Kris Jenner is at the helm of a Kardashian shit storm. Her antics, have more than likely, caught up with her. Lamar Odom went from having no worries to having worries because her perpetuation of his alleged drug addiction caused the NBA to go ahead and refuse undergoing contract negotiations with him despite being eager to go ahead regardless of allegations. Since Odom has no contract, he has no career, no dating alternatives, yes the women are gone, because of his Kardashian affliation(s).
The insult to injury was her show, going from being green lighted for another season, being canned because of her once admirable craftiness being now regarded as vile via perception. The network's view of Kris Jenner has been regarded as being enough mojo to bring down its stock despite her claims, to the higher ups, that rap artist, Kanye West, was not following script to the letter.
Mind you, it has been widely rumored that West didn't want to appear on the show to begin but only did so because her daughter, Kim, bugged him into making an appearance. The fact that the show wasn't drawing viewership is another story all within itself; years' long Kardashian saturation is the root of the problem regardless off Jenner's delusion into believing otherwise.

The matriarch's desperation move is to get Kim and Kanye to tie the knot.
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