR, KM or XYZ! The truth of the matter is that I know more about Jay Tavare than any of you ladies and it's not going to stop me from tellin his truth. YES, Jay has herpes AND hpv and and more and he continues to infect a truck load of innocent women but I'd get yourselves tested for HIV!


Anonymous said...

Yup when Jay's stoned he talks and actually Jay himself told me and my girlfriend that he had threesomes with Diann Marchelesky and Teresa Prater. He also said it was such a turn off because Diann was a dud and debbie downer and had bumps on her vagina...his exact words. He then said Teresa felt old and looked wrinkly and was a complete turn off. That's Janani for ya, always talking about every woman he's been with.

Jay you're the ass wipe!

Anonymous said...

Aros Crytos is a crazy dumb shit hypocrite.He claims to be the big save the precious Dolphin advocate but won't believe that his buddy boy Jay Tavare is a fraud and abuses women. "Please don't abuse dolphins but it's ok for Jay to abuse humans" Hmmmmm.......btw Aros, Jay said your clothing is retarded and he wouldn't be caught dead in it!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous above...please keep sharing. Ignore the haters.

Anonymous said...

You do know Jay was hitting on Alex Bubenheims' wife and his daughter who was underage at the time came to his apartment and he slept with her. Word Up all they gotta do is check the phone records, they are NEVER deleted to the cops!

Anonymous said...

Jay told everyone that KDR has Hep C and that is why she takes those shots she has to have. You can check with the New York Centers for Disease Control and Hawaii Center for Disease Control. Because he knew he is liable to tell EVERYONE.

Anonymous said...

Why is someone suggesting these women get tested for HIV? Does Jay have HIV? Has he given it to any of you?

Anonymous said...

Ah ha ha ha ha! Snort! WORD!

"Hey Jay looks like your body is finally starting to look flabby with muscle wasting lol. Bro it's all the years of steroid and growth hormone use you now can't afford to continue and it shows lol. As far as the growth hormone, your Mother should've given you some as a pre teenager huh. YOU ONE SHORT FUCK LMFAO!

KARMA DUDE LOL. Sounds like these ladies aren't fucking around either. You deserve all the shit thats happening to you!

from your past...Golds Gym"



Anonymous said...

Jay knew damn well that he is infected with multiple STD's. He claims that he gave Margaret Johnson Doran and Diane marchlewsky Herpes and this is why he had to tread water to keep them from exposing him. Ladies get tested for all STD's including HIV!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hows that Daria Shamreava you saw at the beach in may, the russian prostitute that serves coffee in the air trying to dupe her a rich dubai man? She found out that weren't you! LMFAO You met her in a club in Dubai when you were there. Susan has pics on the hate page. Please tell me you are not taking advantage of that poor nice woman Tatiana Dekytar after loosing her mother. I pray she has been warned about you and told where to look up you trail of bad deeds. Don't worry, we'll take care of it for ya!


Chan Chi looks really pretty when she airbrushes her pics, please don't stop or somebody will have to report it live from HODDYVOOD right after Janani uses Diann's electric Vibrator she leaves in his closet.

Oh yeah, is Shay cooking some good healthy food for ya so that it's ready when you get home from doing a voiceover twice a year!

LMFAO Grab that 2000 or 1200 Janani you're gonna need it!

Anonymous said...

Diann above not Diane told me years ago that Jay gave her herpes and other STD's. She used that threat to keep him to herself or at least try but failed. Jay continues to infect like the walking virus that he is.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and don't forget he tries to grab at least two 20 dollar city parking things a month and OOOo Weeee if you are called the special one to take all his crap you get a parking tag when you visit after he has washed all the other skank juice off of him in his sink after standing on his tippe toes! NASTY

Anonymous said...

Jay may you burn in hell for intentionally giving me, KM, KDR, MDR and countless others your fucking disease. You are truly evil, vindictive, spiteful and just plain demonic! You are going to pay for what you've done. If it take me my whole life, I will see that you pay, you dirty fucking miserable fuck head, camel jockey mothafucker.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He slept with Bubenheim´s daughter? This "man" has no morals at all.

Anonymous said...

