Monday, August 19, 2013
Bobbi Kristina Could Be Ruined Soon
Bobbi Kristina may think that she is either in love or in a healthy, happy relationship with her adopted brother, Nick, but word on the curb is that Nick is exacting plans
to play her like a fiddle for her inheritance -- considering that he's not actually physically attracted to the young woman and her pending or presumed wealth is her saving grace.
Whitney's daughter is either set or has received a lump sum of $20 million from her late mother's estate and Nick is looking to cash in as that is his sole interest for time spent per se. One of the methods he is seeking to employ, as a scheme to get his hand on some of, if not all of her fortune, is either via marriage if not by siring a child(ren).
Therefore, her grandmother, Cissy, had a good reason to try to reach out to her previously the best she could; an open letter, as enablers; Nick and his crew, have her completely surrounded for their own monetary agenda.
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