Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Actor Jay Tavare Is Being Exposed As A Fraud?! WTF?
6:56 PM
According to several women and the Native American communities at large, actor Jay Tavare, isn't what he seems. As a matter of fact, many have gone as far as labeling him a fraud with a penchant for violence towards women.
Women, who either identify themselves as Native American or other, have cited issues of domestic violence against the actor. To further support their claim, much like entrepreneur, Michelle Shining Elk, these women had evidence, such as documented recorded death threats, to ensure that they won restraining orders against him. Tavare has had well documented circumstances of domestic violence towards women culminating in a string of restraining orders against him in several courts throughout the continental United States and possibly more on the way.
To make matters worst, several women, particularly the elderly, have filed complaints and sought legal action against the actor because of false promises he made to them to ensure that he could swindle money/discretionary income from their pockets until he had bled them dry.
The Native American community as a whole had performed their own investigation about Tavare and there findings were rather explosive. He's not Native American, there's no record of the family he claims let alone tribe/clan and was exploiting them for personal monetary gain by using fictitious charities to do it. The objective was to send money, via money gram or money order, to him directly using a PO Box versus the charity because there were no such charities to begin with. This explains the expensive, exotic luxury cars that he drives in addition to whatever he pulls through his purported gigolo tactics.
Tavare's name is really Richard Jai Janini and he's of Persian heritage. You may best remember him as the Indian chief, Waka Mani, in the film, 'Unbowed'.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 4315 Newer› Newest»Jay you fucking liar. You're not in Arizona!!! You're sitting in your cave obsessively monitoring this blog and your Truth page like a pussy. Eyes in Hollywood have reported seeing a midget monster and a white fluffy dog cruising the highways today looking for your next victim're such a dumbass thinking you won't be seen!
Jay is raging again. I thought you're celebrating on your Rez..hahahahhaa!!! Fucking idiot liar. You are so wrong with you analogies. Stop trying to sound intelligent when we all know your a moron. Smoke your crack and STFU shorty!
Anonymous who just posted WITHOUT his or her name at obviously don't have a grasp of the English language. How many F bombs and other vile things did you just write. Did Janani graduate from school? No proof of that. Did Janani have sex without a condom? Sure enough...equal responsibility. EXCEPT, Janani knew he had herpes and probably worse and it is his obligation to inform his partners prior to infecting them. Do you know anything about the Center for Disease Control and their mandates? Obviously not! Absolute asinine comparison between the right to express yourself on blogs and yelling there is a bomb on the plane. Can we say you are an ignoramus? Most definitely! You claim that only the women who slept with Janani are the hoes? WRONG! Janani is the man hoe. He puts his wee willy wherever he can and takes no personal responsibility for HIS actions. I am appalled that Janani beat that 23 year old woman with a gun because she wouldn't marry him for his citizenship. He should have been reported immediately! I thought I read in a court paper that Janani did marry someone before Kimberlee. I am curious as to why that marriage ended and there is no more information on it? I guess a call to Immigration and Naturalization is in order. Susan And Anonymous, if you stand by your statements then put your name on it or STFU
Geez..If I was Jay I'd move back to Iran and use my real name. May the name Jay Tavare never be spoken again lol
How embarrassing for you dude!
Jay give it up! There are too many of us. LOL You are fighting a losing battle, ever heard of that? Its only will get worst. Best thing to do, tell the truth. Didn't your momma teach you that? Oh yeah, I forgot you cant mention your mom or dad because none of them are Native American. LOL
Jay cant move any where. He's broke. Well that's what he told Cindy. And by the way, Cindy recorded that conversation you had with her acknowledging it was a "loan". To me that sure sound like a contract if I had to ask Judge Judy. And don't forget those checked that you cashed that also said LOAN in the MEMO area. DUHHH....You idiot
Oops getting late....typed checked instead of checks. Good night everyone. Stay tune for more tomorrow. LOL
Jay, jay, jay... You're hilarious! Hahaha!
Tell whichever girlfriend is helping you with your spelling and punctuation that it's not "hoe." The plural is "hoes," but the singular is "ho." You do want to keep up appearances as the intelligent one here, right?
Also, try not to say "ass wipe," if you can help it (I know it's hard for you). Everyone here knows it's one of your favorite phrases. And the part where you say all us "bitches" must be fat and suffering from "self esteem issues," that's a dead give away too. You do love to attribute any complaint a woman may have about the way you treat her to her own low self esteem.
Umm, and when you conclude that "someone needs to knock some sense into you," that's not inciting violence or making a threat of physical harm?
Be careful, Jay. You're letting your ego get you in trouble here. Your massive ego is talking and causing you to seem quite delusional. Hahaha!
Dear Hoes Anonymous aka HA! (because you're so fucking hilarious) aka Anonymous Trolls aka Anonymous Cyber Harassers aka Anonymous Cyber Stalkers.
Too many of you? This whole blog start to finish is coming from the fat asses on Truth About How We Love Cyber Harassing Jay Tavare. You're just a few bumbling lame brains who have no concept of how criminal law works and have no concept of how the US Constitution and Bill of Rights work. Arguing with clowns is a waste of time. I've met kindergarteners with more sense than all of you. But clowns are amusing. You clowns are reminding me of Pogo the Clown with you're crazed psychotic stalker behavior. Feel free to look him up.
Again for the moron chanting "Free Speech". Freedom of Speech does not give you right to infringe upon on someone's rights. Speech that poses a threat to someone else is not protected!!! Even California has laws on cyber-harassment and cyber-stalking. You may want to look them up before you start foaming and frothing at the mouth over your "freedom of speech", you diseased rabid dog!!! You hoes must have Herpes Encephalitis. You all seem to suffer from severe brain damage. It's adversely affecting your mental capacity and ability to think logically and rationally.
While I've had fun laughing at most of these comments. You clowns are boring me with your repetitious rantings and repetitive behavior. You all have been doing this same thing for over 3 years and are expecting a different result. You're the definition of insanity. You're wasting your lives away with this sick obsession. I won't waste another second of mine on any of you. Ten years from now, if you're still alive by then and these sites are still'll still be ranting. Or you'll be on a new site hoping and praying that somebody...anybody will listen to you. It's very sad really. You all need a lobotomy. That procedure may have cured you of your mental illness...too bad it was banned. There is no hope for any of you. I'm done here. Carry on with your crusade. I think anyone reading this blog will agree with me especially when they see these comments have exceeded 400. Unreal!!! They'll realize how crazy and obsessed with Jay you all are. With that I bid you adieu.
Our time is never wasted. We will forever continue this to get the word out about Jay. These victims has rights to speak the truth.
You seem to forget that Mr. Jay Tavare is considered a PUBLIC FIGURE. That's what he calls himself a big " MOVIE STAR", right?? LOL They follow different rules from regular citizens. Try looking that up, dear. We can post pictures of them whenever we like. We can write what we want. Listen lady, its like the STAR, ENQUIRER, PEOPLE magazine. Can anyone stop them for the TRUTH or lie? Can anyone stop them from posting pictures of them with or without makeup? The answer is NO, you dumb ass.
PUBLIC FIGURE!! That's what Jay is. The truth will continue to be said either on here or on the facebook page. " The truth about Jay Tavare"
To the comment above, that is true. Even posting his address there is NO PRIVACY LAW when it comes to a public figure. In Hollywood, they gives maps out to all the movie stars home. Can anyone do anything about that? No! So good luck with your threats of lawsuits. PRIVACY is GONE when you are a public figure.
Maybe Jay would like to answer to the allegations that he provided private photos and video to one of his favorite girlfriends knowing that she intended to cyber stalk, harass and coerce other women. And how about the fact that he continued to date that woman and accept gifts from her while he knew that she was engaged in these activities. And what if it was he who actually communicated this woman's threats to the victim(s) on many occasions? And what if he provided her with additional photos and video after he knew what she was doing. What if, when he because angry with this woman, he offered to share video of her with the very women she had been stalking, harassing and coercing. I'm not an attorney, but it sure seems like he could be charged with colluding in whole bunch of different offenses. If these allegations are true, how many laws were broken? Please open up the ISP tracing can of worms, Jay. I am waiting. The LAPD is waiting.
I was a fan of Jay Tavare. At first it was just heavy flirting on face book private messaging then he asked for my phone number and thats when things really took off. He had a way with words and it always lead to a nasty sexual content. He sent me photos and videos shots of other woman he said had been sent to him. He asked for naked shots of me especially showing my ass. Caught up in the moment, I'm ashamed to admit that I did send him a few. I stopped communicating with him a while ago because there were times when he didn't seem himself texting me in the middle of the night. It just felt weird. Reading all this gives me chills. I'm glad I stopped.
To the person that commented July 5, 2014 at 9:39am. I cant believe you know that too.
Jay, you know about those photos and videos that all those women gave you. And now those women are being harassed and stalked by your gf and YOU. You know your gf used some of those video and posting it online. And you did NOTHING about it. So don't go there about us putting your personal information.... your address, etc. You are posting pictures of those women online along with their private video. So STFU!