Who is his newest "ride"? Tatiana DeKhtyar? Hopefully not.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare aka Jay Janani

56 years old
Not Divorced
Uses Marijuana, Cocaine, Molly, Ecstasy, Speed, Poppers
Addicted to Porn and Sex
Has slept with many underage girls and gets them to send him naked photos Amber Lynn Pacquette is one of them when she was underage she came to LA and he took her to his so called secret beach
He believes men are superior to women, iranian culture and views
He believes he is above the law
Go to and pay $4.75 and type in his name under party search and you will find Domestic Violence, Restraining Orders and Women who have sued for money he borrowed and never paid back
He lives in a low income apartment in hollywood and drives a 11 year old car
He sleeps with as many men and women as he can
He tricks fans into giving him money and they fly in to see him based on twenty year old photos and he sleeps with them at their hotel room
He sleeps with married women, many
His career is over he has not done any significant work for two decades
He raped an indian actress woman and she went to the police
He gets all women to send naked photos and sex videos and he shows them to his friends and he sends them overseas to websites to get money
The LAPD hollywood branch has been called to his home numerous times for domestic violence and disturbance of the peace
Shay a long time follower and someone he sleeps with was homeless and she moved in and is working her butt off now to pay the rent for his apartment
He draws unemployment in between acting gigs
Why doesn't he get a day job? Track Record, No Job Skills,
He has a fake drivers license and an Iranian Passport
He claimed he didn't know anything about his wife embezzling 100K from Creative Artists Agency and lied to the court yeah right Janani you didn' t know nothing about it
He took thousands of dollars from Kimberly Ehulani De Rego knowing she was married and did not work and it was her husband's money
He has herpes and HPV

Call or Go down to the LAPD Hollywood Branch you have a right to know if he approaches you or you are seeing him ask them about what we are talking about

Go online to and look

Do a thorough background check

Ever wonder why he doesn't post pics of you two together? Same old bullshit lies that he has ex girlfriends and haters is why he doesn't. Please be smart, he is a clinical psychopath.

Look up the definition or you will be sorry.

Yes he sleeps with prostitutes and yes there was one went missing and he is a suspect. They have been taped going in and out of your apartment. You have been turned in to the FBI, LAPD, HOMELAND SECURITY, AIRPORT POLICE.

he assisted an arab trafficking ring when he was the host at that club in LA, he was bait back then because he looked good.

Now he could start a Senior Chippendale's Group and tour the nursing homes but I suspect there are some poor old lonely women out there that will be suckered into his con game.

He lied to Hollywood for nearly 30 years and took on a fake identity of being native american.

He is not welcome back at the Reservations, ask him why.

Ask him who his parents are, Ask him why he has lingerie all in his closets and bedroom and why he doesn't get rid of it.

Your sick Janani and I honestly at 56 years old don't think there is any help, it's too late. We can only pray that God ceases the devil's deciple and his mere existence any day now.

Anonymous said...

Herpes and HPV? Are you sure thats all he has???

Get tested for HIV!!! Janani is high risk for sure.

Anonymous said...

Jay fucked Tatiana DeKhtyar once and than talked about how her body was skin and bones and not "his type" He also seemed jealous of the fact that her acting career is better than his. Hope is got tested for STD's after being fucked by his diseased limp dick!

Anonymous said...

He was jealous of her because she is going places and he isn't. Hope she did too. What happened to that fitness trainer from Canada? Wasn't it Cusmano? She looks like she could kick his fucking ass! Believe that was another one he took advantage of.

Anonymous said...

He looks at his buttman magazines hidden under the stove and dreams about being one of the girls! Sombody needs to tell Alex Bubenheim that Jay was after his wife for sure and that he slept with his daughter and to check their phone records, the police can always pull that up. WOW oh WOW YOU GO ALEX BUBENHEIM ON THE FRAUD SHIT ABOUT TEARS OF A SHAMAN. That DUMB Limped Dick Bastard thinks because he blew a flute a couple times and wrote a few lines, it was ALL HIS IDEA. Did you put any tracks down on the engineering gear dufus? Did you write all the songs? Did you put the melodies to them? LMFAO Janani wouldn't know even what a damn chord meant let along different keys. What a jerkoff he is!

Anonymous said...

