The Kardashians are not kidding around with either Kanye West or Lamar Odom. The smear campaigns are in full effect. West may want to take heed and fall in line if he doesn't want to suffer dire consequences like Odom thus far because for him (West), his infraction is serving as a Kardashian warning.
West, who had purportedly gotten away with an altercation he had with the paparazzi earlier this year, is now facing criminal charges stemming from the incident. The charges range from battery and theft that could lead the rap artist to being incarcerated for a year.
If he beats sentencing, he could be subjugated to a law suit by the paparazzi. Just think, these charges would not have been brought up if he was not looking for a way out of his arrangement with Kim.

Meanwhile, Lamar Odom has been officially charged with DUI from his recent drug and drinking binge manufactured by the Kardashian matriarch herself.
What is interesting is that these charges were handed down to both men earlier today. Apparently, Friday 13th hasn't proved to be a lucky day for these gentlemen.

Rap artist, Lil' Wayne, has made it clear that he is going to stop drinking the drug laced cough syrup commonly referred to as "lean". His reason for doing so is because he has surmised that the concoction is linked to his life threatening seizures. Wish him well with refraining from drinking -- ever again.

Fellow rap artist, Drake, wants to peg himself as being the next Marvin Gaye. Keep in mind the rap artist is commonly known for his competencies to rhyme over rhythms not sing over them. His cover of Wu-Tang Clan's hit, "Wu-Tang Forever", makes his being the next Marvin Gaye humorous and wishful thinking in the more mature industry circles.
Speaking of wishful thinking, he's the same rap artist who wanted a collaboration with the legendary singer, Sade. Too bad she couldn't be reached about ever entertaining such a project and call it music.
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