To the person that commented at 10:18am, Im glad you caught yourself before it got worst. He ask women for pictures and video then brag to other women about how many pictures he collected. Like hes the MAN!! He is more like a VERY SICK MAN! Stay away from him.
To Anonymous at 11:37am,
Yes, I know about as much as anybody does about that. I've got documentation. Hopefully you also saved any emails, Facebook messages etc. that you received. They are evidence. I consulted a Los Angeles attorney about going after the woman and I was advised that he is equally culpable. Actually taking both of them to court is going to be a hassle, but it's doable, especially if we can get all the women affected by that particular problem together on it. The LAPD wants to know about it.
And right about now, I bet that a squat little middle eastern dude in West Hollywood is frantically wondering how he can erase his phone and internet records. Guess what, Jay. You can't. You really stepped in it this time. What are you going to do now? More of the same? Please do. I'll add it to my files.
Not Losing Sleep
The girlfriend who was sending out the videos with Jay's knowledge has even got a Facebook page set up just for purposes of harassing. Jay has known about this page since she set it up. Full of photos of her and her guy together. She is the one who describes wearing a red dress and meeting Jay at the birthday party of his then girlfriend/roommate.
To the above comment, I know exactly who you are talking about. Jay knows who she is but continue to let her harass these women. Do you know why? Let me tell you why, he needed MONEY which she had. She paid for his furniture, clothing, meals, etc.......And he knew she was MARRIED until her husband found out. She also took her husband money to give to Mr. Jay Tavare!! Now that shes broke Jay moved on. But she continue to harass these women.
To all the ladies that was harassed by Jays (ex?) GF, Karma is a BITCH! I feel sorry for her husband for losing his job. But now that the lady with that red dress is broke. LOL No more bragging from her how much money she has. LOL We know how much you have. A BIG ZERO!! LOL
You woman sound like jealous wicked scorned ex lovers lol. Why would you send Jay sex videos and naked pictures if you were so concerned about others seeing them. Of course he's going to share them with his friends and lovers. He showed them to me. That's what Jay does. If you're stupid enough to tape your self stripping and carrying on masterbating and then sending it across the internet into cyber space then you're the fucking dumbass! Take responsibility for sending them in the first place and move on. Jay didn't hold a gun to your head. Bunch of middle aged unhappy fuck ups.
I must say some of the pictures he's shared with me were fucking HOT! Some were not! He always finds the best looking asses hahahahaha!
Share does not mean post on the internet!!!
Jay and his gf also threaten to show it to their boss, family, and friends. WTF!!
Moving on is exposing Jay for who he is. EXACTLY what we are doing
Does the author of this blog have the capability to trace the IPS for the posts that are obviously Jay?
I have a pretty good idea which girlfriend is posting as "Rick." Honey, he's shared your naughty pictures too. A nice little selfie in your bedroom mirror, face down on your bed with the floral bedspread, black bustier and those weird strappy high heels you seem to favor. Jay loved sharing that shot with everyone. I've still got that pic, as do a few other of his acquaintances.
To lady talking about "taking responsibility," please consult California penal code 518 through 524 regarding extortion and blackmail. Be aware that attempting to extort conduct (like keeping women away from your supposed boyfriend) is as serious as attempting to extort money. Then consult copyright law regarding private video. Read up on how easy it is to trace the origin of emails and Facebook messages once the courts issue the proper paperwork. And lastly, look up how long your phone company maintains your text message records and how these can also easily be subpoenaed. Getting a little bit nervous?
Hello Ladies and Gents,
I've been reading this site for a while and it has been very interesting. I've had sex with Jay the panty liner Tavare as well. He was an absolutely incredible lover,a bit rough but I didn't mind, because the sex was off the hook. Unfortunately I did get herpes from him like the others. After I got over my anger and self pity, I educated myself on how to cope with genital herpes. Am I angry with Jay? Of course but I've got to go on with my life. I am taking responsibility for not insisting that he used a condom during our moment of passion. There is no denying how talented in the bed he is, but that doesn't excuse him not protecting his partners from getting this incurable disease.Still I won't dwell on him.What's done is done but I am very proud of the women's courage to educate other women about the dangers of engaging in sex without protection. Jay needs to realize the damage that his penis has caused and is apparently still causing. I experience outbreaks at least 4times a year but therapy is helping me come to terms with it along with the support of others who have this disease. Ladies continue enlightening others but also take care of yourself. Healing is about acceptance and forgiveness. Forgive Jay and learn to love yourself. Do not respond to the immature comments made about you on this blog.Know that you are worthy!
To the ex lover of Jay that is threatening us with the videos pics etc that we sent him and only him. If you continue to send this to our family members or others, it will be your ass in jail. He only used you for your money and now it is gone. You knew that was going to happen. He raped your 16 year old niece but you did nothing. You stoled all his videos and pictures to use against us. Why don't you do the right thing and go to court with all your evidence. Take it out on Jay for turning his back on you and not us. Grow the fuck up already.
Ok, you poop in your pants and you think that's great .Who ever you are, please seek help and stop with the juvenile comments. You all are supposed to be grown women and acting like this, really?
Speaking out about what had happen is part of healing. You suppose to be able to discuss problem with others. Why do we have different groups as to AA, drug, etc.....? So STFU! Let the ladies on here speak. If you don't like it, DONT READ!
To the lady that stole Jays personal info from his computer ( the red dress lady), You being 51yrs old..... Do you have to go to extreme level just to get a man? Are you for real? Are you that jealous of Jays exs? Cmon, with the tummy tuck you had ( hidden behind the tattoos, got that info from Jay) and botox you've been getting. Still feeling ugly? Now that you are broke and Jay DUMPED your ASS. Wake up Lady!!!! Maybe its time to put him in jail? You hold all the evidence in your hands. You did a good job by taping Jays voice of his threats to us. And sending it to " The truth about Jay Tavare" fb page. Don't stop there! By the way, We all have to thank you for that. Keep it up! :)
Jay, who can you trust? Seems like they all are turning against you.
Bunch of pathetic lonely housewives moaning and groaning about
all kinds of shit....This blog is now!
Boring? Then don't read. Why don't you do some knitting
This blog is losing steam because so many people are saying repetitive things and jumping all over each other, forgetting the whole purpose is to expose Jay Tavare for what he is, a conniving two bit hustling, abusive untalented actor who uses everyone. We got that.Enough is enough! Stop the name calling, accusations, and overall stupidity. It's just getting redundant now and like someone said before, very boring.
This blog has been very therapeutic in helping me come to terms with the genital herpes I caught from Jay Tavare. I have no mean words to say, nor will I wish him or his fans, lovers, and supporters any bad luck. Jay if you're reading this, please stop being selfish by continuing to infect others. You know that you carry genital herpes and caused many women, including myself to get it. Secondly I hope you receive therapy because it is obvious through your abuse of women, denial of your true culture, the use of drugs for self medication, irate temperament, destructive and sexual behavior that something is definitely wrong with you. No I'm not judging you I'm just pointing out the obvious.No one should have to put up with your nonsense. True friends would form some sort of intervention and try to get you help instead of ignoring your blatant lack of empathy for others. Hopefully this blog has been helpful to you as well .
On a side note, I saw where Jay Tavare said he was going to the Apache Rez to help the youth. He wouldn't say which one for a few days then said he was in NM. He said he was going to the Navajo rez. There are no pictures, videos etc. When he was in Dubai, he was posting multiple times a day. Now those threads are gone. No comments on his adventures etc. Any ideas what happened?
The thing that one has to understand about Jay is that he lies as easily as he breathes. There is no reason that anybody should trust anything that he says. Motivated by emotion and the momentary need to believe that he has good intentions, he makes grand statements about his goals and capabilities. Then he exaggerates his past accomplishments to underscore his capabilities. But inevitably, his laziness and complete lack of discipline (other than for pursuits that provide him immediate gratification) win out over his grandiose plans.
Unless somebody is paying his way somewhere, he does not go. Unless there are photo ops, he does not do it.
Everyone who knows him knows that he refuses to modify what he himself calls "an expensive lifestyle." He demands the best. He feels entitled.
The man is infuriatingly narcissistic. To the core, narcissistic. People (mostly women) who get burned by him either continue to try to see good in him, out of their own need to deny that they were vulnerable to his game, or they become enraged because they got taken by a man who, to their dismay, is not actually that bright.
That's right! The man is no genius. He's not a diabolical mastermind. He's simply a ball of cunning animal instinct. He is charming because it's his nature. He is cruel because it's his nature. He lies because it's his nature. He apologizes with plausible child-like sincerity (and even tears, sometimes), because it's his nature. He is the ADD style sociopath. Whatever he feels like doing in the moment, that's what he does.
He either lied about plans to go to the rez, because he felt like lying about it... Or, he sort of thought he might go, but the invitations, complete with gas money (or airfare) and lodging did not materialize.
You got it exactly right when you notice that there are no photos. If he's doing anything at all, there are photos.
Another thing is, the man's memory is shot. Maybe it's permanent damage from drug use, or maybe it's because he is almost constantly stoned. The point is, it makes it even easier for him to not feel bad about his misdeeds.