Jay was more than after Alex's wife. He told me they went on a road trip together and Jay fucked her. Jay said Alex's wife came to him naked in the middle of the night while he was asleep on the couch...yea right Jay. We all know you smoked some weed, burned some sage and made her touch her toes. You fucking male whore! Alex please put this vile piece of shit in jail where he belongs for fucking your wife, daughter and stealing your project!

Anonymous said...

I hope someone tells Kimberly de rego's husband that news ( she gave Jay money ) especially now that shes in divorce court. Thousands of dollars??? Busted sweetheart!!! You cant give community funds while married/separated to your lover Jay. You will have to tell the truth in court sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Heard apt #306 was on fire last night. Jay raging and fighting. Screams heard by neighbors and manager. Yup Jay is Team Tavare. Pounding away on the keyboard. Laughed my ass off!

KARMA just won't leave him alone

Anonymous said...

HOLY MOSES! How many women did this old fart actually fuck! MYRIADS! MUHAHAHAHAH. So women are not enough he fucks dogs as well. MUHAHAHAHAH. Are his parents still alive?

Anonymous said...

Indeed very loyal to fuck the daughter and wife of a business partner. What a hero!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha.......Hey Jay, don't know who your "FRIENDS" are huh?? Seems you're being outed again but we already know YOU are Team Tavare and Victoria. Your neighbors must be sick of your tantrums and shit. Only a low income shit hole building manager would tolerate your crap!

Anonymous said...

Janani's Persian Parents are alive a well. Mo and Victoria Janani. His delusional parents think their little kabab is a popular hollywood actor...Bhahahahaha!!!! Can't blame them tho, he lies to them too!

Anonymous said...

Hey illiterate ass wipe. STOP WRITING YOUR OWN STUFF!!!! You're killin me with misspelled words. Bhahahahhaha you are the dumbest ass I know! Go say sorry to your executive assistant ghost writer Tracy for calling her a fat whale in lingerie and get her to do your dirty deeds again. GEEEEEZZZZZZZ!!!!

You are dumb as FUCK! I almost feel sorry for you shorty;)))))))))

Anonymous said...

Victoria Janani? WTF? MUHAHAHAH!

Anonymous said...

His executive assistant TMP already has her halloween makeup on daily! Girl you are pretty why don't you go to a Lancome counter and get somebody to teach you how to put on makeup. When she asked him to Go to Hawaii late part of 2012 he said he didn't need a holiday that bad. Everything above is true, I pray she does the looking on and calls the LAPD Hollywood Division, course though then again she coddled that dumb fuck when he pitched a hissy fit on the REZ when Grandma Rossov aka Precious from Lord of the Rings called the Cops on his ass!

Anonymous said...

Oh Lawd I done lost my fly swat and my rolled up newspaper. Anybody got any bug spray? Since he is so weak and limp, One squirt should do it.

Anonymous said...

KDR still has the Mahalaeno Love Page on Facebook, however you spell it. PLEASE DONT TAKE IT DOWN KEEP IT UP! No money, no husband, no lvn license but she has such a gift for taking selfies and pics of her butt she should try to get a job taking pics of butts for the buttman magazine! Please just don't show your face especially when you can't afford all that botox anymore and you look like that one pic the hate page posted. Dear God from Heaven Help Us, Scared the Daylights out of me and now Janani looks worse than that! Oh yeah just keep showing your good side and don't fart cause by the looks of it you could rumble the entire fault line up the coast!

Anonymous said...

Chi Chi gave Janani some of her branded majic potion praying it would erase some wrinkles and bags. He said it is not doing a damn thing and all those boxes of branded shit she brought home will sit there just like the last time she tried this and paid somebody to put that same damn stuff in there like at CVS and stick her name on it. She paid thousands of dollars and wasted her damn money. You know Yoga stick to it and you will wrangle you an old rich Chinese dude at 51 and living around the corner from Janani, it's your best option! Do it soon though cause at this rate you need to put toothpicks above your eyes to hold the lids up, better get another boob lift too cause those fake ones are sagging pretty bad Jay said, he said you could take half of those sagging boobs and make yourself and ass with them. You know it's true, he tells everything. Just like when you ran in and caught his thing in Dina Nikki neighbor's mouth and he knocked you down in the hallway.

Anonymous said...

Seems Chan Chi keeps going back for more despite the beatings, humiliation and verbal abuse she endures and Jay is staying close by waiting for her auto accident lawsuit check to come in. Go to Yogi berra's FB page and see Jay and Bardot visiting Chi Chi. I wonder if Chan Chi's other fuck buddy Chiropractor Dr. Hugh E. Gordon know the woman he's fucking is also fucking the herpes and HPV carrying monster Jay Tavare. His virus is not only spreading to anyone he fucks but to who ever else these hoes are fucking. Jay gave CC herpes too.

Anonymous said...

Tracy Parker is and intelligent beautiful woman. Good for you Jay for trading up as you put it and dumping Margaret Johnson Doran. It's clear that MJD was the root of alllll your problems. We still believe in you Jay. Stay strong and pay no mind to these peasants. People who talk about you have nothing better to do with their pathetic little lives.

She's so obvious lol;) Happy Hollywood Halloween x

Anonymous said...

Yup that's Margaret Doran alright so goddamn jealous of every woman Jay is and has been with. Fuck off Margaret. Jay chose Chan Chi, KDR, Tracy and many many more over you because he hated you. Even Cindy hated you and wrote a letter to jay about you warning him your were crazy. You blackmailed him and now you think by coming here and talking trash about others is going to change things?? NO, it just confirms that he was right about you! Jay thanks God each morning that you are completely out of his life. Who the hell do you think you are? You're nothing but a jealous miserable married woman. You'll need another facelift again soon just to wipe away that permanent jealous frown you have on your face 247. My God woman. Take a good look in the mirror Margaret and see what a lonely evil person you are. This is exactly why Jay cut ties with you. He told everyone years ago that you were unstable and dangerous. A number of us women helped him have the courage to fire you.Bravo for him finally dumping your flat ass as he put it! Face the fact that Tracy just does a much better job than you...period. Jay thinks so too. Here's your problem. You just can't stand seeing him with another woman you can't breathe! Well guess what Margaret...too bad. Jay is happier these days and dates who he wants without YOU interfering.

Jay said to fuck off!

Anonymous said...

Ok now Margaret is the scapegoat? Wow Jay that's so typical of you trying to get the heat off yourself. You're a real piece of shit and now more people know it. Your dayz are numbered, midget .No more chasing cats up in the tree! Bhahaha!

Anonymous said...

Oh Pleazzzzeee Jay go sit on the potty and pout. You have done all this to yourself. Look at the german music guy turning the truth out. Fact is you have no fucking clue who all is writing about you because you have so many enemies. You are such a true idiot, blame it on people whom you have not had contact with and will not contact you in a year or longer. BAAAAHHHHAAAAHHHAAA I'd hardly call that jealousy, I'd call that waking up and looking at the TRUTH. TRUTH HURTS DOESN"T IT.








An old lying persian man who had delusions of getting a big part in a movie when he is nearing retirement age. He won't work a day job, addictions galore, spits and rages, track record, domestic abuse, violent, and lives at Franklin Park Apartments in Hollywood.

Hold me Back! I wanna go there and hang out so he can get stoned, smack me, call me names and tell me to bend over and arch my back while he drags out the mirrors and oooo ooooohhhhh you want some big black cock, come on now, come on now, here we go, move to 1 oclock, oh yeah I'm gonna I'm Gonna no sorry It's not happening. BOMB

Anonymous said...

Thats what you liked Margaret. Just as you wrote above. All of it and now you crying because your stink grease monkey of a husband doesn't satisfy ya Buuuuuuhaaaaaaaa! You nothin but a cheap whore who will spread your nasty legs for any man especially dark skinned. What man wouldn't hit that granny panty desperado slut.All you do is sit around digging up info on women. You will NEVER be hot or sexy at any age and no amount of plastic surgery will help. Beauty comes from within and you are dark and miserable lol. You wana spread your legs then man will drop a load. LOSER!

Anonymous said...

One of Jay's exes told me that he likes to fart while he is thrusting and likes to cum and fart at the same time. He enjoys the aroma of his farts. Especially after eating some of his favorite middle eastern foods.

Anonymous said...

Poor Old Janani thinks he knows just like the last time things went haywire and he was wrong then and he's wrong now. BUUUUUUUHAAAAAA! Pop those poppers, smoke that Mary Jane, snort a line of coke, take some speed, molly and whatever you can get your hands on because everybody wants you to OD.