If he had any good in him, he would publicly admit his weaknesses and wrongdoings, swear off the behaviors that hurt people and seek professional help with it, and--most importantly--begin trying to make amends.
But y'all should not hold your breath waiting for this to happen. His idea of being a good person is wishing that things had not turned out badly for other people, and meanwhile making sure that his dog has fresh chicken and restaurant meals.
To the person above, Well said
Just listened to voice-mail messages from Jay Tavare to Susan Cumming,
(link here:
Jesus Christ! He's so far out of control, it's hard to believe he was ever IN control!
I didn't want to believe that he wasn't the person he appears to be - an animal lover, a fundraiser for Native American charities, a humanitarian, and a man who loves and respects women.
But now I think I have no choice. I don't know if he truly IS an animal lover or if he's ever been a genuine fundraiser for ANY charity, but my God! He does NOT love nor respect women if these voice-mails are anything to go by! I don't blame anyone who has seen this side of him for being too scared to come forward. I probably would be too. He IS frightening, he sounds so deranged!
I apologise to Susan Cumming, to Michelle Shining Elk, and to anyone else who has suffered ridicule and abuse for raising their head above the parapet in an attempt to warn others of a delusional, dangerous individual. I'm sorry that I have defended him in the past, and I salute your courage in refusing to be terrorized into silence!
It's with a heavy heart that I write that this man's most convincing performance is in the role of a successful Hollywood actor, animal lover, charity fundraiser, and humanitarian who loves and respects women, named Jay Tavare.
I too just listened to those voice messages left by Jay Tavare...OMG that was scary to hear. He surely has a Dr.Jekyll Mr. Hyde personality. My boyfriend and his friends listened to it and called Jay an insecure weak punk and I agree!!! I bet Jay wouldn't speak that way to a guy. What a coward!
How does he get away with this kind of behavior for so many years? How do we get his fans on his FB wall who are cluelessly kissing his ass and stroking his over inflated ego to hear those voice messages? I too was a delusional fan until I found this blog......
Jay Tavare is a fraud;(
Ladies stay as far away as you can from this animal. Jay need to get himself some help.
We have to keep posting those voice messages over and over to get the word out about Jay. Everyone need to hear who the real Jay Tavare is. Not only a violent man but harassing women with many threat messages? Grow up buddy!
What voice messages??? Are you able to post them here?
What Jay is doing is beyond disturbing from what I have read here and other sites. It will eventually catch up to him if it hasn't already. I don't think you can help a narcissistic sociopath at his age. He's been this way for nearly 60 yrs. I agree with above....LADIES STAY AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN FROM THIS ANIMAL!
Anyone who has voice messages or text messages needs to post them. Also, email exchanges.
Jesus! Those messages were like the Mel Gibson recordings. How horrific. So scary that this is who he really is, and disappointing.
Yes anonymous them on his FB wall for all his delusional fans to hear the real Jay Tavare aka monster from hell!!
To the ones asking where are the voice messages... Go to The Truth about Jay Tavare aka Jai Janani on Facebook, the links to the audio files are there at the top post.
Voice-mail links here:
He's gonna shit when he sees this. LOL
I hope this Susan woman that Jay Tavare is threatening over and over again on all those voice messages have filed charges against him. It's enough to get him arrested. Only a fool would leave bodily harm threats on a voice message???
I just don't believe what ive just heard. I know things can be made up but those voice messages are real. Im done with defending Jay.
I just found out on IMDB who Jay's agent is and he needs to hear these voice messages. I'm sure he won't represent him after hearing it!
JLA Talent
Nic de Armendi
9151 Sunset Blvd
ph 310.402.9226
So done defending Jay.
Keep posting those voice messages every month. Jay fans might miss it one month but the next month they will see it.
His mother should wash his mouth out with soap!
The woman that taped his violent behavior to exposed Jay. It must have been scary to tape him while in the same room. Especially when he threatens your life too. But I must say ....... A job well done!
I wonder if Jay knows that threatening someones life via a telephone is considered a terroristic threat and punishable with a sentence in a federal prison where one must serve 80% of their sentence.
Jay must be throwing an absolute fit with all his shit finally exposed. I mean from being physically abusive to being a pedophile to being a drug addict and a HERPES spreader. Not to mention all the lies he tells to get woman to LOAN him money and now all these violent threats he made via someone's voices mail!!!!!
Jay if you're reading and I know you are......YOU NEED SERIOUS HELP AND INTERVENTION DUDE!
Karma is no respector of reputation nor ego. It will fuck you up and nobody side steps this. Even more so when the universe knows you as a fraud and therefore will teach u the lessons most needed through pain at times before allowing you to move on. Hold on tight Tavare, this ride is gunna get bumpy as fuk 4 u
I swear I don't mean to offend anyone. I am sorry if I do with this post. I am only trying to bring some humor to such a dark and disappointing thing.
I thought of a joke today. What kind of Native American is Jay?
Answer: A Sioux Indian. Get it? He wants to sue people. LOL
If I offended anyone I didn't mean to. And to you ladies that he used that are bringing all of this to light, I am on your side and am sorry for what he did to you. You didn't deserve it, and you certainly didn't deserve death threats on voicemail. I wish you luck in all you are trying to accomplish. You have opened the eyes of a lot of fans and I think things are going to be way different from now on. Every dog has it's day, and he will have his too. You beautiful ladies keep your chin up and hang tough.
No more like a Herpache or Nava hoe
No offense to Native people because Jay's not one.
I always was suspicious the Jay Tavare wasn't Native American. He looks like a fake and sounds like a fake. Those pictures with him on a horse etc look so cartoonlike and photoshopped he looks like he's wearing a ton of makeup too. Why does he always post the same old tacky pics LMFAO!!!
lol...I agree anonymous. That's because Jay has nothing of value and worth so he spends every second of the day smoking his weed and looking at his OLD photos of his youth and then posting them over and over again. You have to feel sorry for this pathetic excuse of a man. His shitty life speaks volumes. Don't ya think!?
Why isn't anyone calling Jay out for saying he is going to the Apache rez over the 4th weekend and helping the youth? Then says he is going to stop on the Navajo rez on the way. TODAY all those posts have been deleted, no explanantion or pics, video etfc. Jay you are one sick mother fucker monster. You are mental. Where are the white jackets when you need them most?
He has been called out by the ladies on the truth page. One of them is Navajo and is warning people that she knows about Jay.
Jay lied and was NEVER on the Apache rez over the 4th weekend because he was running scared trying to find an Attorney to defend his HERPES ass against yet more legal claims. According to one of your "fuck buddy friends who is so sick of your lazy ass and is two facing you and giving info that the "The old hag kiss ass Nancy Rossov who btw has called the police on Jay multiple times for abuse towards her came to his rescue again!!?? took him to see an attorney but that won't work Janani. Too many woman are willing to testify that YOU KNOWLINGLY GAVE THEM ALL HERPES. All your lies will be discovered and put out for all to see....
Remember your stupidity admits what you did in all your emails and text messages and voice mails.....
I feel sorry for Jay. Jay, if you really think you didn't give all these ladies herpes. Here is my solution.....Take the herpes test and post your negative results. Then this all will stop. But if you already know that you have herpes, then you are out of luck buddy boy
Yeah go ahead, Jay ole boy, make our day. Take the test. Make liars out of us all. But you won't because you know we're telling the truth. You can't continue to lie Jay.
After listening to Jay's crazy man raging voice mails on his 'TRUTH" page.... All I have to say is sacred machine my ass!!! Jay there's nothing sacred about your foul mouthed, diseased dick, pathetic broken machine.
Jay Tavare is a fucking lunatic!!
If Jay fans would just hear those messages, then they would know the real Jay Tavare. He is not the person you think he is. All those voice messages cant be made up. Jay, next time don't threaten anyone. You never know who is recording it. Thanks again to KDR for risking your life to record Jay in person. And Susan, great job for keeping all those message. Karma will bite you in the ass Mr. Tavare
Those voice messages needs to be posted on his face book wall on a daily basis. It's awful to think anyone can behave in that manner. Jay sure fakes being a spiritual man when it's all just been a facade. These woman who are exposing this fraud are the real spiritual warriors...Jay Tavare used to be my hero now he's just a coward.
I agree with the person above, it should be posted daily. Then everyone will hear it new and old.
Please feel free to share the link to the voice messages with others. I will not post it on his facebook account because I would get banned. I would like to clarify one thing. I hadn't thought about or looked at anything involving this monster in over a year and a half. I happened to come across a comment when I was looking up a native actor and Janani's name was listed as keeping donations for himself. I went to imdb to check it out and I was blown away at all the comments re: him. I knew immediately that it was Janani who was saying all those vile things to these women and using the names Sage, Peter, Teresa Prater (who is real and not sure if she posted them or Jay just used her name. She was his lover when the was married to Kimberlee.) etc. I spoke the truth and put my name on the thread. Then all the vile voice messages started. There were over 14 calls in a span of 7 hours. I did try to talk to him twice, but, anyone who has ever interacted with him knows you can't get a word in edgewise. I did tell him exactly how I felt. That was around the 10th call. I am posting the links now because I want everyone to know the REAL Janani. Susan
Good for you Susan!!!! I remember Jay telling awful stories about this Teresa Prater. Any man who talks about an ex fuck buddy the way he does is a pig! He claimed she was cute when she was young but didn't age well and got fat. He also talked about the many threesomes he had with Teresa Prater and another long time fuck buddy[can't remember her name right now] Apparently according to Jay, Teresa loved having sex with woman but would become extremely jealous if he invited a younger woman to have sex with them. He also said she was in love with him and would do anything for him so she could very well be posting comments for him. He said he hung around her because she supported him financially no matter what he did to her or who else he was with.