You fucking bastard you raped my cousin

Anonymous said...

LMFAO THIS IS SO HILARIOUS. Shitttttzzzz It's 4 pm. Welp Old Janani has done his one voiceover in six months so time for the dog park, try to get somebody to buy his dinner and find some old skank to screw out enough chicken for the dog! Yep that's his life in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

A psychopath and a sociopath are one in the same - you can replace psychopath with sociopath if you prefer sociopath.

Bottom line, Jay Tavare doesn't just hit one element of what makes a sociopath - he hits all but one and a half out of how many? 18!

Pay close attention to the very last one.

Psychopathy Checklist:

GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM — The tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH — A grossly inflated view of one’s abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM — An excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or routine.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

PATHOLOGICAL LYING — Can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS — The use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one’s victims.

LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT — A lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, cold-hearted, and non-empathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one’s victims.
Ooops CONTINUED IN NEXT POST [Pay attention to the last one on the next post]

Anonymous said...

continued from previous post...
Jay Tavare

SHALLOW AFFECT — Emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness.

CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY — A lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

PARASITIC LIFESTYLE — An intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS — Expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR — A variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS — A variety of behaviors prior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away from home.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Eh, not so much. So one for him.

LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS — An inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

IMPULSIVITY — The occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

IRRESPONSIBILITY — Repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS — A failure to accept responsibility for one’s actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check!

MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS — A lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Eh. He married once, is still married, but he has multiple, multiple relationships. So half a check.

CRIMINAL VERSATILITY — A diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes.The word psychopath can be replaced with the word sociopath throughout this page. The meaning is very similar, if not the same.
--->>JAY TAVARE: Check! Check! Double Check! Check!

Anonymous said...

Trick or Treat Jay. Alex B closed your Tears of a Shaman facebook page. Your little page stating that you registered Tears of a Shaman means nothing. Typical you trying to take something small and make it more than what it is. Oh...just like your little raising dick. lololololol

Anonymous said...

Jays fart DO NOT stink! If you're gonna talk smack about him get your facts straight. Yes, Jay farts all the time especially when he's fucking but at least he fucks and farts to the beat and it NEVER smells ever. He poops frequently so there's never any residual poop in his rectum. He's so darn cute when he gets up on his tippy toes to wash his anus at his bathroom sink. It's like watching a toddler trying to clean himself. Don't use the ugly brown clorox stained washcloth tho becuase he uses it to wipe his balls dry. He was sooooo angry at Chan Chi for staining his designer Target $2.99 towels.. OOPSIES

Anonymous said...

Correction to the post above....KDR is Mahealani Love. Once overweight who is so jealous of everyone that it just eats her up. That is why she keeps posting pictures of herself showing off her new body. Look at me, look at me. Look at WHAT sweetheart!!! More like look at me " I AM NOW BROKE" So broke that now she is suing other people for money. Look her up at the courthouse

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Yup that's Margaret Doran alright so goddamn jealous of every woman Jay is and has been with. Fuck off Margaret. Jay chose Chan Chi, KDR, Tracy and many many more over you because he hated you. Even Cindy hated you and wrote a letter to jay about you warning him your were crazy. You blackmailed him and now you think by coming here and talking trash about others is going to change things?? NO, it just confirms that he was right about you! Jay thanks God each morning that you are completely out of his life. Who the hell do you think you are? You're nothing but a jealous miserable married woman. You'll need another facelift again soon just to wipe away that permanent jealous frown you have on your face 247. My God woman. Take a good look in the mirror Margaret and see what a lonely evil person you are. This is exactly why Jay cut ties with you. He told everyone years ago that you were unstable and dangerous. A number of us women helped him have the courage to fire you.Bravo for him finally dumping your flat ass as he put it! Face the fact that Tracy just does a much better job than you...period. Jay thinks so too. Here's your problem. You just can't stand seeing him with another woman you can't breathe! Well guess what Margaret...too bad. Jay is happier these days and dates who he wants without YOU interfering.

Jay said to fuck off!

Anonymous said...

I met both Margaret and Tracy. Tracy is brilliant. Margaret seems irritated and jaded. Jay talked about replacing Margaret many times. Glad he did. I hear Tracy will back in Cali soon for the holidays. Good for you Tracy. Happy for you that you're ignoring all the gossip. You're a class act! Can't wait to work with you again.


Anonymous said...

This blog is pathetic. Jealous for sure. We know ho you are. Jay is an amazing man and I will stand by him. He's not perfect but none of us are. Are your lives so boring and meaningless that you have this much time to talk about people all day. How sad for you. We on the other hand is have a grand time. LOL

Satisfied lover

Anonymous said...

I love this blog. Its very entertaining! Keep it up guys!!

Anonymous said...

Broke broke broke broke. Guess who that is? LOL

Anonymous said...

Jay's ex said that his farts smell like tumeric, curry, fungal infected socks, brussel sprouts, and his cum taste like asparagus, what a foul motherfucker he is. And Jay does want to be a woman, he wishes he could queef and smell it afterwards. Also when he goes back to Dubai he likes to eat roasted camel humps with lots of garlic.

Anonymous said...

Now you're talking about the guy's farts? Are you ladies that dense? Please find something else to do besides talk Jay Tavare. He has a rotted soul!

Anonymous said...

Casual visitors to this blog, be informed that almost none of the women who are named in full here are authors of any of these comments. In fact, they barely aware that this is going on. This is all basically a fictional conversation between two or three individuals. It's literally criminal that full names are being peppered throughout these thousand-plus comments. Thankfully though, this blog is not relevant to any search engine. If it were, the real people behind all this would be dealing with huge libel issues. All these comments can be traced.

Anonymous said...

Stop lying TMP through JT. None of these posts are traced. Nothing is libel when they are telling the truth. You like to think it is only a couple of women/men but the truth is there are HUNDREDS telling and sharing the same horror stories. JT needs to be in jail with the other low lifes and monsters. He is a menace to society. He needs to be castrated for raping underage girls and having beastiality. That is the real truth. TMP you are just as culpible for JTs crimes because you keep his sick crimes. Just like you told the police JT beat Nancy R at the Apache Run and then retracted it to cover your diseased lover.

Anonymous said...

To the person above.......I am one of the hundreds on here too. The truth must be told. We need to spread the word about Mr. Tavare and who he really is. Keep up the posting.

Anonymous said...

It's the women who've been mentioned by their full names that I'm talking about. It's inappropriate and could be very damaging to them if this blog were to be Google searchable. You should be against that kind of thing. Take Janani down; that's a reasonable goal. But women who are being accused, by their full legal names, of licentious behavior, they absolutely do have reason to be increasingly concerned that all this muck might become more readily accessible in internet searches. Read up on the law, too. If you refer in any clearly understandably way to a person who's already been mentioned by their full legal name (especially if it's well over 100 times), it counts the same as if you wrote out her name in full. So be smart and stop talking about people other than Janani. Especially stop talking about women who've long since flown the scene. They don't deserve to be harassed.

Anonymous said...

And you're wrong about the comments not being traceable. It would be a simple thing for any woman who's been libeled in these comments to file for a court order to get the ISP addresses for each comment. Verify this with any attorney who knows about internet harassment.

Anonymous said...

It must suck being poor and gotta count your pennies. That's what you get when you have no job. The only thing you can afford is hiking and going to the beach. Guess who that is?

Anonymous said...

I agree it's wrong to mention the women he has dealt with by their full names while failing to mention what your full names are. You are all claiming to be victims, yet you are victimizing these women by raking them the coals. You all claim hundreds of women are on here posting. Oh really? How can you tell when the comments are anonymous! If you're gonna post someone's full name, try posting your own first! You keyboard cowards crack me up. You're a bunch of internet thugs lol!!!

Anonymous said...

I do agree that those who mention and harass other women are internet thugs. But they are not thugs when mentioning the horrors they endured by Jackoff. I have said it before and I will say it again, this board is about sharing your horrors with JT in order to help others to share and hopefully report him to the authorities. Why he has never been in jail is beyond me. The only reason I didn't take him to court is I work full time and at the time of his threats, I was also in grad school full time. I live in another State. But those that live in California have no excuse. Susan

Anonymous said...