What a creep!
Susan, you can't post Jay's viscous voice mails on his face book wall but others can;)))))
post post post!!!
Jay Tavare is finally "famous" here on this blog for having the most shocking and embarrassing comments about him. Probably not the kind of fame he was hoping for...ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!
Yup heard those same stories about Teresa Prater and more. He used and abused her but she still makes herself available to him. He was so high one day and fighting with her that his negligence got her poor dog killed as it ran across the street.
Jay will never change when you battered woman continue to enable his abusive behavior.
People need to write to The Huffington Post. Not only is Jay Tavare not legitimately qualified to speak as a Native American, he does not write his own articles or even do any of his own research. In fact, he would be hard pressed to even figure out how to log into the Huffington Post website. Rumor has it that he has used two ghost writers, thus far.
His website is out of date too. Way. Guess his web designer jumped ship too.
Jai, you are the most spiritually gifted individual since the Buddha himself. Congrats on your success and much love as you walk a variety of different color roads on the way to becoming a master shaman of the apache back waters.. I bow to you in humbleness and wish you much awareds with Human arssapide 3. Saw a trailer and you stole the scene. Kudos my navajo brethren.
Nice try Jay. We all know it's you. LOL
I think that poster lauds Jai's spiritual elevation with tongue in cheek. (Get out your dictionary, Jay.)
Looks like Jay having a few laughs himself. Gifted? My ass!
Success? Living in a dumpy apartment you call success? Have no job you call success? No health insurance? Borrow money from women and never paying them back, you call SUCCESS?? Define Success please you dumbass
I am Jai the magnificent, I was a big noise twenty years ago and my old pictures are fucking horny, you ask my mirror and my black shading pen
I'm sorry but Jay is not the hottest man on the planet. Still he has a certain animal magnetism that women become addicted too and this makes it hard to let go! He's an animal in bed with a ravenous desire to devour each partner. Let me tell you, that man is a regular Energizer Bunny. I know what I'm saying. He made me reach the tenor note and I'm a female!Anyway what's disturbing is that he can't control his destructive behavior-which includes he taking drugs,using women,and having unprotected sex! Jay quit being a fraud and own up to giving women herpes!Nobody is perfect ! Get help for your sex addiction.Find and love only one woman-one woman, Jay Tavare, not a thousand! Your sacred machine is corrupt! And ladies take heed,men like Jay Tavare are a dime a dozen. Don't be so quick to trust good looking men. They would tell you that the sky is falling just to get you to put out. Play your cards close to your chest in a relationship and eagerly walk off if somethin isn't right!
That is definitely Jay above comparing himself to Buddha!!!'re definitely NOT spiritual like Buddha however you are the same height!!!
BHAHAHAHAHAHA.........loser indeed
What's all the fuss about Jay Tavare!!?? Has been actor, desperate housewife fans, midget man, not successful, broke, and abusive....DUH! Even sex with him was just ok, believe me there are REAL MEN who are much better in bed than Jay....for real lol;))
I knew he must have been tooting his own horn up above, because nobody else on this board would toot anything else of his. ROFL
Amen. Part of what kept me going back was wanting to believe that next time would be when it would get good.
In his case, the marathon sex session is like purgatory. Thank God that the man cannot tell when a woman is faking.
And he is no taller than 5'6" or maybe even 5'5". Truth.
Jay Tavare is 5' 5" with heels....TRUTH!
You fucking fat usless dum cunts. Miserable woman who love it in the arse hole and then moan. You loved it, all of you. Suck it!!!!!!!! Even Bhuddha lost is cool when it was right.
To the person above aka Jay Tavare, You sound like a 12yr old. GROW UP BUDDY
I made the mistake of inviting him to my home. At first it was ok, his breath made me brag but I tried to ignore it. He flipped me over and rammed his penis in my ass without taking time to get it in. This was my first anal experience. I kept telling him to stop that I didn't want this and he said that I did and he would be my first to show me how many orgasms who could give me. Because I wasn't ready and so tight, he tore me open. I ended up with several stitches. When I told him this he just laughed and said it was the tightest ass he had and he had a great time. He wanted to do it again. This guy is bi sexual and the only way he can get off is in an ass hole.
Jay you're just too messed up, too much of a monster and pervert to recognized how truly stupid you really are! "fat asses " "cunts " ? Please use a thesaurus! They're only fifty cents,you evil,evil,desperate,wretched man!
Jay cant handle the truth about him. He's going out of control.
Now everyone can see the REAL JAY TAVARE.
Oh, Lord. His only defense on this board is profanity and a lot of misspelled words. Hilarious!!
To anonymous who needed stitches...I hope you filed rape charges against him. He violated you and probably gave you an STD. Jay belongs in jail for all the evil he had done and still doing. His breath stinks like a sewer because he doesn't floss and his mouth is always up some poor guys ass.....
Hey Jay....times must be tough. I hear you're fucking your ex stripper neighbor Nikki again since she's back in town....According to ChanChi, She's the one Chanchi walked in on while she was sucking your Dirty Dick and then you beat up Chanchi in your hallway for screaming and yelling at you ....You're the scum of the earth!
To the Anonymous lady who was sodomized by Jay, please file a report and bring charges against him for rape. I believe you because he did something similar to me.It was my first and last anal experience! I never ever want to see Jay Tavare ever again!!!
Jays ex gf came out on fb and mentioned his bad breath and teeth too. These ex gfs are not making it up. We got their names. LOL And the gf with the biggest mouth told us EVERYTHING..... Jay, you know who that lady is. HINT!! RED DRESS!!! LOL The truth hurts eh Jay.
Kudos to all Jay's ex's for exposing his nasty evil disgusting ways. It's about time he suffers at the hands of his victims.
Is she the lady that mention Jay eating beans from a can? And that he lives in small dumpy apartment?
ewwww....Jay doesn't floss!!??? He must have pubic hairs stuck
between his wooden teeth...bhahahhahaha!
yes, she is the woman
looks like all the secret of the Lying King is coming out. women power!
To anonymous who was raped by Jay. No means no and if he forced himself in you that is called RAPED. It's not too late to file charges against him. You could save another Woman, Man, or girl from being traumatized from this animal
You should do the right thing and report him.
This is a great time to subpoena Jay's bank account....He's bragging that he just got a huge allowance from his wealthy Iranian parents.
JAY...... pay back all the woman who loaned you money now that your mommy and daddy filled your piggy bank.
I said it once and I'll say it again... Jay is a LAZY ASS. All he does is lay around his apt smoking his pot and cursing and raging at all the negative crap online. I'm sick of him and his shit that I've seen for too many years. He is nobody's real friend. He deserves all what is happening to him.
Grow up Jay. You're a middle aged man with nothing but trouble!
Ok nice lady above, what you said was a little too academic for Jay so I'm going to add my two cents worth. Listen you piece of shit, fuck faced jackass, where do you get off talking to women like that? You ain't shit motherfucker!!! You're the one who suck it good I heard in Human Centipede,a fucked up movie btw for fucked up motherfucks like you. You ain't nothin but a piece if fucking shit, you rat bastard. Since you like fucking women up the ass, why don't you bend over and let us stick shit up your little ass hole and see how you like that, immature piece of garbage!!!!!!!
Pony girl
LOL...Pony girl couldn't have said it better!!!!
Hope you got that fuck face jackass, piece of shit, mother fucking midget monster PRICK! You're worse than vomit.....
Geez LITTLEMAN Jay have so many who hate your fucking guts! Now eat shit you diseased waste of mankind!
I would take much pleasure reenacting The Lorena Bobbit Story....starring Jay mud packer Tavare.
Coming to theaters near you!
BHAHAHAHAHA........I'm dying laughing at anonymous above who said Jay Tavare is 5' 5" with heels. Best laugh in a long time.
Im laughing too! Its funny when we all know exactly how tall he really is.
Being short suck, eh. Jay, maybe you should ask Mr. Buddah to give you some inches. No director would cast a Midget like YOU!
Hey Jay do us all a favor and. go Jack off in the shower instead of fucking over women, you herpes carrying midget!
I was completely shocked and felt so let down when I finally met Jay in person. He seemed tall in all his photos he posts online and it says on his IMDB that he is 5'11".....well let me tell you it's all a lie. I'm 5' 9" and I had heels on and he was as short as a 5th grader. It was hilarious lol....He's really is a midget!
Yeah I know what you mean, Girlfriend. He told me he was 5'10 ,so I expected to see a tall, muscular,hunk. I was disgusted to see that he is as short as Lord Farquaad from the movie Shrek!
Talk about being type casted;)
If only Mr. Jay Tavare told the truth about his height and age, all these women wouldn't be upset. I see no reason why Jay need to lie to his fans or to others. What is wrong with being 56yrs old? What is wrong with being 5'5" ? Nothing!
Jay your character as a person is ruined. Maybe you should think about telling the truth? Is that possible? Im sure your mom taught you not to LIE.
I agree with you Anonymous above. All Jay had to do is keep it real,especially about his culture and std! He really treated women badly,telling all these lies, and being abusive. Now he doesn't know what to do. Something he can do is stop ego tripping and hurting women both mentally and physically. Can you do that Jay Tavare?
You can't change narcissistic sociopaths like Jeffrey Dahmer, OJ Simpson, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and Jay Tavare....They all require isolation in a maximum security prison!
To the black woman who moved across the country to live with this sick mfer. WHY? I hear you are paying $1400 a month in rent to live there. Where do you sleep? He has 1 bedroom which is for his whores. Why don't you save the money and get out as soon as possible. Put the money in your bank account so he doesn't steal from you. You are strong and can get past him. Take control of you life and move on to someone who will treat you like a woman.
Yes SR you don't need this creepy mofo. I also heard he was beating your ass and calling you his "niggah!" Wake up, he doesn't respect any women, especially Black women.!Gypsy
Jay doesn't care about all women especially black women.
To the black woman that lives with Jay......The last black woman (KDR) that spent hundreds of her husband money on him. Jay dumped her ass. Now she has no money to pay her rent and her Mercedes payment. Her husband dumped her ass and left her nothing. Do you want to end up being used like her? Stop helping him pay his rent and bills. Help yourself first. Jay doesn't give a rip ass about you. He say he does but he needs you to help him pay his bills. That is why you are around. THINK LADY!
Who are you, SR, Patsey from 12years a slave? Dang girl, you need to be emancipated from that hooked nose asshole!
To Jays roommate, You've been accepting Jays court papers. Do you really want to be in the middle of Jays mess?
Get out and find yourself your own room to rent. Im sure there are many out there. Like the person said above. Start helping yourself. You are not getting anywhere by living with Jay. And if by living with him you feel he cares and love you, you better think again.
WOW...let's keep this about Jay! He's the fucking calculating mother fucker. We're all in the same boat being used and abused by this monster not to mention all the LIES and broken promises....
Jay is always posting quotes about Karma...Hey Jay, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!! You fucking hypocrite!
With Jay having a one bedroom apartment, where is his room mate sleeping? On the couch that KDR bought him with her husband money? If I was KDR, I get back that couch, you may need it to pay your bills too. LOL
To the person above why are you so fixed on KDR? This blog isn't about her at all! It's about Jay's grimy ass! I don't understand why women have to attack other women when the main focus should be on the dirty ways of some doggish men like Tavare!
To the person above, if you've been keeping up with Jay personal life....KDR ( the one wearing the red dress) is the one that is harassings all of Jay ex gfs. Jay know what she's been doing but does nothing about it. She stole personal information from Jays computer and tries to destroy people lifes. Pure jealousy! Now that Jay dumped her. KARMA just hit her in her ASS!!!! LOL
Yes, she is the one that's been sending nude pictures of herself and Jay to all of his ex gfs. Jay knows about it. They both need to get some serious help
That's really terrible and I wasn't trying to step on anybody's toes because I don't really know her. I was just wondering why the conversations always leads back to her -that's all. It appears to me though and correct me if I'm wrong. but Jay has manipulated all of you gals, making. you hate each other,lying and pitting you all against one another so he wouldn't be held responsible for what he's done.I saw him with KDR once at a party and they just looked odd together. Later on that evening he started flirting with a friend of mine who thought he was handsome. She cane over to me talking about how she met this good looking guy and he invited her out to some little cozy beach. I abruptly stopped her and pointed to Jay walking around with this KDR woman. My friend was so pissed off she started to confront him but I just told her to leave him alone. I find that men like Jay keep shit going with impunity because he has figured out the nature of women. Most men Jay can only think with one head. Understand I am not trying to unite women on this blog who have been damaged by him. Furthermore I'm not in defense of this KDR person, I've only met her once,Still I'm sure you all have your reasons for the hostility against her. All I'm saying leave each other's personal feelings aside and focus on exposing Jay Tavare. No matter which. road you turn, it all leads make to this manipulating little prick! If you guys keep finding reasons to degrade and put each other down then the Jays of the world. will continue being light years ahead of us. Think with your brains and not your emotions. I've been reading this blodg for awhile now and it's been very enlightening. II also had my friend read it and she was shocked, but glad she dodged a bullet. It's a shame that all of you, and probably KDR wanted something from this Jay creep that either he refused to give or can't give. Trust me, I know men like that. I have a brother very much like him. He abused so many women that he messed with the wrong one and now he's serving time in jail. He's still my brother and I love him dearly but he made his own bad choices and kept getting a way with disrespecting woman until one of them. decided to bring charges against him for beating her up.I can recall how many of his exes were fighting each other in the streets , throwing eggs at each other's car,and calling each other's houses with bizarre messages. My brother thought it was all amusing, especially because he took their money, lying to each of them about how he felt. He caused some of them to get charges of assault. or for property damage.He was good looking like Jay but way taller -about 6'4! Anyway good luck ladies
Katy D
Sound like your brother is a mirrored image of Jay. Honestly we do not hate each other. We are friends and we compare notes. We have learned by our mistakes. The only person we DO NOT communicate with is KDR. She is so jealous of the us its unbelievable. Jay need to stop her from harassing us. We honestly don't need to see anymore nude pictures of them. That is her way of bragging that she has him.
To Jay Tavare, You've read what ive said. You need to stop KDR from harassing and cyber stalking us!!
Ditto on KDR. She is still communicating with Jay, trying to get back with him, feeding him information from other women she fools into thinking she's their friend. And she's still harassing and threatening other women. She's trying to be in league with him. That's why we talk about her. She's his ally.
Not Losing Sleep
Jay and KDR are in the same league. They are both broke. They both rent apartments with roommates. They both don't have a job. They both depend on others to pay their bills. They both walk around thinking they are somebody. FYI You are a nobody! LOL And they both think everyone is jealousy of them. LOL Jealous of what? LOL TWO LOSERS!!!
She plays two sides. She screw Jay by exposing him on fb. Then she records his threats and give it to " The truth about Jay Tavare" fb page...... Then she kisses his ass?? That's one lady that has a screw loose.
Enjoying every moment of this
If KDR wants to show that she's not an enemy, she can start by taking down the FB page that she set up for the sole purpose of saying hurtful and libelous things about other women. It's bad for her credibility too, as on that page she claims to still be "in a relationship" with him and is displaying all her silly photos with him. I honestly don't think anybody cares anymore if she's with that loser or not. I certainly don't. But I do care that she maintains the threat that she has very specifically spelled out in numerous FB messages and texts. She can follow that up by never again mentioning the photos and video that she stole and emailed to multiple people. Serious damage has already been done that cannot ever be rectified and it was not her place to bring that down on anyone, no matter how bitter she was that her boyfriend was scum. Other women called names and vented their anger verbally. In return, she committed a felony and promised to ruin lives... and then did it. The scales are not exactly balanced.
And yes, she is passing info on to Jay whenever she feels it will recreate any sort of connection between her and him.
Sounds like it was Jays choice to be with certain woman and you all couldn't handle it. Know wonder he had to lie to you!! Leave Jay and his life alone. You all sound like jealous scorned woman who think you have control over this mans poor life....
You're all Pathetic!
You nasty cunts can't handle being fuck up the ass like whores then dumped. Thats all you ugly fat bitches were, desperate losers who made yourselves available always begging for more. You even paid to get fucked. You all don't know shit.So SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASS WIPES...
Now I know why Jay is fucking thrilled that you psychotic fans turned delusional desperate fuck buddies are finally out of his life for good and has to be secretive about who he's dating.
A blessing in disguise........;))
Ok Jay you wanted to get a Native name so badly,so hear it is. Jay Laughing Scum Fuck Face Loser With Know Real Native American Roots! Wow I said a mouth full! Ii hope one day you will rot in jail for all you have done, you despicable creature. Why don't you go back to Transylvania or where ever you're from, and leave these pitiful women alone. You're nothing but a man whore and while your busy whoring around, the clock is ticking for court. I hope CP wins in court,leaving you standing there like you have rotten egg on your face.
To the person above LAUGHING, WE don't know shit? What we do know.....You left your husband whos a doctor for that LOSER of a guy Mr. Jay Tavare. Cindy wrote to YOUR husband to tell whats been happening. Thank you Cindy for doing the right thing. You got BUSTED LADY!!!!! ...You told Jay you weren't married. LIARRRRRRR!!!!!!! Now youre getting a divorce. That guy should have divorced you a LONG time ago. You even had guts to HIRE JAY to teach your SON acting lessons just to give him money. And Jay got the nerve to shake YOUR HUSBANDS hand knowing that hes FUCKING his WIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Jay met your husband. You spent all of your husband money on that LOSER just to show off. Now the BEST PART LADY!!!!. Your husband is giving no support to YOU! POOR THING!!! Hahahaha......WE ARE DEFINITELY LAUGHING AT YOU NOW!!!!!!! TIme for you and Jay to find yourself a job!!!! Hmmmm....looks like your leased Mercedes is up next year Ive heard. LOL No more car!!! Its going bye bye unless you find money, honey. TOO BAD SOOOOOO SAD!!!!!