From the beginning of this blog all the way to the end, there are many women mentioned by their full names and if you read through all of them you can tell when Jay was high and typed in comments. Women's full names should not be mentioned because the ones that have the full intellectual capacity to understand what they are dealing with and not afraid to look at the truth are long gone. To all the men and women that have not took the time to call or go see the LAPD Hollywood Division and ask for yourselves about Jay's background or paid a mere $4.75 to look online at the long list against Jay on the, the only conclusion is you condone this kind of behavior and you have absolutely no self respect, self esteem or you are just like him.

If your brother, sister, a new boyfriend, a new girlfriend were to have domestic violence, multiple restraining orders, lawsuits, years of drug abuse, been accused of rape, been with underage girls, knowingly spreads stds, sleeps with countless multiple partners, has no respect for women, has no intensions of getting a day job when acting is slow, never has any intensions of paying back loans, can never take any responsibility for his own actions, threatened to kill numerous people, always blames others for his own behavior, talks about people constantly, talks down to people, abuses elderly people and women, lied publicly for his own financial gain in hollywood, has a fake identity and shows absolutely no remorse for any of it - THE BIG QUESTION WILL YOU TURN YOUR HEAD THE NEXT TIME?



Anonymous said...

Jay has had several restraining orders, lawsuits, abused several men and women, the elderly, threatened to kill people.



Anonymous said...

If you read the blog from beginning to end you will find that most of those commenting mentioned their first name only! So to say "From the beginning of this blog all the way to the end, there are many women mentioned by their full names" is inaccurate! They did not give their last name the way they are so eagerly giving out the names of others during their gossipy conversation. They are victimizing these women as a result. This blog was supposed to be about Jay, but instead they are taking potshots at the women he's been with. This blog is supposed to be about Jay and these women are being so catty. Again why mention these women who are victims too, by full name? Why try to shame them in such a way? There is no excuse for their behavior. It needs to stop.

Sorry anyone could have made the comments that you are claiming were made by Jay because again they are anonymous! So unless you're psychic, there is no way for you to know. You're just making yourself seem crazy by claiming to know he is behind the comments based on typos, profanity, naming calling etc. So instead of worrying about whether or not he is commenting, shouldn't you be more concerned with bringing him to justice? ijs.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, we did what we had to to make you think and get your attention. Sad that it took so much. Have you contacted the authorities? I have. Tick Tock and Good Luck

From the beginning of this blog all the way to the end, there are many women mentioned by their full names and if you read through all of them you can tell when Jay was high and typed in comments. Women's full names should not be mentioned because the ones that have the full intellectual capacity to understand what they are dealing with and not afraid to look at the truth are long gone. To all the men and women that have not took the time to call or go see the LAPD Hollywood Division and ask for yourselves about Jay's background or paid a mere $4.75 to look online at the long list against Jay on the, the only conclusion is you condone this kind of behavior and you have absolutely no self respect, self esteem or you are just like him.

If your brother, sister, a new boyfriend, a new girlfriend were to have domestic violence, multiple restraining orders, lawsuits, years of drug abuse, been accused of rape, been with underage girls, knowingly spreads stds, sleeps with countless multiple partners, has no respect for women, has no intensions of getting a day job when acting is slow, never has any intensions of paying back loans, can never take any responsibility for his own actions, threatened to kill numerous people, always blames others for his own behavior, talks about people constantly, talks down to people, abuses elderly people and women, lied publicly for his own financial gain in hollywood, has a fake identity and shows absolutely no remorse for any of it - THE BIG QUESTION WILL YOU TURN YOUR HEAD THE NEXT TIME?



Anonymous said...

Why are you copying and re-posting your comments?

And you did what you had to do? What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with copying and posting. Keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

What middle aged nearing 60 yr old man posts animated cartoons on his facebook wall...............hmmmmmmmm Richard Jay Tavare bhahahahaha!!!! My man posts updates and procedures being done at his practice. Just sayin lol!

Anonymous said...

LMAO I was thinking the same thing! He knows nobody wants to see his face anymore and he sure don't want to show it! LMAO BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

OMG couldn't you see this dipshit in yogi gear and satin pointy shoes? IT'S OVER JANANI go scramble an omelet out of leftovers, boil your tea from your exwife's teapot, put a few pieces of chicken in the dog bowl, read crap everywhere being posted about you, smoke some weed, dog park, porn and try to whine and cry and say everybody hates me because I am successful and I am just being me, they don't know me, they're lying all that is a hundred years old now all bullshit.



Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with copying and posting. Keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jays Passport says he's born in the United Kingdom. He clearly is lying about being born in the USA. He's also lying about his age. His driver's license says his birthdate is August 23, 1958. He was not born in Arizona on any Reservation, another lie. His name isn't Jay Tavare. He stole that name from a dead man. Jay is NOT a celebrity lol but a drug addict who abuses men and woman. Jay pockets all donations he receives thru his so called charity foundations. Jay is being sued left and right. Jay lives in a 300 sq feet drug and prostitute run down building that he is forced to share with his whore Sharon Richie aka Shay because she pays his rent. Jay has herpes, HPV and possibly HIV. Jay takes weekly HGH and Testosterone shots. He is 5'5" tall and is full blooded Iranian.

Anonymous said...

Jays Passport says he's born in the United Kingdom. He clearly is lying about being born in the USA. He's also lying about his age. His driver's license says his birthdate is August 23, 1958. He was not born in Arizona on any Reservation, another lie. His name isn't Jay Tavare. He stole that name from a dead man. Jay is NOT a celebrity lol but a drug addict who abuses men and woman. Jay pockets all donations he receives thru his so called charity foundations. Jay is being sued left and right. Jay lives in a 300 sq feet drug and prostitute run down building that he is forced to share with his whore Sharon Richie aka Shay because she pays his rent. Jay has herpes, HPV and possibly HIV. Jay takes weekly HGH and Testosterone shots. He is 5'5" tall and is full blooded Iranian.

Anonymous said...

Jays Passport says he's born in the United Kingdom. He clearly is lying about being born in the USA. He's also lying about his age. His driver's license says his birthdate is August 23, 1958. He was not born in Arizona on any Reservation, another lie. His name isn't Jay Tavare. He stole that name from a dead man. Jay is NOT a celebrity lol but a drug addict who abuses men and woman. Jay pockets all donations he receives thru his so called charity foundations. Jay is being sued left and right. Jay lives in a 300 sq feet drug and prostitute run down building that he is forced to share with his whore Sharon Richie aka Shay because she pays his rent. Jay has herpes, HPV and possibly HIV. Jay takes weekly HGH and Testosterone shots. He is 5'5" tall and is full blooded Iranian.

Anonymous said...

Jays Passport says he's born in the United Kingdom. He clearly is lying about being born in the USA. He's also lying about his age. His driver's license says his birthdate is August 23, 1958. He was not born in Arizona on any Reservation, another lie. His name isn't Jay Tavare. He stole that name from a dead man. Jay is NOT a celebrity lol but a drug addict who abuses men and woman. Jay pockets all donations he receives thru his so called charity foundations. Jay is being sued left and right. Jay lives in a 300 sq feet drug and prostitute run down building that he is forced to share with his whore Sharon Richie aka Shay because she pays his rent. Jay has herpes, HPV and possibly HIV. Jay takes weekly HGH and Testosterone shots. He is 5'5" tall and is full blooded Iranian.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

Anonymous said...

Jay Tavare is an American film actor and journalist. His career spans more than 18 years. A blogger on The Huffington Post, he also serves as a spokesman of non-profit groups related to aiding Native American children and elders on several reservations.

His first role in film was as the narcissistic Spanish ninja Vega in the live-action adaptation of the video game series Street Fighter. As a guest star on the CSI Miami 2008 season finale, Tavare performed all his own stunts, including a 23-story free fall. He is known for his work on Adaptation. (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Pathfinder (2007).

His repertoire of physical skills includes martial arts, dancing, acrobatics, bare back riding, archery and swordsmanship.

He has worked to publicize non-profits for several Indian nations. He travels regularly to visit the youth at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico.

He has reported on the issue of teenage suicide and publicized a suicide prevention program at the reservation, called Honor Your Life.

Tavare is the celebrity spokesperson for Adopt-a-Native-Elder (ANE), a non-profit organization organized by two women, Linda Myers and Grace Yellowhammer, that provides support through donations and volunteers to 500 Navajo elders in Utah and Arizona who choose to live traditionally.

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