KARMA really KICKED you in YOUR ASS HONEY!!!! More to come!!!
Jay can never keep a secret of who he's dating. He likes to brag to other women about the amount of women that wants him. He like to play one person against another. Tell one that the other cant leave him alone. So that person believe they are the only one. He wants to try to keep them all. That is why KDR is still around. Chan chi is still going hiking with him, etc.......All the rest of us, don't give a damn
about him. We all wish that we never met him. We are not hurt at all. We moved on.
We are here today to inform everyone about Jay Tavare. Who he really is.....What we went through.......How he work women to get them to loan him money or buy him gifts. How he gets them in bed and give them STD. If they have a dog, .he suggest the dogs play together...His way of playing with the womens heart. And get this one.....He takes everyone to the same secret beach to be romantic. There is no secret beach when you take everyone there. You idiot! They think he cares for them but he keeps them around for anything he need to use them for. Until these women wake up and realize that Jay likes to use women. We will be here to spread the word!
KDR think she ruined people lives? It backed fired on her. Now her life is RUINED. With no money from her husband and everyday she has to figure out how she has to pay her bills. She got what was coming to her. And im sure it will be getting worst. Good luck sweetheart!
Karma did hit her in the ASS good. :):):):)
Another person that's laughing
"Secretive about who he's dating?" Please. As usual, he's "dating" anything and everything that will hold still long enough.
Been reading this blog trying to put the pieces together. Boy this Cindy Pain sounds like a sore LOSER.. she obviously only had money to entice Tavare to fuck her only for him to deceive and DUMP her once she was broke. Now you want to call it a "loan" and act like a jealous ugly Looks like the jokes on YOU!!
Loan my ass....This thread lost it's credibility once you hags started calling other woman out!
bye poor losee;))
To the person above aka KDR, put the pieces together??? You have no brains to put any pieces together. And don't even go there about ASS WIPE. Try using your LPN license and start WIPING JAYS ASS! NOT SMART ENOUGH to get an RN license I can see!!! TOTAL LOSER!!!!!!
You (KDR) paid more money for him. I hope your husband kick your ass back to the GHETTO where you came from!
BRAVO!!!!! You go girl!
If you ladies can get together and compile your evidence on the video and photo sharing, both Jay and this woman, KDR, can be prosecuted. All you need are the emails, FB messages and text messages. All those ISP addresses can be traced. There's nothing either of them can do to erase the records. From what I've read, it looks like they each violated California and federal laws that can be punishable by up to five years in prison. Minimally, there are HEFTY fines that cannot be relieved by bankruptcy, along with a permanent felony record. I recommend that you figure out a way to share your contact information and really go after this guy. Don't be intimidated. It may be hard to make him pay for all the ways in which he is a total scum bag, but it sounds like you do have firm evidence of the extortion/coercion, and that's damn serious stuff. Use it.
I feel sorry for this woman, KDR. It sounds like she let her obsession take her to a very dark and illegal place, but that's really not anybody else's problem now.
I don't feel sorry at all for KDR. You cant fix STUPID! You can take the girl out of the ghetto but she will always be GHETTO!
Still laughing at the POOR BITCH!!!
I see some racist comments are being tossed out there. What does her race have to do with anything? Why mention that she's "black"? Call her "12 years a slave" and "ghetto". Any other racist comments you ladies want to make?
Some of you are showing yourselves to be really vile, vindictive, and full of hate. Racism is ugly and so out of date. It's 2014, not 1914. What's wrong with some of you?
The comment 12 years a slave is directed at Jay's house mate and wasn't meant to be racist. Jay does dislike Black women and does say she is a "niggah ." I have also personally heard him say all kinds of negative things about Black women of how desperate they are for men. But to be fair, he also said some horrible things about white women, calling them, "poor White trash," Still I wonder why this woman stays with him, knowing how he really feels about Black women. Jay thinks Black woman are only good to fuck. He would never take one out in public or acknowledge them as a girlfriend. This KDR woman is supposedly more Hawaiian then Black anyway so I guess that's why she met with his approval. So you see, you need to do some digging and maybe check out Lipstick Alley where Tavare is mentioned for his racist remarks.
Well that doesn't excuse your racist remarks, regardless of who it is being addressed to. Why say the "N-word"? Even if you are merely repeating what you heard I think most know what the "N-word" means without you having to spell it out. You're giving yourself an excuse to say it. You must agree with his racist views if you were willing to talk to him. Go ahead and continue to spew your hate. Deny it all you want, but you're just as bad as him.
I listened to the messages. He is very angry on them. In the messages he accuses Susan of lying and posting false information about him on IMDb. If that's true that you're spreading lies about him on the internet and various websites, I would say his anger is understandable since you are trying to destroy his life. I think anyone would react the same if they were being attacked so viciously. His anger is justifiable. In none of those tapes did I hear an admission of guilt for rape, etc. I heard him demanding a public apology for all the lies being spread. The tape shows him getting angry. Lots of people lose their temper everyday. It's not against the law to get angry with someone. So if that is the golden nugget you've all been holding onto, it's fool's gold. It's worthless. You all don't have a case. His responses were provoked by Susan's lies!!! Nice try ladies.
Jay says awful things about almost every race except middle eastern people. White women who are not attractive to him or useful to him, or who cross him in any way are "white trash." Black women who are not useful to him are "n*****s." "Fucking Mexicans" applies to anybody hispanic... unless they are somebody in the limelight who might shine a little his way, of course. He even trashes native American people.
Whenever he was angry with me, he would immediately go to the race card.
On an aside, he totally harshed me out one time for not pronouncing "Iranian" as he feels it should be properly said. He was so sanctamoneous, instructing me highhandedly to say, "eee-RAH-nee-en."
Susan isn't lying. In fact, his harsh words to her were relatively mild compared to what most of us have heard on a fairly regular basis.
Do you honestly think that Susan would brazenly say all these things if she did not have multiple other people to back up her statements?
Jay is most quick to anger when he's confronted with the truth. That's when he rages.
No doubt, you are the one who he's crying to at the moment. We've all been there. "Oh, poor baby! All those nasty women picking on you! Of course they are losers... but you've got me baby. They didn't understand you, and now they're angry that you didn't want them. They mad you be bad. But I'm different. I know you didn't want to do those things to them. Don't worry, Jay, I won't be demanding like they were, and I'll take care of you." And you're thinking to yourself that you'll be the one who stands the test of time. But on a deeper level, you know the truth. He's already been mean to you... and it will get worse. A lot worse.
Anyone who wants to help with the video/photo coercion case, please email to...
I am interested in emails, text messages, FB messages or any other communications you might have received containing private video or photos of anybody. If you were personally threatened, and you have any communications to that effect, that will also be immensely useful.
Everything will be helpful. If he even mentioned the fact that some video "got leaked," or "stolen," that is helpful. Any allusion to photos or video that started causing problems for him in any way, that is useful.
If you received any video or videos from any other party aside from that, that will be ~extremely~ useful.
I've got plenty of my own documentation, but my case will be made even stronger when I can show the extent to which the private media was shared, or if I can show that it happened to multiple women.
Now, I understand that there might be a couple of you out there who received video or photos of other women, and you passed those on to a couple of other people as you were seeking to commiserate with them or warn them... That's not going to get you in trouble. It's the person(s) who made coercive threats that we're after.
We need to help each other. I need your help.
Listen lady,
I was just repeating what he Tavare said, so please don't get all hypocritical with me. That word has been around since the enslavement of Blacks. The word "niggah " was used and it just seem so ridiculous to polish it up. If Jay said the "N " word then I would have quoted it as such. This is the reality and wasn't meant to be racist at all. Oh, by, the way, I am also a person of color,Lady!
You listen Lady,
As a person of color then you should know better than to say it smh. Who were those words used by and to what purpose during slavery? By using that word you make yourself look and sound as ignorant as any other person who uses it, whether rap musician, etc.
I could get into a long drawn out discussion about why that word is inappropriate, regardless of what race uses...but it would be wasted on you. Again continue to spew ignorance. It just takes away from any argument you are trying to make against the man and draws more negative attention to yourselves. So go on ahead and continue to try to justify your actions which are without excuse.
Let me guess the woman of color tossing around the "N-word" so loosely is Kenya from "The truth about Jay"? I know it's you. I think almost every commenter on this blog is from that site. You women are so full of hate, even against your own selves! It's obvious how much you all hate yourselves to spew such hatred at others. How sad!
So funny. I know who the person is, and it most surely is not Kenya. Too funny! KDR has earned her own list of enemies. Plenty to choose from, if you want to start guessing.
My, my, my... Jay and his nasty gaggle of filth-speech co-writers seem to "know" a lot of things. But as usual, Jay, you are totally lacking in discernment on all matters. Of course, your little collection of mangy pussycats will tell you that all your stoned-brain theories are reasonable... and you believe them. But then again, you've always been astoundingly gullible.
It's funny how on your FB page "The Truth about Jay" you say: "Jay pretending to care about empowered Native American women. When in fact, he's written all over that urban halo blog condemning his victims and calling them 'bitches and hoes.'"
But I don't see one comment that is signed by him. Most comments are anonymous. So how exactly do you know Jay made those comments? Must be those psychic abilities again. Gotta love it. Nice job with those cold reading skills hahahaha. You all are making yourselves look crazier by the second.
He's written to me about what he's read here and what his cohorts are saying to him. That's how I know he's reading and what he and his amoral friends are thinking.
Yeah, right. He's going to sign his name. You are all kinds of unintelligent. But then he tends to gather around him and show favor to fellow mediocre minds.
No cold reading going on here. Gotta love it. The only people who care what we're saying are him and the true shameless immoral sluts who defend him. He's a nobody. The rest of the world does not even know who he is.
If you know Jay at all, you know that he is a coward's coward. He's hidden behind false names and anonymity all his life.
KDR is not more Hawaiian. In her dreams!!! Tell her prove it!!!!! She wont able to because she NOT!!! Just like Mr. Jay Tavare. Claiming hes American indian. Yes, KDR is Hawaiian but not that much. She has MORE AFRICAN in her than any other race!!!
What ive heard her father is FULL AFRICAN AMERICAN!!! Which she is EMBARASS to say. Sorry KDR. You know its true you LIAR!!!!
LOL....what is funny....the person above is right. KDR cant get her hair wet because it will be curly like her two daughters. She has to straighten her hair daily. You will NEVER see her wet her hair. I DARE you KDR!!!! GO ahead and wet that hair!!!! LOL....Be proud to be African American KDR!!!
Jay and KDR like to hide behind their REAL RACE. Why be ashamed of your race??? BE PROUD for who you are!!!!
That voice tape that was made by KDR was provoked by KDR herself. If you listen carefully, KDR was the one that said " Who else you want to kill" She is setting Jay up for a fall. Jay didn't say it on the tap. Listen to it again. That tape was made specially for JAY for him to fall flat on his face by KDR. Jay you better watch KDR. She will set you up BIG time. The Queen of back stabber
There is no hate on this site. Its called clearing things up here. People got told too many tales. Time to tell the truth!
to the person above, you said........" Jay thinks Black woman are only good to fuck. He would never take one out in public or acknowledge them as a girlfriend. ".......Jay I guess you did take a black woman out in public. Did you do your homework first?? Im afraid you didn't. But don't worry.....We did it for you......... LOL.....FYI maybe you didn't acknowledge KDR as your gf but she is black. Ask her what race is her father? Check her birth certificate and a picture of her father Jay. A star like Mr. Tavare we also dug into your partners history. And we found out a lot about Ms.KDR. LOL So much history that we are all laughing.
FYI....To KDR, looks like you are just a FUCK BUDDY! One of many of Jays
I am part African American. My hair can be described as curly, kinky, wavy, or -- the sometimes dreaded and considered by some to be an offensive word -- nappy. But I love who I am. I feel sorry for KDR that she has to hide behind her fathers race. KDR why don't you wet your hair and show the African power. Your two daughters show their curly hair, why don't you?
She sure brags about her African butt. Baby got back!
Ah yes, I'm all kinds of unintelligent when you're the ones claiming these anonymous posts are written by Jay because of the language in them like "bitches, hoes, cunts" etc. Some of you even said: "I bet that's Jay", "We know it's you Jay", etc. lol!!! Yup a bunch of rocket scientists on this blog. I apologize. You ladies are so smart. I don't know how or why I could have ever doubted that. It's so obvious that those comments were written by him. What was I thinking lol!!!!
Seriously, you all say some of the craziest shit lol!!! Hilarious!!! This blog is pure comedy. I hope you all don't think anyone is taking you seriously. This blog has got to be some kind of a sick joke. I refuse to believe that women this crazy actually exist in the world. They say women are crazy, but DAMN!!!
Don't patronize me, Lady! You're just trying to take the heat off Jay the master manipulator who constantly uses racial slurs when referring to people of color.I am not going to waste my time taking your bait, debating with you about why I quoted the word "niggah " from Jay Tavare,, because I don't have to continue explaining anything to you, oh liberal one!
Jay has put his foot in his own mouth several times and you know it! You can't save him from being exposed for what he is, a racist that hates everyone!
Listen here nigger, since you don't mind using the word then you shouldn't mind being called a nigger and treated like one. No one has to try to take the heat off of Jay. Nigger you are too dumb and uneducated to understand a ploy like that. Go finish eating your banana you fucking dirty ass chimp. I forgot you like watermelons, chicken and grape soda. Go back to your cage and finish eating you fucking chimp.
To the person above, I can see we cant fix stupid. Why don't you call our President Obama that name?
He would put your ass in jail
Go Obama!!!!!!
Jay hates the world because he lives a shitty life. All he has is to work on his body. LOL....Because he has NO BRAIN along with his followers
Why don't you go back to Africa? In fact go back to Kenya with Obummer!!! Mounting, conclusive evidence and expert testimony are pointing directly to the fact that a fraudulent birth certificate copy for Obummer was posted by the President at the official White House website. He is ineligible to be President because he is from Africa! Go back to Africa and climb up a tree somewhere you damn dirty ape! You're not an American!
Put my ass in jail for what you filthy nigger? Freedom of Speech!!!
Who peed in your cherrios this morning? Take a chill pill
Take some Valtrex! You herpes infected hooker.
I have a question for all of you. Are you all middle school kids or adults? Shame on you all for trashing this blodg with immature rants and racists slurs! This is absolutely ridiculous! What is your problem? The "N" word is being thrown around as well has other horrendous racial epithets against mainly Black people. This goes beyond freedom of speech because various people are being attacked, including the President of the United States! Are you people serious?This sounds like something out of the movie Birth of a Nation! This is all because Jay Tavare can't accept being called out as a racist! Jay if you aren't a racist then why should your friends or you care what others think? I mean this is just incredulous how ignorant and juvenile some of you are on here going on and on ,saying things that have nothing to do with the main focus which is a debate about how a so-called celebrity is being outed for the misrepresentation of Native culture.Next thing you know, he's being accused of abusing women, giving women herpes, and being a predator, Then it gets turned up to include mob mentality where women are attacking each other and some are hurdling just really despicable slurs at people of color. Really people grow up, seek professional help because what you all are saying on this site is pure garbage and should be taken out with the rest of the trash!
You say this is all because, "Jay Tavare can't accept being called out as a racist!". Show me where on this blog Jay made one post to support that claim? I see a lot of people taking wild stabs in the dark and trying to guess which post is his, when they are all anonymous!!! For all you know, he may not be responsible for any of the comments on here. So stick to the facts and skip the fiction. We are supposed to live in a country where justice is supposed to abound. Yet you are all engaging in an online witch hunt! This isn't a debate. It's an attack! You're all hypocritical. You feel it's ok to attack someone online because you question their nationality. Some of the same ones on here questioning this man's origins are not Native Americans themselves!!! Do you not see the hypocrisy in that? Why not leave it the Native Americans to handle? How many blacks would idly stand by and allow someone to make such attacks against them? Can you prove you're black? Or is your skin color your defining trait? Do you not see how ridiculous it is to ask someone to prove their race? Again if their is a question regarding his background, why not allow the group he claims to be kindred to handle that?
Of course people are ok with attacking an individual as long as they are not on the receiving end. As soon as the tables turn, they quickly become defensive. So the behavior is right until it wrongs you or harms you? That seems to be the case.
I agree this blog is pure garbage and needs to be deleted!
KYM, You are exactly right. KDR's racial heritage is not pertinent. Nobody's race is relevant to this topic. It's Jay's racism that was the point of discussion. For the record, he is racist against a lot of different types of people. It's not exactly a secret.
Oh, please. Dear Jay defender, whether or not he posts on this blog is also irrelevant. It's the deeds he's done that are the point. Spreading disease, hitting women (and other alleged abuses) and amassing a collection of photos and video that were subsequently used to coerce...
Defender, you are like a tricky politician. You latch onto a tiny thing like not being able to prove that Jay ever posted on this blog, and then you try to convince people that it follows that all the other claims are also necessarily tainted. (Jay's style of quasi-legal non-logic) Unfortunately for you and your precious little boy, Jay, it doesn't work that way.
I didn't write this blodg on Jay Tavare, nor am I the one pretending to be Native American! Furthermore,I don't care which post is his. I was simply pointing out the vicious attacks against Blacks and other minority groups that are blatantly racially intended,because someone posted about your precious Jay being a racist.Secondly, Jay is a racist and abuser against all racial people,mainly people of color.That's the truth. Furthermore, I never lied about my ancestry! I am a mixture of different races of people,including Black! In the end, your ideas have no merit what's so ever,especially when it comes to the President of the United States. I'm sure he's so losing sleep over all the negative remarks thrown his way! Your words don't harm anyone and I wasn't being defensive. I was just embarrassed for you all on here saying ignorant, crap, because you obviously don't know jack about people of any color.Garbage all garbage!
One of Jay's most effective tricks is turning women against each other. I guarantee that anyone here that is sincerely defending him has not known him long and/or they live far away from him and seldom actually spend time with him. I can also think of a couple of more articulate male buddies that he might also have duped into supporting him. To them I say, be careful. You'll eventually regret your association with him. I know whereof I speak.
No nigger you're just pretending to be an American when you're NOT! Go back to Africa you descendant of slaves! Your ancestors were slaves and you belong in positions of servitude just like them. So why don't you act like a good little nigger and come be my maid and work for your money instead collecting welfare! Why don't you get off food stamps your collecting from your food stamp President Obummer!
You're a mixture of different races meaning your a mutt! You have no identity and you're attacking someone else over theirs lol??? Wtf?
Whats garbage? Is what comes out of Jays mouth! And yes, Jay does turn each woman against each other. He talks about each one of them to the other. So every woman he dates knows everything about the other. He tells each one that they all want me. He ends up laughing at each woman....That's how it is when you are a movie star Mr. Tavare?....LOL That they all want you?....LOL
Cmon Jay, who wants a broke ass guy like you? If any of these women think about it. He has NOTHING to OFFER to you. No security. No home. He doesnt even have any retirement. A BIG ZERO! I know most of you ladies moved on. Best thing you ever did in your life. Past that LOSER to another LOSER. You know who you are! LOL
We are all mix in this country. I don't think anyone was attacking another over race. Its about being proud of who you are.
Jay is NOT Native American! Why does he have to lie? To get roles? Because being Native is sexier? WHY, Jay?
KDR is half African American! Why does she have to lie? Embarrassed? I know you're proud of having that African butt. You seem to brag about it. BE PROUD. I am!
Well if we're all a mix in this country then no one is pure anything by default. Doesn't make sense! Be proud of what? You have no identity! You're a mutt! You're not white. You're not black. You're not asian. You can't claim any race as your own. If you are an African American then you are most likely mixed due to slavery. Most brown skinned "mixed" people claim to be "African" American even though they are not pure every since the "one drop rule" and because it is the only group that will accept you on skin color alone with no proof. Imagine how many African Amercians would be ostracized from the group if they had to prove who they are! But I'm guessing most people commenting on here aren't black, right? Probably white!
You say KDR has an African butt? So which African country are her ancestors from?
All of this blood quantum crap was set up by white racist people smh! Would any African Americans on this blog care to submit to DNA testing to prove your heritage? If yes, please post the results to those tests once you get them.
Yawn, is that all you got?Yes my ancestors were slaves and your point? Exactly you don't have one.All you can do is say derogatory racial shit, trying to provoke me to say something back. And for the record since your so informed, welfare was created for whites by President Franklin D.Roosevelt after the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression all but wiped out the American economy.But I guess you would know that. You would also know that JT applied for Obama care because his poor ass can't afford health care. Hmmm makes you feel stupid doesn't it? Oh,by the way, the next time you try to insult me, please know my full history. I actually feel empathy for you because you are so far below the pecking order it would be a waste of time arguing with someone who obviously has very limited knowledge and intelligence.
Alright intellectual defects let's get real. First Africans were brought to the New world by force by the White race. All people of color can trace their ancestral roots back to the continent. White people from various parts of Europe are responsible for the destruction of so many cultures that if I were white I'd claim to be someone else. Genocide homicide ageism abuse against women children. And other cultures. Are u proud of that history?! I wouldn't be. Segregation separate but Unequal kkk Nazi skin heads White supremacists. The list goes on and on. Rednecks and good ole southern boys who want to maintain their inbred status quo. Whites only?! Of course! I wouldn't want to associate with the descendants of conquerors and slaveholders.You people r so stupid! Newsflash u r outnumbered our ranks are growing by the day. Soon very soon white people will be the.minority. Payback is a bitch!! Sincerely the truly dominant race!
I went to lipstick alley and found a post from 2012. Again nothing before that year. It was already mentioned: "It's funny how until 2012 there were no negative comments being posted about Jay. It wasn't until Michelle Hall Shining Elk started the smear campaign in 2012 did all of these negatives comments about Jay to start to come out. Not a peep before then. Coincidence?"
You all said people have been questioning this guy's background before that year, so again where are the links?
Let me tell you what I did find on lipstick alley. Someone commented:
"Jay Tavre is racist too. Years ago we caught him posting under an alias on his IMDB message board." *Doesn't specify how many years ago. How convenient! And very ambiguous! And said posts have been deleted since then. So we'll never know how many years ago it was. But you all have been warning people about Jay the rapist forever. Gotcha!
Anyway how does this person know that Jay is the racist posting under that alias, you ask?
She said she "noticed that a font on IMDB wrote "exactly" the same way he did on his blogs. Jay had a very distinct writing style and would always misspell certain words. Well I got a private message from that font and he cursed me out. I responded that I knew that he or she was Jay and he called me all kinds of Black bitches and hos. We also caught that same font posting some shady shit about Black people on other IMDB boards. Oddly Jay posted a blog on his website a few days later talking about negative people and haters and of course misspelling words as usual."
So she could tell by the font and language that he used that it was him! Another psychic lol!!! I'm done lol!!! This is beyond crazy at this point. I'd be just as crazy to continue following this blog. May you all get some much needed help.
Everyone is a mutt but it is about culture. I am Black. How do I know this? My parents passed down my history and told me about my ancestry via the oral tradition. I have a history to be proud of which includes other racial groups. When my ancestors were brought over in chains from Africa , beaten and abused for over 300years, we were not stripped of our dignity or humanity. Their blood flows through my veins along with the Chippewa,Italian, and Irish!I know who I am and being all these things makes me a part of the great melting pot in a land called America and I am not ashamed or embarrassed . nor would I try to steal someone else's culture for a few pennies.
Yup keep trying to make Jay not responsible for all his racist and ignorant remarks directed at people of color. Keep trying to paint Ms.Shining Elk as a scapegoat. The next thing you'll probably do is try to make everyone think that all those recordings are not really Jay saying those vile things and that Susan probably made it all up. Yep everybody is crazy but that bastard. Everyone is at fault but him. You can keep trying to justify the lies he told and the abuse he's done!Keep on trying if this makes you sleep at night.
I don't hear any white women on here defending blacks against Jay's racists remarks. Did you idly stand by and listen to him go on these racist rants without saying a word? From what you have to say about KDR sounds like you all participated and found humor in her having to "straighten her hair, not wanting to get it wet, having a big african butt". Those remarks sound pretty racist to me. But let me guess you're not racists? It was all Jay? Okay whatever you say.
I think what that person was saying about KDR African butt is that she talks about how nice her butt is. But she NEVER mention that she was BLACK. KDR hides behind her race just like Jay. She wrote that KDR should be proud of who you are. That is NOT racist!
The racist things he said to me were about me in particular. I'm sure he minded his mouth and was sure to never call anybody a "n****r," since he knew already that it was totally unacceptable. I'm pretty sure this is the case for most of us. He tailors his insults to suit the target.
Let's get another thing out on the table here. There is exactly one woman here who's taken it upon herself to focus on KDR's supposed race. That woman's issues are extraneous to Jay's misdeeds.
But back to the point, yes, Jay is a bigot, against most races. He's also a total money snob. He's a masongynist. He looks down on everybody who is not the same as him, as he believes himself to be if only fate did not conspire against him.
And he has vile temper tantrums during which he allows himself to say the most vulgar and inflammatory things he can think of about the object of his rage. He's very very fond of raging about how you are not in his league, how he's above you, how you need to respect his station in society, how you need to exercise a certain decorum around him in public. In short, he's a classic narcissist.
Get it?
As for the one woman--that's right, one woman--here who thinks it's some sort of mark of shame that KDR is part black, or who feels that she needs to call her out for not announcing it wherever she goes... well, maybe she has other motives for trying to get at KDR that are extraneous to Jay's misdeeds.
The plain truth is that one's race is actually nothing to be proud about; it's just a circumstance of your birth. Be proud of what you make of yourself and how you treat other people.
On that count, Jay has nothing to be proud of. KDR has some serious behaviors to be ashamed of. But none of it has to do with race. Period.
Finally, you erroneously assume that no white women have spoken up about the inappropriate tone of the conversation. However, white women are keen to shy away from anything that smacks of trying to lend greater credibility to their statements by proclaiming their "whiteness."
As for myself, whatever color my skin is, wherever my ancestors came from, my statements either have merit or they don't. Period.
Dear Anonymous,
Most of what you said. is on point and well said.. ;however I respectfully disagree with your opinion that race is "nothing to be proud about " and "race is just a circumstance. of your birth."Yes you're right in that we have no control over what race we are born in but we are taught to be proud of our heritage. Race and heritage are inextricably bound and are not separated. because both enrich one's history. All people have a history that are good and bad Still each individual is responsible for their own humility and should treat others with humanity. The fact that there are people walking around like they are so above everyone else is just so wrong on every level! In reality God made us all one race race, but many people don't accept that.
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